Vladislav translated from Greek means. What does the name Vladislav mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate. What will the child named Vladislav be like?

Do you want to name a boy Vladislav? Then let's figure out what meaning it carries, what impact it has on the fate of its owner.

Vladislav. Name

The meaning of the name is “possessing glory.” It has Slavic roots. It is widespread in the post-Soviet space, but has never been particularly popular. Vladislav is affectionately called Vladik, Slava, Vlad, Vladichka.

What does a Child mean and his character?

Little Vladik loves his mother very much. He will wait until she tells a story before bed, and then he will want to discuss the events taking place in it. If she notices that her mother is in trouble, she will be able to feel sorry for her and console her. A chivalrous attitude towards women will be characteristic of him in adulthood. He will not bully the girls in the class, but will start courting the most beautiful one. He has a large number of friends and is a good student. He is drawn to fire, Vladik loves to make fires. Adults need to be more attentive to Vlad and not allow him to play with matches.

What does the name Vladislav mean for a man? Mature years

Slava has a keen sense of beauty, loves music, cinema, and can draw well. Knows how to communicate with people, will achieve success in those areas where interaction with them is required. Characterized by responsibility and hard work. He will make a good doctor or teacher. Tactfulness and intelligence will help Vladislav make a career in the diplomatic sphere, because in this profession it is not customary to say what you think.

Vladislav. Name

The meaning of the name “possessing glory” has a dual character for a man. Vlad is not a simple person. Most consider him open, strong, persistent. He will not argue with others and defend his opinion. He will behave the way people expect from him, while having his own point of view, which is radically different from what he says. Slava does not consider such behavior hypocrisy; disguise is his natural state. He understands others better than himself. Can be frank with his closest friends. Most likely, they will be shocked to realize how poorly they know him. This cannot be considered as Vladislav does not stoop to outright flattery and fawning.

Vladislav. in the character of the owner

Vlad has a subtle sense of humor, sometimes bordering on sarcasm. He is ironic, not so developed and educated people may take his words at face value. He is sensitive to injustice, but will worry deep inside, because he will not be able to show rudeness and harshness that would help him cope with the situation. He would rather listen to the victims and show sympathy than provide practical assistance.


Slava is in good health, it will help to support him proper nutrition, otherwise digestive problems may arise with age.

Vladislav. in the field of love and marriage

Vladislav will be put off by her rudeness and vulgarity. He will like a feminine, sophisticated young lady who needs support and protection. He is somewhat old-fashioned and believes that smoking and drinking are unacceptable for women. His marriage will be late. Unlike most men, he would rather be happy with his daughter than with his son. Will help his wife household. He loves it when home is cozy and calm; his home will become a safe haven for him. If the wife does not accept the real Vlad, he may go in search of another lady with whom he can relax and be himself.

Name compatibility

Vladislav will have a successful marriage with Lyudmila, Galina, Dina, Larisa. Relationships with Elena, Antonina, Natalya will not work out.

Forms named after Vladislav

Common name options: Vladya, Vladik, Vlad, Vladulya, Ladya, Lada, Vadya, Slava, Slavik. Synonyms for the name Vladislav. Ladislaus, Laszlo. Short and diminutive options: Vlad, Vladislavka, Vladik, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya, Vladya, Vlada, Ladya, Lada, Vadya. Patronymic: Vladislavovich, Vladislavich, Vladislavovna, Vladislavna.

Name Vladislav in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 弗拉季 (Fú lā jì). Japanese: ウラジスラフ (Urajisurafu). Korean: 되었습니다 (doeeossseubnida). Hindi: व्लादिस्लाव (Vlādislāva). Ukrainian: Vladislav. Thai: วลา (Wlā). English: Vladislav (Vladislav).

Origin of the name Vladislav

The name Vladislav is pagan. It means "possessing glory." There is another version of the origin of the name Vladislav - from Polish the name is translated as “good ruler”. Paired female name - .

The diminutive Lada has become independent female name. And the address Vladya (in some languages ​​it sounds like Vlada) is also an independent name.

Character of Vladislav

Vladislav is a smart and attentive boy. He may try diligently and for a long time to solve any problem without asking for help. But if he understands that help is simply necessary, he will come up and ask for help, not considering it shameful.

To many, Vladislav seems to be a simple person. But in reality it is not as simple as it seems. You will not be able to impose your opinion on him, even by putting pressure on him. At the same time, Vladislav will not defend his point of view with foam at the mouth, or enter into various polemics and debates, but this does not mean that he gives up his opinion. Vladislav is a strong-willed, strong and firm person. If he decides to do something, he will make every effort to carry out his plans.

Vladislav can behave differently with his family and in the company of friends. He can only share his problems with someone he trusts, and then this person can count on Vladik’s complete openness and frankness. It is impossible to become Vladislav's friend if you praise him and constantly flatter him. He is not afraid of the truth and is always ready to listen to it. His self-esteem does not allow him to fall in anyone's eyes, especially in his own.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color name: blue

Radiation: 89%

Planets: Mercury

Stone-mascot: topaz

Plant: carnation

Totemic animal: hare

Basic features character: talented, indecisive, impressionable

Additional characteristic name:

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.

Self-realization(character): 95%

Psyche: extrovert

Health Vladislav: .

Sexuality name Vladislav

Vladislav is rarely lonely. He strives for understanding and needs people who are able to listen to him. Vladislav is stimulated by sexual diversity, and he does not consider it immoral to frequently change his girlfriends. Hesitating about marriage, Vladislav delays it as long as possible. But if he still chooses a wife, he will have one for life.

He, earlier than others, tries to free himself from social and parental instructions and is introduced to sex early. His connections can be considered promiscuous. He simply does not believe in the ideal; he wants to enjoy communication with as many people as possible. a large number people. Vladislav sometimes lowers his requirements in choosing a sexual partner and reduces sex to a biological necessity, being content with the first partner he comes across.

Without knowing it, he often offends the woman in love with him with indifference and restraint. Vladislav is not experienced in sexual maneuvers, he is easy to defeat. In personal matters, he speaks openly about his intentions, and often this sincerity lets him down.

Never allow yourself to show disrespect for Vladislav's intelligence and individuality, do not give him a reason to think that he is just a tool for your pleasure. He won't tolerate this. He is curious, he wants to gain sexual experience in all its diversity, to try everything.

When he finally gets married, he expresses his sexual desires openly. However, if he is not satisfied with his wife, he rarely gets divorced, since he usually marries for convenience. But he can say directly and sharply that, if necessary, he will seek satisfaction with other women.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav according to B. Khigir

Translated from ancient Slavic - “owner of glory.” Vladislav has been very attached to his mother since childhood. He likes her to read fairy tales to him and then discuss what she has read with her. If Vladislav notices that his mother is upset about something, he will definitely try to console her and distract her from unpleasant thoughts. Vladislav’s caring attitude towards women remains with him throughout his life. At school, he is tactful in dealing with girls and never offends them. The object of increased attention is the most beautiful girl in class. Among Vladislav's favorite pastimes as a child was making small fires. He experiences a magical attraction to fire. Adults need to constantly monitor the boy so that he does not start a big fire. Vladislav has a highly developed sense of beauty. He can become a musician, artist, writer. He will achieve great success in professions that require the ability to communicate with people - a doctor, a teacher, a coach. Vladislav is hardworking and responsible. Among girls, Vladislav likes refined natures who need. protection and support in everyday life. And vice versa - sharp and rude character traits in a woman are especially unpleasant for Vladislav. He also cannot stand the smell of tobacco and alcohol coming from a woman. Vladislav loves his daughter more than his son. Prefers a calm, homely environment. Provides all possible assistance in housekeeping.

Horoscope named after Vladislav

According to the zodiac sign of the name Vladislav, Gemini corresponds, and the patron planet is Jupiter.

According to the horoscope, the pronunciation and meaning of the name Vladislav correspond to the following character traits: perseverance, willpower, flexible mind.

Name colors (not necessarily favorite): light green. Lucky color for Vladislav: brown.

The Vladislavs have two talisman stones: jasper and sard.

Positive traits of the name

Seriousness, diplomacy, poise, perseverance, endurance. Vladislav does not stoop to arguments and rarely raises his voice. He looks at everything from his own point of view, does not open his soul to everyone, does not share his innermost thoughts, but he is always open with close people, knows how to find an approach to a person, and become his ideological inspirer. Vladislav does not like bosses or any kind of power over himself. He knows how to maintain his independence without entering into open confrontation.

Negative traits of the name

Secretiveness, cynicism, arrogance. Vladislav suppresses his negative emotions, which find an outlet in a sarcastic attitude towards reality. He can be uncontrollable in his desires, he can relax and consciously lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Choosing a profession by name

Vladislav does not like to deviate from his intended goal. He can realize himself in politics, diplomacy, jurisprudence, and in any leadership job. Vladislav's analytical mind and creative talent lead him to recognition in the field of art.

The impact of a name on business

Vladislav will not lose his dignity in the fight for ranks and profits, but at the same time he knows how to avoid a difficult situation.

The influence of a name on health

Vladislav’s blood-forming organs are weakened, in particular the liver. A special diet is recommended. In summer, he needs to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.

Psychology of a name

Vladislav is not inclined to rush into the arms of the first person he meets. He knows how to hide his intentions, goals and mood. Vladislav does not allow jokes to be made on himself, and, despite his diplomacy, he can severely punish the “joker.” Vladislav needs to prove that he is right gradually, strictly adhering to logic. Under no circumstances should you raise your voice or be overly emotional.

Vladislav and pets

If Vladislav gets a dog, then, as a rule, he reads a lot of special literature on how to raise it, how to feed it, what vitamins are needed or vaccinations. In the future, he diligently adheres to all these rules, is very punctual and pedantic. He takes care of the dog himself and does not entrust it to his family. Vladislav enjoys spending time with her on a walk. He can join a kennel club and attend exhibitions. In any case, this person is a fan. He is unlikely to become a trainer, but he will raise his dog according to all the rules.

Winter Vladislav is tactful, attentive, and simple-minded. Autumn - with self-esteem, knows his own worth. They are more suited to raising dogs of the Rottweiler, European Husky, and Bulldog breeds.

Summer Vladislav is kind, sympathetic, selfless. Spring is gallant, pedantic, amorous. Dogs of the Sky Terrier and Fox Terrier breed are best suited for him.

The best relationship between Vladislav and his pet will develop if he names the dog: Bill, Nick, Count, Narcissus, Alma, Jenny, Simon, Hilda, Becky, Harry, Claude, Dola, Amanda.

Famous people with the name Vladislav

Vladislav Volkov (pilot-cosmonaut)
Vladislav Strzhelchik (Soviet and Russian actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
Vladislav Listyev (TV presenter and TV journalist, first general director of ORT)
Vladislav Tretyak (hockey player, goalkeeper, world and Olympic champion)
Vladislav Starkov (journalist, editor-in-chief weekly "AiF")
Vladislav Jagiello (Lithuanian prince, Polish king (c.1350–1434))
Vladislav Starevich (outstanding Russian and French director with Polish roots, creator of the world's first story films shot using puppet animation)
Vladislav Galkin (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2009))
Vladislav Illich-Svitych (Soviet comparative linguist)
Vladislav Dukhin (paratrooper, junior sergeant, Hero of the Russian Federation)
Vladislav Surkov (real name - Aslambek Dudayev; Russian statesman, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia)
Vladislav Dolonin (soldier, Hero of Russia)
Vladislav Piavko (Soviet and Russian opera singer (tenor), People's Artist of the USSR)
Wladyslaw Szpilman (Polish pianist and composer)
Vladislav Zaremba ((1833 - 1902) Ukrainian composer)
Vladislav Syrokormlya (pseudonym of the Polish poet Ludwik Kondratovich)
Vladislav Vančura (Czech writer, director, screenwriter)
Vladislav Khodasevich (Russian poet and critic)
Vladislav Radimov (Russian football player, midfielder, former player Russian national team (1994-2006), Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008))

The meaning of the name Vladislav is clear to the bearer of any Slavic language no translation. However, it is worth at least briefly explaining its origin.

Indeed, this name has two Slavic roots - “slav” (glory) and “vlad” (to own). But, for example, Wikipedia traces the origin of the word “Vladislav” from the Polish language, where it sounded like “Wolodislav”. For the Poles, in turn, the name Vladislav originated from the Czech Republic. The name is translated from Old Church Slavonic as “possessing glory,” however, it is sometimes translated from Polish as “glorious ruler” or “worthy ruler.”

Some historians of names trace the origin of the name even to German language, considering it a “tracing paper”, that is, a literal translation of the German “Waldemar”. This name also consists of two roots, which are translated as “king” or “lord” and “famous” or “glorious”.

The boy named Vladislav can be diminutively called Vadeya or Slava, Vladik or Rook. The shortened name Vlad is very popular, which in some cases can be independent.

In the Russian language, the name goes well with different patronymics, but there is an exception - if the dad’s name is Rostislav or Mstislav, then such a combination of name and patronymic will be very difficult to pronounce. Patronymics formed from short names - Olegovich, Igorevich, Petrovich - are much more suitable for him.

Balance and responsibility

What does the name Vladislav mean not only for its owner, but also for the people around him? What to expect from a boy and an adult man in communication, in relation to business, in the family aspect? To understand this, let's look at the following points:

  • What determines the character of a child, teenager, adult?
  • How does this affect the choice of life path?
  • What is the compatibility of Vladislav with female names?
  • When to celebrate name day?

The meaning of the name Vladislav for how his character is formed turns out to be very important from childhood. The boy is distinguished by a strong attachment to his mother, at the same time he grows up as a completely independent child and does not try to “hold on to his mother’s skirt.” Rather, the child's attitude towards his mother can be called tender deference and great respect.

Of great importance for Vladislav in childhood is creativity- little Vladik loves to draw, read, memorize poetry, and sings well. His open character makes it easy to communicate with him not only to older family members, but also to peers. Vladya - good friend, who will always come to the aid of a comrade, and his friends greatly appreciate his kind attitude towards them.

His persistent and hardworking character means that Slavik studies well at school, but he is not a “crammer” at all - it is not repeated repetition that helps him remember and assimilate information, but his developed mind and vivid imagination. This child is appreciated not only by school teachers, but also by his classmates - after all, he is tactful and well-mannered.

In adolescence and adolescence, Vladislav’s character becomes even more independent and independent. And if Vladik asked for help, it means he really really needs it.

As he grows up, Vladislav's character becomes very ambitious - and fate gives him tasks of the appropriate level. He loves when everyone's attention is focused on his thoughts and achievements. He achieves great heights in his career using exclusively honest methods.

He always sets a very high bar for himself - his fate and career develop favorably when he has the opportunity to solve complex problems. Vlads make good leaders in almost any field. But at the same time, few people will know what is in Vlad’s soul - he rarely shares his experiences, and then only with those closest to him, and this right must still be earned.

Craving for beauty

The name Vladislav gives its owner a special attitude towards the fair sex. Women with a tough character and a masculine worldview are not able to attract his tactful and sophisticated nature. Vlad, on the contrary, has good compatibility with fragile and tender girls, towards whom you need to show real masculine behavior - to protect and protect.

Of great importance for Vladislav is the absence of bad habits in his chosen one. And if fate brings him together with “the one,” he remains faithful to her all his life. How can one understand what Vlad’s compatibility is with the owners of different female names, which of them is his destiny, and from whom a man should stay away?

Name experts write that Vladislav has high compatibility with or Inga, and he should not start a relationship with or Lolita. However, these names are not found very often. And if we take, for example, such popular female names as Anastasia or Yulia, what should we do with them?

Vlad and are a completely suitable couple, they have good compatibility, and it’s as if a proverb was invented about them about cute people who only have fun when they scold. They can “let off steam,” sort things out, and five minutes later they’re hugging and smiling sweetly at each other. Yulia and Vladislav very rarely get seriously angry with each other, and complex problems decide shoulder to shoulder.

The compatibility of the names Vladislav and is of a different order. It is based on the fact that Nastenka may turn out to be exactly the princess who needs to be protected and protected. If Vlad fell in love with a girl named Anastasia, he will protect and pamper her, but this should not be abused - the compatibility of this couple has its limits.

Before the wedding, Vladislav can have more than one affair, even at the same time, but once he finds his legal wife, he settles down. He considers betrayal to be something so unworthy that he is unlikely to commit it even if given the opportunity.

When baptized in Orthodoxy, a child can be named Vladislav - according to church calendar His name day falls on October 7th. In Orthodoxy, this day is revered as the day of remembrance of the holy Serbian king. If parents want to give their son the full secular name Vlad, then at baptism he will still be called Vladislav. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Vladislav is an ancient Slavic masculine address, traditionally formed from two words that define its meaning: “possessing glory” or “possess and be famous.”

Origin of the name

One of the Old Slavic pagan nicknames that has survived to our time is the name Vladislav. The meaning of the name for a child suggests that he will grow up to be an influential and noble ruler. This name was popular in the old days among both Serbs and Slovaks - this is how princes and noble nobles were named.

General characteristics

Vladislav is a real tomboy; you won’t envy the little bully’s parents, because every now and then he tries to grab him in his hands sharp object, getting tangled in wires or playing with fire.
Growing up, Vlad spends a lot of time with the guys on the street. With friends he is always responsive and friendly. And Vladka has a sincere and trusting relationship with his mother: if he sees his parent in bad mood, tries in every possible way to console and cheer her up. The child tries to hide his true feelings from those around him; no one knows what he really is like, except for the closest people.
At school, Vladislav usually does well, despite his reluctance to do his homework. It is impossible to force Vladya to do anything; a special approach is needed to the boy. Parents will be able to smooth out harsh character traits if their child is surrounded by care and affection.

Positive character traits

One of Vladislav’s greatest advantages is his perseverance and optimism. In the most difficult ups and downs, when others give up, he does not lose faith in his own strength and hopes for a positive outcome.
In order to achieve results, the owner of the name is ready to work long and hard, analyze and correct his mistakes.
Being a kind person in life, Vlad does not like to argue or prove something, but he always sticks to his opinion. The dignity and calmness in his demeanor attracts reasonable, strong-willed people and scares away the unbalanced and weak.

Negative character traits

Kindness and sensitivity do not always serve the bearer of a princely nickname to his advantage. Having gained many friends thanks to his sincerity, he often meets people trying to take advantage of his kindness. Therefore, from childhood, Vladichka’s family should teach her to be selective towards unfamiliar people.
A man is uncontrollable in his desires, often giving slack to his feelings, he leads an unhealthy lifestyle. Vladislav marries quite early, but his feelings are not always mutual and love relationship fade away, leaving disappointment in the guy’s heart.

Zodiac sign

In childhood, a boy named Vladislav will cause his parents less trouble with his antics if he is born in the sign of Virgo.
The patron of the name, Mercury, will endow the boy with intellectual energy.
The color blue will have a calming effect on Vladislav.
Topaz will protect the owner of the name from the evil eye, and it will bring him happiness throughout life.


Vlad, Vladik, Vladka, Vladichka, Vladislavka, Vladislavushka, Slava, Slavka, Slavik, Slavochka, Slavushka. Vladya, Vadya.

Name options

Vlad, Vladislav, Ladislaus, Ladislas, Ladislao, Ladizlau, Ladislau, Laszlo, Wlodzislaw, Valdis.

Historical figures

OK. 1200 – 1264 – Serbian prince Stefan Vladislav I, known as St. Vladislav.
1431 – 1476 – Romanian prince Vlad the Impaler (known as Vladislav Dracula).
1833 – 1902 – Ukrainian pianist and composer Vladislav Zaremba.
1863 – 1930 – Polish architect Wladislav Gorodetsky.
1882 – 1965 – French and Russian director Vladislav Starevich.
1886 – 1939 – Russian poet Vladislav Khodasevich.
1911 – 2000 – composer and pianist from Poland Wladyslaw Szpilman.
1921 – 1995 – Soviet actor Vladislav Strzhelchik.
1935 – 1971 – Soviet cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov.
1956 – 1995 – journalist and TV presenter Vladislav Listyev.
1971 – 2010 – Russian actor Vladislav Galkin.
1985 – 2015 – Ukrainian singer Vladislav Levitsky.
Born 1995 - Russian singer Vladislav Ramm.
Born 1972 - Russian actor Vladislav Kotlyarsky.
Born 1952 - Soviet hockey player Vladislav Tretyak.
Born 1941 - opera singer Vladislav Piavko.
Born 1967 – Russian TV presenter, Latvian Valdis Pelsh.
Born 1975 - Russian football player Vladislav Radimov.

Short form of the name Vladislav. Vladya, Vladik, Vlad, Vladulya, Ladya, Lada, Vadya, Slava, Slavik.
Synonyms for the name Vladislav. Ladislaus, Laszlo.
Origin of the name Vladislav. The name Vladislav is Russian, Slavic, Ukrainian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Vladislav is of Slavic origin. It means "possessing glory." There is another version of the origin of the name Vladislav - from Polish the name is translated as “good ruler”. Paired female name - Vladislava.

The diminutive Lada has become an independent female name. And the address Vladya (in some languages ​​it sounds like Vlada) is also an independent name.

Vladislav is a smart and attentive boy. He may try diligently and for a long time to solve any problem without asking for help. But if he understands that help is simply necessary, he will come up and ask for help, not considering it shameful.

To many, Vladislav seems to be a simple person. But in reality it is not as simple as it seems. You will not be able to impose your opinion on him, even by putting pressure on him. At the same time, Vladislav will not defend his point of view with foam at the mouth, or enter into various polemics and debates, but this does not mean that he gives up his opinion. Vladislav is a strong-willed, strong and firm person. If he decides to do something, he will make every effort to carry out his plans.

Vladislav can behave differently with his family and in the company of friends. He can only share his problems with someone he trusts, and then this person can count on Vladik’s complete openness and frankness. It is impossible to become Vladislav's friend if you praise him and constantly flatter him. He is not afraid of the truth and is always ready to listen to it. His self-esteem does not allow him to fall in anyone's eyes, especially in his own.

Vladislava successful people. They have developed leadership qualities. The main ones are determination, thoughtfulness, the ability to see the big picture and the ability to make decisions. Vladislavs strive to be important people. The most common areas of work are energy and politics. Vladislav could become a scientist, but he wants to have results in the accessible, not the distant future.

Vladislav is a very attentive man. Before giving a gift to his beloved, he will try to find out from everyone around her, secretly from her, what she would like to receive as a gift. But he doesn’t stand on ceremony with his brothers and sisters. If he doesn’t know something, he’ll ask them directly about a gift or some event. Vladislav loves children, is very patient and can sometimes look like a nanny. But it won’t last long; at the first convenient opportunity, he will shift these responsibilities to someone else and run off to do something more interesting to him.

Sound. Vladislav is a rather long name, consisting of three syllables. Beauty is the main characteristic that stands out to him. Almost always they also note the strength (92%), masculinity (91%) and majesty (91%) of the sound of the name. Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Daniyar, Stanislav and Demyan.

Vladislav's name day

Famous people named Vladislav

  • Vladislav Volkov (pilot-cosmonaut)
  • Vladislav Strzhelchik (Soviet and Russian actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vladislav Listyev (TV presenter and TV journalist, first general director of ORT)
  • Vladislav Tretyak (hockey player, goalkeeper, world and Olympic champion)
  • Vladislav Starkov (journalist, editor-in-chief of the weekly AiF)
  • Vladislav Jagiello (Lithuanian prince, Polish king (c.1350–1434))
  • Vladislav Starevich (outstanding Russian and French director with Polish roots, creator of the world's first story films shot using puppet animation)
  • Vlad III Basarab ((1431-1476) Prince of Wallachia, known for his cruelty, therefore became the prototype of the literary hero - Count Dracula. In the family the prince had a family nickname - Vlad Dracula (i.e. “dragon”), after his death among his people also nicknamed Vlad the Impaler, noting his cruelty: he impaled people.)
  • Vladislav Galkin (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2009))
  • Vladislav Illich-Svitych (Soviet comparative linguist)
  • Vladislav Dukhin (paratrooper, junior sergeant, Hero of the Russian Federation)
  • Vladislav Surkov (real name - Aslambek Dudayev; Russian statesman, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia)
  • Vladislav Dolonin (soldier, Hero of Russia)
  • Vladislav Piavko (Soviet and Russian opera singer (tenor), People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Wladyslaw Szpilman (Polish pianist and composer)
  • Vladislav Zaremba ((1833 - 1902) Ukrainian composer)
  • Vladislav Syrokormlya (pseudonym of the Polish poet Ludwik Kondratovich)
  • Vladislav Vančura (Czech writer, director, screenwriter)
  • Vladislav Khodasevich (Russian poet and critic)
  • Vladislav Radimov (Russian football player, midfielder, former Russian national team player (1994-2006), Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008))

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