Astrology for the year. The fateful influence of the Dog sign

The coming 2018 promises to be bright and interesting, full of events and pleasant impressions. However, despite the fact that a lot will be given to you, you will have to be practical and careful. Set earthly and realistic goals that are achievable through hard work and perseverance.

What awaits in 2018

In the coming year, many will feel that the time has come to act, and not just dream. However, it will be difficult for you to start realizing your dream, as obstacles will constantly arise. In the coming year, all activities aimed at achieving specific goals, both in work and in personal life, will be successful.

Some of them will have to be undertaken with a cool head, acting according to the circumstances. However, the result will be exactly what you expected only if you show sociability and activity in business and in love.

In business, avoid rash actions and hasty decisions. Here you will need a sober mind combined with intuition. Be patient and choose something that is truly interesting and enjoyable to you. Only in this case will you be able to achieve your goal, even if it seems unrealistic or the path to it is very difficult.

Calculation, coldness and prudence will help you achieve your dreams. Try not to give in to emotions and beautiful proposals. There is a possibility of falling under the influence of others, becoming a victim of flattery or deception. The main danger in the business sphere will be associated with beautiful promises and traps that should be recognized in time. Don't believe what they say, as this can lead to deception and disappointment. Plan to achieve your goals, but try to find the right path to success, then you will be able to do a lot beautifully and achieve the desired height.

Careerists and those who set high professional goals should not think too long about how to achieve them. The fact is that quick and precise actions will give the best results, even if the efforts are in vain. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try everything - this will allow you to correctly calculate your own strengths and choose the most correct solution for many problems.

To feel at your best, try to think through your steps. It is better to act quickly, without putting anything off until later, but not to do anything unless you have made a precise plan. Don't be afraid to change your goals if you feel like you can't achieve them at the moment. Try to increase your own level of professional competence and realistically assess your capabilities.

The Year of the Yellow Dog will be favorable for purposeful individuals, especially if your work is related to finance and entrepreneurship. But creative workers will also be able to find their height and achieve their goals if they set specific goals for themselves and achieve the desired result. In the coming year, you should only pursue dreams that you can achieve. Therefore, do not be afraid to act and accumulate strength in order to achieve what you want.

For family people, the Year of the Yellow Dog will be favorable. However, the mistress of the year does not tolerate untruths and lies, so you risk getting into a very unpleasant situation if you succumb to emotions or your own aggressiveness and suspicion.

Some couples may feel that romance is leaving their lives, but everything can be improved if you decide to set common goals and make drastic changes in your own life. For example, to renovate an apartment, sell or buy an apartment, open a family business, or even move to another city. Divorce this year may be a mistake, so you can enjoy life if you set a new goal in your family relationships and hold off on making a final decision. However, for some couples it is better to decide quickly and break off the relationship in the summer or spring. At this time, you will be able to realistically assess the situation and do what needs to be done.

Those who are actively searching for their soul mate will have a hard time in the coming year. You will have to focus on your activities or work, so you will be very worried about the lack of free time and the opportunity to make acquaintances.

For women, the time of summer and autumn will be favorable, when they will be most attractive to men; men should pay attention to the opposite sex in the spring and winter months. Success depends on how willing you are to take responsibility for your relationships and your choices. A fateful acquaintance is possible on the road, at work or during a summer vacation, especially in another city.

The Year of the Yellow Dog will be difficult for lovers. Many will decide to legalize the relationship as soon as possible, but some will have to face a lack of feelings and great love. It is precisely the cooling of the relationship that can lead to you breaking up, but you can, after some time, improve it if you try to forgive your soul mate.

It is likely that you will have to spend a lot of effort to create your world, rent an apartment and strengthen your material conditions. Therefore, some couples will decide to postpone the wedding, which can also provoke coldness and a break in the relationship, but do not rush. It is best to break off a relationship in the summer, when you are sure that there is no point in continuing it further.

How to spend 2018

  • Direct your energy towards the implementation of your plans and affairs. Now is not the time to dream about something unrealistic; it is important to complete the things you started and think through the steps to achieve success;
  • Try to find a reasonable compromise between activity and prudence, quick action and thinking about the situation. In any case, you will need to gain additional knowledge, so grow and act in your own interests and then everything will work out as you originally planned;
  • Pay attention to other people's financial advice. They will come in handy more than ever, especially those related to investments and stocks;
  • Do not panic, and try to direct any conflict into a business direction. There may be misunderstandings with some people, but you will quickly sort out your problems;
  • If you dream of success in love, think through specific actions and try to manage your emotions. In this situation, you will be able to cope with all the difficulties and troubles and achieve success, but you may not get the result right away;
  • Do not believe gossip, especially those related to your personal life;
  • Try to improve relationships with loved ones, but do not let their opinions be imposed on you;
  • Learn to enjoy simple things and create conditions for celebration and fun. You will be happy and will be able to give joy to others;
  • Don't give in to dreams that are unlikely to come true. Only those actions that are aimed at achieving a specific life goal will bring success;
  • Try to realize yourself. Take up a hobby or think about changing your profession.


2018 will force you to make difficult decisions and implement long-standing plans. The main emphasis will have to be placed on the practical, material side of life - only in this case other goals and dreams that are associated with friendship and love will become available to you.

Try to find as much time as possible for communication and love, pleasant emotions and joy, then you will be happy and can feel the real taste of life.

Beware only of lies, deceit and flattery, dishonest and pragmatic people who do nothing for nothing. You can become a victim of deception or theft if you do not take the advice of others and listen to your intuition.

These are the conditions in 2018. If you are weak, you will have to increase your strength. Having overcome fear and despair, learn to catch the drive in critical situations, prove that you are right and leave the last word. At the same time, this is the year when direct, obvious actions to achieve a goal are not as effective as intrigue and manipulation.

A month and a half from the beginning of 2018 will not be very calm, because all this time is on our lives The Red Rooster and the element of Fire also have an influence. Therefore, our life at this time is best characterized by the word “choleric”: everyone quickly gets excited, instantly explodes, but, however, goes away just as quickly. True, a lot of stupid things will be done at the height of emotions and passions.

February 16, 2018 at 0:05 Moscow time begins the Year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog according to the Chinese calendar. This will be the year of the yang, masculine principle, which opens up many opportunities for the stronger sex, as well as for active, independent and courageous women. But not the kind of people who are called crazy; they will often fail. This is because 2018 is ruled by the element of the Earth - stabilizing and calming, accepting everything from the outside and either extinguishing initiatives or strengthening them - if they do not contradict the world order and do not violate harmony. Therefore, for success, it is important not only to be full of ideas, but also to carefully plan their implementation and ensure that they do not disrupt a measured, well-ordered existence.

Since the Year of the Dog has arrived, it means that Jupiter is in the sign of Scorpio (he entered it back in October 2017). And the characteristics of the year must be looked at, describing the character not of the dogs, but the character of the sign of Scorpio. What is the character of the representatives of this sign? First of all, rebellious, with extreme manifestations, with strong emotions, sometimes frightening to others. This is the kind of year we have to live through: turbulent, filled with events that cause both strong feelings and fears. This is the time when most problems will be solved quickly and by force: whoever is stronger is right. The world will see many conflicts, even military ones. But at the same time, this is a year of big money, both on a global scale and in the life of every person. If we try to characterize the trends of the year with aphorisms, then the most suitable ones are “in struggle you will find your right” and “only in struggle can you find happiness.” So, as we see, the key word for understanding our life in 2018 is struggle. Between states, between people, with oneself...

On March 21, a new astrological year begins - among astrologers it will be considered the year of Venus. So although the events will be tense, they will take place against the backdrop of conflicts, in the end they will bring harmony, material stability, beauty and love into our existence.

From the beginning of the year until March 9 is a very good period for social activity, for fighting for your place in society. From March 9, it is better to focus on those endeavors that have already been made and develop them. Until July 10, 2018. And from now on we will begin to receive the fruits of what we laid down at the beginning of the year.

The sign of Scorpio patronizes the special services, such areas of medicine as surgery and psychotherapy, banking and insurance, as well as professions where there is a risk to life - rescuers, miners, athletes. All of them can receive great development in the coming year.

The year will begin with a solar eclipse, it will happen on January 6 - and this is the right moment to give up everything that makes you weaker, including fears, complexes and bad habits. The energy of the eclipse will turn on on the eve of the New Year, so take the end of the Old Year no less seriously than the sales season: pay off debts, close unsuccessful projects, put your house in order.

The main trend in 2019 will be set by Jupiter. The planet of business will spend almost the entire year, until December 3, in Sagittarius, in which it is especially strong. It's sort of like a superhero cape for those who plan to push boundaries. In every sense - to master new markets, countries, languages. Make contacts with foreign partners, go on business trips, travel, sign up for Italian or Japanese courses: yes, stars have a concept of state borders, and this year you need to cross them as often as possible. Don't miss your chance: Jupiter's next visit to the constellation Sagittarius will happen only in 12 years.

In March we will see the final transition of Uranus into Taurus. Uranus is about change, but no adventures: conservative Taurus demands adherence to the rule “measure seven times, cut once.”

Saturn in Capricorn also speaks in favor of healthy conservatism. Planet of self-discipline in the constellation of self-discipline - get the hint? Lucky are those who are serious about building a business and career, are ready to work hard and be responsible for everything they do. The time of self-promotion and populism is over; empty promises no longer work.

Finally, on April 17, Chiron will move into the constellation Aries. Chiron is responsible for communications, contacts, negotiations, personal and partnership relationships. In the sign of the impulsive and selfish Aries, Chiron can cause painful transformations: partnerships and alliances can collapse, yesterday's friends can become enemies. To prevent this from happening, in any relationship it is important to take into account the interests of the other party.

The second half of the year will pass quietly: by this time we will have already learned the rules of the game. But no one has canceled Mercury retrograde. This year the periods of mistakes and disappointments are from March 5 to 28, from July 8 to August 1 and from October 31 to November 20. At these moments, you can complete things, reflect on the lessons learned, and put your documents in order. But it’s not worth concluding contracts, signing important papers, changing jobs and launching startups.

Overall, a year of great opportunities awaits us, let’s be ready!

Aries (21.03–20.04)

Career. This year you will either change your job or your responsibilities will change. There will be many events, and they will all make you think about strategic issues. Where are you going? What is your goal? As you reconsider your life priorities in March–April and June–July, don’t forget to include other people’s interests in your picture of the world. The most favorable period for revaluation of values ​​is mid-September, but you can prepare for this now.

Love. The best thing single Aries can do for their love life this year is to stop looking for something super durable. Relationships cannot be static, it's time to take it for granted. For those who have a family, it is important not to get bogged down in everyday life. Invite guests, go to concerts and exhibitions, dine in new restaurants. Aries, whose partners are much older, will have to go through difficult moments both with each other and with the environment.

Health. If you haven’t booked a vacation at a ski resort yet, then don’t: for now it’s better to refrain from extreme sports and stress, as there is a risk of injuries, accidents and other troubles. But by the middle of the year you will get stronger and feel great. Summer is ideal for beauty treatments of any complexity, as well as for active recreation in other countries. Trekking in Nepal, traveling on a yacht in the Mediterranean, kitesurfing in Vietnam - yes, yes, and yes again.

Taurus (04/21–05/21)

Career. A difficult year awaits you for an uneasy person: Uranus has settled in your sign. Personal growth, advanced training or even a change of profession - these are your prospects. You have time until June for the preparatory stage; During this period, you can monitor the market and plan. By the end of May - June, you will most likely have made a plan for the next few years. From February to July everything will be very good in terms of finances - use this chance.

Love. Closer to November, something in your personal life will change: it won’t be the same as before, but perhaps it will be even better. This year, free Taurus should look for a couple far from home: in other cities, countries and even on other continents. Partners with different mentalities are not an easy story, but you have the strength and tact to build a relationship. Those who already have a family should pay attention to their partner’s problems and offer him help.

Health. Be careful with alcohol and medications - follow the moderation, read the instructions carefully, avoid drugs that are addictive. In the fall, there is a risk of catching an infection due to a weakened immune system, so try to eat berries over the summer and go to the sea - the immune system will not strengthen itself. Swimming, walking, yoga - everything is beneficial.

Gemini (05/22–06/21)

Career. This year is not the best time to change jobs, launch a startup or new business. There will be temptation, and only you can decide whether it’s worth doing. From April to September, you may be asked to return to your old job or resume old projects. In general, the year will, alas, be fussy and troublesome; but you will break through if you develop a strategy. In November–December the horizon will become clearer and you can count on good prospects.

Love. Free Geminis, look around more carefully: this year there is every chance to arrange your personal life. Vacations and vacations are given to a person to meet new people, so travel and communicate. But you shouldn’t agree to an affair with a person who already has a family - you’ll be wasting your time and nerves. For family Geminis, the path to harmony lies through... health. Jogging together, going to a fitness club, or going to a spa will strengthen not only your general condition, but also your relationship.

Health. In spring, be careful and careful while driving and more. In March–April there is a risk of injury, poisoning and other troubles. The best summer vacation is within your own time zone: a country house, ecotourism, walks through pine forests - in short, a relaxing vacation without strong emotions. At the beginning of autumn, it is good to engage in restorative procedures for skin and hair.

Cancers (22.06 – 22.07)

Career. Perhaps you will be lured into another job, but you should not succumb to other people’s persuasion; It makes sense to change jobs only on your own initiative. In the spring and early summer, international prospects will appear, you will be offered a contract with a foreign company or something like that. In reality, everything will not be so simple - you will have to work a lot to achieve results. Ready? Then agree. 2019 is definitely not suitable for starting partnership projects - it is better to work independently or in a familiar team.

Love. Do you sleep and see your exes coming back to you? There is a chance that this will happen in mid-2019. Why not - but try not to step on the old rake that once led the relationship to collapse. Those who are looking should take a closer look at older candidates. For the rest of us, the year will not bring much news, so there is a risk of getting bored. Don't let this happen!

Health. At the beginning of the year, it is worth turning on the energy saving mode. Simply put, take care of yourself. Then by summer you can go in search of adventure. It is better to spend May as quietly as possible, without going far from home. A vacation by the water is not a bad idea. Any cosmetic procedures should be postponed until the fall, and any manipulations with the legs and veins should be completely excluded.

Leos (23.07 – 21.08)

Career. Back at the end of 2018, there were some interesting changes in your career. In January-February, expect quite unambiguous offers. But take your time - think about it, choose the best, there will be time for it. From May to September it is better not to make sudden body movements: hone your existing skills. You may need the support of former colleagues or partners - do not lose contact with them, but rather renew them.

Love. This is a year you won’t forget for a long time: Leos are promised a beautiful love story - maybe not for everyone, but for many. If you are actively searching, don’t count on marriage just yet, but strong, bright feelings will provide you with it. Family Leos will be able to bring romance back into marriage - if they want. In addition, the stars hint at the birth of children.

Health. If the illness lasts longer than usual, be sure to consult a doctor. This year your spine or joints may be bothering you. It is also worth taking care of the nervous system - avoid stress. Plan a mind-blowing vacation to completely switch gears and unwind.

Virgo (22.08 – 23.09)

Career. In 2019 you can move. If the reason is related to work in another country, then everything will work out well. You can invest in new education or advanced training - this will help your career growth. Virgos working in real estate will experience serious success. In the middle of the year, there is a risk of making an emotional decision that you will later regret. If you want to change your position at work or direction in business, it is better to do this at the end of the year.

Love. All year you will feel tension in your personal life: perhaps your chosen one will not be liked by your parents or vice versa. Virgos who have recently separated from their partners have a chance to make peace with them and start over. Your analytical mind will tell you what lessons to learn from this. Married Virgos will have a quiet, calm year, and single Virgos will have a revision of their expectations.

Health. Watch your diet and everything will be fine. Periods of low energy levels – March, July, October: try to get enough sleep and do activities you enjoy that recharge rather than drain your batteries. It is better to spend your vacation in places with a rich history: museums, temples, palaces, Rome, Istanbul, Angkor Wat. In May and June, protect your skin from the sun and generally pay as much attention as possible to hydration and nutrition.

Libra (24.09 – 23.10)

Career. You will have to work a lot, no miracles and lucky tickets. But don't overdo it - there is a risk of burnout in the middle of the year. Libras who are involved in business need to be on their guard and not let themselves be deceived. In the middle of the year, it is better to take a break in order to recover by the fall - in September-October, lucrative offers are possible that will bring profit, but will require dedication.

Love. Family Libras can only be envied: grace and romance will reign in their relationships. If you don’t see her point-blank, try going somewhere together, without children. Free Libras can expect not only new acquaintances, but also meetings with exes who will again try to gain favor. If the field between you continues to work, but feelings seem ambiguous, it is better to abandon the attempt to revive the long-standing connection.

Health. There will be no serious health problems, but watch your diet and don’t eat in a hurry - minor digestive problems are possible. When traveling, try not to go too far from home, it’s safer. Sleep, fresh air, walks, and swimming in the river will help you regain your strength. It is better to contact cosmetologists in winter and late autumn.

Scorpios (24.10 – 22.11)

Career. You are lucky - this year you can count on a serious increase in income. Projects associated with other countries will be especially profitable and promising. But all this will not fall from the sky: you will need to work 24/7 and have diplomatic skills. If you are thinking about changing jobs, it is better to wait and return to this issue closer to winter.

Love. The ability to negotiate and find compromises will bear fruit: your family relationships will be truly warm and deep; Only in April and May are minor misunderstandings possible. If you are looking, go to parties and visits more often - you should find something interesting among your friends. Don't rush into marriage, even if the idea seems sound.

Health. In March you will be able to move mountains, but do not take it for granted, save your strength. In August you might get a cold or something like that. Strengthen your immune system - superfoods can help. The main thing you should learn is the ability to be here and now. Don’t give in to the illusion that you feel your best: monitor the condition of your eyes, skin, heart and blood vessels, dose your loads, and don’t forget to rest. Trouble sleeping is a signal that it’s time to take a couple of days off. A spa hotel is ideal for your holiday: relaxation and self-care are what you need this year.

Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/22)

Career. Jupiter will spend the entire year in your sign, and this will open up great opportunities for you. If you are running a business, you can start a new major project in 2019. Employees are facing a promotion, a new position, or even a new job. Business owners will have to make important decisions, but remember that May to August is not the best time for this. And in general, try to remain prudent, even if you feel a slight euphoria from success - there are pitfalls.

Love. The year will not bring any special shocks, and this is more good news than bad: you will be busy with yourself, so single Sagittarius simply will not have time for romance, and family Sagittarius will not have the energy to fight with their partner. Just leave everything as it is, especially if the situation suits you.

Health. Keep the rhythm and don’t be lazy, without this you risk gaining weight and becoming sad. Run, swim, walk. In spring and autumn, it is worth taking care of your throat and respiratory organs, and restoring your skin and hair. Take care of your head in summer. And take tickets to the country of your dreams - this will give you inspiration and strength for the second half of the year.

Capricorns (23.12 – 20.01)

Career. Your inner Tony Robbins has turned on. You are in perfect professional shape, confident, calm and know what to do. It's no surprise that in 2019 you will be noticed and appreciated at work. Keep up the good work, but keep in mind: you have about six months to make yourself known. Starting from the second ten days of September, your initiatives may encounter unexpected obstacles.

Love. Free Capricorns may well meet the person of their dreams. It is worth appearing more often at exhibitions and at premieres of arthouse films - where there are people who understand art and literature. It is among them that the one you are looking for may be. Family Capricorns should be more sensitive to their partner - he or she may need your help.

Health. During the summer months, try to avoid heat and direct sunlight, sunbathing only in the morning. It is better to spend your vacation away from noisy beaches and secular resorts. Look for spiritual entertainment - a visit to a Buddhist monastery, trekking in Spain along the Way of St. James, a trip to an ashram or a yoga resort - all this will be beneficial. For self-care, choose natural cosmetics and Ayurvedic products.

Aquarius (21.01 – 19.02)

Career. The best that could happen in your career has already happened in 2018, it's time to build on your successes. In order not to drive yourself into stress, treat everything philosophically, even small failures. You can change your job in March, July or November, and develop your business closer to winter.

Love. A very calm year awaits you. Free Aquarians should not get hung up on finding a partner and see him in every new acquaintance; It’s better to relax and communicate with the opposite sex just “for the sake of your complexion.” Those who are already in a relationship should plan a special event: celebrate your wedding anniversary with a weekend in a new city or a hot air balloon flight.

Health. Listen to your body: vitamins, massages, face masks - all this will not be superfluous. In June and July, your health will be at its most vulnerable, so take extra care of yourself during this time. Think about what you love, where you want to go, what places you miss.

Pisces (20.02 – 20.03)

Career. You may feel pressure from colleagues or circumstances: unfortunately, little depends on you now. The right strategy is to devote a year to self-improvement and learning foreign languages; this will come in handy later. With such experience and reputation as yours, you can lower the bar of requirements for yourself a little.

Love. If you want change, be patient, your expectations will be justified. This year, single Pisces have a chance to meet a promising partner, but you won’t recognize him or her at first sight. Those Pisces who are already in a relationship should try to maintain the degree of passion. Regardless of your status, don't be afraid to be sentimental - this is a normal state for your sign.

Health. Swim, meditate, do not allow stagnation - and your health will not cause any problems. Go on vacation abroad, to the sea, or better yet, to the ocean. Spa treatments close to home will bring you back to life, especially closer to autumn.

Liliya Lyubimova─ astrologer, psychologist, specialist in interpersonal relationships, identifying and developing children’s abilities through an individual horoscope. Regular author of astrological columns in the media and teacher in the organization she founded in 2015. School of Astrology. Conducts personal consultations.

2018 will help people show such qualities as practicality, attentiveness, restraint in emotions and relationships. For those who do not know how to be consistent when solving complex problems, the symbol of the coming year - the Dog - will teach this.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will begin on February 16, 2018, when Moscow clocks will show 00.06. The dog is a symbol of calm, happiness and prosperity. This is an example of devotion and care for one's neighbor. From the moment she appeared on Earth, she taught man to be decent and sincere, responsible and loyal. The dog helps you move forward, forgetting about past failures. It always makes it easier to expand your horizons and enrich your own mind with useful knowledge.

Since the Dog is a sincere and fair animal that knows how to perform appropriate actions, a person who treats it well will become more successful in 2018. As a result, his life will change for the better - calm and peace will reign in his soul.

General horoscope for 2018

In the Year of the Dog, leaders, ideology, and worldviews, designed to renew society, often change. Also, the period protected by this symbol is the optimal time for evaluating previously committed actions, learning from past experiments that began in the year of the Monkey, but have not yet come to an end.

According to astrologers, in 2018 there will be a favorable position of Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn. This means that state power, politics, and public order will be in a position of mutual understanding and complementarity. The position of the planets will create favorable conditions for social and government renewal. Reforms carried out in the Year of the Dog will be dynamic and promising. They can affect public and government institutions, courts, and the press.

The ascending Lunar Node in Leo will help people easily demonstrate talents and make extremely rational changes in their lives. In 2018, practical, efficient and creative people can count on receiving public recognition. Political leaders who begin their activities in the Year of the Dog will be able to express the interests of the nation. It will not be difficult for them to find several ways out of each situation at once.

In the coming year, people who deserve public recognition will definitely receive it. Their loyalty to the people, meaningful ideas, and manifestation of a sense of good will will certainly be appreciated. The only thing is that they need to set themselves only realistic goals that they can achieve in a limited period of time. You also need to be careful when choosing partners. This is the only way to count on success and material wealth.

We must remember that a Dog is an animal that does not tolerate deception or betrayal. She will never deal with someone who lies and behaves inappropriately. She will punish anyone who does not behave according to the rules. Therefore, people who are dishonest may face problems at work, loss of friends, and financial difficulties in 2018.

Radical changes in terms of finances are expected in 2018 not only in the political, but also in the social and economic spheres. New laws may appear related to the construction of residential and non-residential facilities, land, and foreign exchange transactions.

There is no need to fear serious financial turmoil in the Year of the Dog. This period, on the contrary, will be successful for those who were previously afraid to express themselves in social spheres and for this reason did not tell anyone about their promising plans and ideas.

A dog will definitely help those who know how to be friends and are not hypocrites. In a situation where they need to defend their rights, people under the protection of the sign do not need to hesitate - the Dog also always attacks, forgetting about the risks and consequences. Therefore, if you want to change your life, start your own business, you can forget about the risk of failure. If you act slowly and calculate each subsequent step, everything will go smoothly.

It is advisable to approach business in 2018 creatively. It doesn’t matter what kind of work a person does, he must fantasize as much as possible and share his ideas with others.

People who earn their living with their own minds will get many new projects. If the type of activity changes, you need to be prepared for the fact that old habits will have to be abandoned. It's not always convenient, but the results are worth it.

As for the love sphere, 2018 will delight many lonely hearts. He will be very romantic and mysterious. Married couples who were on the verge of divorce will finally begin to communicate normally and, perhaps, even go on an extraordinary journey. Interestingly, the idyll in a relationship can last the whole year. Couples who are planning to get married can safely exchange rings under the watchful gaze of the Earth Dog - the marriage will be successful.

A dog is an animal that values ​​family, peace and tranquility. She needs stability. Therefore, if you adhere to her life principles, everything will definitely work out.

If you want to know what to expect specifically for your zodiac sign in 2018, then read the horoscope below. He will tell you what you can count on, how best to behave, and what you should forget about until 2019.

Horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs

Horoscope for 2018 for Aries

2018 will not be an easy year for Aries. It will become a transition period between the past and the future. If you remember that sooner or later the caterpillar still turns into a wonderful butterfly, then no serious problems will arise.

Horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

In the year of the Dog, Taurus can relax and peacefully go with the flow. They don't need to worry or worry. Throughout the entire 12 months, favorable situations will occur every now and then, which can be easily turned to your advantage.

Horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

Gemini will have to work hard in the year of the Dog - there will be a lot of work. If you work hard and try to avoid conflict situations, you will be able to achieve a lot. Individuals who know how to persuade, who know how a word can influence the environment, should choose a field of activity in which eloquence comes to the fore.

Horoscope for 2018 for Cancers

In 2018, Cancers will feel free. This feeling will have a positive impact on their well-being and attitude. Almost unlimited opportunities will open up for positive individuals. You will be lucky both at work and in love relationships.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo

The Dog will help Leos fulfill their most cherished desires. Will give you a lot of joy. But those representatives of the zodiac sign who are dismissive of the feelings of other people will not have a very sweet time.

Horoscope for 2018 for Virgos

Virgos must believe that when one door closes, another will open. And behind her they will see something much more pleasant and important than they observed before. Therefore, Virgos must move forward without doubting their own success. Everything will work out!

Horoscope for 2018 for Libra

In 2018, Libra will be lucky at work. Their financial situation will improve. And, it should be noted, representatives of this sign have earned the favorable attitude of the Dog. The only thing is that they cannot stop there and be lazy.

Horoscope for 2018 for Scorpios

2018 is full of opportunities for Scorpios. They will be patronized by Jupiter. This planet will become a guiding star and provide successful solutions to the most difficult problems. Scorpios, the stars will align above you in 2018. Take action, achieve your goals and don’t waste time making wishes!

Horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, 2018 will bring many pleasant surprises. Since this sign is not accustomed to surprises, he will not always enjoy them, but he will gradually learn to enjoy the antics of the cheerful Dog.

Horoscope for 2018 for Capricorns

Capricorns in the year of the Dog need to try to expand their sphere of influence. If they try, they will succeed. They will be patronized by Saturn, which constantly interacts with Uranus. This means that many things in life will have to change.

Horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

Aquarians will be successful both financially and in terms of career growth. New opportunities will open up for them, which will ensure an improvement in their social situation.

Horoscope for 2018 for Pisces

Pisces in 2018 should leave the past and the unpleasant moments associated with it behind. They need to set new tasks for themselves and understand which ones are of paramount importance. You need to move forward with the support of loyal old friends and loving relatives.

This astrological forecast examines the global trends of planets in countries and peoples and has an impact on Russia, Ukraine, the USA, etc.

We are waiting for an interesting, ambitious, extremely eventful year. Many events will be repeated from last year. Because Mars And Jupiter have already been to Scorpio. During this new Year you should actively act and not be afraid of difficulties, conflicts; you will often have to argue and defend your position to the end. Don't be afraid of changes in life. Mars in Scorpio very strong in this position, besides, Jupiter is already here. Therefore, luck and victory await only strong and self-confident people. Very strong position Saturn in Capricorn. He has been here since December 21st. We are waiting for a global strengthening of the economy, a construction boom, a strengthening of the state’s position, and a struggle for leadership. IN Capricorn he will be 3 years old. And that's good news. Past period Saturn in Sagittarius, brought a crisis, sanctions, complications of interaction between states, the bankruptcy of many travel agencies, and the fall of the ruble. The time has come for responsible, mature, ambitious people.

On February 16, 2018 at 0:05 Moscow time, the Year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog according to the Chinese calendar begins.

Description Year of the Dog goes through the prism Jupiter in Scorpio and the general trends have continued since last year (and here it is since October 2017). Few people know but chinese horoscope counted from cycles Jupiter, which is a year in the zodiac sign and of course, like all living things in nature, its cycle is approximate and does not fall exactly into New Year, and a little earlier. Let's return to our Jupiter in Scorpio. The general character of the year will have shades Scorpio. What will happen? Themes of sex scandals, loud revelations will also continue, various secrets will come to the surface, there will be military conflicts for faith and truth. The good news is that Jupiter will give more money both in the public sphere, and ordinary people will also have more money. It is quite possible that a tax amnesty and a reduction in loan rates may occur. Another sign which will color this year Capricorn. On the map new Year there are Saturn, Venus And Pluto. Therefore, the more serious and responsible you act this year, the more success awaits you. Plans, goals, objectives and career should be a top priority.

Ingression awaits us on May 15 Uranus in Taurus. Will move to the next sign Gemini in the summer of 2025. V Corpuscle Uranus weak and in decline. The revolutionary spirit and protest mood in society will drop sharply. People will become calmer and more peaceful than they were when he was in Aries. His thesis: A bad peace is better than a good war. There will be revolution and discoveries in the agricultural and banking sectors. Sharp currency fluctuations and major bank closures are possible. The role of electronic currency and e-commerce will increase. Cash payments will become hopelessly obsolete.

Which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2018?

Most in 2018 lucky Pisces And Virgos. Intuition and hard work will help you stay on top of your game new year. A particularly good year for Scorpios, because he favors them Jupiter. Capricorns luck also accompanies them, but they still need to approach this year responsibly and deal with issues of career, health, set new goals and objectives. Here Capricorn the extreme awaits either they will rise to the occasion and raise their standards of living, or Saturn will create a lot of problems for them.

For Rakov the year will be dual, on the one hand it favors them Jupiter, with another Saturn will be in the opposite sign and it will create a lot of problems in career and family matters.

For which zodiac signs will 2018 be a busy year?

It will be a difficult year for Taurus, Lviv, Aquarius, because Jupiter in Scorpio does not favor these signs and will require them to be conflict-oriented, cunning, and agile in their actions. Also New Year it will be tense Aries And Libra, Saturn will force you to work long and hard and bring your work to the end.

Aspects Saturn as favorable (for Dev, Taurus), and tense (for Rakov, Aries And Libra) will be for the zodiac signs of the first decade. In 2019, the zodiac signs will already be in their second decade, and in 2020 they will already be in their third decade.

Astrological forecast for 2018 for all zodiac signs

This forecast covers such areas as love, money, health, work and career.


Love prediction.
The whole year promises to be busy in terms of personal life. This period will last until November 6, 2018. You will be in a state of love. You will accumulate vast knowledge and experience in terms of the interaction of the sexes, which you will share with other people and be listened to. Deep love can overtake you from March 7 to March 31, it will be love at first sight. But you will soon part with your other half. But you will meet your true love in the period from mid-June to July 10.
Health status.
Until mid-May 2018, you will remain with the same chaotic lifestyle and daily routine that you had for the past several years: you will eat and sleep as you have to, while doing a huge number of things that interest you, and after a week you will be completely disappointed in them. Only those representatives who are fully occupied with business will get rid of house in their lives. For example, if you are a parent. In January, the disease will worsen and in mid-May your body will malfunction, and you will have to think about a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, restoration of strength and mental health.
Financial prediction.
At the beginning of the year, you will be able to get a promotion and realize your potential in your profession. In January of the coming year, you will have good earnings or you will immediately receive a good amount for the implementation of a very successful project. And then you will be overwhelmed by routine work activities, where you will have to follow strict rules and withstand the severity of your boss. Only selfless and dedicated people will be able to withstand this pace of events; the rest will look for another field of activity. You can receive your inheritance until November.


Love horoscope.
In the coming year, become vigilant when meeting people, especially with citizens of other countries. Starting from the second half of January, love dates will be the main advantage of your life. Perhaps at the end of January - beginning of February you will meet a person of the opposite sex who seems to you the best candidate for communication. Your love will turn into passion. Be careful, your loved one can control you. The peak time for your attractiveness will be the month of April. The most successful and happiest love period will be from mid to late summer.
Zodiac health.
In January you will feel good and will not need to take care of it. But in February everything will change dramatically and until the fall you will have to take care of your health better than in previous years. The main thing during this period is to move and not sit still. In autumn, you will be more domestic and peaceful people and will want to establish friendly relations with the people around you. In spring, use radical treatment methods (surgery). In November, to maintain your health, you will greatly change your life guidelines.
Financial prediction.
Your luck begins to run out and you enter a period where you will have to work hard. January is not a good month because you will be involved in legal proceedings regarding financial means. One of the successful financial periods will be the middle and end of spring. In the summer you will conflict with management, and old problems will worsen. At this time, money problems will intensify. From September you will sort out questions about real estate.


Love prediction.
The beginning of the year will be a test of feelings for some, and a break with a loved one for others. There will be a lot of things in your personal life: emotions, experiences, which will then be unnecessary. You may feel like you don't understand the other person. There will be constant conflicts in family life until the end of March. Spring will be a favorable time in your life for new feelings. Starting in November, help your other half to successfully realize their social activities.
Health status.
You will not enter the new year in the best physical and mental shape. In winter, spring, summer, take care of your vitality and stock up on energy. During this period, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and a good mood will help you. If you get sick during this period, know that this is a barrier from unnecessary acquaintances and communication. Try to restore your strength as much as possible - this will support you for a long period. January is the time to take care of your health. Get examined and treated. This way you will avoid health problems from March to May. Take care of yourself in October.
Work and money.
Until the fall you will not have a special need for anything, because you already have everything you need. But in January you will have the desire and need to borrow funds from the bank, but you should not do this because you will not be able to cope with your obligations in the future. The first quarter will change the situation in the workplace. The best months for you financially will be January and June. Do not rely on business partners, on their material assistance, flesh until the second half of August. At the end of the year, income may increase.


Love prediction.
This year you will be surrounded by smart, worthy, free and accomplished people. In January, try to be noticeable to the person you have chosen that you will like. In the middle of winter, you will not see flaws, but this is a natural state for developing relationships. The beginning of summer can be used to leave a pleasant impression and please a person, to successfully change your image. The beginning of autumn will be the time when you will be confident in your partner; if your feelings survive the autumn period, then the relationship will develop harmoniously.
Health status.
This year, health will come first for you. Try to keep track of the powers you have. Rest, don't overload yourself. Pay special attention to creating a professional menu. In general, save up your energy. In January, treat colds, since a negligent attitude towards them can give you serious consequences by March. From the beginning of winter, take special care of your kidneys.
Financial well-being.
This year you will have a stable job. This will happen in the second half of May - from now on you will settle down and will not constantly change your place of work. By mid-winter, ideas will not bring the desired result; March will not please you with its successes. But don't despair and continue to make plans for the future. It will be difficult for you to build adequate working relationships. But at the end of the year, you adapt and may get approval and promotion.

a lion

Love prediction.
The year will be eventful and memorable for love adventures, because before winter you are a bright, noticeable, attractive, friendly, sociable person. They want to communicate with you and be friends. During this period, it is good to build strong partnerships, and for married Leos, if your partner approves of your brightness and becomes a reliable support, you will discover new talents and horizons. From winter to spring, you will quickly enter into new relationships and take the lead in love. During this period, non-family lions will marry. Love will not leave you from the end of July until the first and second half of August. A good partner will not leave you by the end of the year.
Health status.
Saturated and seething activity will require a lot of strength and energy from you. You will have to spend hidden reserves and reserves.
Try not to waste your energy on useless actions: if you don’t like the event in which you were offered to participate, do not participate. Save your strength and energy for more important and necessary things, it will help you in your further development. This year, people and events will slow you down from strong actions. At the beginning of the year you may get sick and not recover for a long time. Protect your stomach from negative influences. Representatives of the fairer sex contact mammologists.
Financial prediction.
The beginning of the year will upset you because you will be giving away a lot of money. Therefore, you will feel a feeling of lack of money. Even though money will be tight, from January to March you will make a profitable investment in real estate. By mid-April, get rid of unnecessary expenses, do not apply for an urgent loan and do not take out loans. There will be good earnings throughout the summer. At the end of the year you will receive more money than your salary.


Love prediction.
Your feelings will face serious tests. You will not cope well with the criticism and demands of your loved one. Another option for the development of the situation is also possible: you will demand a lot from your partner, and he will get tired of putting up with you. Pragmatism will not be the best quality in your relationship. It will be especially difficult and difficult in winter and spring, but by the end of March until the second half of May you can get bogged down in meaningless quarrels and showdowns. If you survive and endure all the trials of this period, then your relationship will become strong and stable.
Health status.
In the previous year you will regain your strength. A useful activity would be rest and treatment, visiting a psychologist. Try to find understanding with the people around you - success in other areas of life depends on how you succeed in this, and your emotional state and well-being will improve. It will be especially important from January to February, as well as until the end of April. Do not refuse to see a doctor in February and undergo preventive procedures. In August, sanatorium treatment will restore your strength, after which follow a healthy lifestyle.
Financial prediction.
Until January you will improve your professional activities. So, try to succeed better in your professional activities. In February, a prosperous period will begin in your relationship with the team, when you can count on the help and support of your comrades, on interesting and promising projects. In February, work will become the meaning of life for you, and it will not be poorly paid. At the end of April you will receive profit from risky ventures. December will be the most generous in material terms.


Love prediction.
January will not be the best for family Libras if they feel strong anger from their household, but they will feel best in their own home. Non-family Libras will try to build family relationships modeled after their family. From the end of January to mid-February, communication, falling in love, communication, sympathy, romantic hobbies are possible, this will give you a pleasant impression and pleasure. October will be a difficult time. Your significant other may have many demands on you. This will not be the best period for married Libras.
Health status.
The beginning of 2018 is the best time to lose weight and build muscle mass. This is a good time to start eating right and diversifying your diet with different foods that provide the body with all the beneficial substances. Perhaps you should educate yourself on herbs and spices. In general, the year will be stable in terms of health, but watch out in mid-winter to mid-spring, don't forget about late April to early May.
Work and finances.
Throughout the year you will not experience financial difficulties and disasters because you will have a constant income. In January, you need to take the initiative to find it. Perhaps at the beginning of the year you will have the means to exist comfortably for a certain period of time. Large expenses will have to be made in February. Beware of dishonest people in March. It is better to repay debts between March 9 and July 10. The most profitable time is November. You will be able to realize yourself well in your profession until September.


Love prediction.
Scorpios will want to fully express themselves brightly and confidently; they are driven forward by victories and achievements in the social sphere. In addition, representatives of the sign are inclined towards romance and idealism. They are dreamers and enthusiasts in everything and love is no exception. January will be filled with dating and the search for your ideal soulmate. In mid-spring they will find their soulmate because they will finally achieve what they want. From late spring to early summer, foreign people will be your greatest attraction.
State of health.
Dear Scorpios, watch out for excess weight. It will be very noticeable at the end of the year. The surprising thing is that the more they try to get rid of it, the harder it will become for them. This trend will become stronger in January. During the period from February to the first half of March, monitor the loads, do not waste too much energy, because then it is very difficult to restore them. From March 9 to July 10, you will resort to a diet, this will help you keep your body weight at the same level. The knee joints may be inactive all year round. You'll probably walk less.
Financial well-being.
Career heights and striving forward should be your top priority. All life situations will work out successfully for you, and such luck will repeat itself only after 19 years. So, set bold goals and achieve them! Naturally, with such indicators, you organize stable work. Already in January you will change your job. Changes may occur in the winter and spring of 2018, but you will best understand what you need in late summer. The year will bring good profits if you take the initiative to earn money from February to March. The biggest money will come in the winter.


Love prediction.
In the first month of the new year, economic benefits will be added to feelings, so your partner should be a wealthy person. But after a month, you will change your opinion about people and will be drawn to smart, informative and interesting personalities. Relationships that arise during the winter period will become long, but not simple. In March, love will come, but there will be strong disappointment in the person. At the end of May, your personal life will improve, although it is possible that in the same month you will part with your loved one.
State of health.
This year you will have to see a doctor, perhaps be treated in a hospital. The cause is chronic diseases. They will get worse in January. But you can easily cope with them, since you have a lot of vitality. But in the spring, your energy will decrease and you will begin to get tired. It is not advisable to use diets for weight loss. From mid-May, monitor your blood pressure. Your condition will not be stable, but not critical.
Financial well-being.
This year you will not receive proper realization of your abilities and capabilities. Although there is a lot of work, especially in the first month. But by November everything will return to normal. There will be an opportunity for promotion. You will not have enough funds, although at the beginning of the year you will be able to receive impressive funds. At the beginning of summer, successfully complete cooperation with foreign citizens. By September you will successfully interact with banks and take out a loan.


Love prediction.
In the new year, new meetings await you that will bring strong feelings and the opportunity to build your happiness. You are in great shape and sociable, which means you can count on making acquaintances and connections. Although you won’t take them very seriously. Most of all, the atmosphere of the year is conducive not only to romantic acquaintances, but also to marriage. The whole year will be prosperous. If your feelings are not strong, then a breakup awaits you at the end of spring. Don't expect stability in your life. There may be difficulties in bearing a child. At the end of the year, friendship can develop into love.
State of health.
At the beginning of the year you will feel a deterioration in your health. It is possible that the disease will worsen. For prevention, get tested in January. From the end of January to the end of February, accumulate strength and energy to the maximum. This will help you in the coming year. From the end of May to the end of June there is a period when you can improve your health thanks to proper nutrition and timely treatment. Surgeries are best carried out at the end of July or in August. If necessary, undergo inpatient treatment.
Financial well-being.
At the beginning of this year you will receive impressive funds.
Between the end of January and the end of February, use this time to earn money and find a new source of income. During this period you will feel financial stability. This year is good for savings. You will be able to keep money in your account especially in the summer. In addition, you can make large purchases. Difficulties will arise from March 17 to May 16. Charity events will be promising for you.


Love prediction.
If you want to meet your destiny and your loved one, do not live as a recluse, communicate more. Although from mid-winter to mid-spring, virtual relationships can become real, and you will find your love. A good period to find true friends and an ideal soul mate. The busiest time will be from late spring to early summer. Marriage is best done in August. At the end of the year you will find a loved one, friend and helper.
State of health.
Treat chronic and do not trigger acute diseases. At the beginning of the year, you may get colds. During this time, eat well to avoid increasing your blood sugar. Don't forget this wish in March. In addition, allergic reactions may occur. To maintain the normal state of the body, drink enough fluid. From mid-winter to the end of summer you shape your health. Avoid hypochondria in autumn.
Financial well-being.
This year will give you career growth and recognition. At the very beginning, prove yourself and take the initiative into your own hands. If the project seems practical and promising to you, ask for help and offer your help. From March 9 to July 10 you will not get the desired result, but from mid-July everything can change and you will get what you wanted. You will be unable to work until the end of the summer. The material part will depend on your work. You will receive a salary increase in the coming year. The busiest periods are November and December.


Love prediction.
This year is the best period, because from February to September you will be bypassed by lying and deceptive people who are harmful and dangerous, deceptive to you, despite the fact that they touched your heart. All year long, dishonest people will come to you under the guise of best friends. March is a good period for you because many people will pay attention to you. There will be many positive moments on the personal front from the end of June to mid-July. At this time you will find true love. The end of the year will be very happy.
State of health.
With the onset of the new year, you will not feel stable. Winter is the best time for effective treatment. Be sure to take advantage of this time to recuperate before starting a new working year. Treat all diseases. At the end of spring, health will return to normal. In summer, try to get rid of bad habits. In winter, try to stay positive.
Financial prediction.
In the coming year, do not expect career growth; perhaps you will change your job. Your task is to gain knowledge, skills and experience. Attend trainings and courses, they will help you in your work life. As for material resources, significant losses are possible at the beginning of the year, but then the situation normalizes. In August, do not refuse side earnings. In the end you will climb the career ladder.

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