Reasons why you can take a sabbatical leave. Academic leave: is it worth it?

Anything can happen in life, and no one is immune from unpleasant life circumstances. However, they should not become a reason for refusing to receive higher education. For the most serious cases, there is such a cool thing as academic leave.

In what cases and for what reasons can you take academic leave, for how long, how many times and what documents are needed to take academic leave - this is an incomplete list of questions that we will try to clarify in our article.

Academic leave at the institute: reasons to take and justification

First you need to define this phenomenon:

Academic leave is a temporary break from study, agreed upon and approved by the university management. It can be obtained by any student with compelling reasons.

On what grounds can I take academic leave? This could be a serious illness, military service or pregnancy.

By the way, the right to use this service is granted at the legislative level. It is confirmed by clause 12, part 1, article 34 of the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012.

Here are the main reasons to take a sabbatical:

  • medical conditions (for example, hiatal hernia),
  • family circumstances that may be an obstacle to learning (for example, caring for a disabled person),
  • military conscription.

Let's take a closer look at situations when you can take academic leave.

Medical indications

If you do not know whether it is possible to take an academic leave in your case, remember: you must have a conclusion from a medical commission for health reasons and the inability to continue your studies due to this.

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The most popular reason for students (or rather, female students) to take academic leave from university is pregnancy.

Family circumstances

Is it possible to take academic leave on a part-time or full-time basis at a college or institute, in a master’s program or just before graduating, if you have to care for a disabled relative? Yes, since this case is a family circumstance.

More to family circumstances include:

  • pregnancy,
  • childbirth,
  • child care up to 3 years old,
  • having a disabled parent or other family member over 3 years of age who needs constant care,
  • heavy financial situation, which does not allow you to pay for training.

Military conscription

Urgent conscription into the army is not carried out at the will of the student. And military service - prerequisite for all fit men of the state. Therefore, the student has every right to take academic leave.

But the case when a student can take an academic leave is more suitable for part-time students, since full-time students receive a legal deferment from military service until they complete their studies or are expelled.

However, if you really don’t want to go, but there is no reason for academics. there is no vacation, any man should know.

Procedure and terms for granting academic leave

How many times can you take academic leave? According to Order No. 455, you can take an unlimited number of academic leaves (by decision of the management of the institute or other educational institution). So when asked whether it is possible to take a second vacation immediately after the first, you can safely answer: “Yes!”

But regarding how many years a student can take an academic leave, there is a reservation: any of the leaves taken should not exceed 2 years. At the same time, paying students are not required to pay for their studies during this time.

Be careful! Many institutes have important rule when you can take academic leave at the university: the student should not have any academic debts.

True, this is not regulated by law in any way. So there may be options here. For example, they may not provide the vacation itself, but offer as an alternative:

  • transfer to the course below,
  • obtaining an academic degree vacation only after passing the “tails” before or after leaving school, etc.

What do you need to take a sabbatical?

How to take academic leave for family reasons, health or other important reasons? It is necessary to collect a certain package of documents. For this you will need:

  1. Application for academic leave written by the student (indicating the reasons).
  2. Documents confirming the occurrence of difficult life circumstances listed above (summons, doctor’s certificate, etc.).

These documents must be taken to the rector’s office, where the documents and application will be reviewed within ten days. After this period, either a refusal with reasons or an order granting the requested leave will be granted.

More information about academic leave due to pregnancy

Is it possible to take academic leave if expelled? Yes, if at the time of expulsion you find out that you are pregnant! This is a pretty good reason for taking leave both at school, at a music school, and at work (although here it will be called maternity leave, not academic leave).

But to receive it, the expectant mother must perform certain actions, and promptly:

  • provide the dean's office with a certificate of pregnancy and a certificate in form 095/U, which will provide grounds for sending the pregnant woman to a second medical expert commission;
  • at the clinic at the place of residence or study, provide the following package of documents: student ID and grade book, certificate in form 095/U, extract from the medical card on registration for pregnancy;
  • pass the appointed expert commission;
  • submit the decision received by the commission to the university administration and write an application for academic leave.

Maternity leave is the only case when academic leave, if necessary, can be extended to 6 (!) years. The reason for this will be the need to care for the child.

In general, the process of obtaining documents to provide academic leave for medical reasons the same, only with some features in the preparation of certificates (here the certificate must be issued in form 027/U).

Read more about academic leave for family reasons

It is necessary to understand that family circumstances are not an absolute basis for granting academic leave. All this is at the discretion of the rector or a special employee of the educational institution authorized by the rector.

The most important thing is to provide paper evidence of the seriousness of the reasons. For example, a medical certificate of a complex illness of a child or parents, a referral for urgent treatment of someone from the family.

If the reason is a difficult financial situation, then the student must provide certificates from the social security service, written in the names of the parents paying for the education. The certificate must indicate the reason - temporary insolvency.

Academic leave in 1st year

It is not indicated anywhere from which course the case for granting academic leave may arise. So if compelling reasons arise during the first year of study, the student has all the same rights as older students.

So, we have found out how to take academic leave at the institute in graduate school, for family reasons, part-time and full-time. But we would really like to see that there are never difficult circumstances in your life that could force you to stop or delay your studies. In any case, remember: there is always a student assistance service near you that will not stand aside!

Elena / 11/17/2009, 04:46

Anna / 12/03/2015, 12:52

I entered the institute in absentia on a paid basis, remotely. But now I understand that I can’t cope with the workload as I have a small child. I have already paid for the autumn semester, if I pick up the documents, they will return the money to me or not. Or is it better to take an academic leave.

Olga / 05/14/2010, 07:13
/ 24.11.2010, 00:27

Sergey‚ juris / 10/02/2012, 22:07

If you give the rector a blowjob, it will be the most the best reason

Vitaly / 05/16/2011, 14:21

Anton / 06/02/2013, 13:24

2 years have passed, I wonder if you were drafted into the army or not? And what do you have with the military department? I have a similar situation, so I'm interested.

/ 09.06.2011, 15:46

Oops / 07/01/2011, 09:01

you can recover, but only again in the second year, if those whom you cared for were disabled people of groups 2 and so on (and there is certificates for this) and they must be members of your family. the reason will be that you were their guardian and therefore could not pass the session.

Shonchalai / 08/07/2014, 20:28

Hello. I have a similar situation with you. And I would like to know if you were allowed to do it as you intended? To restore in September to that group, that is.

Vera / 11.28.2011, 16:37
hope / 02.24.2012, 14:04
Alena / 02/26/2012, 00:30
Alena / 03.28.2012, 17:40
Alice / 04/16/2012, 18:27
Olga / 05/17/2012, 12:10
Olesya / 07/16/2012, 13:26

Irina / 09/07/2012, 16:55

Olesya, tell me, did you find the answer to your question?

Nastya / 11/18/2012, 13:54
Anna / 07/13/2014, 14:37

A considerable number of students, due to current circumstances or simply problems with their studies, are wondering: how to take an academic leave? But in order to take an academic degree, desire alone is not enough. There must be a valid and compelling reason for taking leave. There can be two such reasons: for health reasons (illness), and for certain family circumstances. Let's look at both of these options in more detail.

For family reasons.

You can get academic leave for family reasons for a period of 2 to 6 academic semesters. This type of leave is possible under circumstances when caring for a sick relative is required, and the relative must be close; the second reason is the family’s financial insolvency (material problems).

If it is necessary to care for a close relative, in addition to an application addressed to the dean/rector, it is necessary to provide an appropriate certificate about the health status of the person under care. In most cases, a positive decision on issuing academic leave is allowed only if, apart from you, no other family member can take care of a sick relative, and most likely, among other things, you will be required to provide a certificate of family composition. After submitting the above documents, the commission that is considering your application will consider in detail all the details and circumstances of your relative’s illness, after which it will decide to approve or deny the academic leave.

Also, family circumstances include whether you (the student) have a child whose age does not exceed three years. In this case, you will need to provide a copy of the child's birth certificate.

If you need to get academic leave due to financial problems in the family, you will need to provide a number of the following documents: a certificate of income of all family members (for the last six months), as well as provide a certificate of family composition. As for the income certificate, the monthly earnings of each family member should not exceed the subsistence level. In this case, the application will also be considered at a meeting of a separate commission.

Due to illness.

You can apply for an academic certificate based on health reasons. It is provided to those students who have missed classes (at least 28 days per semester) due to injury or illness. The right to receive academic leave is given by three certificates:

  • Certificate form 095/у is a certificate of temporary incapacity (incapacity for work) due to poor medical conditions. Such a certificate can be obtained from a therapist; it gives the right to be excused from classes for up to ten calendar days; if the illness lasts longer, the certificate can be extended by 30 days. In this case, you must provide the following certificate;
  • A certificate in form 027/u is an extract from an outpatient card, epicrisis (as well as other medical documents) about the student’s health status. This certificate is issued when it is necessary to obtain an exemption from physical education lessons for a long period (up to 45 days).
  • Conclusion of the clinical expert commission (CEC). This conclusion confirms your incapacity for work for a period of one year or more. You will have to wait about a week, or a little more, to make such a decision, since such meetings are held no more than once a week. The determination of the conclusion depends on the specific case.
  • And finally, to apply for academic leave due to illness, along with the package of documents presented above, you must write an application addressed to the rector or dean.

Since 2013, Russia has a new procedure for granting academic leave to students educational institutions. This article addresses the following issues:

What is academic leave?

Academic leave is a temporary termination of education by a student of a higher or secondary vocational educational institution due to the impossibility of mastering the educational program.

Basic provisions regarding academic leave:

  • provides an unlimited number of times;
  • the duration should not exceed two years, although it is usually taken for a year;
  • can provide medical, family and other circumstances;
  • the basis for provision is an application with supporting documents;
  • the decision to grant is made by the head of the organization (usually the rector) within 10 days from the moment of receipt of the application;
  • return to training must be carried out on the basis of an order from the head of the organization;
  • tuition fees during vacation not charged;
  • compensation payments are made on the basis of the Government Resolution “On approval of the procedure for assigning and paying monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens”;

Academic leave is a vital necessity that forces students not to study. The management of the educational institution makes a decision on granting academic leave based on the reasons specified by the student. Before going on academic leave, you must contact the dean’s office to find out all the details, since each educational institution has its own nuances.

Often students want to take " academician“due to the fact that they simply did not go to school and were busy with other things. Quite often, the rector's office refuses such students, so before taking a leave of absence, think about the reasons that may be quite convincing.

Academic leave for medical reasons

Medical indications are the most objective grounds for submitting academic leave. Human health does not always depend on desire and capabilities. Therefore, students are forced to take academic leave in order to improve their health. It’s just that not any illness can be recognized as a reason for academic leave; the decision is made by a medical commission. To obtain academic leave, you will need certificates: in form 095/U (about temporary disability) and 027/U (extract from the medical history). Doctors are familiar with them and always prescribe them.

Medical indications also include pregnancy, which we will talk about in more detail.

Academic leave due to pregnancy

Pregnancy is a classic case when a student is granted a leave of absence. After all, in a year the expectant mother will not be pregnant and, in general, will be able to continue her education. To get a pregnant student academic leave you need to do the following:

  1. receive a certificate in form 095/U (for students);
  2. with the specified certificate, contact the dean’s office or rector’s office, where they will issue a referral to undergo a medical expert commission;
  3. go through the specified medical commission (usually a student clinic) and receive a decision;
  4. with the received decision and contact the rector’s office or dean’s office

If necessary, academic leave can be extended to care for a child

Academic leave for military service

Full-time students are usually granted a deferment from military conscription. But it may not always be provided (and sometimes the students themselves want to join the army), so a student who is drafted into the army can receive academic leave for the duration of his service. To receive academic leave there must be no student debts, and the basis for academic leave will be a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. In this case, you will also need to write a statement.

Academic leave for family reasons

One of the most common reasons why students ask academic leave- these are family circumstances.

I do not always provide students with academic leave for family reasons—the management of the educational institution makes the decision individually. Therefore, if a student has “tails” and his academic performance as a whole is poor, then you should not count on granting academic leave without really serious reasons.

The reason may also be the lack of funds of those who study on a paid basis.

Other reasons for family leave may include:

Birth of a child. Especially in the first years of life, a child very much needs the constant attention of his parents, especially his mother.

Illness of a relative. There are times when to a loved one requires constant help and care. In this case, you can also ask for academic leave during which the relative will recover.

Invitation to study or work. Not often, but still arise when a student is invited to study, work or some other event (for example, a television show) on long term. In this case, the administration can also make concessions and provide academic leave.

In any case, to confirm certain family circumstances it is necessary to provide documents, and the more convincing they are, the better.

How to apply for academic leave

To apply for academic leave, you must provide other documents in addition to the application.

As mentioned above, to obtain leave for medical reasons, you will need certificates 027/U and 095/U. The illnesses themselves must be convincing and not raise doubts among doctors that students cannot attend classes. The easiest way to grant academic leave is due to pregnancy and childbirth.

Academic leave for family reasons is quite difficult to obtain without really serious reasons. In some cases, management suggests transferring to another form of education (for example, evening). For family reasons, I most often grant leave to mothers who are raising children under the age of three.

A difficult financial situation is also a reason for granting leave, but often the management also suggests changing the form of study so that the student has the opportunity to earn money for training. In other cases, you must be prepared for the administration’s refusal to grant academic leave.

If necessary, academic leave can be extended. To renew, you must collect the entire list of documents again and go through the entire procedure again. Otherwise, a decision may be made to expel the student in case of his absence.

Application for academic leave It is written quite standardly.

The header indicates the position and full name of the head of the educational institution, as well as information about the student who is writing the application. It is necessary to indicate the group number, the name of the faculty and specialty, and it is also necessary to indicate contact information where you can contact.

At the end of the application, the date of drawing up the application and the signature of the applicant are indicated.

On our website you can download application for academic leave in various formats.

Application for academic leave

Size: 32 kB Heading:
Size: 15 kB Heading: Heading:
Signature: Application for academic leave in rtf format
Size: 42 kB

Termination of academic leave

To terminate an academic leave, you may also need to write an application. At the very least, you should not expect that recovery will occur automatically.

So, to end an academic leave for medical reasons, in addition to the application, you will need to attach the conclusion of a medical commission, which confirms that the student can be admitted to study.

In addition, academic leave can be interrupted (terminate early). The student writes a statement indicating the reason for the early termination of leave and only after the order is issued has the right to continue studying.

If the student has not written a letter of resignation from academic leave, then the management of the educational institution may decide to absence from academic leave and, as a result, expel the student.

From September 1, 2013 to the present, the regulation “On the procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students”, developed in accordance with the requirements of the new federal law"On education in Russian Federation" It is mandatory for all educational institutions and their branches implementing educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education.

Here are excerpts from the position.

Procedure for granting academic leave

  1. Academic leave is granted for family and other reasons, in connection with the inability to study for medical reasons, as well as in connection with military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a period not exceeding two years.
  2. Academic leave is granted to students unlimited number of times.
    NB! It should be clarified that a student studying at the expense of the federal budget retains budget place only in case of one-time use of leave.
  3. Deferment from conscription military service is retained only for the duration of the first academic leave.
  4. During academic leave, students are released from the obligation to learn educational program independently, moreover, the student is not allowed to study until his academic leave is completed.
  5. Academic leave ends upon expiration of the period of time for which it was granted, or before this period based on the student’s application. A student will be able to start studying only on the basis of an order from an authorized official.
  6. Students under contracts with tuition fees paid during academic leave not charged.
  7. If academic leave is granted to a student under contracts with payment of tuition fees before the start of classes in the paid semester, then sum of money fully refundable student, or transferred as payment for the semester upon completion of the vacation. If academic leave is granted during the semester, he will be refunded an amount corresponding to payment for the remaining full months of study in the semester.
  8. Students studying at the expense of the federal budget during academic leave scholarship is paid based on the decision of the university scholarship commission and the order of the rector.
  9. For students on academic leave, Place in the university dormitory is not provided.
  10. The student undertakes to write a letter of resignation from academic leave at the end of the period of validity thereof, otherwise he deducted from the university.

Grounds for granting academic leave

To receive academic leave, students must provide the following: a personal statement, as well as documents providing the basis for obtaining leave:

  1. To grant leave for medical reasons - the conclusion of a medical commission medical organization with all the necessary details (stamp of the institution, seal, date of issue, registration number, signature);
  2. To grant leave in connection with military service - a summons from the military commissariat containing the time and place of departure to the place of service.

The decision to grant academic leave is made by the rector of the university or his authorized representative official within ten days from the date of receipt of the application.

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