What is the name of February 29th? "Step into immortality." Official page of the book. Rota goes into eternity

Battle at Height 776 (Chechen War) - a clash between the 6th PDR (parachute landing company) of the 2nd battalion of the 104th Airborne Regiment and a large group of militants led by Khattab from February 29 to March 1, 2000.


It is worth noting that this battle is associated with a lot of different versions of what happened, various investigations, and so on. It is still not known for certain how everything happened. Both the number of militants and the words of Captain Romanov vary. Calling fire on yourself or shouting into the radio that the paratroopers have been betrayed. In this article, the main emphasis is on the official version about the battle at height 776. True or false - we will never know.


Chechnya. The final 3rd phase of the combat operation of federal forces to combat gangs. A large group of militants, numbering more than 3,000, was blocked in the Shatoi region. In February, from the 22nd to the 29th, battles took place for Shatay. Being surrounded, the Wahhabis attempted to break out of it. The attempt ended with the release of two gangs led by Ruslan Galaev and Khattab. On February 28, the 6th airborne company of the 104th regiment was sent to the height of East Cord. Subsequently, this will lead to an event such as the battle at Hill 776.


On February 26, the 104th Regiment received the task of redeploying to the required heights and creating a barrier.

By the morning of the 27th, the 2nd battalion received instructions to advance to the Ulus-Kert area and blockade this area along the heights.

02/28/2000 The 6th PDR was given an order from Colonel Melentyev: to occupy the height of East Kord. Commander Molodov sends a group of 12 people on reconnaissance, while he and the main forces remain at height 776. It was decided to build a strong point.

At 12 o'clock the next day, the reconnaissance group enters into battle with a detachment of militants. This forces her to retreat to Molodov's positions.

At 16:00 on the same day, the battle began at Height 776. On March 1, at 7:00 in the morning, the battle was over. 84 paratroopers were killed.

Before the fight

Expecting to return to the unit's location by the evening, Mark Evtyukhin, who acted as the battalion commander, decides to go on a forced march with Major Molodov, who had recently arrived at the unit and was just beginning to get used to it.

One of the mistakes historical event As for the battle at Height 776, the company set off on a forced march without any prior preparation. The soldiers left the unit's location with everything necessary to set up the camp.

On the way, the company was stretched very thin. The vanguard of the group was the scout squad of Lieutenant Vorobyov. They walked a kilometer from the main detachment. According to Evtyukhin’s calculations, at such speed the fighters should have arrived at height 776 only by late night.

After the company arrived at the designated location, it was decided to establish a strong point and send reconnaissance towards the desired height.

When the fighters took the battle at Height 776, the firing points and positions were not yet properly equipped.

During the battle

02/29/2000, 11.00. Lieutenant Vorobyov's scouts reported a group of militants. With the help of several artillery salvos, following a tip from spotter Romanov, it was possible to destroy the enemy.

When the reconnaissance squad began to advance further, someone snagged the tripwire. It later turned out that Medvedev was wounded. To clarify what happened, Molodov takes several fighters and advances to the group. When the fighters get to the place, the shelling begins. Vorobyov, who was wounded in the neck by a militant sniper, calls the stronghold and reports that they are under sniper fire.

When there are more and more Wahhabis, and the fire is getting denser, the reconnaissance group begins to retreat to positions at the height, to the place that will be the last for many fighters - height 776. Photos after the battle show that the 6th company was not ready for such a number of militants .

Meanwhile, the forced march was not yet over, and most of the fighters were just rising to the heights, knowing nothing about what was happening.

A small retreat

The 2nd battalion, which included the 6th company, always stood in so-called blocks, so the paratroopers simply did not have the experience of marching, like, for example, the soldiers of the 1st battalion, who often made raids into the mountains.

While Colonel Sergei Baran learned about Medvedkov’s injury, he requested an order to descend to the foot of the mountain and provide medical assistance, for which he received the go-ahead. With reserve soldiers and the commander of the medical unit Knyazhishche, he advanced to Selmentauzen. He also requested help from the 1st company, which was located nearby, but was refused (according to Colonel Baran), since according to Evtyukhin’s reports it turned out that everything was under control. Alexey Vorobyov reported on the enemy advancing in “waves” of 50-70 people.

Even in the evening, the militants continued the assault, as a result of which Colonel Baran received an order: to gather all combat-ready soldiers of the 1st company and move to the aid of the 6th company blocked at a height. There are three versions of what happened next.

Firstly, the detachment was ordered not to interfere in the battle and retreat, which is absolutely pointless. Secondly, when they contacted Evtyukhin by radio, he said that no support was needed. Thirdly, the fighters were pinned down by dense (this happened later - on the morning of March 1st) enemy fire and could not break through. They only succeeded on March 2nd. This is a battle at height 776.

What happened directly at the height?

The attack did not stop for the rest of the day. There were short breaks while the militants carried away the wounded. During such intervals, mortar and sniper fire was fired at the positions of the paratroopers.

During the night, at approximately 11:20 p.m., the assault intensified. Thanks to spotter Romanov, more than 1,000 volleys of regimental artillery were fired at the militants.

Even then, the battle at Height 776, the battle of the 104th Parachute Regiment, which will forever remain in the history of the country, claimed the lives of more than thirty soldiers.

By the morning of the next day, around 3-5 o'clock, the assault subsided a little, although the Wahhabis continued to attack in groups. Then Evtyukhin contacted Major A. Dostovalov and asked for help. He was located one and a half kilometers from the battle zone. The major and his group immediately responded and reached the company positions, extending the defense for several hours.

The next attack was the most massive. The militants walked without bending down. They came so close that hand-to-hand combat broke out at one of the lines. In the future, the militants will find remains of narcotic substances on the battlefield.

When the militants were a few steps from the strong point, Evtyukhin decided to call fire on himself.

Since the morning of the same day, the 6th company will never make contact again.


Battle at Height 776, unofficial version. Here we should make a digression. According to some versions, Evtyukhin’s last words were allegedly: “You betrayed us.” And these are by no means words about requesting artillery fire on oneself. And no attempts were made to in any way help the dying company. However, it is worth noting that such means as aviation and regimental artillery could not be used in the conditions in which the battle took place at height 776, for reasons of the possibility of being hit by friendly forces and due to poor visibility. And the scattering of regimental artillery shells is fraught with hitting the positions of friendly soldiers at such a distance and such areas as Hill 776. The battle of the 6th company was supposed to be supported by the 1st company, but it was ambushed (another version) and under massive enemy fire near the river Abazulogol. Even with the support of self-propelled, regimental artillery and helicopters, the soldiers of the first company were able to break through enemy fire only by the morning of the next day.

Thus, only on March 2nd a covering group of 80 (from the 1st company) and an evacuation group of 50 (4th company) were able to break through to the positions.

Results of the battle

The height was taken by militants. Vorobyov personally killed one of the militant commanders, Irdis. Of the entire company of 90 soldiers, six people remained alive. According to various estimates, the total number of militants, including rear lines and mortar crews, was about 2000. 350 - 600 Mujahideen were killed during the time the battle at Height 776 lasted.

Lieutenant Kozhemyakin gave the order to the fighters Porshnev and Suponinsky to jump into the cliff. They jumped and the very next day they came out to their own people.

Komarov and Khristolubov were in a platoon that was just climbing the mountain.

Evgeny Vladykin entered into hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, was hit with a rifle butt and lost consciousness. Only then did he wake up and go out to his people. Private Timoshenko was stunned and wounded.

When one of the soldiers escaped, Senior Lieutenant Sotnikov took 3 soldiers and went in search. The detachment returned to the strong point of the 1st battalion and handed over the fugitive. By this time the battle was already in full swing.

Later it became known that the 6th company was opposed to the best unit of the Mujahideen, which consisted of professional mercenaries from Arab countries.

Titles awarded

This is how the battle of militants against 19-20 year old boys took place - the battle at height 776. The Pskov region is the homeland of heroes who showed courage and stopped the militants at the cost of their lives. They completed the task that was assigned to the end.

Hero of Russia - 22 people (21 - posthumously)

Order of Courage - 68 (63 - posthumously)

We can safely say: that feat has not been forgotten. Until now, the requests “height 776”, “photo after the battle”, “6th company” remain very popular.

The Russian national team will play the seventh (final) game of the preliminary round of the World Hockey Championship against the Swedish national team on Tuesday May 21, 2019.

In the match Russia - Sweden There is no clear leader, it will be a game of two equal teams. If you look at the history of head-to-head matches between the teams over the past two years, Sweden has the advantage. In five meetings, the Swedes beat the Russian team 3 times, and once the match result was a draw. Well, in the current tournament the Russians are undefeated and have already secured access to the playoffs. But the Swedes misfired, losing to the Czechs in the very first match, and are only in third place in the group. However, the current meeting may change the position of the teams in the table.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the match between the Russian and Swedish national teams:

The match will be shown live Channel One.

That is, the 2019 World Hockey Championship match between Russia and Sweden:
* Starts at 21:15 Moscow time.
* The live broadcast will be shown on Channel One.

What time does it start and where to watch the live broadcast of the 2019 World Hockey Championship match Russia - Switzerland:

In the sixth game of the preliminary round 2019 IIHF World Championship, which will take place on Sunday evening May 19, 2019 in Bratislava, Slovakia, the Russian team will meet with the Swiss team.

In the upcoming match Russia - Switzerland We can fully count on the Russian team to win. Despite the fact that the Swiss brought a decent squad to Slovakia (which includes 8 NHL players and stars of their national championship), the Russian team is objectively better. Also, based on the results of the last ten personal meetings between the teams, the Russian team won all 10 times.

The match will begin at 21:15 Moscow time. The meeting will be shown live Channel One, broadcast starts at 21:10 Moscow time.

What time does the Russia-Switzerland match start, where to watch the live broadcast:
* Start time - 21:15 Moscow time.
* On Channel One.

What number will Sergey Lazarev perform in the Eurovision 2019 final:

Representative of Russia at music competition Eurovision 2019 - Sergey Lazarev- will perform in the finals at number five. This information was posted on the official website of the competition after the completion of the second semi-final.

The first to take the stage on May 18, 2019 is Maltese singer Michela Pace. Next, representatives of Albania, the Czech Republic and Germany will perform their compositions. Fifth on stage, as we wrote above, will be the Russian singer Sergei Lazarev.

A total of 26 performers will perform in the Eurovision final.

Sergey Lazarev will perform the song “Scream” about how his tears “scream”.

What time will Lazarev take the stage on May 18, 2019 (start time of the performance):

We have previously stated that the 2019 Eurovision final will begin on Saturday evening, May 18th, at 10:00 pm and will last just under four hours. In order not to miss the introduction of Russian representative Sergei Lazarev among the 26 participants, you need to know what number he will go on stage under and what time his performance will begin.

The performance of competition songs does not begin immediately, but after several introductory videos, musical inserts and introductions of the participants. You should expect Lazarev's speech to be approximately at 22:30 Moscow time. At least in 2018, the fifth participant entered the stage 33 minutes after the start of the final.

What number and what time will Lazarev perform in the Eurovision 2019 final:
* At number 5.
* At approximately 22:30 Moscow time.

We also read:

The exact day of the premiere, unfortunately, is still unknown, as is the number of episodes in the season. We can assume that the premiere of the fourth season will take place on November 3, 2019, and the number of episodes will be 10, as before.

When will Rick and Morty season 4 be released?
*In November 2019

Note that the channel previously ordered the production of 70 new episodes of the animated series. This should be enough for seven new seasons, based on 10 episodes per season.

Season 4 of the series "Rick and Morty" will continue to tell about the adventures of an ordinary schoolboy Morty and his unusual grandfather Rick, who is engaged in informal scientific research associated with travel between space and time.

On February 29, 2000, the heroic battle of the 6th company of Pskov paratroopers began with superior forces of militants

In August 1999, several thousand militants invaded Dagestan - the Second Chechen War began. By February 2000, the Russian army occupied the flat territory of Chechnya and drove militant groups out of the city of Grozny.

The main forces of the militants sought to retreat to the mountainous part of Chechnya. There's covered dense forests In the mountains in the Argun Gorge area, back in the 90s, militants, using hundreds of prisoners of war and kidnapped people turned into slaves, built dozens of fortified bases and a high-mountain road to the Georgian border, from where, in the event of war, they intended to receive reinforcements of foreign mercenaries, weapons and ammunition.

IN last days February 2000, our army acted, trying to prevent the enemy from retreating to prepared bases in the mountains. The routes of movement of the militants, divided into several detachments, were unknown - separate units were deployed to the passes and mountain paths Russian army to delay the retreating enemy.

On February 28, the 6th company of the 2nd battalion of the 104th regiment of the 76th Guards Airborne Division received an order to occupy a height on one of the possible escape routes of the militants, near the village of Ulus-Kert, Shatoi region of Chechnya. The company was commanded by Major Sergei Molodov, but he had just recently arrived in this unit, so their superior commander, the commander of the 2nd battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Evtyukhin, went with him and the company on a rush through the mountains.

90 paratroopers went to the mountains. 5 kilometers from the target, the company, stopping at one of the nameless high-rises, which had only No. 776 on the headquarters map, sent forward a group of 12 scouts. Soon, reconnaissance paratroopers encountered a superior detachment of militants, and a firefight ensued.

So at 12:30 p.m. on February 29, 2000, the last Stand 6th company of Pskov paratroopers. No one yet knew that 90 paratroopers faced the main force of militants under the command of Khattab, a Jordanian Wahhabi “field commander” with extensive war experience. Less than a hundred Russian soldiers, mostly conscripts, found themselves in the path of superior enemy forces.

According to our intelligence data received later, Khattab’s detachment consisted of over 2,000 well-trained, experienced fighters. According to later statements by the militant leaders, there were about a thousand of them there. In any case, the enemy outnumbered the 6th company by at least 10 times.

The mountains that day were covered with thick fog. Until the end of February 29, neither the commanders of the 6th company nor the headquarters of the Russian army commanding the operation in Chechnya knew that at height No. 776 a handful of paratroopers were confronting the main forces of militants. The fact is that in previous weeks the militants suffered heavy losses from bombs and artillery fire from the Russian army. Therefore, our command assumed that the militants would break through to mountain bases, breaking into small detachments that would be easier to avoid targeted attacks by bombers and long-range artillery.

However, the enemy who opposed our army in Chechnya in 2000 was a serious and experienced enemy - he managed not only to break out of a large encirclement, but also to quickly cover a significant distance, striking where he was not expected. At the same time, the enemy took a conscious risk, not scattering in small groups, but striking compactly with all his strength. Although this provided the enemy with overwhelming superiority over a company of Pskov paratroopers, a single large group militants became a good target for our artillery fire.

Thick fog did not allow us to support the 6th company with helicopters, but our long-range artillery fired at suspected militant positions all day, supporting the paratroopers. The merciless battle, which began at lunchtime on February 29, lasted until three o’clock in the morning on March 1. By the beginning of the first day of spring 2000, a third of the soldiers in the company had already died, but the enemy suffered even greater losses.

One of the surviving company soldiers, Sergeant Alexander Suponinsky, later recalled that day: “At some point, they came at us like a wall. One wave will pass, we will shoot them, half an hour of respite - and another wave... There were a lot of them. They just walked towards us, their eyes bulging, shouting: “Allahu Akbar”... Then, when they retreated after the hand-to-hand fight, they offered us money over the radio so that we would let them through...”

The militants had to take height No. 776 at any cost in order to escape to the saving mountains near the border with Georgia. They were able to occupy it only by 5 a.m. on March 1, after 16 hours of almost continuous battle, using mortars brought on horseback. Of the 90 Russian paratroopers, 84 died in that battle.

On the day of February 29, it was not yet clear to the command of the Russian army that the 6th company was under attack from the main forces of the enemy, and at night it was already too late - our army, which had not yet recovered from the collapse of the 90s, did not have enough night vision devices, no other equipment or helicopters for rapid movement through the air at night. Traveling on foot in hostile mountains was fraught with ambushes, losses, and in any case, that night there was no time for help.

In a word, the reasons for the death of the heroic company of paratroopers are: firstly, the skillful actions of an experienced enemy, at least 10, and even 20 times superior in strength to the 6th company; secondly, the consequences state crisis Russia in the 90s, when our army turned out to be poorly equipped the latest technology, without which Russian troops simply did not have the opportunity to transfer sufficient forces through the forests and mountains of the Vedeno region of Chechnya within a few hours of one night.

In that battle, all 13 officers who were with the 6th company were killed. On the morning of March 1, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Evtyukhin, repeatedly wounded, but continuing to command the battle, called artillery fire “on himself” via radio... Later, 22 paratroopers of the 6th company were nominated for the title of Hero of Russia, 21 of them posthumously. 68 soldiers and officers were awarded the Order of Courage, 63 of them posthumously.

Khattab's detachment lost over 400 people in the battle with the heroic paratroopers. Its battered remnants managed to break past height No. 776, but this was already the agony of large forces of militants. Since the spring of 2000, they no longer had the opportunity to resist Russian troops in open battle, remaining capable only of ambushes and terrorist attacks.

Fifteen years ago, on the night of February 29 to March 1, 2000, the 6th company of the 2nd battalion of the 104th parachute regiment of the 76th Guards Pskov Airborne Division was killed in a brutal unequal battle with Chechen militants.

In the Argun Gorge on the night of February 29 to March 1, 2000, when the 6th company of Pskov paratroopers, holding back the onslaught of Chechen militants, died, but did not let the bandits through. 84 paratroopers were killed. The death of the 6th company of Pskov paratroopers is the biggest loss in the second Chechen war. This stone at the checkpoint of the 104th Parachute Regiment in Cheryokha reminds of that mournful day. On it is carved “From here the 6th company went into immortality.”

In that battle, the commander of the guard battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Evtyukhin Mark Nikolaevi, died heroically, last words whose “I call fire on myself” spread all over the world. The company that went into immortality was commanded by Guard Major Sergei Georgievich Molodov. He had been in Chechnya since February 4, 2000. This was not his first trip to war. Having served most of his officer service in the North Caucasus region, Molodov had extensive experience in combat operations.

The command was given the task: to march on foot and occupy the dominant heights in the Argun Gorge. The plan was to secure part of the 6th company at height 776.0, and then, using this height as a strong point, move forward and occupy the remaining heights. The goal is not to miss the breakthrough of gangs.

Fulfilling the assigned task, the commander of the parachute battalion of the guard, Lieutenant Colonel Evtyukhin Mark Nikolaevich, with the 6th company and part of the 4th company, began moving to the specified area in the early morning of February 28. They were joined by a reconnaissance patrol led by Guard Lieutenant Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobyov. They moved at top speed.

By 16:00 on February 28, the 1st platoon of the 6th company reached a height of 776.0. However, the weather prevented the paratroopers from completing their task. An unexpectedly dense fog made further advance of the units impossible, so a decision was made: to suspend the task until the morning, organize a chasing system, and begin equipping positions.

On the morning of February 29, the units resumed movement. At 12.30, a reconnaissance patrol, moving 100-150 m ahead, discovered a group of militants in an ambush in the clearing area. The paratroopers opened fire on them, and the guard artillery spotter, Captain Viktor Viktorovich Romanov, called in artillery fire. The enemy responded with machine gun fire, sniper rifles and began to bring in reinforcements. There were wounded among the paratroopers.

In a short time, the militants managed to raise additional forces and create a numerical superiority in manpower. In addition, they took more advantageous positions. Under these conditions, battalion commander Evtyukhin decided to retreat to height 776.0 and organize a defense there. Scouts under the command of Guard Senior Lieutenant Vorobyov remained to cover the retreat. Having taken positions on the southern edge of the clearing, the scouts provided the company with the opportunity to retreat and evacuate the wounded. While retreating, Major Molodov was mortally wounded. Guard Major Molodov gives the command to be the last to withdraw, and he himself and one paratrooper remained to cover the retreat of his subordinates. And when the wounded soldier lost consciousness, the major, taking him upon himself, began to retreat to the company’s battle formations. The courageous officer saved the wounded paratrooper, but was himself mortally wounded. Command of the company was taken over by Guard Captain Roman Vladimirovich Sokolov. After the withdrawal of the 6th company, the scouts also retreated to height 776.0, and until 16:00 the company continued to repel militant attacks.

By 5 p.m., the militants again brought up reinforcements of more than 150 people, up to 50 of them were on horseback, and, increasing the intensity of fire, attempted to attack the heights from 2 directions. A heavy battle ensued. The battalion commander personally led the units, was constantly in the most dangerous directions, and carried out the wounded.

At the same time, the 3rd company, which was not far away, entered into battle with the bandits. The paratroopers repelled several enemy attacks and attempted to break through to the 6th company. However, under heavy enemy fire they were forced to retreat to their previous positions.

Later, radio interception revealed that Khattab was in charge of the bandits’ actions.

At 11:05 p.m., the militants made another attempt to knock down the paratroopers from a height. A selected “Dzhimar” detachment of more than 400 people, led by one of the field commanders, Khattab Bakuev, rushed to the company. The bandits came in waves. Using the terrain, they attempted to outflank the company's positions from the left flank. Then the battalion commander sent there a reconnaissance patrol of the guard, Lieutenant Dmitry Sergeevich Kozhemyakin, who fought off the violent attacks of the militants for three hours. At the cost of their lives, the guards thwarted the bandits' plan. An attempt was made to evacuate the wounded into the river bed to the crossing. However, it turned out to be unsuccessful, since there were already militants on the trail, and a battle also broke out with them. The artillery battalion of one of the regiments of the Novorossiysk airborne division, which was located nearby, began to fire on the southwestern slopes of the height.

Having failed to achieve success, the militants ceased fire at 1.50 on March 1 and retreated, and then began on the radio to invite the paratroopers to leave their positions, let them through, and surrender. But the paratroopers, remaining faithful to their military duty, decided to stand to the end.

During the night, several attempts were made to help the 6th company, but heavy enemy fire did not allow this to be done. Only the 3rd platoon of the 4th company under the command of Guard Major Alexander Vasilyevich Dostavalov managed to break through to the company at dawn. During the breakthrough, Guard Lieutenant Ermakov Oleg Viktorovich was mortally wounded.

At 5.10 on March 1st, the militants launched an attack on the heights from all directions. Their number was more than 1000 people. By this time, the guard fire spotter, Captain Romanov, had died from his wounds, so the commander himself, Evtyukhin, adjusted the artillery fire, and Guard Lieutenant Ryazantsev Alexander Nikolaevich helped him, but he also soon died.

At 5.30 the main efforts of the militants were concentrated in the northern direction. Seeing that the ranks of the defenders had noticeably thinned out, the bandits rushed to the top of the height. However, Guard Senior Lieutenant Alexander Mikhailovich Kolgatin managed to plant two mines in this direction. Despite being wounded in the chest, he detonated the mines as soon as the militants went on the attack. But this only stopped the bandits for a short time. For almost 40 more minutes in this direction, senior lieutenant Panov Andrei Aleksandrovich with 10 soldiers held back the attacks of the guard militants.

Having regrouped, the bandits concentrated their efforts in the southwestern direction, which was covered by Guard Lieutenant Dmitry Sergeevich Kozhemyakin and his group. He led the battle to the end until he died from a direct hit from a grenade.

The surviving small group of paratroopers, led by the battalion commander, concentrated at the top. Here the last battle was fought. The last words of Commander Evtyukhin burst into the air: “I call fire on myself!”

At 6.50 the bandits moved to the heights like an avalanche. Without shooting, shouting “Allahu Akbar!”, the bandits made a breakthrough. The battle escalated into hand-to-hand combat. But the forces were too unequal. Three hundred selected bandits were opposed by 26 wounded paratroopers... They fulfilled their military duty to the end.

Now the names of the 84 guards paratroopers are known not only to Pskov. All of Russia knows about them.

Officers, sergeants and soldiers - all as one, entered into battle with the brutal bandits of Khattab and did not retreat a single step, holding their position until their last breath. There were 27 enemies for each paratrooper, but the 6th company won.

The 6th company is a company of heroes. 22 soldiers were posthumously awarded the highest award of the Motherland - Hero Russian Federation. Two of them are Pskovites. This is Alexander Lebedev from Pskovsky and Dmitry Grigoriev from Novosokolnichesky districts. The rest were awarded the Order of Courage. Since 2002, the Pskov land has been decorated with a huge dome - a monument to the heroes of the work of the Honored Architect of Russia Anatoly Tsarik. There are 84 signatures on the inside of the dome. School No. 5 in the city of Pskov was named after battalion commander, guard Lieutenant Colonel Mark Evtyukhin; one of the city streets was renamed in honor of the heroic 6th company.

The administration of the Chechen capital perpetuated the memory of the paratroopers of the 6th company of the Pskov Airborne Division who died at the end of February 2000 in the south of Chechnya. A street in the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny was named after the 84 Pskov paratroopers. By order of the mayor of Grozny, the 9th line street in the Staropromyslovsky district of the city was renamed “Street of the 84 Pskov paratroopers.” This was done in order to perpetuate the memory of the paratroopers of the 6th company of the regiment of the Pskov Airborne Division, who died on February 29, 2000 in a battle with the detachments of Khattab and Basayev in the area of ​​​​the village of Ulus-Kert, Shatoi region.

In Chechnya, this is the first time to date that the authorities have perpetuated the memory of federal military personnel who died during hostilities on the territory of the republic.

Press service of the Union of Russian Paratroopers

The history of the calendar goes back a long way. But count New Year It was the Romans who began on January 1st by decree of Julius Caesar in 45 BC. Subsequently, this calendar was called the Julian calendar, and Sosigenes was recognized as its creator.

The Greek astronomer calculated that one astronomical year is equal to 365 days and six hours. A feature of the Julian calendar was that every three years there were 365 days, and in the fourth year one day was added to February. This was done to avoid lag behind space objects and failure of the calendar system.

After the death of Caesar, many priests did not fully understand how to calculate chronology. And for 36 years they considered every third year a leap year instead of the fourth. Subsequently, under the reign of Emperor Augustus, several leap dates were abolished.

In addition to the scientific point of view, there is also a religious history of its origin. It is associated with the names of St. Kasyan and St. Nicholas the Pleasant. One day they met a man with a cart who needed help. Kasyan refused and did not drag the cart out of the mud, because he did not want to stain his robe, and Nikolai Ugodnik helped the old man. After death, they went to heaven and appeared before God's judgment. Kasyan was dressed in a clean robe, and Nikolai Ugodnik was dressed in a dirty one. Having learned about the circumstances why they were dressed this way, God decided to deprive Kasyan of the right to celebrate name days every year, leaving them only once every four years. This is where the superstitions associated with the date February 29 came from - the most dangerous day in a leap year is considered “Kasyanov’s” day.

Only 4 million people on our planet can boast of being born on February 29; Moreover, the chance of being born on February 29 is 1 in 1500;

Until the 18th century, in some European countries, February 29 was not recognized as an official date: for example, transactions executed on the last day of winter leap year, were not legally legal;

Oswald's Day is celebrated on this day (according to Irish tradition, only on February 29 a woman had the right to propose to a man, and if she was refused, a fine would be imposed on the groom);

Although February 29 is considered an unlucky day, global catastrophes or natural disasters have never occurred on this date;

People born on February 29 are considered special, and they will be endowed with unimaginable talents.

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