Names of lands discovered by Magellan. Magellan Fernand. What did he open? Biography. Trip around the world

Fernand (Fernando) Magellan - Spanish and Portuguese navigator, discoverer, holder of the Order of Santiago.



Father - Rodrigo (Ruy) de Magalhães, belonged to an impoverished noble family, was the commander of the Aveiro fortress. Mother - Alda de Mosquita (or Mishquita). The Magellan family had five children.

Life path

It is known that in his youth Magellan served as a page under Queen Leonora of Aviz. The future traveler made his first sea expedition as a freelance soldier in 1505, as part of the squadron of Francisco Almeida, the viceroy, which was heading to conquer India.


During the Indian expedition, Magellan takes part in military operations against India and is wounded twice. It was his ship that, in the Battle of Diu, breaks through the enemy’s formation and boards the enemy flagship. Wanting to improve trade relations, Portugal wants to take a position in the port of Malacca, where a conflict breaks out between the Portuguese and Indians. Most of the team was killed, the rest (including Magellan) went home, but were wrecked near the Laccadive Islands. They managed to save the people who survived on the island, but Magellan never makes it to Portugal: he remains in India and begins his trading business.

At this time, the Portuguese authorities are trying to recapture Goa, and the Viceroy of Albuquerque invites Magellan to participate in the military council. By that time, the king himself already takes into account his opinion. There is no exact data, but it is assumed that by 1510 Magellan was already a captain. Goa was recaptured, and in 1511 Magellan took part in a military campaign against Malacca, which as a result came under Portuguese rule.


Returning to Lisbon in 1512, Magellan receives a small pension from the king. Fernand is known to have taken part in battles in Morocco in 1514. Being a brave and courageous officer, he receives a severe wound in the leg, which left him lame for life. In the same fighting, a horse is killed under him, but the brave warrior miraculously remains alive. By this time, Magellan's relationship with the Portuguese king was deteriorating (the reasons are unknown to historians). He asks to be sent on a sea voyage, but is refused. Then he renounces citizenship of Portugal and moves to Spain. The best sailors follow him.


Having settled in Seville, Magellan got married there and began to seriously prepare for the sea voyage. The first project of the expedition was rejected by the Spanish department, which was called the “Chamber of Contracts”. But one of the heads of the department, Juan de Aranda, is interested in Magellan’s proposal and promises him his support (disinterestedly, of course: Magellan promises him a percentage of the profits from the trip). Only after this was the project approved by the department, and serious preparations began, led by Magellan himself.


Five ships and food for two years were prepared for the expedition. Fernand took command of the Trinidad. The Spanish nobility, who were in command of the remaining ships, were outraged that the expedition was led by a Portuguese. Magellan learned that a conspiracy had been drawn up against him and they wanted to remove him from his post. The conflicts that began on the shore manifested themselves in the very first days of the expedition, which began in September 1519.

The journey begins at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River, in the port of Sanlúcar de Barrameda, from where Magellan’s flotilla departed. He had to forcibly pacify the raging Spanish captains and put them in their place, showing that he was the main one in this expedition. Already in November the squadron was off the coast of Brazil, and by the end of December it reached La Plata, where Magellan was looking for the strait. It was here that he first saw penguins. Having failed to find the strait, in March 1520 the flotilla was forced to stop for the winter.

In May, the flotilla loses one of the ships, but already in October the long-awaited strait was found. The squadron entered the open ocean, for which it was completely unprepared. The passage through the ocean was full of trials and hardships, but was successfully completed in March 1521. On the way, Magellan discovered many islands, stopping on the island of Cebu, whose ruler agreed to be a subject of the Portuguese king.

Personal life

Magellan left no descendants. He married a very beautiful and very young girl, Beatrice Barbosa, the daughter of a Portuguese emigrant with whom Magellan became friends in Seville. The first son died, and a year later, while trying to give birth to a second child, Beatrice died. Fernand was also no longer alive at the time of his wife’s death.


Trying to pacify one of the rebellious leaders of the island of Mactan, Lapu-Lapu, Magellan underestimated the number of natives who defeated the Spaniards, who were unprepared for battle. In this battle in April 1521, Magellan himself, who was used to fighting side by side with his warriors, died. The natives wanted to destroy the leader of the Spaniards, and inflicted many serious, fatal wounds on him. At the site of his death, a monument was erected depicting two cubes and a ball in memory of his trip around the world.

Magellan's main achievements

  • He discovered the strait, which was named after him.
  • Magellan became the first European who was able to travel to the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic.
  • Gave its name to the Pacific Ocean and Tierra del Fuego.
  • I saw the penguin first.
  • Magellan traveled around the world.

Important dates in Magellan's biography

  • 1480 - birth
  • 1505 - the first sea expedition to the shores of India
  • 1510 - trade in India
  • 1511 - naval military campaign against Malacca
  • 1512 - return to Lisbon
  • 1514 - battles in Morocco
  • 1516 - move to Spain
  • 1517 - marriage to Beatrice
  • 1519 - birth of a son, start of a trip around the world
  • 1521 - death of his son and Magellan himself
  • The Tierra del Fuego archipelago was put on the map by Magellan, but its name has nothing to do with volcanoes: approaching the islands in dark time days, the traveler saw a huge number of lights and did not dare to land on them, but he put them on the map and gave them a name. In fact, these were the fires of the fires that were burned by the local natives.
  • Another unjustified name exists in geography, thanks to Magellan, - this is the Pacific Ocean, which is known for its storms. The Portuguese navigator was just very lucky: he managed to cross the ocean without encountering a single storm.
  • And the circumnavigation itself was not planned by Magellan at all: he just wanted to find a way to the Moluccas. However, the attack by the Portuguese forced the ship to continue its journey to the west - and so it went around Earth.

The famous Portuguese navigator and discoverer Ferdinand Magellan forever left his mark on the history of mankind, becoming one of the most famous explorers. He set out on a brave journey, the results of which replenished our knowledge and told a lot of new things to Magellan’s contemporaries. It is impossible to overestimate his merits, and you can be sure that the name of Ferdinand Magellan will never be forgotten.

  1. Magellan is the first man to circumnavigate the world.
  2. Not only the famous strait is named after Magellan, but also two galaxies - the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, as well as a crater on the Moon.
  3. It was Magellan who discovered the Philippine Islands to Europeans, where the republic of the same name is now located (see).
  4. In the naval battle of Diu, which took place on February 3, 1509, Magellan's caravel broke through the ranks of enemy ships, and Magellan boarded the enemy's flagship.
  5. One day, several ships of the flotilla in which Magellan was sailing at that time were wrecked, and the sailors on boats reached an uninhabited island. It was decided that some of the sailors would go on boats for help, and the rest would wait on the island before returning. Ordinary sailors were outraged that all the officers were leaving on boats, leaving only the sailors on the shore, fearing that no one would return for them. A riot almost broke out, but Magellan calmed the crew by remaining on the island with the sailors. Soon they were all saved.
  6. Once Magellan lent one merchant a substantial amount of money, which he did not want to return. The debt was returned to Magellan only six years after the trial.
  7. Before his famous journey, Magellan fought a lot - in Malaysia, India, and Africa. Subsequently, leaving military service, he decided to devote his life to exploring the world.
  8. Trip around the world Magellan traveled under the Spanish flag because the king of Portugal did not want to finance his expedition. But the Spanish crown appreciated the famous navigator.
  9. A squadron of five ships set off on a trip around the world, taking with them food for two years, and Magellan hid the sailing route from the sailors and other captains, which repeatedly caused discontent.
  10. For many years, Magellan remained the only captain who led the flotilla through the strait that received his name, without losing a single ship.
  11. The Pacific Ocean got its name thanks to Magellan, who crossed it after traveling 17 thousand kilometers without encountering a single storm. As practice has shown, this name turned out to be reckless - the Pacific Ocean is famous for its violent character. Magellan was simply lucky in his voyage.
  12. Magellan did not intend to circumnavigate the world - he was looking for a passage to the Moluccas.
  13. Magellan himself never circumnavigated the world, dying in the Philippines. Died during the voyage most of expedition - out of five ships with 250-300 people on board, only one ship with 18 people on board returned to Spain. Thus, Magellan's expedition became the first circumnavigation of the world.
  14. The Tierra del Fuego archipelago also received its name thanks to Magellan, who mistook the fires of Indian fires for volcanoes. In fact, there is not a single volcano on the archipelago (see.

(Total 5 photos)
Magellan, like Columbus, was driven by a thirst to find a shortcut to Indian spices. And here again there was no idea of ​​going around the globe, he was going for spices and the path in the direction of America seemed to him optimal.
Magellan's goal was the Moluccas. Europeans had been buying spices there for a long time, and there were a lot of them in local markets and, most importantly, at incredibly low prices.

But the problem was that transportation took a huge amount of time, and the path was very dangerous. Fernand proposed a route through America to the King of Portugal. The king did not accept this idea at all, because there were already established trade routes of the same Portuguese traders through the Indian and atlantic oceans. Then Magellan moves to Spain and proposes the same project to the king there.

The Spanish king was either more trusting or riskier and agreed to the project. And on September 20, 1519, a flotilla of five ships with 256 people on board under the leadership of Ferdinand Magellan left Sanlúcar de Barrameda.
The first losses occurred off the coast of America. After a long voyage along the coast of the continent, part of the team decides that the expedition will be of no use and decides to return.

Ferdinand Magellan

Three captains mutiny. Magellan harshly suppresses him - one captain is killed by him, the second is executed, the sailors are calmed down and inspired again. On the same section of the route, one of the ships runs into rocks and sinks.

Having reached the southern tip of the mainland, the ships pass through a strait, later named after the naval commander. Here the flotilla loses another ship, which simply turns the wrong way, and sets off on its way back to Spain. The ships go out into the Pacific Ocean.

A long 100-day journey follows along the endless water surface. Food runs out, the crews eat leather gear and, as a delicacy, rats. During this part of the journey, almost half of the team dies.

In the spring of 1521, Fernand approaches the Philippine Islands. Magellan tries to bring the local population under the rule of the Spanish crown, intervenes in intertribal disputes and dies.

Monument to Ferdinand Magellan

On the island of Mactan in 1886, monuments were erected in the same square to the famous traveler who died on this place, and to the leader Lapu-Lapu, who killed him.

Monument to Chief Lapu-Lapu

After Magellan's death, the team hastily sails from the island and takes several months to reach the Moluccas. There the ships are repaired, one of them actually has to be burned as hopeless, they are loaded with the coveted spices and they disperse. The Trinidad turns back to the Pacific Ocean, wanting to reach Panama, a Spanish possession. The second ship - "Victoria" - is following the old trade route through Africa home.

As a result, "Trinidad" is captured by the Portuguese, and its crew ends up in hard labor in India.
The first trip around the world ends on September 8, 1522 in Seville. 18 people returned to the Victoria, they went through storms, scurvy, the Portuguese...

They immediately go to church upon arrival and order a thanksgiving service at the end of the terrible journey. After returning, all laurels go to the captain of the Victoria, Elcano.

He receives fame, awards, pensions, even a coat of arms with a globe and the motto “You were the first to circle me.” By the way, formally, this is a completely fair statement. But then Magellan gets only curses. Later, of course, justice triumphs, Fernand takes his place in the pantheon of discoverers.

This expedition brought several discoveries at once. She proved that all the oceans of the Earth are connected, that the Earth is round, that there is much more water on the planet than land. And it became clear that there was no shortcut to India through America.

And for the first time, the paradox of the “missing day” was discovered. It lies in the fact that when moving west, the day gradually lengthens and over time a whole day is lost. As a result, according to the most meticulous Victoria magazine, the ship arrived on September 7.

By the way, some researchers hypothesize that Magellan had very old and very accurate maps. Because the route made very good use of ocean currents and wind patterns, which in theory were unknown to the sailors of that time...

Date of birth: 1480
Date of death: April 27, 1521
Place of birth: Kingdom of Portugal

Magellan Fernand- medieval navigator. Also F. Magellan known as the first person to make a documented trip around the world.

Fernand was born into a Portuguese noble family. The family had many children, but practically no details of their life were preserved. As a teenager, Fernand served at the court of the Portuguese king.

After the opening of the sea route to India, almost the entire male population of Portugal set off with the dream of getting rich in the East. There was a catastrophic shortage of experienced sailors; the level of sailors was terribly low. Fernand went on one of these expeditions for the first time.

The voyage was not easy, as Fernand took part in the Battle of Cannanur. A year later he was already pacifying the rebels, and soon he was wounded twice.
This did not prevent him from participating in establishing control over Malacca. It was a strategic point for those who wanted to trade in spices.

During negotiations between the Portuguese and Arabs, something went wrong and conflict broke out. The result was the death of many Portuguese, but Fernand managed to warn several officers and save several comrades.

From this time on, Magellan's influence only grew. First, he managed to save two crews who were in a wreck, then he became an adviser to the Viceroy. It was he who was advised by Fernand to abandon the use of merchant ships in military operations to seize new lands.

After returning to the capital of Portugal, Fernand was already receiving a pension. Probably it was not so great, because two years later Fernand is already participating in hostilities in Morocco. After an incident that happened there - an unauthorized departure to Portugal and injury, Fernand resigned and decided to return to his homeland.

It is there that he plans his own journey. The king is not interested in it and the future navigator does not receive either a ship or finances. Then he decides to make the same request to the Spanish king.

But before that, Fernand manages to marry a Spanish woman, find lobbyists for his project and share future profits with them. As a result, Magellan receives royal approval and begins preparations for sailing.

Five ships set sail, three of which were under the command of the Spaniards. The Portuguese and the Spaniards immediately after sailing began to fight for primacy and these conflicts were constantly renewed. The Spaniards did not like the route, they violated discipline and tried in every possible way to remove Fernand from the post of captain-general.

The voyage was difficult, the ship sent for reconnaissance sank and part of the crew died. The remaining travelers could not discover the strait between the oceans. Finally, the strait was found, and for more than a month the ships sailed through it to the open sea. Since the ships did not stock up on provisions, further navigation was even more difficult. Having reached the inhabited islands, the sailors took part in skirmishes with the aborigines.

After crossing the Pacific Ocean, the ships reached the Philippines, where they stocked up on provisions and treated wounded crew members. After this, on the island of Cebu, the sailors realized that they had made a circle around the Earth. They began to establish trade relations with the natives of the island and tried to convert them to Catholicism.

Of course, not all the inhabitants of the island wanted to obey the invaders. During one of the battles with the aborigines, Magellan was killed. This happened in April 1521 in the Philippines.

Achievements of Ferdinand Magellan:

He discovered the strait, which was later named after him
The first European captain to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
Was the first to circumnavigate the globe

Dates from the biography of Ferdinand Magellan:

1480 born in Portugal
1505 first went to India
1509 participates in the capture of Malacca
1512 returns to Lisbon
1517 marriage to Beatrice Barbosa
1519 departure on a trip around the world
1521 arrival in Tuamotu and then Cebu
1521, April 27, died in battle

Interesting facts about Ferdinand Magellan:

Several geographical and astronomical objects are named after the traveler
It took the discoverers more than a month to cross the future Strait of Magellan
During the passage through the Strait of Magellan, the pioneers were able to preserve all their ships, which was not possible for subsequent navigators

Contrary to popular belief, Ferdinand Magellan did not personally circumnavigate the globe, although he tried very hard. Moreover, he did not set himself the goal of traveling around the world. Fernand purposefully went after spices - gold of the 16th century, and he was not interested in everything else. He wanted to get to them by the shortest route, and, in his opinion, the direction to America was just that.

At first Fernand tried to interest the Portuguese. The main argument was the Moluccas, where there were a lot of cheap spices. Magellan visited there twice and knew firsthand about the commercial benefits of this flight, and he suggested getting to them from the newly discovered America. But the Portuguese king chose not to get involved in adventures and continue to use the classic, albeit dangerous, route through the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Fernand, in search of a more accommodating king, went to Spain.

The Spaniard turned out to be receptive to the sea dog's arguments and gave the go-ahead to equip the expedition. September 20, 1519 is the historical date of the start of the round-the-world regatta led by Ferdinand Magellan - a flotilla of five ships and 256 people left the port of Sanlúcar de Barrameda.

Reconstruction of the Victoria Caravel

At Dawson Island, the Strait divides into two channels, and Magellan again separates the flotilla. "San Antonio" and "Concepcion" go to the southeast, the other two ships remain to rest, and a boat goes to the southwest. Three days later the boat returns and the sailors report that they saw the open sea. Soon the Conpeción returns, but there is no news from San Antonio. On November 28, 1520, Magellan's ships set sail. The journey across the strait took 38 days. For many years, Magellan will remain the only captain who passed through the strait without losing a single ship.

Coming out of the strait, Magellan walked north for 15 days, reaching 38°S, where he turned northwest, and on December 21, 1520, reaching 30°S, he turned northwest. The flotilla traveled at least 17 thousand km across the Pacific Ocean. The expedition, unprepared for such a transition, experienced enormous hardships.

During the voyage, the expedition reached 10 °C latitude. and turned out to be noticeably north of the Moluccas, which she was aiming for. Perhaps Magellan wanted to make sure that the Southern Sea discovered by Balboa was part of this ocean, or perhaps he feared a meeting with the Portuguese, which would have ended disastrously for his battered expedition. On January 24, 1521, sailors saw an uninhabited island (from the Tuamotu archipelago). It was not possible to land on it. After 10 days, another island was discovered (in the Line archipelago). They also failed to land, but the expedition caught sharks for food.

On March 6, 1521, the flotilla sighted the island of Guam from the Mariana Islands group. It was inhabited. The boats surrounded the flotilla and trade began. It soon became clear that local residents were stealing everything they could get their hands on from ships. When they stole the boat, the Europeans could not stand it. They landed on the island and burned the village of the islanders, killing 7 people. After that, they took the boat and grabbed fresh food. The islands were named Thieves (Landrones). When the flotilla left, local residents pursued the ships in boats, throwing stones at them, but without much success.

A few days later, the Spaniards were the first Europeans to reach the Philippine Islands, which Magellan called the Archipelago of Saint Lazarus. Fearing new clashes, he searches for an uninhabited island. On March 17, the Spaniards landed on the island of Homonkhom. The crossing of the Pacific Ocean is over. An infirmary was set up on the island of Homonkhom, where all the sick were transported. Fresh food quickly healed the sailors, and the flotilla set off on its further journey among the islands. At one of them, Magellan's slave Enrique, born in Sumatra, met people who spoke his language. The circle is closed. For the first time, man walked around the earth.

On April 7, 1521, the expedition entered the port of Cebu on the island of the same name. The places were civilized, and they even tried to collect trade duties from the Europeans. The Spaniards refused to pay, and a Muslim merchant who happened to be in the city advised the rajah not to fight the Europeans, and the demand was dropped.

Brisk trade began. The islanders easily traded gold and food for iron products. Impressed by the strength of the Spaniards and their weapons, the ruler of the island, Raja Humabon, agrees to surrender under the protection of the Spanish king and is soon baptized under the name Carlos. Following him, his family, many representatives of the nobility and ordinary islanders are baptized. Patronizing the new Carlos-Humabon, Magellan tried to bring as many local rulers as possible under his rule.

Death of Ferdinand Magellan. Drawing from 1860

One of the leaders of the island of Mactan, Lapu-Lapu (Silapulapu), opposed the new order and was not going to surrender to the rule of Humabon. Magellan organized a military expedition against him. He wanted to clearly demonstrate to the local residents the power of Spain. The battle turned out to be unprepared. Because of the shallows, ships and boats were unable to get close enough to effectively support the landing force with fire. During the stay of Europeans in Cebu, local residents had the opportunity to study European weapons and their weak sides. They moved quickly, not allowing the Europeans to take aim, and attacked the sailors at their unprotected legs. When the Spaniards began to retreat, Magellan was killed.

Monument to Ferdinand Magellan, Makatan Island Monument to Chief Lapu-Lapu, who killed Ferdinand Magellan

The defeat killed nine Europeans, but the damage to reputation was enormous. In addition, the loss of an experienced leader immediately made itself felt. Juan Serran and Duarte Barbosa, who headed the expedition, entered into negotiations with Lapu-Lapu, offering him a ransom for Magellan’s body, but he replied that the body would not be handed over under any circumstances. The failure of the negotiations completely undermined the prestige of the Spaniards, and soon their ally Humabon lured them to dinner and carried out a massacre, killing several dozen people, including almost all the command staff. The ships had to urgently sail. Almost there, the flotilla spent several months reaching the Moluccas.

Spices were purchased there, and the expedition had to set off on the return route. On the islands, the Spaniards learned that the Portuguese king had declared Magellan a deserter, so his ships were subject to capture. The ships are dilapidated. The Concepcion had previously been abandoned by its crew and burned. There were only two ships left. "Trinidad" was repaired and went east to the Spanish possessions in Panama, and "Victoria" went west, bypassing Africa. "Trinidad" was caught in headwinds, was forced to return to the Moluccas and was captured by the Portuguese. Most of his crew died at hard labor in India.

Victoria, under the command of Juan Sebastian Elcano, continued the route. The crew was supplemented by a number of Malay islanders (almost all of them died on the road). The ship soon began to run out of provisions (Pigafetta noted in his notes: “Besides rice and water, we had no food left; due to lack of salt, everything meat products spoiled"), and part of the crew began to demand that the captain set a course for Mozambique, which belonged to the Portuguese crown, and surrender into the hands of the Portuguese. However, most of the sailors and Captain Elcano himself decided to try to sail to Spain at any cost. "Victoria" barely rounded the Cape of Good Hope and then went non-stop to the northwest along the African coast for two months.

On July 9, 1522, a worn-out ship with an exhausted crew approached the Cape Verde Islands, a Portuguese possession. It was impossible not to stop here due to the extreme lack of drinking water and provisions. But after the arrest of 13 people who had gone for food, the Victoria quickly moved on.

On September 6, 1522, Victoria reached Spain, thus becoming the only ship of Magellan's flotilla to return victoriously to Seville. There were eighteen survivors on the ship. Later, in 1525, four more of the 55 crew members of the ship Trinidad were taken to Spain. Also, those members of the Victoria crew who were captured by the Portuguese during a forced stop on the Cape Verde Islands were also redeemed from Portuguese captivity.

The sale of the cargo brought by Victoria not only covered all the expenses of the expedition, but also, despite the death of 4 out of 5 ships, made a significant profit. As for the ownership of the Moluccas, the Portuguese king believed that they belonged to Spain and bought them for the huge sum of 350 thousand gold ducats. In 1523, a report on the journey by the imperial secretary Maximilian Transylvanus was published, and then detailed memoirs of one of the expedition participants, the Venetian Antonio Pigafetta, were published.

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