Team building training in the garden. Exercise “Line up according to your height!” Stage Development of emotional perception

The training is aimed at unity teaching staff, development of communication skills, emotional stability, self-confidence, friendly attitude towards each other. By performing training exercises, teachers learn to understand each other. The training motivates teachers to self-improvement, reflection, and mastery of the mechanisms of communicative competence.

Training objectives:

Formation of a favorable psychological climate

Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them

Developing the ability to work in a team

Group cohesion

Each participant’s awareness of his role and function in the group

Improve communication skills of teachers

Increase your mood for luck, happiness, kindness and success.

Required materials:

Sheets of A format - 4 according to the number of participants, pencils, felt-tip pens

Calm music for relaxation

Plates, jug of water

Checked leaves ballpoint pens by number of participants

Progress of the training:

Educational psychologist:

Dear colleagues! Today we will talk to you about the psychological climate of the team, as well as the importance of team cohesion.

Psychological climate- these are interpersonal relationships typical of labor collective, which determine his basic mood.

A plant may flourish in one climate, but wither in another. The same can be said about the psychological climate: in some conditions people feel uncomfortable, tend to leave the team, spend less time in it, their personal growth slows down, in others the team functions optimally and its members have the opportunity to fully realize their potential.

Building a psychological climate and team cohesion is the most important task not only for the administration, but also for each member of the team.

The climate is called favorable if an atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust and exactingness reigns in the team. If team members are ready to work, show creativity and achieve high quality, working without supervision and taking responsibility for the business. If everyone in a team is protected, feels involved in everything that is happening and actively engages in communication.

Exercise 1. “Greeting”

Purpose of the exercise: determine the purpose of a smile as a means of conveying a message

Task: greeting your communication partner with a smile

Instructions: today, instead of saying “hello,” we will greet each other with a smile. You have the right to choose different options smiles: sincere, arrogant, ironic, insincere.

Exercise Analysis:

1. By what signs did you guess that the smile is sincere, ironic, arrogant?

2. How did you feel when you received a smile instead of a greeting?

3. How often and in what situations do you usually use a smile to establish contact?

Exercise 2. “My mood”

Purpose of the exercise: expressing mood

Assignment: draw your mood at the moment

Instructions: On a sheet of format A - 4, depict your mood.

Let's arrange an exhibition of our moods, give our neighbor only good mood, accompanying the gift with the following words: “I give you my good mood...”, and then let it be yours sweet Nothing, an appeal that is usually addressed to your loved ones.

Exercise Analysis:

1. What did you like about this exercise?

2. What emotions did you experience when giving and receiving a “mood” in the form of a drawing?

Exercise 3. “Compliment”

Purpose of the exercise: creating a positive emotional attitude towards the interlocutor, mastering the technique of complimenting.

Task: come up with a compliment that matches personal qualities interlocutor.

Instructions: remember the words of B. Okudzhava

"Let's exclaim, admire each other,

There is no need to be afraid of high-flown words.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all happy moments of love...!

Today we will compliment each other. Choose a partner to complete the task. The exchange of compliments will take place in the form of dialogue. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also to return it.

For example:

Natasha, you are such a sympathetic person!

Yes, that's right! And also, I'm kind!

And you, Olya, have such beautiful eyes!

A compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And I also...(added positive quality) and the compliment is returned to the speaker.

Exercise Analysis:

1. What difficulties did you encounter while doing this exercise?

2. Were there any pleasant moments in the exercise, what were they?

Exercise 4. “Flower” (to music)

The purpose of the game: to help participants experience feelings of mutual support and trust, mutual understanding at a deep level.

Participants are divided into pairs, one of them represents himself as a bud. It describes its color, shape, and the soil in which it grows.

The second one imagines himself as a hero providing support to the bud.

He approaches the grouped bud from the back, gently clasps it with his hands, and begins to rock it.

The bud gains strength and “blooms.” Then the partners change places.

Exercise Analysis:

1. Tell us about your feelings after the exercise?

2. What difficulties did you encounter?

Exercise 5. “Plate with water”

Purpose of the exercise: to develop mutual understanding in the group, to understand and discuss the patterns of mutual assistance

Task: a group of participants, silently with their eyes closed, passes a plate of water around.

As a result, during the transfer, methods of communication develop, searching for the partner’s hands until the moment of passing the plate, and warning about the transfer by touch.

Exercise Analysis:

1.What, in your opinion, failed?

2. How can this be fixed, what needs to be done?

3. What emotions did you experience during this exercise?

Exercise 6. “Confidence Fall”

The purpose of the game: to bring group members closer together, to establish trusting relationships between them.

Psychological meaning of the exercise

Development of communication skills, cohesion among group members, trust.

This exercise provides an excellent opportunity to experience what trust is.

Assignment: standing with your back to your partners, fall into their arms. Conducted in turn with each group member.

Exercise Analysis:

1. What was easier to do, fall or catch?

2. How did you feel about this?

3. Is there real life situations where you experience similar feelings?

Participants tell what helped or, conversely, hindered the completion of the task. What did those who fell feel, and what did those who closed the circle feel?

Exercise 7. “What I learned”

Goal: reflection

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I learned...

I found out that...

I was surprised that.....

I liked it………

I was disappointed that...

The most important thing for me was….

Completion. Discussion in a circle:

What did I learn today...

What will I use in my work...

Thank you all for your active participation!!!

Used literature:

1. Moreva N. A. Training of pedagogical communication. Practical guide. M. 2009.- 78 p.

2. Stishenok I.V. Fairy tale in training: correction, development, personal growth. St. Petersburg 2006. - 176 p.

3. Fopel K. Psychological groups: Working materials for the presenter: Practical guide. M., 2005. - 256 p.

4. A manual for a beginning trainer, “I want to conduct training.” Novosibirsk, 2000. - 205 p.

Team building training

(workshop for teachers)


    Create a sense of community and integrity in the team.

    Prevention of professional burnout among teachers.

    Contribute to increasing the efficiency of the pedagogical process.


    Teachers of all categories

    Presenter (educator-psychologist)

Form: workshop

Scenario plan

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I chose the poem “Free Conversation” as the epigraph for today’s meeting:

- Shall we talk?

- About what?

- About various things and other things.

About what is good

And not very good.

You know something.

But I know something.

Shall we talk?

- Let's talk.

Suddenly it will be interesting.

Interpersonal relationships at work have a multifaceted impact on a person’s emotional state. The well-being of the emotional and psychological climate in the team determines whether a person will feel comfortable in the workplace and how productive and high-quality his work will be. Therefore, we will conduct our workshop with the goal of even greater unity, emotional emancipation, and diversity of our working days and receiving positive emotions.


As you know, any meeting begins with a greeting, I suggest you say hello to your colleagues in an unusual way:

“We greet with elbows”

Target: Establishing contact between participants, destroying the usual stereotypes of greeting, developing creativity.

Content: all participants count on 1, 2, 3. Participants from No. 1 fold their hands behind their heads so that their elbows are directed in different directions; No. 2 – rest their hands on their thighs so that their elbows are also directed to the sides; No. 3 – keep your arms folded crosswise on your chest, with your elbows turned to the sides.

After the participants take the starting position, they are asked to give a signal (the ringing of a bell) to say hello as best they can. a large number those present, saying: “Hello, how are you” and touching each other’s elbows.

It's great that you and I greeted each other. Now we would like to know why you came to this training and what you expect from it.

2. Game “Why are we gathered here today.”

Teachers are invited to take out pieces of paper from the basket, on which are written humorous answers to the question “Why did I come to the training.” And read them out.

3. Game "Magic glasses".

Participants stand in two circles facing each other. Host: “I have magic glasses through which you can see only the good that is in a person, even what a person sometimes hides from everyone. Let each of you try on these glasses, look at your colleagues and try to see as much good as possible in everyone, maybe even something you hadn’t noticed before.

4. Game "Airplane"

Teachers are divided into pairs.Pairs of participants take each other's hands and make a paper airplane with their free hands. At the end of the game, questions are asked: “Was it easy to complete the task? Have you tried to agree with each other, distribute who will do what and complete the task together?

5. Game "Confused"

The participants of the game stand in a circle, holding hands, then begin to get confused. When everyone gets completely confused, it turns out to be one big “beast”. After the “beast” has formed, the leader must ask the questions “Where is the beast’s head?”, “Where is the beast’s tail?”, “Where is the beast’s right?”, “Where is the beast’s left?” When all questions have been answered, the animal should begin to move. He must walk 5 steps forward, 5 steps back, the same number to the right and left. Then he must run a few meters (depending on the size of the room where the game is being played). This game will help improve the mutual understanding of its participants.

I invite you to take part in the Association game. This game will help you look at yourself from the outside and find out what character traits you have. You may not even know that you have these traits!

6. Game "Associations"

A driver is selected and leaves the hall for a while. The remaining participants “make a wish” for one of the people present here. The driver is invited and asks questions like:

If it were a tree (house, flower, weather, curtains, book, dog), which one?

Participants think, trying to imagine this person, and answer, for example: It would be a birch tree growing in an open field. The driver tries to understand which of them fits this definition.

7. Game “Heart of the Collective”

The outline of a large heart is drawn on whatman paper. Teachers are told that this is the heart of the team. But it is still empty, not filled, one might say lifeless. The sound of heartbeats is not yet audible. Let's fill this heart (positive wishes for your colleagues are written on small hearts, then they are glued to the outline of the big heart). Then they read it out loud. Now the heart of the collective is filled and can beat in unison with yours. Listen (snap your fingers once, then hit your chest with your palm once, another snap of your fingers and two claps of your palm on your chest, etc.)

The final part.

Reflection of the training. Exchange ideas, thoughts and feelings on a given topic. Summing up the results of the workshop.

Thank you for your attention until we meet again.

Larisa Razumkina
Game training to unite the teaching staff

Target training: unity groups and building effective team interaction.

Tasks training:

formation of a favorable psychological climate in team;

finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;

each participant's awareness of his role and functions in team;

developing the ability to work in a team;

uniting the team of teachers.

« Unity is an opportunity to become one united entity to achieve specific goals and objectives. In order to achieve our goals more effectively, we all need support, and you can get it in your group! After all, only close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories!”

Exercise “We greet with elbows”


All participants count on 1, 2, 3. Participants from No. 1 fold their arms behind their heads so that their elbows are directed in different directions; No. 2 – rest their hands on their thighs so that their elbows are also directed to the sides; No. 3 – keep your arms folded crosswise on your chest, with your elbows turned to the sides.

After the participants take the starting position, they are asked to (ringing the bell) greet as many people present as possible, saying your name and touching each other’s elbows.

Exercise "Associations"

Target: Establishing contact between participants, destroying the usual stereotypes of greeting, developing creativity.

The psychologist walks in a circle with a bag containing small objects. Each participant puts his hand into the bag and, without looking into it, takes any object. After everyone receives one item, the psychologist explains the conditions games: “You took some object out of the bag. Now you need to find in him the characteristics that unite him and your family. Let me give you an example. I got a plastic ball. The ball is round. There are no corners in it, which means there are no acute unsolvable problems. Our family always gathers around the table, round like this ball. This is what unites this ball and our family.”

Exercise "Counting to Ten"

Target: group cohesion, building trust

Progress of the exercise: On signal "started" Participants close their eyes, lower their heads and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that everyone needs to count together. Someone will say "one", the other person will say "two", the third one will say "three" and so on. However, there is one thing in the game rule: The word must be spoken by only one person. If two voices say "four", counting starts over. Try to understand each other without words.


What happened to you?

If it didn't work out, then why?

What strategy did you choose?

Exercise "Tower of Babel"

Progress of the exercise: Participants are divided into 3 teams. 7 people each. Each team member is given individual exercise: briefly written on separate sheets, each sheet is strictly confidential for one participant. For example, “The tower should have 10 floors”– a piece of paper with such an inscription is given to one participant training, he has no right to show it to anyone, he is obliged to make sure that the tower drawn together has exactly 10 floors! Second exercise: "The whole tower has a brown outline"– this is a task for the next participant. "A blue flag is flying above the tower", “There are only 6 windows in the tower” etc. Participants are prohibited from talking or using their voice in any way.

It is necessary to draw the Tower of Babel together. Lead time is limited (5-7 minutes).

Psychological meaning exercises: During the exercise, participants learn to coordinate their actions and interact as a team. Nonverbal communication skills develop.

Discussion: Was it difficult to complete the task? What did you find most difficult? Was the group interaction successful? Why?

Exercise "Elephant, Giraffe and Crocodile"

Participants stand in a circle. The leader is in the center of the circle. On the count of 1-2-3, he points to anyone and says "elephant", depicts a trunk, two neighbors put their ears up; "crocodile"- opens its mouth, neighbors - put their fins, "giraffe"- stretches out his hands, neighbors make spots. Whoever hesitates becomes the leader.

Exercise "Little Joys"

Write 3 small joys you experienced in the recent past

Discussion: - What surprised you about "joys" the person whose letter you received?

Did you see something in common with your own joys?

How did the exercise make you feel?

(Goal setting: It is important to allow yourself small and large joys from time to time without feeling guilty. Relevant for many teachers.)

Exercise "Coach"

The group needs to build a carriage from people present. Foreign objects cannot be used. During the task, the psychologist needs to observe behavior participants: who organizes the work, who others listen to, who? "roles" he chooses for himself in the carriage. The point is that every "role" speaks of certain qualities person:

the roof is people who are ready to support at any moment in a difficult situation;

doors - they are usually people with good communication skills (able to negotiate and interact with others);

seats - people who are not very active, calm;

riders - those who know how to travel at someone else’s expense, are not very hardworking and responsible;

horses are hard workers, ready "to carry" any job;

a coachman is usually a leader who knows how to lead.

If they choose the role of a servant who opens the door or rides behind the carriage, such people also have leadership qualities but they don't want to (can't) to show them, are more ready to provide rear support (or these are the so-called "gray cardinals").

After the carriage is ready, everyone sits in a circle, discusses what happened, and the leader explains to them the meaning of those "roles" which they chose.

Note: If a group is led and assigned roles by one person, then the values ​​​​mentioned above will not reflect the qualities of these people.

Exercise "Little Green Men". "Imagine that you went out to relax with your team to nature. You are in a meadow. There is a lot of green grass and flowers around. Butterflies are flying. A little further away there is a transparent, clean lake in which you just want to swim. The sun is pleasantly warming. And the coolest thing is that we are all here! Introduced? On my command you will go for a walk along this meadow: smell flowers, chase butterflies, bask in the sun. And when I I'll scream: “Attention! Little green men have attacked you!”, your task is to huddle together, hiding the weakest in the middle, and then in chorus shout: "Let's fight back the little green men!" Depending on how the group looks as a team during the exercise, it can be done several times, discussing their behavior after each.

1. What are your impressions of training? ___

2. In what ways were your expectations met/not met? training?


Didn't come true ___

3. Which exercise/task did you like best?


What psychological qualities did you develop while participating in training?

What feelings did you experience?

What new things did you learn about yourself and the group?

How will you use this knowledge?

What have you learned?

How will this be useful in the future?

What was important?

What are you thinking about?

What happened to you?

What needs to be developed for the future?

Ksenia Lebedeva
Team building training (workshop for teachers)

(workshop for teachers)


1. Create a sense of community and integrity in team.

2. Prevention of professional burnout teachers.

3. Promote efficiency pedagogical process.


2. Presenter (educational psychologist)

Form of conduct: workshop

Scenario plan

Good afternoon, dear Colleagues! I chose a poem as the epigraph for today’s meeting "Free conversation":

Shall we talk?

About various things and other things.

About what is good

And not very good.

You know something.

But I know something.

Shall we talk?

Let's talk.

Suddenly it will be interesting.

Interpersonal relationships at work have a multifaceted impact on a person’s emotional state. From the well-being of the emotional and psychological climate in depends on the team whether a person will feel comfortable in the workplace, how productive and high-quality his work will be. Therefore our workshop we will spend with the goal of even more unity, emotional liberation, variety of our working days and receiving positive emotions.

1. Greeting:

As you know, any meeting begins with a greeting, I suggest you say hello to colleagues in an unusual way:

“We greet with elbows”

Target: Establishing contact between participants, destroying the usual stereotypes of greeting, developing creativity.

After the participants take the starting position, they are asked to (ringing the bell) greet as many people present as possible, saying this: "Hi, how are you" and touching each other's elbows.

It's great that you and I greeted each other. And now we would like to know why you came to this training and what do you expect from him.

2. Game “Why are we gathered here today?”.

For teachers It is proposed to take out pieces of paper from the basket on which comic answers to the question are written "Why did I come to training» . And read them out.

3. Game "Magic glasses".

Participants stand in two circles facing each other. Leading: “I have magic glasses through which you can see only the good that is in a person, even what a person sometimes hides from everyone. Let each of you try on these glasses and look at your colleagues and will try to see as much good as possible in everyone, maybe even something that he had not noticed before.

4. Game "Airplane"

Teachers are divided into pairs. Pairs of participants take each other's hands and make a paper airplane with their free hands. At the end of the game they are asked questions: “Was it easy to complete the task? Have you tried to agree with each other, distribute who will do what and complete the task together?

5. Game "Confused"

The participants of the game stand in a circle, holding hands, then begin to get confused. When everyone gets completely confused, it will turn out to be one big "beast". After "beast" formed, the presenter must ask questions “Where is the beast’s head?”, “Where is the beast’s tail?”, “Where is the beast’s right?”, “Where is the beast’s left?”. When all questions have been answered, the animal should begin to move. He must walk 5 steps forward, 5 steps back, the same number to the right and left. Then he must run a few meters (depends on the size of the room where the game is played). This game will help improve mutual understanding between its participants.

I invite you to take part in the game "Associations". This game will help you look at yourself from the outside and find out what character traits you have. You may not even know that you have these traits!

6. Game "Associations"

A driver is selected and leaves the hall for a while. Remaining participants "make a wish" any of the people present here. The driver is invited and asks questions type:

If it were a tree (house, flower, weather, curtains, book, dog, then which one?

Participants think, trying to imagine this person, and answer, For example: It would be a birch tree growing in an open field. The driver tries to understand which of them fits this definition.

7. Game "Heart team»

The outline of a large heart is drawn on whatman paper. Teachers are told that what is the heart team. But it is still empty, not filled, one might say lifeless. The sound of heartbeats has not yet been heard. Let's fill this heart (positive wishes are written on small hearts for your colleagues, then they are glued to the outline of the large heart). Then they read it out loud. Now the heart team is full, and can beat in unison with yours. Listen (snap your fingers once, then hit your chest with your palm once, another snap of your fingers and two claps of your palm on your chest, etc.)

The final part.

Reflection training. Exchange ideas, thoughts and feelings on a given topic. Summing up the work within workshop.

Thank you for your attention until we meet again.

Training to unite teachers in kindergarten

"Together we are strong"

Dear Colleagues! Today we will talk to you about the importance team cohesion and about a comfortable psychological climate. Psychological climate is interpersonal relationships typical for work team, which determine his basic mood. The climate is called favorable if team There is an atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, and trust. If members team ready to work, show initiative, creativity and achieve high quality, working without supervision and taking responsibility for the work.

Dear Colleagues what do you think the word means? « unity» ? Unity is an opportunity to become one united entity to achieve specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when your friend understands and supports you colleague, it’s good to hear and help when this help is needed, how to understand each other well even without words. Close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories

- Cohesion this is a coincidence of interests, views, values ​​and orientation of the participants team; an atmosphere of psychological safety, goodwill, acceptance; active, emotionally rich joint activities aimed at achieving a goal that is meaningful to all participants

Target training: team building and building effective team interaction.

Tasks training: formation and strengthening of a common team spirit by bringing a group of people together; development of responsibility and contribution of each participant to the solution common tasks; awareness of oneself as a team.

Progress of the training:


Today we will take part in training, with the title "Together we are strong".

In every there are rules in training. Let us also develop our own rules...

Here and now (during training we only talk about what worries everyone right now, and discuss what is happening to us right here).

Addressing each other to "You" I speak only for myself. All statements must come from their own name: "I think.","I think."

Non-judgmental judgments.

The right to speak and the duty to listen


Rule "stop".


Educational psychologist: Let everyone give their "warm" in a circle, slightly squeezing and unclenching the hand of the participant standing next to him.

Exercise 1: “My name is...I do this...” Target: introduce group members to the greeting ritual, including participants in the work. The exercise can be done sitting or standing. Each participant in a circle says his name and shows some kind of movement with words: "I do this...". Each subsequent participant first repeats all the names and movements of the previous ones, and then calls his name and shows his movement. Thus, the last participant must repeat the names and movements of all other group members.

Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult?

Exercise 2: "Talking Hands"

Target: to create a feeling of trust and psychological comfort in a given group of people.

Participants form two circle: internal and external, standing facing each other. The leader gives commands, which the participants carry out silently in the resulting pair. After this, at the command of the leader, the outer circle moves to the right one step. Options for instructions to those emerging couples: Say hello using your hands.

Fight with your hands.

Make peace with your hands.

\Express support with your hands.

Feel sorry with your hands.

Express joy.

Wish you good luck.

Say goodbye with your hands.

Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult? Who found it difficult to convey information silently? For whom is it easy?

Exercise 3:

Target: removal of aggression. When throwing the ball to any person, we call him by name and we talk: “You and I are similar in that...”. (For example: that we live on planet Earth, we work in one team, etc. d.)

Discussion: What emotions did you experience during the exercise? What interesting things did you find out?

Exercise 4: "Bees and Snakes"

Educational psychologist: I want to invite you to play a game called "Bees and Snakes". To do this, you need to split into two approximately equal groups. Those who want to become bees, go to the windows; those who want to play on a team of snakes, go to the wall opposite. Each group must choose its own king. And now I will tell you the rules of the game. Both kings leave the hall and wait until they are called. I will hide two objects that the kings must find in the hall. The king of bees must find "honey" - this sponge. And the snake king must find the “lizard” - this pencil. Bees and snakes must help their kings. Each group can do this by making a specific sound. All bees should buzz. The closer their king gets to the "honey", the louder the buzzing should be. And the snakes must help their king by hissing. The closer the snake king gets to the "lizard", the louder the hissing should be. Now let the kings come out so I can hide the honey and the lizard. Bees and snakes can take their positions. Pay close attention to how far your king is from the target. Then you can easily tell him help: buzz or hiss loudly when it approaches the target and quietly when it moves away. Please, remember: You are not allowed to speak during the game.

Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult? Which stage was the most interesting?

Exercise 5: Breathing exercise "SEVEN CANDLES"

Target: relaxation. - Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You are calm, comfortable and comfortable... You breathe deeply and evenly... Imagine that there are seven burning candles at a distance of about a meter from you... Take a slow, as deep breath as possible. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow as hard as possible in its direction, exhaling completely. The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out... You again take a slow, deep breath, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven...” The exercise is best performed with calm, quiet music, in a darkened room.

Discussion: How did the participants’ condition change as they completed this exercise? Where in real life situations Could it be useful to have this kind of technology?

Exercise "Monotypes" Participants apply gouache colors in random order on the glass. Then they make prints on a sheet of whatman paper and finish the picture with felt-tip pens. Painting is being discussed: how similar the names were, what feelings arose when you saw the work, whether you liked drawing.

Target: positive ending training, reflection.

Let's reward ourselves for successfully participating in applause training!

Now, in a circle, answer the following: questions: What was important to you today? What feelings did you experience?

Final stage: "Parting".

Educational psychologist: Thank you everyone for participating! It was very interesting and pleasant for me to work with you.

Purpose of the training: psychological training is aimed at uniting the teaching staff, developing communication skills, emotional stability, which is very important, self-confidence, and a friendly attitude towards each other. By performing training exercises, teachers learn to understand each other. The training I developed motivates teachers to self-improvement, reflection, and mastery of the mechanisms of communicative competence.

Training objectives:

Formation of a favorable psychological climate;

Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;

Development of the ability to work in a team;

Group cohesion;

Each participant’s awareness of his role and function in the group;

Improve the communication skills of teachers;

Increase your mood for luck, happiness, kindness and success.

Required materials for training:

Sheets of A-4 format according to the number of participants, colored pencils or wax crayons;

Calm music for relaxation;

Progress of the training


“Dear colleagues! Today we will talk to you about the psychological climate of the team, as well as the importance of team cohesion.

Psychological climate is, as you know, interpersonal relationships typical of the work collective, which determine its basic mood.

A plant may flourish in one climate, but wither in another. The same can be said about the psychological climate of the preschool teaching staff educational institution: in some conditions, teachers feel uncomfortable, tend to leave the team, spend less time in it, their personal growth slows down, in others, the team functions optimally and its members get the opportunity to fully realize their potential (which is what we strive for).

Creating emotional well-being in the teaching staff and team cohesion is the most important task not only for the administration, but also for each member of the team.

The psychological climate is called favorable if an atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust and mutual understanding reigns in the team. If team members are ready to work, show creativity and achieve high quality, working without supervision and taking responsibility for the work. If everyone in a team is protected, feels involved in everything that is happening and actively engages in communication.”

After all, how good it is when your colleague understands and supports you, how good it is to hear and help when this help is needed, how well to understand each other even without words. A close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.

Today we will take part in a training called “Together”.

There are rules in any training. Let's get acquainted with these rules . (Slide No. 1)

    Here and now (during the training we only talk about what worries everyone right now, and discuss what is happening to us right here).

    I speak for myself.

    Listen carefully to each other.

    Don't interrupt the speaker.

    Respect each other's opinions.

    Non-judgmental judgments.


    Stop rule.

    Confidentiality (everything that happens here is not shared outside the group under any pretext).

    1. Exercise “Compliment”

Purpose of the exercise: creating a positive emotional attitude towards the interlocutor, mastering the technique of complimenting.

Assignment: come up with a compliment that matches the personal qualities of the interlocutor.

Instructions: the psychologist recites lines from the poem:

"Let's exclaim, admire each other,

There is no need to be afraid of high-flown words.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all happy moments of love...!

Today we will compliment each other. The exchange of compliments will take place in the form of a dialogue in a circle. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also to return it.

For example:

Tanya, you are such a sympathetic person!

Yes, that's right! And also, I'm kind!

And you, Sveta, have such beautiful eyes!

A compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And I…(a positive quality is added) and the compliment is returned to the speaker.

Exercise Analysis:

1. What difficulties did you encounter while doing this exercise?

2. Were there any pleasant moments in the exercise, what were they?

    Exercise “TALKING HANDS”

Goal: emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants.

Participants form two circles: inner and outer, facing each other. The leader gives commands, which the participants carry out silently in the resulting pair. After this, at the command of the leader, the outer circle moves to the right one step.

Options for instructions to the resulting pairs:

    Say hello using your hands.

    Fight with your hands.

    Make peace with your hands.

    Show support using your hands.

    Feel sorry with your hands.

    Express joy.

    Wish you good luck.

    Say goodbye with your hands.

Exercise Analysis:

    What was easy, what was difficult?

    Who found it difficult to convey information silently?

    For whom is it easy?


We form two circles, external and internal, and begin to talk to each other on a given topic.

  • hobbies;

  • May holidays;

Exercise Analysis:

    Did you learn anything new from the conversation, if so what?


Goal: removing aggression.

When throwing the ball to any person, we call him by name and say: “You and I are similar in that...”. (For example: that we live on planet Earth, we work in the same team, etc.)

Exercise Analysis:

    What emotions did you experience during the exercise?

    What new things have you learned about others?

    What interesting things did you find out?

Exercise "Find out the drawing" (do you know each other well)

Goal: to help participants get to know each other more deeply; create motivation to work together.

Question: “How long have you been working together and do you know each other well? »

After the participants’ answers, the following instructions are given: “Please draw a portrait of yourself in 5 minutes, how you see yourself, in order to say: “This is me.” There is no need to sign the drawings.”

Exercise Analysis:

      What is this person like?

      Who could it be?

    Meditation “Mountain Peak”"(5 minutes)

The purpose of this visualization meditation is to help a person enter a dissociated state in order to see and understand their problems as if from the outside. This allows you to significantly mitigate negative experiences and find new, unexpected ways to resolve problems. Thanks to this, the “Mountain Peak” psychotechnics help increase self-confidence.

Imagine that you are standing at the foot of a huge mountain. You are surrounded by stone giants on all sides. Maybe it's the Pamirs, Tibet or the Himalayas. Somewhere in the heights, lost in the clouds, the icy peaks of the mountains float. How wonderful it must be up there! You wish you were there. And you don't have to reach the top by climbing difficult and dangerous steep slopes, because you... can fly. Look up: a dark moving cross is clearly visible against the sky. This is an eagle soaring over the rocks... A moment - and you yourself become this eagle. Having spread your mighty wings, you easily catch the elastic currents of air and glide freely in them... You see torn, ragged clouds floating below you... Far below - toy groves, tiny houses in the valleys, miniature men... Your vigilant the eye is able to discern the smallest details of the picture unfolding in front of you. Take a closer look at it. Take a closer look...

You hear the soft whistle of the wind and the sharp cries of small birds flying past. You feel the coolness and gentle elasticity of the air that holds you high. What a wonderful feeling of free flight, independence and strength! Enjoy it...

It is not difficult for you to reach any peak that is highest and inaccessible to others. Choose a convenient area for yourself and go down to it, so that from there, from an unattainable height, you can look at what remains there, far away, at the foot of the mountains... How small and insignificant the problems that trouble you seem from here! Evaluate whether they are worth the effort and stress you have experienced! The calmness bestowed by altitude gives you impartiality and the ability to delve into the essence of things, to understand and notice what was inaccessible there, in the bustle. From here, from above, it is easy for you to see ways to solve the issues that have been tormenting you... The necessary steps and the right actions are realized with amazing clarity... Pause.

Take off again and experience the amazing feeling of flying again. Let it be remembered for a long time by you... And now again be transported to yourself, standing at the foot of the mountain... Wave your hand goodbye to the eagle soaring in the sky, which made a new perception of the world available to you... Thank him...

You are here again in this room. You have returned here after your amazing journey...

Stage 6. Final


Goal: positive completion of the training, reflection.

Let's think about what you could give to your group to make interaction in it even more effective and relationships in it more cohesive? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust . Next, each participant expresses what he would like to give to the group. Let's reward ourselves for a successful swim with applause!

Now answer the following questions in a circle:

    What was important to you today?

    What feelings did you experience?

    Do you need such training in the future?

Well, all the gifts have been given, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. You were all active and worked well as a team. Don’t forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thanks everyone for participating!

Memo to the teacher

    Try to look at things optimistically;

    Find time to be alone with yourself;

    Don't let others demand too much from you;

    Don't try to pretend that you like something you don't like;

    Don't put too much pressure on your children;

    Try to say “I can’t do this” less often;

    Take advantage of the opportunity to give a speech;

    Watch your diet and figure;

    Allow yourself “little feminine joys”;

    Don't forget that you are beautiful.

KGKP Kindergarten No. 10 “Ladushki”

Training to unite teachers in kindergarten “Together”

Prepared by: educational psychologist Ryzhkova E.N.

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