How to make your own non-alcoholic beer. Recipe for making non-alcoholic beer at home. Preparing dark non-alcoholic beer

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , Art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production - entails a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices."

*You can still purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

It should be said right away that non-alcoholic beer still contains alcohol. True, its content should not be higher than 0.5%. For example, regular kefir contains up to 1.5% alcohol. was developed in the 1970s of the twentieth century - for people who cannot drink regular beer for health reasons or other reasons, for example, drivers. It also contains fewer calories than the traditional one.

All over the world, non-alcoholic beer is prepared in three ways.

First way- non-alcoholic beer is obtained from unfermented wort. The fermentation process is interrupted (most often by cooling), and alcohol does not have time to form in the drink. This beer has some sweetness in taste.

Second way- Alcohol is evaporated from the finished beer at low pressure. But this beer tastes like a diluted intoxicating drink.

Third way- the most progressive - is called membrane. In this method of removing alcohol, beer is pumped through a very thin membrane made of cotton cellulose or cellulose acetate - and due to this, the alcohol is removed. To pump beer through a membrane, they use a rather complex structure of several pipes, which are located one inside the other. Beer is passed through the inner pipes in one direction, and distilled water is passed through the outer pipe in the opposite direction. The alcohol from the beer passes into this water until it completely leaves the drink. As a result, non-alcoholic beer is obtained at the exit from the inner pipe.

If non-alcoholic beer It is produced using the membrane method, its taste differs minimally from the usual one, since all technological stages characteristic of the traditional production process are almost completely preserved. However, the taste still changes due to the fact that ethyl alcohol significantly affects the taste properties of the drink.

If we talk about the positive and negative features of the impact of this drink on the human body, practically nothing changes (the calorie content, however, is less). Fusel oils and phytoestrogens are not going away; alcohol intoxication simply does not occur due to the low alcohol content.

Today there is a lot of debate about the benefits and harms of this foamy drink. Here again, everything depends on the composition and a reasonable approach to such a process as beer drinking.
Firstly, everything should be in moderation. Drink beer wisely!
Secondly, all talk about beneficial properties can be attributed either to home-produced beer (and this needs to be done wisely), or to its use when performing cosmetic procedures (masks, beer baths, etc.).

In this section of our website, you will find recipes for non-alcoholic beer for preparing it at home.

Herbal non-alcoholic beer
1 kg rye flour,
12 liters of water,
200 g hops,
1/2 kg sugar,
300 g mint leaves,
200 g lemon balm,
200 g honey.

Method of preparation. Pour rye flour onto a baking sheet and dry in a moderately heated oven or fry in a frying pan until light brown. Then add water to the flour, add hops and simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Strain the broth and cool. Place sugar, honey, lemon balm, mint in another bowl and bring to a boil, but do not boil. At the same time, stir thoroughly with a wooden spoon so that the sugar and honey do not burn. Then strain the broth through cheesecloth and cool.

Combine both decoctions and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly, for 30 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool. Place the cooled beer in a warm place and leave it open. Let it steep for 25-30 hours and then bottle it. It is recommended to drink the finished beer chilled.

Dark non-alcoholic beer

5 liters of water,
1 kg barley,
100 g hops,
1/2 cup barley malt,
1/3 cup maltose,
200 g sugar,
1 tbsp. l. salt.

Method of preparation. Wash the barley and dry it in a moderately heated oven. Grind the dried grains until coarse flour is formed. Pour water over barley and cook over low heat. After about 1 hour, remove from heat and leave to cool. After the barley broth has cooled slightly, strain it through a double layer of gauze. Then prepare the hop decoction as indicated in previous recipes. When it cools down a little, add barley malt, salt and cook for another 2 hours. After this time, remove the broth from the heat and let it cool. Add maltose to the cooled broth and mix thoroughly.

Then mix both decoctions, cover with a dark cloth and take them to a dark and cool place for the decoction to infuse. Prepare burnt sugar separately. Take a deep cast iron frying pan, pour sugar into it and place over medium heat. As the sugar begins to melt, stir constantly with a wooden spoon until the grains are completely melted and the sugar turns a dark brown color.

The caramel mass should have a consistency similar to thick honey or molasses. Then take the sugar out into the cold and let it harden. Chop the frozen sugar and add to the beer. To make the burnt sugar dissolve faster, heat the beer over low heat. Cool the finished beer and bottle it. Refrigerate. This beer has a pronounced bitter taste and a beautiful, rich dark brown color, which distinguishes it from other types of non-alcoholic beer.

Non-alcoholic beer "Yantarnoe"

300 g hops,
10 liters of boiled water,
2 cups sugar
3 cups barley or rye malt flour.

Method of preparation. Pour water over the hops, add barley or rye malt flour. If you don’t have such flour on hand, replace it with dry kvass; the taste will not deteriorate. Mix everything well and put on fire. The flour should settle to the bottom during the heating process. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil, but immediately remove from heat and leave to cool.

Make syrup from sugar and a small amount of water and boil it to the consistency of thick sour cream. The color should be dark brown. When the syrup has cooled and hardened, crumble it into small pieces and add to the still warm hop mixture to help the sugar dissolve. Boiled sugar gives the beer a dark golden hue, and it becomes like amber. Leave the finished beer to ferment for a day. Then strain it and leave it in a cold place to infuse for another day. After this, strain again and cool.

Non-alcoholic beer “Forest Fantasy”

15 liters of cold boiled water,
200 g spruce and pine needles,
1 glass of barley malt,
200 g hops,
3 cups sugar
2 tbsp. l. salt.

Method of preparation. Prepare a pine decoction. To do this, rinse pine and spruce needles thoroughly with running water. Then place them in a medium-sized enamel pan, pour in 5 liters of water and put on fire. After the water boils, cook the pine needles for 1 hour. Then add 1 cup of sugar and salt and continue cooking for another 2-3 hours, stirring constantly. The result should be a rich syrup, with a consistency similar to molasses or fresh honey. Cool the prepared broth.

Pour the remaining warm water into the prepared decoction, add hops and place on low heat. Boil the infusion for 1 hour. Then cool it and strain thoroughly through a double layer of gauze.

After a day, add barley malt and the remaining sugar to the broth, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 2 hours. Then cool and strain again through cheesecloth. Leave the beer to steep for 20-25 days; after this time, pour it into bottles and seal it. If possible, keep the beer in a completely dark place, then its taste will be richer and more intense.

Non-alcoholic sweet beer

20 liters of water,
1 kg barley malt,
300 g hops,
2 cups sugar
2 cups molasses,
2 tbsp. l. salt.

Method of preparation. Pour 10 liters of cold water over barley malt and leave overnight. In the morning, add salt and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook the malt for 3-4 hours. In a separate bowl, pour the remaining water over the hops, put on the fire and cook for 30 minutes.

Then combine the liquids, strain and cool. Pour sugar into molasses and stir. After this, add molasses and sugar to the beer base, mix well and place on low heat. Heat the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Take the beer to a cool place and leave for 24 hours, then strain again and pour into previously prepared bottles. Leave the bottles uncorked for a day. Then seal the bottles and refrigerate for a week.

10 liters of water,
1 glass of barley malt,
5 glasses of hops,
1 glass of maltose,
1 tbsp. l. salt,
2 kg cranberries,
1/2 cup sugar
100 g honey.

Mustard non-alcoholic beer

5 liters of water,
100 g hops,
1/2 cup molasses,
30 g mustard seeds,
1 tbsp. l. salt,
1 tbsp. l. mustard honey.

Method of preparation. Pour water over the hops and simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Then strain and leave to cool. After this, add molasses, salt, mustard honey to the cooled broth and stir until the honey is completely dissolved.

Mustard seeds require special attention. Only black mustard seeds, which grow in the Caucasus and southern Russia, are suitable for making beer. Wash the seeds, place on a baking sheet and dry in a moderately heated oven. Cool the dried seeds and grind them. When ground, black mustard seeds are pungent, have a tart taste and smell reminiscent of horseradish. Pour the ground grains with water and place on low heat. Cook for 12-15 minutes and then strain.

Cool the mustard broth and mix with beer. Mix well and, if necessary, pour into previously prepared pasteurized bottles. Store beer in a dark and cool place. In about a week it will be ready to be consumed.

Cranberry non-alcoholic beer

10 liters of water,
1 glass of barley malt,
5 glasses of hops,
1 glass of maltose,
1 tbsp. l. salt,
2 kg cranberries,
1/2 cup sugar
100 g honey.

Method of preparation. Sort out the fresh cranberries, rinse thoroughly, mash and squeeze the juice out of the resulting berry puree through cheesecloth. Pour water over the pomace, boil and strain, add sugar and juice.

Pour 5 liters of water over the hops and cook for 1 hour. In a separate bowl, boil barley malt, cool to 60°C and mix with hop decoction. Stir, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Then add salt, honey, maltose and stir until the honey is completely dissolved. Cool.

In a large vat, combine both decoctions and mix thoroughly, then boil and place in the cold. Once the beer has cooled, cap it, or, if desired, bottle it and seal it tightly. Store the beer in a cool, dark place for a day or two. Enjoy the finished beer chilled.

Non-alcoholic beer "Khlebnoe"

10 liters of cold boiled water,
1.5 kg rye bread,
1 glass of barley malt,
1/2 cup maltose,
2 tbsp. l. salt,
50 g cumin,
20 g dried mint,
1 tbsp. l. honey

Method of preparation. Cut the rye bread into medium-sized slices, place on a baking sheet and toast in a moderately heated oven until golden brown. Then pour 3 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. After this, strain the infusion, add salt, maltose and let it brew for 5-6 hours.

Heat the remaining water on the stove, then add barley malt to it and cook for 2 hours. Cool the resulting broth to a temperature of 50-60°C, add cumin, washed dried mint leaves and honey (buckwheat honey is best when preparing this type of beer). Then cool the mixture to room temperature and let it brew for 24 hours.

After this, in a large vat or wooden barrel, mix the bread infusion and malt infusion with herbs and stir well. Then strain it through cheesecloth and leave to infuse in a dark and cool place for a week. Pour the finished beer into bottles.

Non-alcoholic honey beer

1/2 l barley malt,
200 g hops,
12 liters of boiled water,
500 g sugar,
3 kg oats,
2 tbsp. l. salt, 1 kg of flower honey.

Method of preparation. Rinse the oats, place on a baking sheet and dry a little in the oven at medium temperature. Pound the dried grain, pour boiling water over it and leave overnight to swell. In the morning, drain the infusion and strain. Add hops and simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Then strain the broth again and add barley malt to it. Stir, place on the stove and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for 2-2.5 hours.

Leave the finished broth to steep in a cool place for 7-8 days, after which heat the mixture over a fire to 70°C and add sugar, honey and salt. Mix thoroughly. Bring the beer to a boil, remove from heat and cool. It is better to store such beer in a wooden keg, which should be very tightly sealed. At least for the first month. And then you can bottle it. But they should also be kept in a dark and cool place, then the taste of the beer will be more aromatic and rich.

Today almost everyone has a car. It’s convenient, you can move around with children and don’t have to jostle in the subway. But there are also plenty of disadvantages. When you are going to visit or go to a party, you will have to give up alcohol. For such cases, they came up with drinks that do not contain ethyl alcohol or contain them, but in very small quantities. However, many claim that they are harmful to health. Below we will tell you how non-alcoholic beer and other drinks are made and whether they are harmful.

Production of ethyl-free drinks

Beer without proof tastes like regular beer, but the percentage of ethyl alcohol in it is significantly reduced. It is produced in almost the same way as alcoholic beverages, with the difference that the alcohol is either removed from it after, or the fermentation process is completely eliminated. The technology looks more complicated, so the price of the final product is always higher.

They do this in several ways:

  1. Ethanol is removed by swirling the liquid in the dealcoholizer under low pressure. Then the alcohol is condensed at a temperature of 80 degrees, mixed with water and drained. What remains contains practically no alcohol and is sent for bottling;
  2. They use special yeast that does not ferment malt sugar. But such a drink turns out to be sweet and not very similar to the real thing;
  3. Stop fermentation using low temperatures.

There are other methods, the secrets of which are not disclosed by manufacturers. Mass production of alcohol-free drinks began relatively recently. However, today it is a popular product; it occupies 8% of the alcohol market in Russia.

Which non-alcoholic beer is the most non-alcoholic?

According to Russian legislation, alcoholic products include everything that exceeds 0.5% of the volume of the finished liquid. But beer containing less than this will also be considered alcoholic, since in our country there is officially no other category.

Below we will present several suitable brands:

  • Bud Alcohol Free- an American drink, the declared strength of which is no more than 0.5%. The ingredients include water, rice, hops, yeast and malt. It has a good taste, but abundant foam indicates the presence of cobalt, which is harmful to health;
  • Baltika No. 0Premium- the oldest in our country. The ethanol content in it is no more than 0.5%. It is made using alcohol removal technology, therefore it retains the taste of the original product;
  • Bavaria Malt Premium non alcoholic- according to the manufacturers, it does not contain ethanol at all, since it is made using technology that does not involve fermentation. At the same time, it has a pleasant taste for this type of product;
  • And a brand that recently appeared on our market - Hoegaarden 0,0% . The brand claims 0% ABV, but customers report a sweet taste, which gives the product a not-quite-beer-like taste.

The choice today is huge, you can buy booze with a minimum degree or without it at all. It all depends on your preferences.

How to cook at home?

To make such a drink at home, you will need the same ingredients as when preparing beer with a degree. Just omit the yeast.

  • Place hops (100 g) in a pan of water and boil for 20 minutes;
  • Then leave to cool;
  • Malt decoction (1 liter) should be mixed with maltose (half a glass) and heated, but not boiled;
  • Combine the boiled hops with malt and leave to settle for a day. Then refrigerate for 48 hours;
  • After 3 days, strain, heat a little and add sugar (half a glass);
  • Place again in a cool place for 24 hours.

Done, you can drink. But keep in mind that the taste will not be for everyone. There is another option - to evaporate the alcohol from regular beer. Boil it over low heat for about 30 minutes and the hops will disappear almost completely.

Why is non-alcoholic beer harmful?

Many people think that since there is no degree, it means it is not harmful. Of course, this version of the intoxicating drink can cause less damage to the body. But instead of ethanol, they usually add a lot of chemicals: fusel oils, cobalt and others. There can be no benefit from this.

The harm is quite definable:

  • With frequent use, digestive problems cannot be avoided: gastritis, ulcers and cholecystitis can become your friends;
  • Hops, which in any case are in the “hot”, contain a certain amount of morphine. But it is not good for the heart and blood vessels;
  • In addition, hops contain phytoestrogens - non-steroidal compounds similar in structure to female hormones. As a result, men begin to develop fat in the abdominal and pelvic areas, their breasts become enlarged, and problems with potency begin;
  • Women develop the opposite reaction - male hormones dominate. If you drink constantly, you can provoke facial hair growth and deepening of your voice.

Of course, nothing will happen from one bottle, if you want, sometimes you can drink it. Just keep it in moderation, as in everything.

6 useful properties

Debates about harm and benefit have been going on for a long time. There are many supporters of one theory and the other. IN benefits of soft drinks The following arguments are given:

  • Malt is rich in B vitamins;
  • They are not that high in calories;
  • They can be drunk by those for whom alcohol is contraindicated;
  • Doesn't cause a hangover.

And some sources claim that they can even be drunk by children. But this is wrong. Doctors say that the rules of consumption are the same as for drinking with a higher degree:

  • Not for children;
  • Not for pregnant women;
  • Prohibited for kidney, liver and gastric pathologies.

Indeed, there are beneficial properties, but if you think about it, their effectiveness is questionable, and the harm has been scientifically proven.

How is non-alcoholic wine made?

Today, non-alcoholic wine appears on the shelves. It has a lot of advantages - it is good for health, helps reduce blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. It is made by removing alcohol from the composition. There are three known ways:

  • Filtration. The liquid is passed through a nano-filter that can separate the alcohol. At the same time, the wine is not heated, which preserves its original taste and color;
  • Heating. The wine is boiled and the ethanol gradually evaporates. However, with this technology, the taste noticeably changes, beneficial substances lose their properties;
  • Steam distillation, which absorbs fermentation products and removes them. In this case, the drink does not heat up, which means it does not lose its qualities.

Thus, when choosing wine, give preference to brands that have not undergone heat treatment. They may be a little more expensive, but the benefits and pleasure will be greater.

So, we found out how non-alcoholic beer is made and which of those present on the domestic market you can choose. But do not forget that it does no less harm and children should not drink it.

Video: the entire process of making non-alcoholic beer

In this video, technologist Artem Baranov will show how soft drinks are made at the plant, in particular beer:

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