Why dream of seeing your child sick. To new worries. Russian folk dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you are nursing a child, this may indicate the approach of grief and sadness. If you dream of a sick child, this may predict the death of a relative.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Child?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hitting a boy's child in a dream means experiences related to problems at work. A sick child dreams of loss loved one. You want more positivity and carefreeness. It happens that girls try on the image of a boy in their dreams. Such a dream symbolizes mental irritation...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Child?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you are nursing a baby, it means that grief and heartfelt disappointments lie in wait for your home. If you dream of a sick child, this is a harbinger that death may take away one of your loved ones. For a girl, a dream in which she sees herself...

If you had a dream - Child

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An unfamiliar child is the attitude of someone around you towards you. Crying, dissatisfied - you call negative emotions by your behavior. Plays, jumps - the attitude towards you is businesslike, serious. Laughs, rejoices - they treat you with love, you evoke positive emotions. Sick, ugly...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Family?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This symbol symbolizes unity and support, on the one hand, and on the other, the root of evil, which is laid in a person from birth. To see all members of your family at one table in a dream - expect good news from a distant relative about a new addition...

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a sick male baby in a dream promises failure, an attack on you by a criminal. There is a possibility of getting into trouble life situation, the way out of which you will have to find yourself. Taking a baby in your arms in a dream means success. In the most general interpretation, a baby...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Boy?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For a pregnant woman, such a dream foreshadows rapid labor. Beating or punishing a boy in a dream is a warning that in reality you will need to restrain your emotions in some situation, showing calm or simply inaction. Rich inspiration awaits people involved in creative professions...

Dream Interpretation: Why Children Dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Joy, profit, prosperity at home. Playing with children brings satisfaction and happiness. Teaching children anything is success in business and in love. A sick child means good health in reality, but a lot of behavior problems.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Family?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This symbol symbolizes unity and support, on the one hand, and on the other, the root of evil, which is laid in a person from birth. To see all your family members at one table in a dream - expect good news from a distant relative; to replenish in...

Dream Interpretation: Why does a Baby dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Something new, resulting from the union of reason and emotion, wisdom and love; a new, important cycle; feeling of helplessness. The dream child, beautiful, wise, signifies a new consciousness, a rebirth of the lower self into higher and nobler ideals or bright new ideas. Girl - new...

Dream - Birth

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

We often associate birth with new beginnings, but before an idea can be born, it must be born. If you witnessed a birth, this is a sign of culmination in your long work. Perhaps you have a problem new idea, concept or project? Naturally, …

How to interpret the dream “Bed”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of a clean and white bed, it means that soon your worries and worries will subside and a relatively calm period will begin. For a woman to dream that she is making her bed is a harbinger of the appearance of a new cordial boyfriend and pleasant activities. See …

How to interpret the dream “Illness”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw in a dream that you were sick, this promises you a slight illness or unpleasant conversations. For a young woman to see herself terminally ill means that she will soon highly appreciate the charm of the position of an unmarried girl. If you see a sick person in a dream...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Puppies?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A puppy in a dream is a symbol of what will soon appear in your life new person, who may later become a close friend. Also, perhaps you are about to meet a childhood friend whom you have not met for a long time. If the puppy barks -...

Dream Interpretation: Why Husband Dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A sick and tired husband in a dream means an imminent illness of your relative or friend. A cheerful and cheerful husband in a dream foreshadows the emergence of new promising prospects and opportunities, the onset of material well-being. I dreamed of a cheerful and cheerful husband - expect new promising ones to appear...

Dream Interpretation: Why does the Baby dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A sick baby means sadness, melancholy, spiritual emptiness and sadness. Holding a sick child in your arms means suffering, which will bring serious consequences. If in a dream you see a dead baby, then soon you will be more disappointed. disappointments and other troubles are promised by what you see...

Dream Interpretation: Why does the Child dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Beating or punishing a child in a dream means experiencing discomfort in real life, caused by dissatisfaction with the work performed, lack of attention and approval of others. Rocking or cradling a child in your arms in a dream promises you a difficult path to achieving your goals and success. You'll have to work hard...

HIV infection - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a person with HIV infection during sleep means that next to you there is a person whose hypocrisy and deceit will soon reveal themselves in all their glory. If this was a child, then the shortcomings of a friend may come as a real surprise to you. I dreamed about a friend or relative...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Bed?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A clean and white bed means a peaceful cessation of worries and worries. For a woman to dream that she is making her bed is a harbinger of the appearance of a new cordial boyfriend and pleasant activities. Seeing yourself in bed in an unfamiliar room in a dream means...

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Illness?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To dream that you are sick promises you a slight illness or unpleasant conversations. For a young woman to see herself terminally ill means that she will soon highly appreciate the charm of her position as an unmarried girl. If you see a sick relative in a dream...

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Dream interpretation of a sick child

The child represents present and future possibilities, simplicity and innocence. He is like a changed, primitive personality that was born for future improvement.

Dream symbolism

Having dreamed, the child symbolizes a project, an idea, which begins to acquire clear features. But this is what a sick child dreams about, we find out by looking at the interpreters.

Alternative interpretations

Previous dream books do not predict favorable events when deciphering dreams in which a child appeared who was overcome by illness.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing an unhealthy baby in a dream warns of future problems and very stressful days.

To have a dream where a girl is crying because elevated temperature body, in the dreamer’s arms, prophesies for him the beginning of sad days, bringing mental torment, suffering, and followed by disappointment. A crying boy with a fever indicates forced fussiness in family problems.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a sick child

Seeing a child in a dream whose body is covered with ulcers and scars indicates your mission in this world. You are meant to serve people. It is possible that your life will not turn out as successfully as you would like if you do not follow the path destined by the highest, heavenly powers.

Giving birth to a sick toddler encourages you not to start implementing the idea until everything has been thought out to the smallest detail.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing in a dream a dirty child, struck by an illness, in the arms of a representative of a socially disadvantaged segment of the population, this is a message not to a specific dreamer or his relatives, but to humanity as a whole. The dream prophesies infection with AIDS, and a large number of victims from this virus, according to the dream book.

Modern interpretations

Current dream books are less negative in their interpretations of dreams where a child is constrained by illness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a child with a fever in a dream means real discomfort, difficulties and inconveniences that the dreamer experiences while doing work against his soul, against his will.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing an ugly baby in a dream warns of the possibility of a negative attitude towards you from colleagues and friends escalating into open war.

To quarrels with colleagues

Loff's Dream Book

According to the pastor, seeing a baby in a dream who is overcome by illness, regardless of whether it was a boy or a girl, is a reflection of natural, natural concern for one’s children. This may be associated with the transitional age of children, their hobbies, and friendships.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

A crippled child in a dream warns of an upcoming meeting with a person who will need serious help. Moreover, a girl points to a woman in trouble, and a boy can point to the boss.

Dream plots

All the details that determine the individual message of the dream will allow you to correctly decipher a dream about an unhealthy child. An unhealthy child in a dream may be a baby or a boy. They can be newborns or teenagers. Let's see what meaning the image of a sick child carries if the details are known:

  • boy or girl;
  • age;
  • whose child?

If you dreamed of a boy

If you dreamed of a boy who was taken over by illness, for a woman this is an omen of troubles in the personal sphere, various kinds friction in a relationship with a lover. And for a man, this is a warning sign of troubles among subordinates or lower-ranking colleagues in the work on an idea.

I dreamed of a girl who was not spared by illness, calling on the dreamer, both man and woman, to understand himself, to eradicate certain character traits, such as rudeness and rigidity.

If in a dream a boy was born dead, this is a warning about some kind of threat.

If in a dream you happened to see the birth of a girl whose congenital disease did not give her a chance of survival, this is a warning about your wrong actions, wrong steps.

Such measures can bring major troubles to the sleeper.

To see a dream where a woman happened to give birth, and the baby was an ugly black girl, means you will be caught doing dirty things.

A disabled child can tell you a lot in a dream.

Dreaming that a disabled child was born is a warning about the appearance of impudent partners among those selected to participate in your new project. If you decide to keep them, at least keep an eye on them and don't let them take over.

To see that a disabled child was moving in a wheelchair in his dreams, you will probably get involved in volunteer activities.

A disabled child on crutches warns of financial difficulties that you alone cannot overcome.

If you dreamed that you were communicating with a teenager, and he was disabled, this is a call to be more merciful and compassionate towards others.

The likelihood of a health threat is indicated by a dream in which the sleeper saw that he was a disabled child. This may be associated with either hypothermia or injury.

If you dreamed of someone else's child - a disabled person, whom the sleeping person held in his arms, predicts your sympathy in the problem of a friend who has had the ground pulled out from under his feet. Moreover, you will be able to restore what he lost.

I was dreaming of someone else’s child, a visually impaired child, urging me to take a closer look at my children’s friends. There is a danger of getting them involved in bad companies.

When you dream that the dreamer has a baby - down, this is just a hint that in reality you will have to show extra skill in communicating with your lover so that he does not lose interest in you.

In the event that a down is born to someone else’s woman, it means a profitable, successful deal is coming.

The dreamer dreams that he is down, which means that you are quite competent in the matter that you want to do in reality. You can act confidently.

If you dreamed of a young man down, then you will receive very good news.

You happened to have a dream where your baby was struck down by some kind of illness and you saw him dying in your arms, promising him a carefree life.

Seeing a child who has lost a lot of weight as a result of illness and is dying in the arms of a stranger predicts unpleasant troubles that will be imposed by neighbors or acquaintances. This may be due to the carelessness of people - the neighbors may flood top floor, or the event will be disrupted due to insufficient preparation of the organizers.

Seeing a dying baby in a hospital room indicates mental tension due to the preparation of some documents that can lead to a nervous breakdown.

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For many parents, a dream associated with a sick child usually causes a huge amount of worry. Although, as it turns out, such a dream implies performing difficult work.

Also, in a dream, a baby who is very ill can foreshadow all sorts of subsequent problems regarding the implementation of plans or the realization of dreams. If your own baby gets sick in a dream, this means that in real life he needs support and, accordingly, help from his parents. Seeing a recovering child in a dream means that all difficulties in real life will be resolved in positive side and, of course, with benefit. Although to achieve such a result, a person will still have to make a certain amount of effort to solve problems that have arisen. at the moment problems.

If someone sees a disabled child in his own dream, then in the near future he will have to meet a person who will need urgent, serious help. In other words, a sick child in a dream most often symbolizes both the emergence of one’s own problems and helping strangers.

So, if at a certain point in your life you still dreamed of a sick child, then it is quite possible that the subconscious itself indicates the presence of a problem. In this situation, it is recommended to think about your own life. In the opposite situation, numerous dreams associated with children may well be a symbol of the birth of a profitable and interesting idea, which may later turn out to be a new direction of activity or part of a person’s personality.

The child itself, which appeared in a dream, may indicate that certain character traits of a person have already been almost fully formed. That is why such people need to pay special attention to their own internal growth. Also, the gender of the child has a huge influence on the interpretation of such dreams. For example, if a baby is of the same sex as the person who had the dream, then the problem should be looked for in his own inner world.

Thus, if a person sees a sick child in a dream, then you should not immediately worry about yourself, since, most likely, just someone close or stranger needs help.

Seeing a loved one's illness in a dream is always an unpleasant sign, leading to bad omens for parents. “I dreamed that my child was sick, what does this mean in reality?” - a question that requires a detailed and carefully thought out answer.

What if I dream about my child being sick?

"What does it mean to dream that my child is sick?" - a question that arises in many parents after an unpleasant vision. It is immediately worth noting that such a vision rarely means a serious illness in reality.

Most often, a sick child in a dream is a symbol of negative events that are about to happen to the family. Maybe, financial situation all family members will deteriorate sharply, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to prevent such an event.

Seeing in a dream a sick child who refuses to communicate with his parents means a conflict between generations. It may be difficult for the dreamer to find common language with a growing child, and the subconscious is trying to prepare a person for future difficulties. If in a dream the owner of the vision holds a sick baby in his arms, it means that in the future a lot of troubles and negative events will fall on his shoulders. You will have to show miracles of resourcefulness, demonstrating your inner strength, in order to cope with such troubles with dignity.

A dream in which a child dies of a serious illness in front of his parents means that in real life the dreamer will have to say goodbye to his cherished dreams. Perhaps the goal that a person has been pursuing for so long will now turn out to be unrealistic and unattainable, and he will have to come to terms with this.

If in a dream the owner of the vision is trying to help a sick child, to cure him, then in real life he has a chance to avoid major troubles. To do this, you just need to show inner strength by tracking all your actions and analyzing their consequences.

A dream in which a child is sick with something serious and suffers greatly means that in real life the parents show excessive care. Perhaps such care greatly limits the baby and prevents him from developing normally. If in a dream a parent sees his child in a hospital bed, it means that in real life the help of others and close friends will help to avoid huge troubles.

If in a dream a child gets sick due to someone else’s fault, it means that in real life the person will face condemnation and intrigues directed at him. It is quite possible that dishonest people will appear in his life, always ready to harm others for the sake of their own interests. Such a vision may also mean that family well-being threatened by bad influence from outside.

What does it portend?

If a parent sees in a dream how his child is recovering from a serious illness, it means that in real life he will encounter new promising ideas. It is better to immediately implement them before the positive moment is lost.

A vision in which a parent sees several sick children has a bad interpretation. Usually such a dream foreshadows life crisis on all fronts. It is quite possible that the owner of the vision will face problems both in his career and in his personal life. You should prepare for a negative period in advance.

If in a dream a person sees a sick person infant, which means that his baby’s health is really in danger. You should be examined by a pediatrician to eradicate the problem in its infancy. If a sick child cries a lot in a dream, it means that in reality the family will face serious trials. If the baby, despite feeling unwell, laughs a lot, it means that in real life, future problems can be easily overcome.

Dreams in which a sick child appears are always unpleasant for parents, because they raise a lot of questions about real life. By correctly interpreting such a vision, the dreamer will be able to prevent any troubles that await him in the future.

A sick child in a dream is a warning to well-being and health. Children evoke strong emotions, so a dream about a sick child is an indicator of probable failure in a matter that is important to you. Just as an advanced disease can lead to death, carelessness in planning can lead to failure. Using the hint of the subconscious and deciphering the symbolism, make timely changes. After reading the dream book, understand that a sick child is your unfulfilled promise, an irresponsible attitude towards your obligations, and inattention to health.

According to Freud

Freud's symbolism raises the deepest layers of the subconscious. It's difficult for us to find a connection. According to Freud, the child symbolizes the reproductive organs. As much as people have a reverent attitude towards children, in the subconscious we worry about the ability to have healthy human relations. Knowing this, now we ourselves can guess why a sick child dreams. In order to warn about an incipient disease or cause anxiety about a current disease.

According to Miller

According to Miller, a sick child is connected to your soul. So, unpleasant dream, when a sick child is in your arms, symbolizes that turbulent times of a personal nature may arise ahead. If the child cries at the same time, then the problems will affect your health. Another interpretation of the dream, on the contrary, suggests that a child who gets sick in a dream will be healthy and strong in life. For a more accurate conclusion, a complete picture of the dream is needed.

According to Vanga

If you dreamed of a sick child, it means you are on the eve of a problem. You need to think about whether you are doing everything right? Not only you, but also your children. Because danger can come to them too. Something is disrupted in your lifestyle. Maybe you are causing trouble for your loved ones or relatives?

According to Juno

The child represents a goal, plan or goal. If the child is sick, then your plan is at risk. The reasons may be different: unaccounted for details, the machinations of ill-wishers, external circumstances. Take an objective look at your goal and find any shortcomings.

According to Tsvetkov

Be prepared for unexpected news where you will have to run a lot. You may need to fill out some paperwork, waste time and nerves in the corridors of power. Worry about unimportant but necessary documents.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose

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