George Bush Jr. in computer games. Domestic policy of the government of George W. Bush. Strategic weapons and refusal to stop nuclear testing

Born July 6, 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut, father is the 41st President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush. The first education in Bush's biography was received at Phillips Academy. He then studied at Yale University, where he received a bachelor's degree in 1968.

After graduating from university he began to serve in National Guard. After completing his military service, he entered Harvard Business School in 1973. There he received the title of MBA - Master of Business Administration.

In 1994, the biography of George Bush included the position of governor of Texas. He became governor of Texas for the second time in 1998, receiving widespread support from citizens.

The first action after receiving the presidency in 2001 was to cut taxes. Bush expressed his negative attitude towards Iraq already in 2001, when he confirmed air strikes. After the tragedy of September 11, 2001, Bush began to wage a war on terrorism, and in 2003, under the pretext of getting rid of weapons of mass destruction, he began a war with Iraq.

In November 2004, Bush won the second presidential election. From 2001 to 2005, Condoleezza Rice served as his national security adviser. In 2005, insufficient assistance to citizens during the New Orleans flood further undermined the authority's authority. In 2008, Barack Obama won the next election, and was inaugurated in January 2009.

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At the same time, their history is full of scandals and very well illustrates the metamorphoses of the capitalist world, when ties between crime and government, between odious movements and influential clans are strong. Everything that will be below is a subjective processing of the information available on the network, perhaps some arns are distorted.

The family gave the country a governor, a senator, and two presidents. How did she achieve this?

There are two versions of how the Bush ancestors came to America. According to the first of them, the progenitor of the family sailed there in 1620 on the Mayflower ship. The second version says that the great-grandfathers of George Walker Bush Jr. appeared on the continent only in the second half of the 19th century.

Be that as it may, the scandals associated with this clan began with Prescott Sheldon Bush, born in 1895 in the family of entrepreneur Samuel Bush. Prescott, pushing off material base father, achieved a lot: he became a director of the Union Banking Corporation (UBC), a US senator from Connecticut from 1952 to 1963. He died in 1972, and 30 years later the archives of the US Library of Congress were declassified. According to them, the bank headed by Prescott financed the German fascists from 1923 to 1939. Hitler, Goering and Goebbels had accounts in it.
The Bushes are not afraid to get their hands dirty, they are not afraid of dubious connections. Why? There are good connections in the media, there is influence on public opinion.

George Bush Sr.(son of Prescott) – Congressman, diplomat, CIA director, vice president and 41st president of the United States. Born in 1924. At age 17, he became a Navy pilot, served until the end of the war, then, like his father, graduated from Yale University. Became a millionaire at the age of 40, working in the oil business. He has a scandalous reputation, just like his father. He was a co-owner of Kuwaiti companies.

Noticed in connections with dictators of the Middle East and Central America, in financing extremists. Under President Carter, he supported the Panamanian dictator Noriega. And under Reagan he was vice president, and together with him he secretly supported the head of Iraq, Hussein, supplying him with weapons and information about Iran. In 2015, George HW Bush works for The Carlyle group. This company is an economic adviser to the Saudi Bin Laden clan.

His son George Walker Bush Jr.(grandson of Prescott), Governor of Texas and 43rd President of the United States. Born in 1946. Like grandfather and father, he graduated from Yale University. During his presidency, on September 11, 2001, the terrorist attacks occurred in New York. Bush Jr. immediately declared war on terrorism: the United States sent troops to Afghanistan and Iraq. And in the USA taxes were reduced and reforms were carried out.

An extremely interesting character. A very talented person, despite the image of a “fool” that has developed in the media. He managed to get rich without family money, amassed political capital, which he already multiplied with the help of his family.

His younger brother - Jeb Ellis Bush- Governor of Florida. He is running for office, despite the fact that, according to some media outlets, he was seen in money laundering and collaboration with dubious businessmen from Latin America and with representatives of the Cuban drug mafia.

Reasons for success

There are several reasons for the “unsinkability” and prosperity of the Bush clan.

The first is the solid “foundation” laid by Samuel and Prescott in business and politics. After all, even in a country of equal opportunities, it is easier to start not “from scratch”, having useful connections developed by ancestors, methods of doing business and promoting on the political Olympus.

The ability to receive benefits, without disdaining any means, without fear of tarnishing their reputation, also always helped the Bushes. For example, financing fascist Germany, tacit support for Islamists who later organized terrorist attacks in New York.

The personal qualities of the Bushes also played an important role in the success of the clan: sociability, leadership abilities, and entrepreneurship. For example, while still studying at Yale University, both grandfather and father, and George W. Bush himself were presidents of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity and members of the secret society “Skull and Bones”. There they also established friendly relations with future partners in politics and business. Such friends often hid scandals involving one of the Bushes.

Another reason for success is using the capabilities of relatives. For example, George Bush Sr. returned from politics to business in 1993, and used the position of his son-president to earn millions in earnings.

George Walker Bush, who became the forty-third President of the United States, served from January 20, 2001 to January 20, 2009. Bush was the first child of retired naval aviation pilot George Herbert Bush. After Phillips Academy Jr. Bush received a bachelor's degree in history from Yale University, where he did poorly academically but was a popular student.

George W. Bush served as a pilot in the National Guard for several years, then attended Harvard Business School, where he received a Master of Business Administration degree. Entering politics, George participated in his father's election campaigns, and in 1994 he became governor of Texas. Here he showed himself to be an effective politician who knows how to cooperate with the opposition. He was re-elected as governor in 1998, becoming the first Texas politician to serve a second term after his first.

In the election of November 7, 2000, Bush narrowly defeated Al Gore, the Democratic candidate. The election results were disputed by Gore and involved recounts and litigation.

In his inauguration speech, George W. Bush promised social security reforms and tax cuts. Bush's cabinet included a variety of politicians: both liberals and hard-line conservatives. The federal budget presented in February 2001 included tax cuts, as well as increased funding for the educational sector and the military. In June, Congress passed a tax cut program.

After negotiations with China regarding the release of the pilots of a reconnaissance plane that landed on Chinese territory and a wave of bioterrorism (envelopes with anthrax virus sent to offices), George W. Bush announced the creation effective system ABM and outlined the “Axis of Evil.” He also froze genetic research.

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, which claimed three thousand lives, the United States demanded that the Afghan Taliban hand over Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden. By the end of the year, the Taliban forces were defeated, and the Northern Alliance mujahideen group established control over Afghanistan.

The Office of Homeland Security appeared in the States, the purpose of which was to combat terrorism. This organization received unlimited rights in relation to persons suspected of terrorism. Also in 2001, the United States announced its withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which, however, did not meet with explicit condemnation from the Kremlin.

In 2003, the government of George W. Bush initiated the invasion of Iraq to overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein. Bush said Iraq was allegedly hiding weapons of mass destruction from UN inspectors, and Saddam Hussein was linked to al-Qaeda. This was the reason for the invasion. Even countries that supported the US invasion of Afghanistan found the evidence presented unconvincing and refused to participate in this war on the US side.

The United States crushed the resistance of regular Iraqi troops in a few weeks, but this war hit Bush's image hard, lowering his rating before the next elections. The public believed that the United States did not have convincing evidence of Iraq's nuclear power, and that the invasion of the country was simply a political gamble by Bush to increase his political rating. As a result of the war, American oil companies received the right to extract oil in Iraq, and weapons began to be produced there for the needs of the American army.

Despite the dissatisfaction of many, in 2004 Bush again won, this time over Democrat John Kerry. The flooding in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina in August and September 2005 was a further blow to George W. Bush's political image. Then the timely evacuation of residents was not carried out, and 80% of the city was flooded, and several hundred people became victims. On the eve of the hurricane, residents were asked to leave New Orleans, but not everyone had sufficient funds to do so. As a result, the Republican Party suffered a fiasco in the 2006 elections.

In 2007, George W. Bush actively advocated for the deployment of US missile defense in the territories Eastern Europe, and also spoke out for the early entry of Ukraine and Georgia into NATO. The global financial crisis of 2008 hit President Bush hard.

The years of George W. Bush's reign were marked by the United States' global war against international terrorism, the mortgage crisis, and the "Bushisms" that became popular among the people.

Although Bush was a fairly popular head of the US government during his first term, the policies of George W. Bush in his second term ensured his ratings continued to fall. As a result, the younger Bush went down in US history as the most unpopular president, handing over to his successor a weakened country and a budget deficit of $200 billion.

In 2009, Barack Obama replaced Bush, and George returned to Texas, where he took up social activities and wrote a book of memoirs, which immediately became a bestseller upon its release in 2010.

Wikipedia has articles about other people with this last name, see Bush.

George Walker Bush
George Walker Bush
43rd President of the United States
January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2009
Vice President: Richard "Dick" Cheney
Predecessor: William "Bill" Clinton
Successor: Barack Obama
46th Governor of Texas
January 17, 1995 - December 21, 2000
Lieutenant Governor: Bob Bullock
James "Rick" Perry
Predecessor: Ann Richards
Successor: James Richard "Rick" Perry
Citizenship: USA
Religion: Methodist Protestant
Birth: July 6, 1946 ( 1946-07-06 ) (68 years old)
New Haven (Connecticut), Connecticut (USA)
Father: George Herbert Walker Bush
Mother: Barbara Bush
Spouse: Laura Bush
Children: daughters: Barbara and Jenna
Party: US Republican Party
Education: Yale University (BA)
Harvard Business School (MBA)
Military service
Years of service: 1968-1973
Affiliation: USA USA
Type of troops: Texas Air National Guard
Rank: 1st Lieutenant

George Walker Bush(English) George Walker Bush [ˈdʒɔrdʒ ˈwɔːkər ˈbʊʃ]; July 6, 1946, New Haven, Connecticut, USA) - American Republican politician, 43rd President of the United States from 2001-2009, Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000.

Son of the 41st President of the United States, George H. W. Bush, also known as George W. Bush. He graduated from Yale University in 1968 and Harvard Business School in 1975. Served in the Air National Guard from 1968 to 1974. In 1994 he was elected governor of Texas, and in 1998 he was re-elected for a second term. In 2000, he defeated then-Vice President Al Gore in the presidential election.

A few months after Bush took office, a series of major terrorist attacks occurred in the United States on September 11, 2001, in response to which Bush declared a global “war on terrorism.” That same year, the United States invaded Afghanistan and Iraq in 2003. In addition to national security issues, Bush introduced a series of reforms in the areas of health care, education and social security, and seriously cut taxes.

In 2004, Bush was successfully re-elected to a second term, defeating Democratic Senator John Kerry. In 2005, the Bush administration was criticized for its mismanagement of the Hurricane Katrina crisis. In December 2007, the United States entered the largest recession since World War II, which forced the presidential administration to intervene more actively in the economy, implementing a set of measures to stimulate its growth.

Although Bush was a popular president during his first term, his ratings declined steadily during his second. In 2009, he was replaced as president by Barack Obama. Bush returned to Texas and is currently engaged in social activities. In 2010, he published his memoirs, which were published by Crown under the title Turning Points. The book immediately topped the bestseller lists. In Russia, Bush's memoirs were published in September 2011 by the OLMA Media Group publishing house.

Early years

Lt. George W. Bush in the Texas Air National Guard

George Walker Bush Jr. was born on July 6, 1946 in New Haven (Connecticut) in the family of retired naval aviation pilot George Herbert Walker Bush and Barbara Bush. George was their first son, Pauline was born in 1949 (died in 1953 from leukemia), Jeb in 1953, Neil in 1955, Marvin in 1956, and Dorothy in 1959. George's grandfather, Prescott Sheldon Bush, was a senator from Connecticut from 1952-1963.

Bush Jr. spent his childhood in Midland (Texas). After George graduated from 7th grade, his family moved to Houston. Bush studied there for two years. private school"Kinkaid" for preparation for entering the university. He began his education at Phillips Academy. In 1968 he received a bachelor's degree in history from Yale University, where he studied averagely, but was popular.

From 1968-1973 he served in the National Guard. He was an F-102 pilot in the Texas Air National Guard.

In 1973-1975 he studied at Harvard Business School and received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. Then he returned to Midland, where he worked in the oil industry until 1986. Several times he actively participated in his father’s election campaigns and served as his adviser. In 1977 he ran for election to the US House of Representatives. In 1989, together with several partners, he bought the Texas Rangers baseball club.


Became the 46th Governor of Texas on November 8, 1994, when he received 53.5% of the vote. In this position, he gained a reputation as an effective politician who knew how to cooperate with the opposition, taking the position of “compassionate conservatism” (that is, not a complete rejection of social programs), advocated a more active role of the church (different denominations) in social work, achieved support from many of the state's prominent Democrats. Was elected governor again on November 3, 1998, with a record high number votes and became the first governor of Texas to be elected to a second term immediately after the first. He was criticized by Democrats in Texas and other states for signing several death warrants for convicts while he was governor.


First term

In 1999, he decides to run for President of the United States. In one of the most controversial presidential elections in the country's history, on November 7, 2000, the candidate from Democratic Party Albert Gore. During the election campaign, Bush played up the details of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal in every possible way, which brought him success. He became the second president in US history (after John Q. Adams) to occupy this post after his father. Bush also holds another record (along with the same Adams Jr. and two other presidents of the 19th century: Rutherford Hayes and Benjamin Harrison) - the candidate who received the majority of electoral votes, but lost in terms of the number of citizen votes received (by more than 0.5 million people ).

George Walker Bush in infancy

George Bush with his twin daughters and wife. 1990

In his inaugural speech, Bush promised to reform Social Security and Medicare and reduce the tax burden. The Bush Cabinet consisted of politicians of various stripes and views, from social democrats (“liberals” in American political jargon) to hardline conservatives. In February 2001, the President presented a federal budget ($1.96 trillion) that included tax cuts, increased spending on education and armed forces. During the same period, the first signs of a recession in the US economy occurred. Despite the criticism, Congress passed a powerful tax cut program in June 2001 ($1.35 trillion).

In April, the administration had to conduct difficult negotiations with China over the release of pilots forced to land a reconnaissance plane on Chinese territory. At the end of the same year, bioterrorism swept across the United States, several envelopes with anthrax were sent to offices. In 2001, George Bush announced the early creation of a full-fledged missile defense system, and a year later he outlined the so-called “Axis of Evil.” Bush also froze further research projects in the field of stem cells.

As a result of the events of September 11, 2001, about 3 thousand people died. Accused of organizing these terrorist attacks, the Saudi millionaire Osama bin Laden, according to US intelligence services, was hiding in Afghanistan, and the US administration demanded that the Taliban extradite him. Bush responded to the refusal: “ We'll smoke them out of their holes... and bring them to justice or bring justice to them" As a result of active diplomatic efforts and military preparations, the United States managed to create an unprecedented coalition for military operations in Afghanistan, and by the end of 2001, with the support of airstrikes and American units, a group of Mujahideen called the Northern Alliance established control over Afghanistan and created a government of national unity, and the main Taliban forces were defeated.

To combat terrorism in the United States, the Office of Homeland Security was created, which received almost unlimited rights in relation to persons suspected of terrorism. In December 2001, the United States announced its withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which did not cause serious condemnation from Russia.

In 2003, Bush launched an attack on Iraq to overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein. The pretext for war was Bush's statement about the presence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, which were allegedly hiding from UN inspectors, and Saddam's connections with al-Qaeda. Many countries that supported the invasion of Afghanistan found the evidence presented by the United States inconclusive and refused to take the US side in this war. Despite the fact that the United States again demonstrated its military power, breaking the resistance of regular Iraqi troops within a few weeks, the war received a very mixed assessment from the world community and the US population. Further events, which showed the powerlessness of the American administration in Iraq in the face of a wave of terrorist attacks organized by opponents of the presence of the United States and other powers in the country, and an increase in crime, sharply reduced Bush's rating on the eve of new elections. In addition, statements by official and unofficial persons began to appear that the United States did not have any reliable evidence of the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and Saddam’s connections with al-Qaeda at the start of the war and that the invasion of Iraq was a political adventure by Bush in order to increase his domestic rating, decreased as a result of his unsuccessful economic policies, allowing American oil companies to extract oil in Iraq, and awarding large contracts for the production of weapons to private corporations for the needs of the US army in Iraq. In the documentary and journalistic film by Michael Moore “Fahrenheit 9/11”, this very reason (pressure on the president of the oil lobby, with which he has long-standing friendly and business relations) is named among the main reasons for starting the war.

Second term

On November 2, 2004, he defeated the Democratic candidate, junior senator from Massachusetts, John Kerry, in the 2004 presidential election.

A new blow to Bush's image was the flooding in New Orleans as a result of Hurricane Katrina in late August - early September 2005, when 80% of the city was flooded; Due to the fact that insufficient measures were taken to evacuate the city in a timely manner before the hurricane, the number of victims amounted to several hundred people. Before the hurricane, residents of New Orleans were asked to leave the city, but a large part of the population did not have sufficient funds to do so. In November 2006, the Republicans suffered a crushing defeat in the midterm elections.

In 2007, he was an active supporter of the deployment of US missile defense elements in Eastern Europe, and also advocated the early entry of Georgia and Ukraine into NATO.

In August 2008, he spoke out in defense of Georgia during the Russian-Georgian conflict; On September 23, 2008, speaking at the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly, he accused Russia of violating the UN Charter, saying, in particular:

« The Charter of the United Nations affirms the “equality of rights of great and small states.” Russia's invasion of Georgia was a violation of these words. Young democracies around the world are watching to see how we respond to this challenge. The United States worked with its allies in multilateral institutions such as the European Union and NATO to maintain Georgia's territorial integrity and provide humanitarian assistance. And our states will continue to support Georgian democracy.»

Original text(English)

The United Nations Charter sets forth the “equal rights of nations large and small”. Russia’s invasion of Georgia was a violation of those words. Young democracies around the world are watching to see how we respond to this test. The United States has worked with allies in multilateral institutions like the European Union and NATO to uphold Georgia’s territorial integrity and provide humanitarian relief. And our nations will continue to support Georgia’s democracy.


On May 10, 2005, on Freedom Square in Tbilisi, Vladimir Harutyunyan threw a grenade in the direction of the podium where the presidents of Georgia and the United States were located. The grenade was brought into combat condition, but did not explode.

Incident at a press conference

Main article: Bush boots

On December 14, 2008, at a press conference in Baghdad, journalist Muntazar al-Zaidi tried to hit George Bush with his shoes, throwing them towards the podium. None of them hit George W. Bush, who after the conference described the incident as “funny,” but in Iraq it is considered the greatest insult to both the individual and the man himself. The outburst was accompanied by verbal insults towards the American president. The journalist was arrested and beaten in prison. During the examination, the shoes were destroyed; the presence of explosives and other substances was never detected. On March 12, 2009, the court sentenced Muntazar al-Zaidi to three years in prison, but for good behavior he was released on September 11, 2009.


On all of Bush's international trips, in addition to political aides and national security advisers, 250 agents accompanied him. secret service, 15 police, 2 convoys of 20 armored vehicles, including the presidential limousine, Sikorsky Sea King and Black Hawk helicopters.


Main article: Religious affiliation of George W. Bush

George Bush is a member of the Methodist Church.

Personal life

In 1977, Bush married Laura Welch, a former teacher and librarian. On November 25, 1981, the couple gave birth to twin daughters Barbara and Jenna.

Jenna Bush and Henry Hager were married on May 10, 2008, in a modest ceremony at the president's ranch in his native Texas.


  • In 2005, Melanskaya Street in Tbilisi was renamed Bush Street in connection with the visit of the US President to Georgia.
  • In honor of George W. Bush, a series of Albanian postage stamps was issued in 2007.

Opinions and ratings

  • Bush has been criticized for the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan and his aggressive foreign policy, as well as for his administration’s authorization of the use of torture by US inquiry and investigative agencies against terrorism suspects.
  • US Senator from Illinois Barack Obama (later US President) wrote about him in his book “The Audacity of Hope” (2006): “Democrats are often surprised when I admit that I personally don’t think George W. Bush bad person and I think that he and his administration are sincerely trying to work for the good of the country.”


  • Order of Ghazi Amanullah Khan (Afghanistan, December 2008) - for help, assistance and service to the Afghan people.
  • Order of Victory named after St. George (Georgia, 2006).
  • Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Three Stars (Latvia, May 3, 2005).


  • Key decisions / Translation from English. O. Akimova, M. Kozyreva, E. Ganieva. - M.: JSC "OLMA Media Group", 2011. - 544 p. - 5000 copies. ISBN 978-5-373-04418-9

BUSH, GEORGE HERBERT WALKER(Bush, George Herbert Walker) (1924 – 2018), 41st President of the United States. Born on June 12, 1924 in Milton (Suffolk County, Massachusetts) in the family of banker and politician P.S. Bush. He spent his childhood in Greenwich (Connecticut).

In 1936 he entered the prestigious military school - Phillips Academy in Andover (Massachusetts). Upon graduation in June 1942, six months after the United States entered World War II, he enlisted in the Navy. After completing a ten-month flight training course, on June 9, 1943 he received the rank of junior officer; became the youngest naval pilot. In September 1943 he was assigned to the 51st torpedo squadron; in the spring of 1944, as part of it, he was sent to the Pacific theater of military operations. He took part in the operations to liberate Wake Atoll from the Japanese (May) and capture the Mariana Islands (June). On September 2, 1944, during a raid on Japanese fortifications on Chichijima Island (Bonin Archipelago), his plane was shot down; spent about four hours on a raft on the open sea; rescued by an American submarine. In November 1944 he participated in the liberation of the Philippines. During 1944 he flew fifty-eight combat missions; awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and three medals. In December 1944, due to the disbandment of the 51st Squadron, he was sent home. He taught flying skills to new recruits at Norfolk Naval Station and then was assigned to the 153rd Navy Torpedo Bomber Group preparing for the invasion of Japan. But the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945 prevented him from returning to the front.

After demobilization, he entered the Faculty of Economics at Yale University. Upon graduation in 1948, he moved to West Texas and went into the oil business. In 1948–1951 he worked in the Dresser Industries campaign. In 1951 he became one of the founders of the Bush-Overby Oil Company, in 1953 - the Zapata Petroleum Corporation campaign; in 1954 he headed the Zapata Offshore Company.

In 1964 as a representative Republican Party ran for the US Senate from Texas, making criticism of the Civil Rights Act the core of his campaign, but was defeated. In 1966 he sold his oil business and went completely into politics. In November 1966, he was elected to the US House of Representatives from the 7th district of Texas; re-elected in 1968. While in Congress (January 3, 1967 - January 3, 1971) he was a member of the Budget Committee. In 1970 he again unsuccessfully ran for the Senate.

On December 11, 1970, he was appointed permanent representative of the United States to the UN. In the spring of 1973 he became chairman of the Republican National Committee. At the height of the Watergate scandal, he made vigorous efforts to save the party's reputation. On August 7, 1974, he sent a letter to R. Nixon calling on him to resign as president. In September 1974, he headed the American liaison mission (diplomatic mission) in China; prepared visits to the PRC by US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (autumn 1974, October 1975) and President D. Ford (December 1975). From January 1976 to January 1977 - Director of the CIA. Amid intense criticism from Congress and the press, the CIA resisted efforts to make the intelligence service more open.

By the end of the 1970s. became one of the leaders of the moderate wing of the Republicans. In 1980, he tried to achieve his nomination as a presidential candidate, but in the primary elections he lost to the leader of the right-wing Republicans, R. Reagan. In July 1980, he accepted his offer to run for vice president. After the Republican victory in the November 1980 elections, he became Vice President of the United States. During his vice presidency (January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989), he oversaw programs to reduce government control over business and coordinated government efforts to combat drugs.

In 1988, having defeated his main rivals within the party - Senator R. Dole and televangelist P. Robertson - during the primaries, he was nominated as a Republican presidential candidate. In his election program, he promised to continue the Reagan policy (minimizing the role of the federal government in the economy, cutting taxes, curtailing social programs, protecting family values, fight against crime, drug addiction, abortion, homosexuality). In November 1988 he won the presidential election against Democrat M. Dukakis and on January 20, 1989 officially took office as head of the White House.

During his presidency, he focused on resolving foreign policy issues. Shared the idea of ​​the United States as the main defender of civilization and democracy in modern world. In December 1989, through military intervention, he overthrew the regime of M. Noriega in Panama. In the conditions of the collapse of the communist system, he supported the development of democratic principles in the countries of Eastern Europe and the USSR (CIS). Condemned the Moscow coup in August 1991.

After the occupation of Kuwait by Iraq in 1990, with the support of the international community, he created an anti-Iraqi coalition, whose troops liberated Kuwait in January-February 1991 and defeated Saddam Hussein’s army (Operation Desert Storm).

He intensified negotiations with the USSR on the reduction of strategic weapons, primarily nuclear ones; his meetings with M.S. Gorbachev in Malta on December 2–3, 1989 and in Helsinki on September 9, 1990 contributed to the easing of international tension. At the same time, he increased military spending, including on the Star Wars program; continued testing nuclear weapons.

Actively contributed to the resumption of the Arab-Israeli dialogue and mitigation of the debt crisis in Latin American countries.

His domestic policy was not so successful. True, social and economic policy has become less ideological than under R. Reagan. Under him, laws were adopted on the support of disabled people (1990), on the protection environment(1990) and on protecting employees from discrimination (1991). However, in the face of a growing budget deficit, he had to break his main election promise not to raise taxes: the budget regulation law of November 5, 1990 significantly increased the tax burden (a new 31% tax on individual income was introduced, a number of previous taxes were increased). His widely proclaimed “war on drugs” has had little effect due to insufficient funding. Speaking as a champion traditional values, derailed legislation to guarantee maternity leave and fund abortions for needy women in the District of Columbia.

In 1989, economic growth in the United States ceased, and in 1990 a recession began. It became main reason the decline in D. Bush's popularity, despite his foreign policy successes (especially the victory over Iraq). In the presidential elections in November 1992, he was defeated by Democrat B. Clinton.

At the end of his presidential term, he moved to Houston (Texas). In 1998, co-authored with former assistant D. Ford on national security published a book Changing world(A World Transformed), dedicated to current issues of foreign policy. In 1999 he published a selection of his letters All the best, George Bush(All the Best, George Bush). He gave public lectures. In November 2004, he became, along with three other former US presidents (D. Ford, D. Carter and B. Clinton), an honorary member of the Council for the Reconstruction of the World Trade Center in New York. In January 2005, on behalf of D. Bush Jr., together with B. Clinton, he led a nationwide campaign to collect assistance for tsunami victims in Southeast Asia; In February, he visited the most affected countries with him.

In 1997, the international airport in Houston was named after him; it is also assigned to a US Navy aircraft carrier.

Ivan Krivushin

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