What to replace soy sauce with. How to replace soy sauce: alternatives How to replace sweet soy sauce

It is used in many dishes of Oriental (in particular Japanese) and European cuisine. Thanks to the rich content of vegetable protein and amino acid complexes, this seasoning has become widespread in our country in a relatively short period of time.

Since this sauce is still not a frequently used product, one cannot exclude the situation when, if you want to prepare a dish, you do not have this ingredient on hand. In this case, it is advisable to know what to replace soy sauce with.

What can you replace soy sauce with?

As one of the options for solving the situation, we can advise you to prepare such a sauce yourself. It may not have a taste identical to the original product, but in any case it will help preserve the recipe for the dish being prepared.

To prepare this sauce you need to take 120 g of soybeans, two tablespoons of butter, 50 g of broth (preferably mushroom, but you can use chicken), one tablespoon of flour, and a little sea salt.

Cook the beans until tender in a small amount of water. After this, transfer to a new bowl and knead. Then transfer the mixture into a blender bowl, add the remaining ingredients, and grind until smooth. Place the resulting mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. The sauce is ready.

If it is impossible to prepare it yourself, soy sauce can be replaced with other products. The composition of the seasoning used will depend on the dish for which it is intended.

For example, for fish dishes, you can replace soy sauce with a mixture of balsamic vinegar, mustard and olive oil. At the same time, if the dish contains ordinary vinegar and another type of vegetable oil, they will need to be removed.

For main courses and salads, you can mix mayonnaise and adjika in equal proportions.

When using soy sauce as a seasoning for sushi, it is not recommended to replace it with other products. But if this type of sauce is unavailable, you can replace it with the following composition: 50 g of mayonnaise, 50 g of water, one pinch of ground black pepper, one teaspoon of lemon juice. In addition to sushi, this seasoning can be used for barbecue.

If you need to replace soy sauce for making salad, you can use the following option. Finely chop a few cloves of garlic and place in boiling vegetable oil. Fry until the garlic begins to change color. After this, add spices, wait for the mixture to cool and add a little apple cider vinegar.

Another option is a rich mushroom broth. In this case, the prepared broth must be highly salted to ensure the required taste.

Thus, there are a significant number of recipes that can be used to replace soy sauce. It is worth considering that this seasoning, due to its properties, is difficult to replace and to preserve all the qualities of the dish, it is advisable to use the original product.

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Soy sauce is widely used in the preparation of oriental cuisine, and we learned about its existence when the first “fashion” for rolls and sushi appeared in our country. Ready-made sauce is sold in any store, and sometimes even has its own choice - there are solutions with wasabi, ginger and other fascinating herbs and spices.

But, unfortunately, similar products, which are also sold in stores at bargain prices, contain harmful additives. In particular, they contain potentially unsafe preservatives and monosodium glutamate, which does not have the best effect on the human body. Consequently, many brilliant and zealous housewives are faced with a legitimate question - what to replace soy sauce with?

Ways to solve the problem of lack of soy sauce

Of course, if you are going to roll the rolls and want to remove soy sauce from the dish, you won’t be able to do anything great. The dish is guaranteed to lose its flavor and become bland and tasteless. Therefore, all the efforts that are typical for preparing sushi will go down the drain.

In this case, the optimal solution would be the independent production of “environmentally friendly” soy sauce, but you must be prepared in advance for the fact that it will take some time and effort.

A more primitive way is to discover natural soy sauce at specialized points of sale. Typically, such products are sold where there is a wide selection of exotic ingredients, spices, nori sheets, and even special rice.

Make the sauce at home, buy it or replace it – it’s up to you. We will just show you a few working ways out of your situation. So, what can you use to replace soy sauce?

Making your own sauce

How else can you replace soy sauce for sushi, if you don’t make an analogue of it yourself? This option will not only be more appetizing, but also guaranteed to be suitable. At a minimum, such a product does not contain a variety of chemicals that can harm your health and destabilize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Although it is theoretically possible to prepare such a product, we will make a reservation right away - this is a rather labor-intensive, long and difficult procedure. First of all, it is worth considering that the main ingredient of genuine soy sauce is Koji fungus, which is virtually impossible to obtain in our country. And even if you are lucky enough to do this, it is impossible to forget that the process of preparing this product involves fermentation, which means that you obviously cannot complete such a recipe in one day.

If you want to devote a lot of effort and time to similar delights, you should talk to experts in this matter and find out the best recipe for dressing. If you are not ready to look for such “rare” components for us and spend a lot of time preparing a liquid dressing, you can limit yourself to a simple recipe.

And even if the sauce prepared using it will not be flawless, pristine and fully consistent with Japanese culinary standards, it will nevertheless become a suitable alternative to what is sold in our grocery stores.

So, if you are still scratching your head over what can replace soy sauce in a recipe, we will tell you how to prepare its more suitable analogue yourself.

You will need:

  • Soybeans – 120 grams;
  • Premium wheat flour – tablespoon;
  • Sea iodized salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable broth (you can use mushroom broth - this way the taste will be richer and more multifaceted) - 50 milliliters;
  • Butter – 2 tablespoons.
  • Cooking instructions:

    • First, you should boil the soybeans until tender. They will be ready as soon as they become soft and slightly boiled and wrinkled. They must be boiled in a small amount of water, preferably filtered and drinking;
    • After the beans are ready, drain the water and grind them until pureed;
    • As soon as the soy mass becomes dense and homogeneous, begin to gradually introduce all the other components into it - oil, broth, salt and flour. It is allowed to use additional herbs and spices to taste, but the main thing is not to “overdo it” with them. It is also worth choosing the right ingredients so that they are combined with soy to taste;
    • Place the resulting mass on a slow fire and begin to simmer it. Stir it religiously with a spoon (preferably a wooden one) so that it does not stick to the sides of the dish and burn. Simmer the sauce on the stove until it begins to boil. There is no need to boil it - you should immediately remove it from the heat and leave it to infuse;
    • The sauce will be ready to serve as soon as it cools. All you have to do is enjoy its brilliant taste and be sure that it does not contain harmful impurities.

    This dressing will become popular not only for the usual serving of sushi. With its help, you can marinate meat (in particular, chicken, when making yakitori - classic Japanese kebabs), fish and seafood before baking, stewing or frying. It will also fit perfectly into vegetable stew.

    This real sauce will sound no less appetizing as a dressing for salads made from fresh and boiled ingredients. And finally, its use will become extremely popular in side dishes, exclusively pasta and rice.

    Marinade for meat dishes

    Since we are talking about meat, exclusively poultry, it is worth emphasizing that soy sauce is widely used as a marinade not only in Oriental, but also in European cuisine. But even here you can replace it with an analogue, even if you don’t have soybeans at home and you can’t use the previous recipe.

    What can replace soy sauce for fried or baked chicken?

    In this case, the following components will come to your aid:

  • Extra virgin olive oil (refined and permissible, but not acceptable);
  • Balsamic vinegar;
  • Mustard powder.
  • You need to mix the listed components to obtain a medium-liquid mass and use it as a marinade.

    What else can you substitute for soy sauce in a marinade?

    The following recipe may help you here:

  • Mix 50 grams of ordinary “Provencal” type mayonnaise (homemade may also be used) with the same amount of water;
  • Add a little black and red pepper;
  • Add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • The mass should be thoroughly ground until smooth, and then used as a marinade. This dressing is perfect for barbecue.

    If you are thinking about what you can add instead of soy sauce to a salad, try doing the following. Bring a small amount of vegetable oil to a boil. Meanwhile, finely chop the garlic. Throw the garlic into boiling oil and wait until the first one changes color. Next, turn off the heat, remove the mixture from the stove and start adding spices to taste. When you have mastered this task, add a little apple cider vinegar and wait until it cools completely.

    As a wonderful dressing for hot dishes, you can use adjika mixed with mayonnaise in equal proportions. Mushroom broth may also be in demand here. It must be concentrated and thick, with a distinct taste and smell. If these conditions are met, such a dressing will be an excellent addition to a dish that is exclusively meat or vegetable.

    Non-standard option

    If you have olives at home, do not pour out the marinade from under them. It can replace soy sauce in a dressing for barbecue or other similar dishes. To make the dressing fragrant and piquant, chop fresh onions into rings, then place them in a container of olives (where the marinade from them remains). Leave the onion in this state for about a day.

    It will become saturated with olive flavor, become soft, and add wonderful accents to traditional meat dishes.

    You can also replace soy sauce with a simple olive marinade, without adding onions. Simply introduce the liquid where soy dressing is provided. It is possible that you will like the final taste of the dish even more in this case.

    As you can see, there are quite a few ways out when there is no soy sauce left at home.

    Use each of them to your own taste.

    Bon appetit!

    Soy sauce is an original component of Asian cuisine, which is widely used in European cooking. Often, it is quite difficult to purchase a good and inexpensive sauce, and therefore ingredients that best match the taste of the product will help solve the problem of what to replace soy sauce with. Let's look at recipes that use soybeans, wheat flour, salt and vinegar to create a homemade Asian dressing.

    What can replace soy sauce for sushi?

    The most common use of soy sauce is as a savory seasoning for sushi, which has quickly become a popular snack in our country. Many chefs use unusual and new ingredients to prepare sushi, so home cooks have every right to come up with ways to replace soy sauce in the recipe for this snack, while maintaining the traditional taste of the sauce.


    • soybeans - 110 g;
    • wheat flour - 15 g;
    • mushroom broth - 65 ml;
    • butter - 55 g;
    • sea ​​salt - 5 g.


    1. Boil soybeans in clean, filtered water until soft.
    2. Drain and grind the beans until smooth. Gradually add broth, flour, butter, salt.
    3. Stir the sauce well and simmer, stirring continuously. As soon as the sauce boils, remove from the stove.
    4. Once cooled, homemade soy sauce is ready to eat.

    What can replace soy sauce in a chicken marinade?

    Asian cuisine is characterized by the preparation of chicken dishes with the addition of sweet and sour sauces. Consider imitation soy sauce with the addition of spicy and hot ingredients.


    • soybeans - 95 g;
    • sherry - 250 ml;
    • fresh ginger root - 10 g;
    • ground cinnamon - 1/6 teaspoon;
    • orange zest -10 g;
    • lemon juice - 20 ml.


    1. Boil the soybeans and grind until smooth.
    2. Grate the ginger root and orange zest, mix with the beans, add sherry and cinnamon. Place the mixture on the fire and cook for half an hour, stirring.
    3. As soon as the sauce has reduced in volume by a third, it is ready. Pour in lemon juice and let it brew. Strain the finished sauce.

    How to replace soy sauce with balsamic vinegar?

    Fresh vegetable salads and many seafood dishes go well with soy sauce. A worthy replacement for this ingredient is balsamic vinegar, which is similar in color and consistency to the sauce.

    Soy sauce is widely used in the preparation of oriental dishes, and we learned about its existence when the first “fashion” for rolls and sushi arose in our country. The ready-made sauce is sold in any store, and sometimes even has its own assortment - there are solutions with wasabi, ginger and other interesting herbs and spices.

    But, unfortunately, such products, which are also sold in stores at bargain prices, contain harmful additives. In particular, they contain potentially dangerous preservatives and monosodium glutamate, which does not have the best effect on the human body. Therefore, many talented and caring housewives are faced with a logical question - what to replace soy sauce with?

    Ways to solve the problem of lack of soy sauce

    Of course, if you are going to roll the rolls and want to remove soy sauce from the dish, nothing good will come of it. The dish is guaranteed to lose its flavor and become bland and tasteless. Therefore, all the efforts that are typical for preparing sushi will go down the drain.

    In this case, the optimal solution would be to make your own "environmentally friendly" soy sauce, but you should be prepared in advance for the fact that it will take some time and effort.

    An easier way is to find natural soy sauce at specialized sales points. Typically, such products are sold where there is a wide selection of exotic ingredients, spices, nori sheets, and even special rice.

    Make the sauce at home, buy it or replace it - it's up to you. We will just show you a few working ways out of your situation. So, what can you replace soy sauce with?

    Making your own sauce

    How else can you replace soy sauce for sushi, if you don’t make an analogue of it yourself? This option will not only be tastier, but also guaranteed to be healthy. At a minimum, such a product does not contain a variety of chemicals that can harm your health and destabilize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Although it is theoretically possible to prepare such a product, we will make a reservation right away - this is a rather labor-intensive, lengthy and complex procedure. First of all, it is worth considering that the main ingredient of real soy sauce is the Koji fungus, which is almost impossible to get in our country. And even if you are lucky enough to do this, we must not forget that the process of preparing this product involves fermentation, which means that you obviously cannot complete such a recipe in one day.

    If you have a desire to devote a lot of effort and time to such delights, it is worth talking with experts in this matter and finding out the optimal recipe for dressing. If you are not ready to look for such “rare” components for us and spend a lot of time preparing liquid dressing, you can limit yourself to a simpler recipe.

    And even if the sauce prepared using it will not be ideal, pristine and fully consistent with Japanese culinary standards, it will nevertheless become a suitable alternative to what is sold in our grocery stores.

    So, if you are still scratching your head about what you can replace soy sauce in a recipe, we will tell you how to prepare a healthier analogue yourself.

    You will need:

    1. Soybeans – 120 grams;
    2. Premium wheat flour – tablespoon;
    3. Sea iodized salt - to taste;
    4. Vegetable broth (you can use mushroom broth - this will make the taste richer and more multifaceted) - 50 milliliters;
    5. Butter – 2 tablespoons.

    Cooking instructions:

    • First, you should boil the soybeans until tender. They will be ready as soon as they become soft and slightly cooked and wrinkled. They need to be boiled in a small amount of water, preferably filtered, drinking water;
    • After the beans are ready, drain the water and grind them to a puree;
    • As soon as the soy mass becomes dense and homogeneous, begin to gradually introduce all the other components into it - oil, broth, salt and flour. It is allowed to use additional herbs and spices to taste, but it is important not to “overdo it” with them. It is also worth choosing such components correctly so that they are in harmony with soy to taste;
    • Place the resulting mass on low heat and begin to simmer. Be sure to stir it with a spoon (preferably wooden) so that it does not stick to the sides of the dish and burn. Simmer the sauce on the stove until it begins to boil. There is no need to boil it - you should immediately remove it from the heat and leave it to brew;
    • The sauce will be ready to serve as soon as it cools. All you have to do is enjoy its bright taste and be sure that it does not contain harmful impurities.

    This dressing will become relevant not only for traditional serving of sushi. With its help, you can marinate meat (in particular, chicken, when making yakitori - classic Japanese kebabs), fish and seafood before baking, stewing or frying. It also goes great in vegetable stew.

    This natural sauce will sound no less tasty as a dressing for salads made from fresh and boiled ingredients. And finally, its use will become very relevant in side dishes, especially pasta and rice.

    Marinade for meat dishes

    Since we are talking about meat, especially poultry, it is worth emphasizing that soy sauce is widely used as a marinade not only in Eastern, but also in European cuisine. But even here it can be replaced with an analogue, even if you don’t have soybeans at home and you can’t use the previous recipe.

    What can replace soy sauce for fried or baked chicken?

    In this case, the following components will come to your aid:

    1. Extra virgin olive oil (refined is also possible, but not recommended);
    2. Balsamic vinegar;
    3. Mustard powder.

    You need to mix the listed components to form a medium-liquid mass and use it as a marinade.

    What else can you substitute for soy sauce in a marinade?

    The following recipe may help you here:

    1. Mix 50 grams of regular Provencal type mayonnaise (you can also use homemade) with the same amount of water;
    2. Add some black and red pepper;
    3. Add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

    The mass should be intensively ground until smooth, and then used as a marinade. This dressing is especially good for barbecue.

    If you are thinking about what you can add instead of soy sauce to your salad, try the following. Bring a small amount of vegetable oil to a boil. Meanwhile, finely chop the garlic. Throw the garlic into the boiling oil and wait until the first one changes color. Next, turn off the heat, remove the mixture from the stove and start adding spices to taste. When you have completed this task, add a little apple cider vinegar and wait until it cools completely.

    As an excellent dressing for hot dishes, you can use adjika mixed with mayonnaise in equal proportions. Mushroom decoction may also be relevant here. It must certainly be concentrated and thick, with a distinct taste and smell. If these conditions are met, such a dressing will be an excellent addition to a dish, especially meat or vegetable.

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