The tale of the silver saucer and the pouring apple. Russian folk tales: The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Liquid Apple The sisters are waiting for what Alyonushka will do

AND or there was a peasant and his wife. They had three daughters, all three beauties. The eldest two are lazy and dressy, they could all sit and preen themselves; and the third, youngest, Alyonushka, is hard-working and modest. Alyonushka was more beautiful than all the sisters.

Alyonushka takes care of everything: she will clean the hut, and prepare dinner, and tend the garden, and bring water. She was affectionate with her parents and friendly to people. Her father and mother loved her more than all their daughters. And this made the older sisters jealous. Once father and mother went to the field. A poor old woman came up to the house and asked for bread. The older sisters didn’t even want to talk to her, but Alyonushka brought the old woman a roll of bread and walked her out the gate.

“Thank you, girl,” said the old woman. “For your kindness, here’s some advice for you: when your father goes to the fair, ask him to buy you a silver saucer and a juicy apple for fun.” You will roll an apple on a saucer and say:

Roll, roll, apple,

On a silver platter

Show me on a platter

Cities and fields

And forests and seas,

And the heights of the mountains

And the beauty of heaven.

And if you are in need, girl, I will help you. Remember: I live on the edge of a dense forest and it takes exactly three days and three nights to get to my hut.

The old woman said these words and went into the forest.

How long or how little time has passed, the peasant gathered for the fair.

He asks his daughters:

What gifts should you buy?

One daughter asks:

Buy me, father, some kumac for a sundress.

Another says:

Buy me a patterned chintz.

And Alyonushka asks:

My dear light-father, buy me a silver saucer and a pouring apple.

The peasant promised his daughters to fulfill their request and left.

He returned from the fair and brought gifts for his daughters: one - patterned calico, the other - calico for a sundress, and Alyonushka - a silver saucer and an apple. The older sisters rejoice at the gifts, but they laugh at Alyonushka and wait to see what she will do with the silver saucer and the juicy apple.

But she doesn’t eat the apple, she sat down in the corner, rolled the apple on a saucer and said:

Roll, roll, apple,

On a silver platter

Show me on a platter

Cities and fields

And forests and seas,

And the heights of the mountains

And the beauty of heaven.

An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one, and on the saucer all the cities are visible, villages in the fields, and ships on the seas, and the height of the mountains, and the beauty of the sky, the clear sun and the bright moon are circling, the stars are gathering in a round dance; Everything is so wonderful that it can’t be said in a fairy tale or written with a pen.

The sisters looked at them, they were overcome with envy, they wanted to lure Alyonushka’s saucer with the apple out of her hands. But Alyonushka doesn’t take anything in return.

Then the sisters decided to take away the saucer with the apple from her by deception and force. They walk around and talk:

Darling Alyonushka! Let's go to the forest to pick berries and pick strawberries.

Alyonushka agreed, gave the saucer with the apple to her father and went with her sisters into the forest.

Alyonushka wanders through the forest, picking berries, and her sisters lead her further and further. They took her into the thicket, attacked Alyonushka, killed her and buried her under a birch tree, and late in the evening they came to her father and mother and said:

Alyonushka ran away from us and disappeared. We walked around the entire forest without coughing. Apparently the wolves ate her.

Father and mother cried bitterly, and the sisters asked their father for a saucer and an apple.

No,” he answers them, “I won’t give the saucer with the apple to anyone.” Let them be in memory of Alyonushka, my beloved daughter.

He put the apple and saucer in the casket and locked it.

A lot of time has passed. At dawn, a shepherd drove his flock past the forest. One sheep fell behind and went into the forest. The shepherd boy went through the forest to look for the sheep. He sees a slender white birch tree standing, and under it there is a tubercle, and on it there are scarlet and azure flowers around, and above the flowers there is a reed.

The shepherd boy cut a reed, made a pipe, and - a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle - the pipe itself sings and says:

Play, play, little shepherd,

Play slowly

Play lightly.

They killed me, poor thing,

They put it under a birch tree,

For a silver saucer

For a pouring apple.

A shepherd came to the village, and the pipe kept singing its song.

People listen - they are amazed, they question the shepherd.

“Good people,” says the shepherd, “I don’t know anything.” I was looking for a sheep in the forest and saw a hillock, flowers on the hillock, and a reed above the flowers. I cut a reed, made myself a pipe, and the pipe itself plays and pronounces.

Alyonushka’s father and mother happened to be here, and they heard the shepherd boy’s words. The mother grabbed the pipe, and the pipe itself began to sing and say:

Play, play, dear mother,

Play slowly

Play lightly.

They killed me, poor thing,

They put it under a birch tree,

For a silver saucer

For a pouring apple.

The hearts of the father and mother sank when they heard these words.

Lead us, shepherd,” said the father, “to where you cut the reed.”

Father and mother followed the shepherd into the forest, and the people went with them. We saw a tubercle with scarlet and azure flowers under a birch tree. They began to tear apart the tubercle and found the murdered Alyonushka.

The father and mother recognized their beloved daughter and cried inconsolable tears.

Good people“, they ask, “who killed her, ruined her?”

Here the father took the pipe, and the pipe itself sings and says:

Play, play, father of light,

Play slowly

Play lightly.

My sisters invited me to the forest,

They killed me, poor thing,

They put it under a birch tree,

For a silver saucer

For a pouring apple.

You go, go, father of light,

To the edge of the dense forest,

There is a plank hut there,

A good old lady lives in it,

It will give living water in a bottle.

Sprinkle me a little with that water -

I'll wake up, wake up from a heavy sleep,

From heavy sleep, from the sleep of death.

Then father and mother went to the edge of the dense forest. They walked for exactly three days and three nights and reached a forest hut. An ancient old woman came out onto the porch. Her father and mother asked her for living water.

“I will help Alyonushka,” the old woman answers, “for her kind heart.”

She gave them a bottle of living water and said:

Pour a handful of native soil into the bottle - without it the water will not have any power.

The father and mother bowed to the ground and thanked the old woman, and went back.

They came to the village, poured, as the old woman ordered, a handful of their native soil into a bottle of living water, took the feverish sisters with them and went into the forest. And the people went with them.

We came to the forest. The father sprinkled living water on his daughter and Alyonushka came to life. And the evil sisters got scared, turned whiter than a sheet and confessed everything. People grabbed them, tied them up and brought them to the village.

People gathered here. And they decided to punish the evil sisters with terrible punishment - to drive them away from their native land. And so they did.

And Alyonushka again began to live with her father and mother, and they loved her more than ever.

Once upon a time there lived a peasant and his wife. They had three daughters, all three beauties. The eldest two are lazy and dressy, they should all sit and preen themselves; and the third, youngest - Alyonushka - hard-working and modest. Alyonushka was more beautiful than all the sisters. Alyonushka takes care of everything: she will clean the hut, and prepare dinner, and tend the garden, and bring water. She was affectionate with her parents and friendly to people. Her father and mother loved her more than all their daughters. And this made the older sisters jealous.

Once father and mother went to the field. A poor old woman came up to the house and asked for bread. The older sisters didn’t even want to talk to her, but Alyonushka brought the old woman a roll of bread and walked her out the gate.
“Thank you, girl,” said the old woman. “For your kindness, here’s some advice for you: when your father goes to the fair, ask him to buy you a silver saucer and a juicy apple for fun.” You will roll an apple on a saucer and say:

And if you are in need, girl, I will help you. Remember: I live on the edge of a dense forest, and it takes exactly three days and three nights to get to my hut.
The old woman said these words and went into the forest.
How long or how little time has passed, the peasant gathered for the fair.
He asks his daughters:
- What gifts should you buy?
One daughter asks:
- Buy me, father, some kumac for a sundress.
Another says:
- Buy me a patterned calico.
And Alyonushka asks:
- My dear light-father, buy me a silver saucer and a pouring apple.
The peasant promised his daughters to fulfill their request and left. He returned from the fair and brought gifts for his daughters: one - patterned calico, the other - calico for a sundress, and for Alyonushka - a silver saucer and a juicy apple. The older sisters rejoice at the gifts, and they laugh at Alyonushka and wait to see what she will do with the silver saucer and the pouring apple.
But she doesn’t eat the apple, she sat down in the corner, rolled the apple on a saucer and said:

An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one, and on the saucer all the cities are visible, villages in the fields and ships on the seas, and the height of the mountains, and the beauty of the sky, the clear sun and the bright moon are circling, the stars are gathering in a round dance; Everything is so wonderful that you can’t tell it in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen.
The sisters looked at it, they were envyed, they wanted to lure Alyonushka’s saucer with an apple out of it. But Alyonushka doesn’t take anything in return.
Then the sisters decided to take away the saucer with the apple from her by deception and force. They walk around and talk:
- Darling Alyonushka! Let's go to the forest to pick berries and pick strawberries.
Alyonushka agreed, gave the saucer with the apple to her father and went with her sisters into the forest.
Alyonushka wanders through the forest, picking berries, and her sisters lead her further and further. They took her into the thicket, attacked Alyonushka, killed her and buried her under a birch tree, and late in the evening they came to her father and mother and said:
- Alyonushka ran away from us and disappeared. We looked all over the forest and still couldn’t find her: apparently the wolves ate her.
Father and mother cried bitterly, and the sisters asked their father for a saucer and an apple.
“No,” he answers them, “I won’t give the saucer with the apple to anyone.” Let them be in memory of Alyonushka, my beloved daughter.
He put the apple and saucer in the casket and locked it.

Once upon a time there lived a peasant and his wife. They had three daughters, all three beauties. The eldest two are lazy and dressy, they should all sit and preen themselves; and the third, youngest - Alyonushka - hard-working and modest. Alyonushka was more beautiful than all the sisters. Alyonushka takes care of everything: she will clean the hut, and prepare dinner, and tend the garden, and bring water. She was affectionate with her parents and friendly to people. Her father and mother loved her more than all their daughters. And this made the older sisters jealous.

Once father and mother went to the field. A poor old woman came up to the house and asked for bread. The older sisters didn’t even want to talk to her, but Alyonushka brought the old woman a roll of bread and walked her out the gate.
“Thank you, girl,” said the old woman. “For your kindness, here’s some advice for you: when your father goes to the fair, ask him to buy you a silver saucer and a juicy apple for fun.” You will roll an apple on a saucer and say:

Roll, roll, apple,
On a silver platter
Show me on a platter
Cities and fields
And forests and seas,
And the heights of the mountains
And the beauty of heaven.

And if you are in need, girl, I will help you. Remember: I live on the edge of a dense forest, and it takes exactly three days and three nights to get to my hut.
The old woman said these words and went into the forest.
How long or how little time has passed, the peasant gathered for the fair.
He asks his daughters:
- What gifts should you buy?
One daughter asks:
- Buy me, father, some kumac for a sundress.
Another says:
- Buy me a patterned calico.
And Alyonushka asks:
- My dear light-father, buy me a silver saucer and a pouring apple.
The peasant promised his daughters to fulfill their request and left. He returned from the fair and brought gifts for his daughters: one - patterned calico, the other - calico for a sundress, and for Alyonushka - a silver saucer and a juicy apple. The older sisters rejoice at the gifts, and they laugh at Alyonushka and wait to see what she will do with the silver saucer and the pouring apple.
But she doesn’t eat the apple, she sat down in the corner, rolled the apple on a saucer and said:

Roll, roll, bullseye
On a silver platter
Show me on a platter
Cities and fields
And forests and seas,
And the heights of the mountains
And the beauty of heaven.

An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one, and on the saucer all the cities are visible, villages in the fields and ships on the seas, and the height of the mountains, and the beauty of the sky, the clear sun and the bright moon are circling, the stars are gathering in a round dance; Everything is so wonderful that you can’t tell it in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen.
The sisters looked at it, they were envyed, they wanted to lure Alyonushka’s saucer with an apple out of it. But Alyonushka doesn’t take anything in return.
Then the sisters decided to take away the saucer with the apple from her by deception and force. They walk around and talk:
- Darling Alyonushka! Let's go to the forest to pick berries and pick strawberries.
Alyonushka agreed, gave the saucer with the apple to her father and went with her sisters into the forest.
Alyonushka wanders through the forest, picking berries, and her sisters lead her further and further. They took her into the thicket, attacked Alyonushka, killed her and buried her under a birch tree, and late in the evening they came to her father and mother and said:
- Alyonushka ran away from us and disappeared. We looked all over the forest and still couldn’t find her: apparently the wolves ate her.
Father and mother cried bitterly, and the sisters asked their father for a saucer and an apple.
“No,” he answers them, “I won’t give the saucer with the apple to anyone.” Let them be in memory of Alyonushka, my beloved daughter.
He put the apple and saucer in the casket and locked it. A lot of time has passed. At dawn, a shepherd drove his flock past the forest. One sheep fell behind and entered the forest. The shepherd went through the forest to look for the sheep. He sees a slender white birch tree standing, and under it there is a tubercle and on it there are scarlet and azure flowers around, and above the flowers there is a reed.
The shepherd boy cut a reed, made a pipe, and, wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully, the pipe itself sings and says: Play, play, shepherd boy,
Play slowly
Play lightly.
They killed me, poor thing.
They put it under a birch tree,
For a silver saucer
For a pouring apple.

A shepherd came to the village, and the pipe kept singing its song. People listen - they are amazed, they question the shepherd.
“Good people,” says the shepherd, “I don’t know anything.” I was looking for a sheep in the forest and saw a hillock, flowers on the hillock, a reed above the flowers; I cut a reed, made myself a pipe, and the pipe itself plays and pronounces.
Alyonushka’s father and mother happened to be there, and they heard the shepherd boy’s words. The mother grabbed the pipe, and the pipe itself was singing, saying: Play, play, dear mother,
Play slowly
Play lightly.
They killed me, poor thing,
They put it under a birch tree,
For a silver saucer
For a pouring apple.

The hearts of the father and mother sank when they heard these words.
“Lead us, shepherd,” said the father, “to where you cut the reed.”
Father and mother followed the shepherd into the forest, and the people went with them. We saw a tubercle with scarlet and azure flowers under a birch tree. They began to tear apart the tubercle and found the murdered Alyonushka.
The father and mother recognized their beloved daughter and cried inconsolable tears.
“Good people,” they ask, “who killed and ruined her?”
Here the father took a pipe, and the pipe itself sings, pronouncing: Play, play, father of light,
Play slowly
Play lightly.
My sisters invited me to the forest.
They killed me, poor thing,
They put it under a birch tree,
For a silver saucer
For a pouring apple.
You go, go, father of light.
To the edge of the dense forest,
There is a plank hut there,
A good old lady lives in it,
She will give living water in a bottle,
Sprinkle me a little with that water, -
I'll wake up, wake up from a heavy sleep,
From heavy sleep, from the sleep of death.

Then father and mother went to the edge of the dense forest. They walked for exactly three days and three nights and reached a forest hut. An ancient old woman came out onto the porch. Her father and mother asked her for living water.
“I’ll help Alyonushka,” the old woman answers, “for her kind heart.”
She gave them a bottle of living water and said:
- Pour a handful of native soil into the bottle, otherwise the water will not have any power.
The father and mother thanked the old woman with a bow and went back.
They came to the village, poured, as the old woman ordered, a handful of their native soil into a bottle of living water, took the evil sisters with them and went into the forest. And the people went with them.
We came to the forest. The father sprinkled his daughter with living water - Alyonushka came to life. And the evil sisters got scared, turned whiter than a sheet and confessed everything. People grabbed them, tied them up and brought them to the village.
People gathered here. And they decided to punish the evil sisters with terrible punishment - to drive them away from their native land. And so they did.
And Alyonushka again began to live with her father and mother, and they loved her more than ever.

please help us, we were given an essay on what a student should NOT do during a break and what he should do during a lesson, what he should NOT do and

what should he do please decide I can’t think of anything myself

1). Name the feelings that Fedya experiences when he hears the third song about the bell. 2). Write out sentences from the text that support your answer.

here is the story itself: Fedya’s task One winter, Fedya Rybkin came from the skating rink. There was no one at home. Fedya's younger sister, Rina, had already done her homework and went to play with her friends. Mother also left somewhere. - That’s good! - said Fedya. “At least no one will interfere with doing homework.” He turned on the radio, took out a problem book from his bag and began to look for the task assigned for home. “We broadcast the concert upon request,” a voice announced on the radio. “The concert is good,” said Fedya. “It will be more fun to do your homework.” He adjusted the loudspeaker to make it louder and sat down at the table. “Well, what do we have to do for home?” Problem number six hundred thirty-nine? So... “Four hundred and fifty bags of rye were delivered to the mill, eighty kilograms each...” The sounds of a piano were heard from the loudspeaker and someone’s voice sang in a rumbling thick bass: Once upon a time there lived a king
A flea lived with him.
Dearer than your brother
She was for him.

The nursery was covered with new wallpaper. The wallpaper was very good, with colorful flowers. But no one overlooked it, not the clerk who tried

the wallpaper, not the mother who bought them, not the nanny Anna, not the maid Masha, not the cook Domna, in a word, no one, not a single person, overlooked this.

The painter glued a wide strip of paper at the very top, along the entire cornice. Five sitting dogs were drawn on the strip and in the middle of them was a yellow chicken with a puff on its tail. There are five dogs and a chicken sitting in a circle again nearby. Nearby are again dogs and a chicken with a pumpkin. And so along the entire room under the ceiling sat five dogs and a chicken, five dogs and a chicken...

The painter pasted the strip, got down from the stairs and said:

But he said it in such a way that it was not just “well, well,” but something worse. And the painter was an extraordinary painter, so covered with chalk and different colors, that it was difficult to make out whether he was young or old, whether he was a good person or bad person.

The painter took the ladder, stomped his heavy boots along the corridor and disappeared through the back door - only he was seen.

And then it turned out: my mother had never bought such a strip with dogs and chickens.

But there is nothing to do. Mom came to the nursery and said:

Well, that’s very cute - dogs and chicken - and she told the children to go to bed.

Our mother had two of us children, me and Zina. We went to bed. Zina says to me:

You know what? And the chicken's name is Fofka.

I ask:

How's Fofka?

And so, you will see for yourself.

We couldn't sleep for a long time. Suddenly Zina whispers:

Are your eyes open?

No, they have their eyes closed.

Can't you hear anything?

I perked up both ears, I heard something crackling and squeaking. I opened a slit in one eye, I looked - the lamp was blinking, and shadows were running along the wall like balls. At this time the lamp crackled and went out.

Zina immediately crawled under my blanket and we covered our heads. She says:

Fofka drank all the oil in the lamp.

I ask:

Why were the balls jumping on the wall?

It was Fofka who was running away from the dogs, thank God they caught him.

The next morning we woke up and looked - the lamp was completely empty, and at the top, in one place, near Fofka’s beak, there was an oil drop.

We immediately told my mother all this, she didn’t believe anything, she laughed. The cook Domna laughed, the maid Masha laughed too, and the nanny Anna shook her head.

In the evening Zina says to me again:

Did you see how the nanny shook her head?

Will something happen? Nanny is not the kind of person to shake her head in vain. Do you know why Fofka came to us? As punishment for our pranks with you. That's why the nanny shook her head. Let's better remember all the pranks, otherwise it will be even worse.

We started to remember. They remembered, remembered, remembered and got confused. I speak:

Do you remember how we took a rotten board at the dacha and laid it across the stream? A tailor with glasses was walking, we shouted: “Please go across the board, it’s closer here.” The board broke and the tailor fell into the water. And then Domna stroked his stomach with an iron because he was sneezing.

Zina answers:

It’s not true, this didn’t happen, we read this, Max and Moritz did it.

I speak:

No book would write about such a disgusting prank. We did this ourselves.

Then Zina sat down on my bed, pursed her lips and said in a nasty voice:

And I say: they will write, and I say: in a book, and I say: you catch fish at night.

Of course, I couldn’t bear this. We immediately quarreled. Suddenly someone grabbed my nose, terribly painfully. I look and Zina is holding her nose.

What are you doing? - I ask Zina. And she answers me in a whisper:

Fofka. He was the one who took the bait.

Then we realized that we would not be able to survive from Fofka. Zina immediately began to roar. I waited and also roared. The nanny came, took us to bed, and said that if we didn’t fall asleep right away, Fofka would peck off our entire nose right down to our cheek.

The next day we climbed into the hallway behind a closet. Zina says:

Fofka must be finished off.

We began to think about how we could get rid of Fofka. Zina had money for decals. We decided to buy some buttons. We asked to go for a walk and ran straight to the Bee store. There, two preparatory school students bought pictures to paste. A whole bunch of these wonderful pictures lay on the counter, and Mrs. “Bee” herself, with her cheek tied up, admired them, regretting parting with them. And yet we asked Mrs. “Bee” for the buttons for all thirty kopecks.

Then they returned home, waited for father and mother to leave the yard, crept into the office, where there was a wooden varnished ladder from the library, and dragged the ladder into the nursery.

Zina took the box with buttons, climbed onto the ladder right up to the ceiling and said:

Repeat after me: my brother Nikita and I give our word of honor never to be naughty, and if we are naughty, it won’t be very naughty, and even if we are very naughty, we ourselves will demand that we are not given sweets either at lunch or at dinner, not at four o'clock. And you, Fofka, perish, go away, go away!

And when we both said this loudly in one voice, Zina pinned Fofka to the wall with a button. And so she pinned it quickly and deftly - she didn’t make a sound, didn’t jerk her leg. There were sixteen Fofoks in all, and Zina pinned them all with buttons, and anointed the little dogs' noses with jam.

Since then, Fofka is no longer scary to us. Although late last night there was some fussing, squeaking and scratching on the ceiling, Zina and I fell asleep peacefully, because the buttons were not just any buttons, but bought from Mrs. “Bee”.

Make a quotation plan based on the fairy tale!!!

Please help! 1) from which paragraph is it clear that an adult is sharing a memory with us?

writer? 2) prove that these are memories of childhood. 3) what is the meaning of Mikhail Prishvin’s hunting? 4) what words in it confirm that both Prishvin the boy and Prishvin the writer have an attitude towards hunting? Mikhail Prishvin

please help us, we were given an essay on what a student should NOT do during a break and what he should do during a lesson, what he should NOT do and

what should he do please decide I can’t think of anything myself

1). Name the feelings that Fedya experiences when he hears the third song about the bell. 2). Write out sentences from the text that support your answer.

here is the story itself: Fedya’s task One winter, Fedya Rybkin came from the skating rink. There was no one at home. Fedya's younger sister, Rina, had already done her homework and went to play with her friends. Mother also left somewhere. - That’s good! - said Fedya. “At least no one will interfere with doing homework.” He turned on the radio, took out a problem book from his bag and began to look for the task assigned for home. “We broadcast the concert upon request,” a voice announced on the radio. “The concert is good,” said Fedya. “It will be more fun to do your homework.” He adjusted the loudspeaker to make it louder and sat down at the table. “Well, what do we have to do for home?” Problem number six hundred thirty-nine? So... “Four hundred and fifty bags of rye were delivered to the mill, eighty kilograms each...” The sounds of a piano were heard from the loudspeaker and someone’s voice sang in a rumbling thick bass: Once upon a time there lived a king
A flea lived with him.
Dearer than your brother
She was for him.

The nursery was covered with new wallpaper. The wallpaper was very good, with colorful flowers. But no one overlooked it, not the clerk who tried

the wallpaper, not the mother who bought them, not the nanny Anna, not the maid Masha, not the cook Domna, in a word, no one, not a single person, overlooked this.

The painter glued a wide strip of paper at the very top, along the entire cornice. Five sitting dogs were drawn on the strip and in the middle of them was a yellow chicken with a puff on its tail. There are five dogs and a chicken sitting in a circle again nearby. Nearby are again dogs and a chicken with a pumpkin. And so along the entire room under the ceiling sat five dogs and a chicken, five dogs and a chicken...

The painter pasted the strip, got down from the stairs and said:

But he said it in such a way that it was not just “well, well,” but something worse. And the painter was an extraordinary painter, so covered with chalk and various paints that it was difficult to make out whether he was young or old, whether he was a good person or a bad person.

The painter took the ladder, stomped his heavy boots along the corridor and disappeared through the back door - only he was seen.

And then it turned out: my mother had never bought such a strip with dogs and chickens.

But there is nothing to do. Mom came to the nursery and said:

Well, that’s very cute - dogs and chicken - and she told the children to go to bed.

Our mother had two of us children, me and Zina. We went to bed. Zina says to me:

You know what? And the chicken's name is Fofka.

I ask:

How's Fofka?

And so, you will see for yourself.

We couldn't sleep for a long time. Suddenly Zina whispers:

Are your eyes open?

No, they have their eyes closed.

Can't you hear anything?

I perked up both ears, I heard something crackling and squeaking. I opened a slit in one eye, I looked - the lamp was blinking, and shadows were running along the wall like balls. At this time the lamp crackled and went out.

Zina immediately crawled under my blanket and we covered our heads. She says:

Fofka drank all the oil in the lamp.

I ask:

Why were the balls jumping on the wall?

It was Fofka who was running away from the dogs, thank God they caught him.

The next morning we woke up and looked - the lamp was completely empty, and at the top, in one place, near Fofka’s beak, there was an oil drop.

We immediately told my mother all this, she didn’t believe anything, she laughed. The cook Domna laughed, the maid Masha laughed too, and the nanny Anna shook her head.

In the evening Zina says to me again:

Did you see how the nanny shook her head?

Will something happen? Nanny is not the kind of person to shake her head in vain. Do you know why Fofka came to us? As punishment for our pranks with you. That's why the nanny shook her head. Let's better remember all the pranks, otherwise it will be even worse.

We started to remember. They remembered, remembered, remembered and got confused. I speak:

Do you remember how we took a rotten board at the dacha and laid it across the stream? A tailor with glasses was walking, we shouted: “Please go across the board, it’s closer here.” The board broke and the tailor fell into the water. And then Domna stroked his stomach with an iron because he was sneezing.

Zina answers:

It’s not true, this didn’t happen, we read this, Max and Moritz did it.

I speak:

No book would write about such a disgusting prank. We did this ourselves.

Then Zina sat down on my bed, pursed her lips and said in a nasty voice:

And I say: they will write, and I say: in a book, and I say: you catch fish at night.

Of course, I couldn’t bear this. We immediately quarreled. Suddenly someone grabbed my nose, terribly painfully. I look and Zina is holding her nose.

What are you doing? - I ask Zina. And she answers me in a whisper:

Fofka. He was the one who took the bait.

Then we realized that we would not be able to survive from Fofka. Zina immediately began to roar. I waited and also roared. The nanny came, took us to bed, and said that if we didn’t fall asleep right away, Fofka would peck off our entire nose right down to our cheek.

The next day we climbed into the hallway behind a closet. Zina says:

Fofka must be finished off.

We began to think about how we could get rid of Fofka. Zina had money for decals. We decided to buy some buttons. We asked to go for a walk and ran straight to the Bee store. There, two preparatory school students bought pictures to paste. A whole bunch of these wonderful pictures lay on the counter, and Mrs. “Bee” herself, with her cheek tied up, admired them, regretting parting with them. And yet we asked Mrs. “Bee” for the buttons for all thirty kopecks.

Then they returned home, waited for father and mother to leave the yard, crept into the office, where there was a wooden varnished ladder from the library, and dragged the ladder into the nursery.

Zina took the box with buttons, climbed onto the ladder right up to the ceiling and said:

Repeat after me: my brother Nikita and I give our word of honor never to be naughty, and if we are naughty, it won’t be very naughty, and even if we are very naughty, we ourselves will demand that we are not given sweets either at lunch or at dinner, not at four o'clock. And you, Fofka, perish, go away, go away!

And when we both said this loudly in one voice, Zina pinned Fofka to the wall with a button. And so she pinned it quickly and deftly - she didn’t make a sound, didn’t jerk her leg. There were sixteen Fofoks in all, and Zina pinned them all with buttons, and anointed the little dogs' noses with jam.

Since then, Fofka is no longer scary to us. Although late last night there was some fussing, squeaking and scratching on the ceiling, Zina and I fell asleep peacefully, because the buttons were not just any buttons, but bought from Mrs. “Bee”.

Make a quotation plan based on the fairy tale!!!

Please help! 1) from which paragraph is it clear that an adult is sharing a memory with us?

writer? 2) prove that these are memories of childhood. 3) what is the meaning of Mikhail Prishvin’s hunting? 4) what words in it confirm that both Prishvin the boy and Prishvin the writer have an attitude towards hunting? Mikhail Prishvin

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