Guess what a man thinks about online. Exact signs that a man remembers or thinks about you

What does he think about me: does he love me or not, does he adore me or is he just pretending, is he faithful or is he secretly looking at someone else? Surely, every girl in love or even married woman I would like to receive comprehensive answers to these questions! Online fortune telling “what does he think about me” will help to lift the veil of secrecy. To get the answer, click on the image of the magic mirror and wait a few seconds until the fog of uncertainty clears.

Click on the mirror to get the answer!

You may be interested in other online fortune telling:

Fortune telling “what does he think of me now” has been very popular at all times. What kind of fortune-telling techniques have not been used by young ladies who want to find out about the feelings of their gentlemen! Someone turned to the gypsies so that others would perform rituals with a candle and a mirror. The bravest girls even turned to evil spirits for help (“damn, damn, show yourself what your darling thinks about me, tell me!”).

If you set out to find out “what a person thinks about me,” then online fortune telling will be the most in a simple way do it. You don’t have to pay fortune tellers or perform complex and not always safe rituals. All you have to do is mentally imagine your loved one and click on the image of the mirror.

How to use online fortune telling

1. If you are not serious, then the answers will also be humorous. It is advisable to use fortune telling “what does he think about me” only once per person. If you want to immediately “recheck” the result, you may get a completely different answer. And he is unlikely to be sincere.

2. Online fortune telling “what does a person think about me” answers only love questions. With its help, you will not be able to find out how your boss treats you, or what your relatives think of you (if you need answers to these questions, then go). Therefore, guess only for your loved one.

3. To get the most accurate answer, focus on the man you are wondering about. You must imagine his face, say his name to yourself, remember his voice. Only then ask the question that interests you (“Does so-and-so love me?”, “Does he like me?”, “What does he say about me when I’m not around?”, “Does he think about marrying me?”, etc.) .p.).

4. If you wish, you can create a suitable atmosphere to get yourself in the right mood. If fortune telling occurs in the evening, then turn off artificial lighting and light the candle. If it’s in the morning or afternoon, then close the curtains. It is advisable that no one distracts you or prevents you from thinking about your lover.

What determines the accuracy of prediction?

Secondly, sometimes the result is influenced by astrological factors - the unfortunate position of the planets. Moreover, each person has such an “unsuccessful” combination individually; in order to calculate it, you need to have an astrological natal chart. However, the likelihood is that you are using online fortune telling “What does he think of me?” precisely on a “bad” day, very small. But if you still have doubts about the result, then try to guess the next day.


When we are in love, we often remember the object of our affection and, naturally, we become interested in whether our feeling is mutual and what occupies the thoughts of our loved one. This is especially important if there is no relationship as such yet, but would really like to start one. Tarot spread “Is he thinking about me?” will help you “look” into the head of the object of affection and understand whether there is any sympathy or interest on his part.

Is it possible to use Tarot to find out what a person is thinking about now?

Tarot can answer absolutely any question. But, in fact, trying to find out a person’s momentary thoughts is not too good idea. See for yourself: different thoughts and ideas flash through the minds of each of us every second. Even in a couple of minutes you can have time to think about work, relationships, everyday issues like “What to buy in the store?” or “What dish should I cook for dinner?” Even if we are in love, we do not mentally remember the image of our loved one every second, right? So is there any point in doing a fortune telling “Is he thinking about me now”? Isn't it better to just ask the cards to show the feelings, attitude, interest that arises in potential partner? Why upset yourself once again by receiving a negative answer from the cards just because the person you are interested in is currently busy resolving a work issue or is thinking about the health of a distant relative?

To summarize the above, I would like to note that fortune telling to the question “Does he think about me at least sometimes?” in fact, it doesn’t make sense, because sincere interest and sympathy can be read according to the usual scenario for relationships. In the end, we are all far from children anymore, so all these “Is Vasya thinking about me now?” I propose to leave it aside and consider several simple but informative layouts of a more professional level. After all, we are tarot readers, which means we are serious people, right?

“What does he think of me” layout based on three cards

Instead of finding out from the Tarot whether a young man is thinking about me, we will look at a simple three-card fortune telling about the impression you make on the object of your affection. You just need to focus on the issue of interest, imagine your beloved man before your eyes, and then pull out three random cards from the magic deck.

There are two variations of interpretation. Choose the one you like best. In the first option, number 1 will show the thoughts of the object of sympathy, 2 - his feelings, 3 - the behavior or mask that the person puts on when communicating with you (if the card clearly contradicts the first two positions). When using the second option, the first card describes the general impression you make on a man, the second - emotional sphere, feelings, and the third is a subconscious attitude towards you, which he may not even realize.

Tarot fortune telling “What does he think about me” for 7 cards

What can you learn from this informative Tarot reading: does a man think about me, what plans does he make, how does he feel, how does he behave. We carry out the layout in the classic way, asking a question and shuffling the cards. From the shuffled deck we select seven Arcana at random, laying them out as shown in the picture.

The meaning of positions in the layout

  1. Thoughts of the object of sympathy about the querent
  2. His true feelings
  3. Demonstrated attitude, how a man behaves with a querent in public
  4. True attitude (may differ significantly from position 3)
  5. A man’s goal, what he wants from this woman
  6. His behavior in the near future
  7. Prospects, outcome, possibility or impossibility of building relationships

Simple fortune telling “Yes-No” for a specific answer to a question

Probably the simplest and easiest way to get a clear, intelligible answer is Yes-No fortune telling using a single card. Even a beginner can master this technique, since there are no complex circuits and we do not use a large number of Arcana. We simply ask a question that can be answered unambiguously - yes or no, and draw one card from the deck - it will be the answer we are looking for. What questions can be used for fortune telling: does he think about me, does he remember our meetings, does he feel sympathy, does this man like me, does he want or does not want to start an affair, etc.

Here is the most important nuance- this is the interpretation. It is best if it is intuitive, since each tarot reader perceives the same card in his own way. So, for example, for some, Arcanum Moon may mean “yes, but he hides it,” but for others it is a definite “no.” Therefore, before performing fortune telling, decide which cards will respond positively and which will respond negatively. Some generally use a simplified system, taking any upright card as a “yes” answer, and an inverted one as a “no” answer. Other tarot readers determine the answer by the semantic shade of the card: for example, problematic Arcana like the Devil, Three, Five, Nine, Ten of Swords, as well as the Five of Pentacles, the Tower and some other cards, in their opinion, answer negatively, and clearly joyful ones - the Sun , Star, Ten of Pentacles, Three of Cups and others - positively.

You can analyze cards in another way, applying their meaning to yourself. Look: we ask the question “Does Nikolai like me?”, and then look at the Arcanum that appears. Let's say we get the Nine of Swords - a card of disorder. Let's think about which answer, yes or no, will upset us more - that one will correspond to the truth. If, for example, we didn’t like this Nikolai at all, but friends and acquaintances tried their best to bring us together (this also happens!) and we got, for example, the Sun, then it would be logical to assume that Nikolai does not feel any sympathy , which undoubtedly makes us happy. If, on the contrary, our heart burned with passion for this imaginary Nicholas, then the Sun would confirm mutual sympathy.

It is also worth paying attention to cards whose unambiguous meaning you doubt. So, for example, Moderation, Justice or Lovers clearly speak of some kind of duality, so we can safely assume that they will mean the answer “I don’t know”, “it’s unclear”, “unknown”. In the same way, you can match all other cards in the deck. The main thing is to be guided by your own feelings, and not by book interpretations, because even the same Death or Tower is perceived by many tarot readers as a positive Arcanum rather than a negative one. In a word, practice and personal feelings are important in everything.

Perhaps there is not a single girl, girl or honorable lady in the world who would not be worried about the question: “What does He think of me?”

Someone else's soul is dark... Most ladies with “rich life experience” claim that, for the most part, men are primitive. We will neither refute nor confirm this statement. We just want to remind you of another common saying: men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Let's just focus on the fact that men think a little differently, no matter how limited and primitive they may seem to us at times. But even such a clinical case is not always clear and unambiguous. Go figure, how are cockroaches running around in his head?! The level of complexity increases if you desperately need to find out: what is in the heart of your loved one? And if I could find out what he thinks about me... Yes, it’s difficult, it’s incomprehensible - after all, men themselves cannot give a clear answer to this simple question!

Don't worry! There is always a way out! Free online fortune telling on ancient Russian cards provides an excellent opportunity not only to “look into His soul,” but also to read what is not obvious at first glance.

Agree that this kind of life tips will never be superfluous. Thanks to them, it is much easier to navigate difficult amorous matters.

Fortune telling on the “Four Ladies”, get an answer to the question: “What does He think about me” and be happy!

It’s good when people understand each other without words or can feel each other at a distance. Free online fortune telling: What is he thinking about me now will help you get into the thoughts of your lover. By conducting fortune telling, the girls found out what their lover was doing. And these days we are often faced with conflicting, unsaid situations when only magic can help. On our website we have selected several options for this fortune telling for 36 playing cards, Tarot cards and Marie Lenormand.

Simple fortune telling with playing cards

Fortune telling: What he thinks about on playing cards is the simplest and easiest. All you need to do is mentally select one king from the deck and mentally associate it with your lover. Next, the deck is thoroughly mixed and then laid out in a stack, one picture at a time.

When performing fortune telling on a person, the following words are said in turn over each card:

“My dear is bored - dreams of a date - doesn’t want to see me - tormented by black jealousy - thinks that I’m with someone else - doesn’t want to live without me - thinks about how to surprise - wants to stay with me - he’s burning with love - his feelings are high - wants to break up , but doesn’t know how to confess - he wants to ask her to marry, but is embarrassed to say - his thoughts are far away, he is completely at work - his thoughts cannot be recognized, he needs to tell his fortune later... »

You need to repeat these words “in a circle” until the card you have in mind is revealed. The phrase on which your card fell is the answer to the question about your loved one.

Advice: It’s worth saying that men can also conduct fortune telling “What does he think about me” online for their beloved woman, and find out what she’s doing in at the moment. The only adjustment: You need to choose a queen, not a king!

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

The second version of this fortune telling is more complex and is carried out using Tarot cards. This is a very interesting alignment that allows you to understand what your lover thinks about you in three areas: conscious thoughts, emotional attitude and subconscious attitude.

Card meaning:

  • First card: First impression, conscious attitude towards you;
  • Second card: Emotional attitude, the feelings that he experiences for you;
  • Third card: Subconscious attitude towards you, something he may not be able to account for to himself;

Advice: in this fortune telling you will have to spend quite a lot of time interpreting the meaning of each card. Take your time, check out full description each card and try to interpret them to the layout.

Fortune telling with Lenormand cards

There is another lesser-known fortune telling on Lenormand cards for a person we think about every day and want to know what he thinks about us. By conducting a fortune telling “What is he thinking now”, you can find out what plans this person has for you. In addition, if you have problems with your loved one, you can try this fortune telling and solve a lot of problems in order to see an objective picture of your life as a partner.

Card meaning:

  • First card: the place you occupy in the life of your loved one;
  • Second card: the feelings that your partner has for you;
  • Third card: how your loved one speaks about you in public (in conversation with friends, relatives)
  • Fourth card: what your lover plans in the near future in relation to you;
  • Fifth card: advice from the Lenormand deck.

Online test"What does he think of me?" (20 questions)


*Important: personal data and test results are not saved!

Comments from site visitors

    Interesting fortune telling, but how do you find out if it’s true or not? I will guess when everything is fine with us and when we have a fight. Then I will compare the results. Maybe someone has already checked this fortune telling? And I wonder, is it possible only for a lover or for any person? I’ll try to check it too) It would be nice to at least know approximately what he thinks.

    This is more relevant to me than ever, my beloved went on a long-term business trip, and at home I am constantly worried about thoughts about how he is doing, whether he is cheating on me, whether he misses me and home, whether everything will be fine upon his return... I’m afraid to ask questions in person, suddenly I get bored or frighten him away with my hyper-concern and excitement, thanks to this fortune-telling I calm down a little mentally

    Tell me, please, which of the fortune telling is the most effective? I broke up with my guy, but I want to check his feelings and intentions towards me, maybe not everything is over yet and it makes sense to overcome pride and try to revive the relationship. But for now, because of the uncertainty about his feelings, I’m afraid to take the first step.

    IN lately There are often some quarrels with my husband, we fight over everything. Not being able to conceive a child is the main problem and reason for scolding. But lately I’ve been having thoughts that he simply doesn’t love me anymore and maybe he has someone besides me. The fortune telling above gave me a little hope, I’ll definitely try to do them, maybe the cards will be able to provide an answer to our difficult situation.

    I’ve been “friends” with a young man for who knows how long. But I believe and know that friendship does not exist, at some point one of the parties falls in love with the other. And so I began to have feelings, I really trust and appreciate the person, I believe that relationships based on friendship are doomed to success and long-term. I made a layout according to the cards, it turned out that reciprocity promises me, but not right now. I will wait, I want a relationship with him.

    I helped my friend survive a difficult breakup with her boyfriend according to the fortune telling described here, the girl was very worried, she literally couldn’t find a place for herself, she couldn’t accept this breakup. The results turned out to be true, although it was difficult for her to come to terms with them. Tell me, is there a similar fortune telling for girls? I'd like to try to do it.

    Interesting fortune telling. You can find out not only what he thinks about me now, but also what he tells others about me, what he plans in the future. I guessed online and my results weren't very good. good cards. The first thunderstorm came - a storm, a break in relationships. I already know this (But it’s good that I told my fortune, it will encourage me to take action to improve our relationship.

    This is the best year for girls! We always guess like this on simple cards. We don’t have tarot and leronman cards, what do they look like? Are these some special cards for fortune telling? Mom often tells us fortunes, but of course I don’t tell her the name) You have a lot on your site good fortune telling, we've already tried everything. But it's easy, that's why we like it.

    Well, it's not just for young girls. I'm retired and started going to the club for people over 60. There are a lot of interesting men, everyone behaves correctly. Except for one thing. He just wants to hug me around the waist and pinch me. And he pretends that nothing is happening. I’ve seen so much in this life, but I don’t know how to understand such behavior. It seems to be paying attention to me, but in a strange way. So I’m guessing on cards to figure it out.

    I love tarot cards, but I didn’t know all the meanings, but here everything is written about them so competently and in detail. Right now I need to find out what they think about me. Well, recently there was a corporate party, and I expressed to the boss how he treated his subordinates, in a very rude manner. I probably expect to be fired, but I will hope for the best.

    I was reading tarot for my lover and the Four of Coins card came out. It denotes a long period of swing, when a person thinks and thinks about whether to marry or not, to confess his love to him or to be careful for now. Well, that’s right about us, we’ve been living for 10 years, but there’s no talk of a wedding. I myself hinted and said, but no, then and then...

    A friend of mine used to tell fortunes when we were still girls. It was very interesting. Let's sit down in the evening and tell fortunes about the boys. Only there was no Internet. only books, but now you go on the Internet and there are all kinds of fortune-telling, everyone is like that interesting and simple. So my daughter asks me to buy her tarot cards. She wants to learn to guess, your site will help her.

    The Tarot cards have been lying around for a long time. Once upon a time, a friend gave them to me for my birthday, but I never opened them because I didn’t know how to tell fortunes and what could be learned from these cards. I saw a link to a site from a friend and re-wrote it. That's where my cards came in handy. At least I’ll find out what my husband was thinking when he left me for someone else...

    I was sitting and telling fortunes about a guy using tarot. Suddenly he came in and joined. Now we are guessing and learning together, he is ahead of me, although he teaches less than me, maybe he has a gift, because he already knows all the meanings. And he thinks badly of me, I wondered. Maybe we should break up with him, otherwise he constantly calls me a stupid fool, and always takes my cards.

    I want to try to tell fortunes in different relational situations, so to speak: when we are in a quarrel, when we are together, when we are not quarreling, when he is on a business trip. I want to see what the cards will give out and then it will be easier and more reliable for me to compare the dropped values. So I haven’t made any conclusions yet

    I have on ex-husband gave out the Four of Coins. And by the way, yes, in fact, there was no marriage proposal from him, we just somehow got to talking and decided that we should get married. I was the first to confess my love to him. Apparently, that’s why they got divorced (I was also the initiator of the divorce, by the way) because I stopped loving and decided, I was tired. And my friend has been living with a guy for more than 10 years, there’s no talk of a ring yet) Also, they probably have four coins

    In another fortune telling, it happened to me that I have changes ahead of me, I’m literally standing on the threshold of a new life (it seems like everything is turning out in a positive way). Maybe a man will finally appear in my life? I was already looking at the future, it seems like they told me to get married in 2019, because somehow it would be time to get into a relationship. And with this fortune-telling there’s no one to tell fortunes for right now(

    And the guy and I are also guessing together, by the way. Only, unlike your situation, my boyfriend brought them home himself (his mother was once into it, but now she is no longer alive). In general, we also started studying together, more common topics appeared, and fewer quarrels. I don’t even sit down for them alone if the guy is late at work. I'm waiting for him

    Fortune telling is actually so exciting. I don’t understand people who are afraid of fortune tellers, cards, money. It doesn’t cause any harm to anyone; in general, it’s everyone’s personal choice to believe or not what the cards say. Those who are afraid need to treat it more simply as a game of cards and that’s all. There is nothing dark or black about this. I'm actually hooked on fortune telling already) Hobby

    If we talk about the strong energy of cards, then the best option is to make the cards yourself (dear authors, maybe you have information on this? A friend told me that it is better to make your own cards, but I don’t know how to organize it all correctly). And fortune telling is a really interesting thing, but it needs to be taken seriously.

    For three years now I have been turning to online fortune telling in my spare time. Including relationships with men, although now the issue of studies is more relevant. At first I wondered purely out of curiosity and interest. But when the results began to come true, I took fortune telling more seriously and studied them in a little more detail. Learn how to guess correctly.

    There are mostly girls here, so I’ll address it this way: Girls, dear ones, no matter who you are guessing for, and regardless of the method you choose from those given, in any case, take a photo of the person, the energy increases, the deck is better tuned to him. And it is very important to attract thoughts too, think about this person constantly!

    I was wondering about my relationship with my husband and asked the cards this question: what will my husband be like in our relationship over the next three months? It gave a not very desirable result, I was upset after the fortune telling. It may even come to a break. Dear readers and authors, tell me, is there any way to smooth out this result?

    What I need now for me to understand what to do. We have been friends with one pepper for quite some time. But a man and a lady can’t just be friends, someone always has feelings. So it came to me. I want to be with him and that’s all, I don’t need anyone else. Moreover, he is free now, so I put my feet in my hands and do this fortune-telling. and after fortune telling - conclusions.

    Lyuba, I have the same situation too. A friend helped after breaking up with a guy (we almost dated for 2 years, I was very worried, he left me) and after a while I realized that I was already falling in love with this friend, the former guy was forgotten. I hope that something will happen, because building an alliance on friendship is very cool and promising. But he hasn’t taken his first steps yet, which is probably why I’m on this page now))

    No, not only girls are present here. You are not the only one suffering from unrequited feelings :) I am worried about my current girlfriend, and I am very worried. Otherwise he would not have appeared here. It seems to me that she is very cold with me and hidden in her feelings. Not at all sincere. Can this fortune telling be used for men in relation to girls?

    You have some interesting fortune telling. I learned about the future and its attitude towards me. I just didn’t really like the layout for the future, the present was fine, but the future is not very good for us. Is it possible to guess many times on the same person or only strictly once? I haven’t tried all the fortune telling, but some are simply easier to perform, so that’s what I do

    Please explain how card 2 (emotional meaning) differs from card 3 (subconscious)? In terms of emotions, our relationship is just a flurry of passion. Everything is very active and with feelings. Could this really be different from what he has in his mind about me and us in general? I haven’t done fortune telling yet, but I’m going to turn to a knowledgeable person.

    I have contacted experienced tarot readers more than once, I believe in tarot cards, I don’t see anything bad in them, and what bad can happen. On many forums, people write that it is harmful to health and will have negative consequences for your family. I don’t believe it and I recommend everyone not to believe it, these are just cards, not magic. And the simple ability to correctly decipher their meaning.

    My friends and I like to tell fortunes at someone’s house after classes. A group of 4 girls, no boys, and of course we are worried about some personalities with their attitude towards us)) I know about tarot cards, but I only use simple fortune telling. Maybe you can tell me where is the best place to buy them? And Leronman is also the first time I’ve heard about these. We would buy it and try it

    Girls, such a problem, I don’t know if cards can help. At the moment I am dating a new guy (wealthy, with his own business, he takes care of him very nicely), but suddenly a month and a half after the breakup, the old one shows up. It seems that I am happy with the new, but I still have feelings for the old, there is pity... What fortune telling is best to do in my situation? Thank you all in advance:*

    My husband is a very self-conscious person. A couple of times I managed to have a heart-to-heart conversation with him, and even then it was under the influence of alcohol. I love him, I’m already used to him, I want to continue to be there. But all the time I am afraid that he is not telling me something and is hiding something from me... I don’t like fortune telling in general, but my thoughts force me to turn to them. Thanks for the article, online is optimal for me.

    My classmate, this is how they write in the books, honestly! He writes to me that he misses me and wants to see me as a guest (he has been living in Germany for a couple of years already), and, apparently, he was drunk, he writes that he has long wanted to confess, but did not have the courage. and now I’ve decided whether I was or wasn’t... I’m sitting in shock, because about 4 years ago a girl I knew did a tarot layout. And it said the following: “look for the one who is your destiny, not far from you, he has been nearby for many years”... I’m sitting in shock, honestly. What if he really is?

The thoughts of another person are still a mystery. How much simpler everything would be if we could “get into” the heads of people we like, wouldn’t it? In this case, there would be no need to suffer, suffer, and be tormented by questions. But alas, man is not omnipotent, and only a few can boast of real psychic abilities. But still, if you are eager to find out what thoughts are running through the head of your beloved man, you can make a Tarot reading “Does he think about me” to get at least some answers.

Is it possible to use the Tarot to find out a person’s thoughts at a given moment in time?

A person’s thoughts change very quickly, so when making a layout at a specific moment in time, we risk “not catching” in the subject’s head exactly the topic that interests us. Therefore, you should not ask the cards the question “What is he thinking about now?” - it’s better to ask the Tarot “Does the young man think about me in principle?” And in general, in our opinion, clarification of thoughts in current moment- this is rather the destiny of the Lenormand deck, from which you can immediately determine what the person you are interested in is doing and thinking about. Tarot is suitable for working through deeper issues. But, nevertheless, we still offer you several layouts of a person’s thoughts.

Tarot spread “What does he think about me” for 3 cards

This simple fortune telling will answer three main questions. The first card will show the person’s thoughts about you, the second will tell about his feelings, the third will describe his attitude.

Let's look at the interpretation with an example. A girl came to you with a question for the Tarot: “Does a man think about me?” We pulled out the Ace of Pentacles, the Hermit and . We see the following picture: the man’s thoughts are clearly occupied with some material issues, in terms of feelings he is now going through a period of soul-searching, and his attitude towards the girl is clearly dishonest, cowardly, and cowardly. We can say unequivocally that he does not think about her in principle, and, alas, there are no special prospects for her.

In order to carry out this fortune telling, you don’t even need a diagram - the cards are pulled out from the deck and placed in a horizontal row. We draw four cards in total.

  1. Describes a person’s thoughts about the client, how she seems to him from the outside
  2. He'll talk about what he likes about her.
  3. Shows what you don't like
  4. A man’s plans for a woman, is he thinking about starting a relationship?

Let's look at an example. A woman asks about the thoughts of a man she recently met. She went on a date with him, but after it he hasn’t made himself known for two days now. Cards dropped: , Ace of Swords, Wheel of Fortune. They can be interpreted as follows: the man thinks of the client as a romantic, kind and pleasant person in every sense. He really likes her intelligence, her ability to think outside the box, but he doesn’t like some haste and assertiveness. But he hasn’t decided anything about his future plans yet: he believes that let it be as it will be.

A simple “Yes - No” layout to get a straight answer

Using this method, even a beginner can find out the exact answer “yes” or “no” to the question posed. You don’t have to think about the meaning of the drawn card, interpret combinations or consult reference books. The main thing is to formulate the question so that it can be answered unambiguously. So, for example, a client can ask before fortune telling, “Does he think about me at least sometimes?” and get a clear, concise answer, but, however, without details.

All you need is to pull out one single card from the deck, and we’ll look at what it says now. For convenient orientation, we will mark the inverted position of the card in parentheses as “pp”, and the card that is equally readable in the forward and reverse positions – as “vp”.

Cards that answer the question "yes"

  • Major Arcana: Magician, Empress, Emperor, Justice, Court, Priestess (pp), Hierophant, Lovers, Star, Chariot (vp), Hermit (pp), Wheel of Fortune (pp), Strength, Hanged Man (pp), Temperance, Tower (pp), Sun (vp), World (vp)
  • Court cards: all Knights (vp), Queen of Wands and Cups (vp), King of Wands and Pentacles (vp)

Cards that give the answer "no"

  • Major Arcana: (pp), Empress (pp), (pp), (pp), Judgment (pp), (pp), Star (pp),

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