Spring fun in the 2 ml group. Musical and recreational entertainment in the second junior group “Vesna-Krasna”

Natalya Litvinova
Musical and recreational entertainment in the second younger group"Spring-Red"

Musical and recreational entertainment

at 2 younger group« Vesna-Krasna»

Prepared by MBDOU teacher « Kindergarten No. 24" Litvinova Natalia Alexandrovna

Target: creating a joyful mood in children


1. Expand children’s knowledge and ideas about the world around them;

2. Stimulate speech and motor activity children;

3. Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, breathing, sense of rhythm, tempo;

4. Form correct posture, ability to navigate in space, imitative movements;

5. Foster feelings of collectivism, determination, and self-confidence.

Equipment: the hall is decorated with spring attributes: green leaves, birch trees, snowdrops, sun; multi-colored ribbons and blue scarves for each child, blue fabric for the stream, masks for head: sparrow boys, frog girls, hedgehog mask, umbrella, paper flowers and butterflies, origami boats made of colored paper, hoop.

Preliminary work: reading literature and listening musical works on the topic « Spring» , looking at pictures depicting spring nature, talking about spring, about spring flowers, observing changes in nature, memorizing poems about spring, sun, drawing using unconventional methods.

Children enter under music one after another and lined up in a semicircle.

Presenter: Why does the sun shine brightly and cleanly from heaven?

Why does a green leaf tend to go up here and there?

Why do birds sing loud songs on the branches?

Why are the animals in the forest now unable to sleep?

Because she came to visit us guys again Spring!

Song about spring

Comes under spring music.

Spring: Hello guys, here I am Spring.

She walked along the ground with warm steps.

I brought the hot, radiant sun

And it walks across the clear sky.

It will walk across the sky, it will warm the earth,

It will give everyone warmth

Presenter: Now get up in a round dance

spring and welcome the sun

Spring round dance (with multi-colored ribbons)

Children sit down

Presenter: We glorify spring, we read poetry to her.

1 child The sun began to warm the earth again.

AND Spring- the beauty came to us again.

2 reb. Birds fly, sing songs,

And the icicles melt, they don’t let us sleep.

Spring: A stream ran. He gurgles and gurgles, talking to himself.

It will spill over the meadow,

Don't go anywhere, my friend!

Come out all boldly, let's jump over the stream!

Game "Jump Over the Stream"

The leader spreads a blue cloth on the floor, the children jump over it one after another.

2-3 times and sit down

Spring: And now we are all turning into merry streams!

Turn left and right, everything will turn into a stream!

Everyone takes blue handkerchiefs and performs a dance "Stream"

1. Run, run, run, kids

They ran, ran, streams ran.


Spring streams here and there. (Spring)

They sing a fun song to our children.

2. The kids ran, ran, ran (running in a flock, arms to the sides)

The streams began to babble, babble, and babble.


Whirl with me, fast, fast stream (Spinning)

Repeat after me quickly, little friend.

3. The kids ran away, ran away, ran away (running around, waving handkerchiefs)

The children's streams began to gurgle more merrily.

Chorus: Let’s all gather in a circle (gather in a circle and do "fountain")

Once, two times, two, three!

What a big fountain! Look! -2 times

Presenter: You Spring, Spring - Red Who did you bring with you?

Spring: I came with spring messengers, with cheerful singers.

They sing songs and peck worms in the field.

Bird children: We are forest singers, so different.

I eat all day and don’t get tired at all.

Dance of the sparrows

(disk "Dance baby" No. 2 edited by T. I Suvorova)

Presenter: You Spring, Spring - Red Who did you wake up from sleep?

Spring: I woke up the little animals, the pop-eyed, green frogs.

They open their mouths big and start croaking loudly.

frogs: We are cheerful girlfriends, we are green frogs.

Dance of the frogs (at the choice of the music director)

Presenter: You Spring, Spring - Red Who did you wake up from sleep?

Spring: There was a whiff in the forest in the spring, the snow has retreated from the paths

Along a narrow forest path. The hedgehog is walking, waking up.

Presenter: Hedgehog play with us, quickly catch up with us.

Playing with a hedgehog

Presenter: Hedgehog, hedgehog along the path, stomp, stomp, stomp.

His legs are tired, stomp, stomp, stomp

Hedgehog, sit down and relax, look at the guys.

(the hedgehog sits down, the children dance)

Look at the guys, and then catch up!

(the hedgehog catches up with the children)

The children sit down.

Presenter: You Spring, Spring - Red Who did you bring with you?

Spring: I came to visit you with the spring rain.

Presenter: Here are the drops of Kapitoshka

They clattered along the path.

The clouds are approaching

It's starting to rain!

Finger game "Rain big and small"

To a light and quiet melody in the upper register, children gently tap the palm of the other hand with the finger of one hand, sentencing: "Drip-drip-drip"

When changing music on loud, tapping your index finger on your knees. Game repeated several times. Next we introduce the sound of a thunderstorm and the children knock on their knees and stomp.

Spring: Sing a song about rain for me.

Song "Rain"

(at the choice of the music director with bells and bells)

Spring: Hurry up, rain, come out and guys cheered up.

Game "Sun and Rain" Spring holding an umbrella

Presenter: You Spring, Spring - Red What did you bring with you?

Spring: I brought a blanket of flowers for the meadows.

(throws flowers under music)

Help me quickly and sort out the flowers,

We need to decorate the flower beds and invite the butterflies.

Game "Decorate the flowerbed"

There are flowers on the floor, they need to be collected in a hoop - this is a flower bed. Children collect flowers in a flowerbed.

Presenter: And the butterflies flew in and sat on our palms.

Children are given light paper butterflies on their palms.

Children perform breathing exercise "Blow away the butterfly"

Children blow on a butterfly so that it "flew away" to the flowerbed.

The children sit down.

Presenter: Thank you, Spring is red, for coming to visit us.

Spring: You greeted me kindly, noticed me with song and dance.

I will give everyone a gift, I will not deprive anyone!

May it be in your streams and puddles

The ships will spin!

Children are given colorful paper boats.

Presenter: What wonderful boats. You and I will definitely play with them and let them swim. These are our boats of happiness. Let our boats sail along a stream of tenderness, care and love. Well, it's time to say goodbye. IN the group should come back soon.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities in the early development group “Spring is Red” Goal: to generalize and consolidate knowledge about spring natural phenomena; name the main signs of spring. Tasks: - replenish and activate vocabulary.

Abstract of the educational activity for the public organization "Speech development" in the preparatory group "Spring-red" Abstract of the educational activity for the public organization “Speech Development” with preschoolers “Spring-Red” (Federal State Educational Standard) Integration educational areas: social and communicative.

Abstract of GCD on the surrounding world “Red Spring has come” in the senior group Topic: “Red spring has come.” Goal: to clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about characteristic features spring. Objectives: educational: consolidate.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Spring is red, come soon!” Goal: development of coherent speech on the topic “Spring”. Program content: - learn to select words-definitions for a noun - learn to answer.


Scenario spring fun for 2 junior and middle groups.

Characters (adults):


Target: Consolidating children's knowledge about spring during an entertaining event. Activate children's desire to use their creative abilities.

Tasks: 1. Systematize children's knowledge about the signs of spring.

2. Develop creative imagination and love of nature.

3. Increase the emotional mood of each child.

Preparation: Conducting a conversation with children about spring, solving riddles, learning songs, poems and round dances, creating a presentation, decorating a music room.

Attributes and equipment : multimedia screen, hoops.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

VED. Dear guys! Today we have gathered in our hall to welcome our guest, Spring.
If the snow has melted everywhere, the days become longer,
If everything is green and a stream rings in the fields,
If the sun shines brighter, if the birds have no time to sleep,
If the wind has become warmer, it means... has come to us.

ALL Spring!

VED. Everything is ready for the holiday. So what are we waiting for? We will begin our holiday with a poem.


1. All the snowstorms have flown away,
The cold has gone.
The sun is shining stronger -
No snow, no ice.

2. The sun is shining again
Warm the earth.
And spring is beautiful
She came to us again.

3. The days are fine
Similar to holidays.
And the sun is warm in the sky,
Cheerful and kind.

4. We'll frolic together
Sing songs and have fun.
On a sunny spring day,
Have fun, whoever is not too lazy!

VED. Guys, so that Spring can come to us for the holiday, let's sing a song about it.

SONG “And in the spring...”

VED. Let's all shout together as friends: “Spring is Red, come here!”

CHILDREN Spring-Red, come here! Spring-Red, come here!

To the music SPRING enters.

SPRING I hear, I hear you guys. I am the sorceress Spring.
I awakened the meadows, the forest, and the field from sleep.
So that the flowers bloom and the birds sing.
Hello my friends,
Here I am, Spring-Red!

VED. Hello, Spring. The guys were really waiting for you. We are all happy about warm days, sunshine, birds, and the first flowers.

SPRING Guys, do you know that migratory birds are returning to our region with me? When all the birds gather and sing, they form a bird choir. Do you hear?(Sounds of the forest) Let's look at the birds. Just to see them, you need to guess my riddles. Can you handle it?


SPRING Well then, listen.

Spring asks riddles, and the answers appear on the screen.

Riddles about birds:

1. Everyone migratory birds blacker,
Cleans the earth from worms.
He gallops along the arable fields,
And the bird's name is... Rook!

2. She lives under the roofs
He builds his nest from clay.
Flying high in the clouds,
It eats midges on the fly.
Sweetheart in a black tailcoat,
And it's called... Martin!

3. Stands on one leg
He looks intently into the water.
Pokes his beak at random,
Looking for frogs in the river.
A drop hung on my nose.
Did you guess it? This is... Heron!

4. This little bird
She is a great singer.
Who sings among the branches?

5. What kind of bird on a bitch
He sings to us coo-coo, coo-coo!
She is everyone's friend in the forest,
And her name is..... Cuckoo!

5. There's a palace on a pole,
There is a singer in the palace.
And his name is... Starling!

Guys, do you know the name of the starling's house?

CHILDREN Yes! It's a birdhouse!

VED. Our children help starlings and build houses for them. Do you want to hear how?

SPRING With pleasure!

SONG “Jolly Builders”

SPRING What great fellows! Birds should not be offended, because they are small, and they also bring great benefits to the forest. Do you want us to turn into birds?


SPRING Spun, spun,
They turned into little birds!
Let's playgame "Birds in Nests"

A CAT enters the hall. Meows.

CAT I’m a little gray cat, I kept sitting by the window.
I was going to visit you, I spent a lot of time dressing up.
Who's singing about birds here? Who doesn't let me sleep? Meow!

VED. Ah, that's who scared away our birds! You can't hunt birds, Kiska, they are our friends!

CAT I'm so bored, I have nothing to do, so I hunt.

VED. So you better play with the birds!

GAME "Birds and Cat".

SPRING We had a lot of fun playing! Well, let's turn into kids again.
We spun, we spun, and we turned into kids!

CAT So it wasn't birds, but kids? I don't play like that...

SPRING Kitty, don’t be angry, it’s better to have fun with us.

DANCE "Boogie-woogie"

CAT You have a lot of fun. But I have to go, goodbye, kids!

SPRING Guys, do you want to know how forest dwellers greet spring?


SPRING Well then, let's hit the road, walk along the forest path.


SPRING Well, here we are. Look, this is a forest clearing. It seems like a magpie is flying towards us...

SKETCH “Spring has come” (show children senior group)

SPRING The sun shines brighter,
It warms our earth.
So that the buds open quickly,
For flowers to grow.

You guys come out and start dancing together!

DANCE “Begin to dance”

SPRING Thank you, guys, for your affection, for your wide-ranging fun.

VED. And to you, Vesna, thank you for your kind words. We are glad to meet you.

SPRING Well, it’s time for me to go, I still have a lot to do: I need to sweep the snow from the hillock, wash away the garbage from the paths in streams, yes sun rays dry the ground. Goodbye, friends!

ALL Goodbye!

VED. Guys, our holiday is over. Did you like it? And now we all go to our groups.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 26 in Uglegorsk, Sakhalin region

Scenario for spring fun in the second junior group
“The forest has changed a lot, there are many miracles in it”

Uglegorsk, 2016

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.
If the sun is shining,
The blue distance is clear
All the guys know this
So she came to us
Children: Spring!

If I sing the birds,
The grass turned green
All the guys know this -
So she came to us
Children: Spring!

The buds on the trees swelled,
The cubs have no time to sleep,
Here are the first leaves -
So she came to us.
Children: Spring!

1st child:
The sun laughs tenderly,
Shines brighter, hotter!
And it pours loudly from the hillock
Talkative stream!

2nd child:
Streams sing everywhere
And the snowdrops are blooming
Everything woke up from sleep
Spring has come to us.

3rd child:
Spring has come to us again
We want to dance
Everyone rejoices in the warmth,
Enjoying the sun.

The streams ring: “Ding-dong!”
And everywhere you can hear the ringing
Flowers are blooming
You and I rejoice!

5th child:
The sun is shining brightly!
Birds preen their feathers.
The bugs are waking up
Butterflies and spiders.

Spring sun
Shine kindly
Spring song
Sound more cheerful!
The children start a round dance.

Song - dance: “Spring Dance”

Children sit on chairs

Presenter: takes the letter, reads

Dear guys, forest animals: bunnies, foxes, bear cubs, hedgehogs, birds, invite you to visit the forest! Come to us quickly, we are waiting for you!

Children, let's go to spring forest?
Children: yes

Presenter: But the forest is very far away, how will we get there?

Children: by train
Presenter: Well, then quickly get on our spring train, take your seats (become a train)
Song "Train"
Children sing and walk in a circle like a train. We arrived and stopped.
Presenter: Oh, guys!
The forest has changed a lot,
There were many miracles in it.
Why is it light and clean?
Is the sun shining from the sky?
Why is the leaf green?
Does it tend to go up here and there?
Why are there animals in the forest?
Can't sleep now?
Because to us, guys,
Spring has come to visit again!

Children, look how beautiful the birch tree is. Let's congratulate the birch tree on the coming of spring.
Child: Happy spring to you, birch tree
The guys congratulate
And the round dance is cheerful
They're starting soon.
Child: We took the handkerchiefs in our hands,
They danced under the birch tree!
They take handkerchiefs from the teacher and sing and dance “Beryozka”
If the sun is shining
You can take a walk
Have fun clapping
Have fun walking
If a cloud frowns
And it threatens to rain
Let's hide under the umbrella
We'll wait out the rain
Let's play a game of sunshine and rain?
Game "Sun and Rain"
The hedgehog comes out.
Hedgehog: Fu-fu-fu! Who woke me up and ruined my sleep?
Presenter: Our children played a game. Hedgehog, don’t be angry, we’ll play with you too. Really, guys? Shall we play with the hedgehog?
Children: Yes!
Hedgehog: You made me angry. Okay, I'll play with you a little. Get up quickly and form a circle around me. Let's play Trap with you.

Hedgehog: Oh, what a great job, kids! I'm not angry with you anymore!
Presenter: Hedgehog, you played very well with us, we liked it so much. Here's an apple for you - what will you give our children?
Hedgehog: I'll give you toys
These are children, rattles
The rattle is rattling
Makes all the guests happy
Just don't make it loud
Don't wake up the little bear.
"Dance with Rattles"
Bear: What kind of naughty little girls?
Did you wake up the bear?
Now I'll catch you
I'll play with you!
"Game with a bear"
Bear: I really like to meet guests
Sing, play, dance with them!
And I also love you very much
Give our kids a treat!
Thanks everyone for the fun
Get a treat.

Presenter: Guys, what a good time we had in the spring forest. How nicely you were welcomed here!
I congratulate everyone on spring
Well now it's time to go home
Become friends with each other
Get on our train
He will take us home
To kindergarten, dear dear!
They stand up like a train and go to the group.

Entertainment scenario “Meeting of Spring”

for children of the second younger group

Program content:

Evoke positive emotions from joint games(musical, active, creative). Cultivate interest in the perceived content. Continue to develop imagination, fantasy and logical thinking.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations, presentations on the theme "Spring". Reading and memorizing poems about spring and the spring months. Games to develop imagination, based on the seasons. Weather monitoring; behind the sky, behind the snow, behind the trees, birds; for natural phenomena characteristic of the onset of spring - icicles, ice drift, thawed patches.

Progress of entertainment:

To the music “The Sun Has Friends”, music. E. Tilicheeva children enter the decorated hall.


The stream gurgled in the ravine,

Birds have flown in from the south.

The sun is warming in the morning.

Coming to visit us...

Children. Spring!

First child.

Why has everything changed?
Why did everything sparkle?

Did you laugh and sing?
Well, tell me, what's the matter?

Second child.

It's so easy to understand -
Spring has come to us again!
We are glad: spring has already arrived!
Nature has awakened from its winter sleep.

Third child.

The sound of drops can be heard everywhere,

We're tired of snowstorms.

Birds hover above.

We will sing a sonorous song about spring.

Children sing a song about spring “The sun has friends” by E. Tilicheeva.


Children are happy about spring.

Let the sun shine brighter.

They've been dancing since the morning

Children are at the party.

Children perform the round dance “Spring has come to us again” by muses. M. Sidorova .


Let's all go to the spring forest,

Where there are many fabulous miracles,

So follow me, don't lag behind

And walk more cheerfully.

Children follow the teacher around the hall. Playing with words :

This right hand, this left hand
On the right is a quiet clearing,
There is a fast river on the left.
We turned around and now -
Everything has become the other way around!
On the left is a quiet clearing,
On the right is a fast river.
Has she really become right?
My left hand?
We turned around, and now -
Everything has become the other way around.

Presenter.So we came to the spring forest, to a beautiful clearing. Oh, what beauty it is here!

Breathing exercise “Oh, how it smells!”

Offer to smell what spring smells like: air, grass, first flowers.

Take a deep breath, exhale slowly; sniff - a few short breaths, a long exhale with the word “Ah!”

Presenter. Guys, I think I hear someone's voice. Let's listen.

The bear enters.


Without need and without worry
I slept, slept in my den.
Slept all winter until spring
And I saw colored dreams.
Suddenly I woke up and heard: drops... What a disaster!
He groped in the darkness with his paw and jumped up - there was water all around!
Then he hurried outside. Floods. No time for sleep!
I got out and saw: puddles!
The snow is melting.
Spring has arrived!

Presenter. Hello, Mishenka! Good afternoon

It's time to wake up - Spring has come!

Bear. Hello, kids! Play with me.

The outdoor game “Bear and the Bees” is played. Nasaulenko.


Don't be angry, Mishenka the Bear.

Spring has come again and brought warmth with it.

The bees have woken up - they will collect honey.

Berries will grow in the forest - you will be full!

And the children will run to the clearing, sing, play, dance -

Enjoy spring!

Bear. Thanks guys for playing with me. Continue along the path. You will learn a lot of interesting things...


The path led us into the forest.

It is full of fabulous wonders.

Listen, there's a noise of birds there,

The birds have returned to us again.

A phonogram of birds sounds. Spring and Winter enter the hall.


Goodbye, Winter, it's time for you to leave.

It’s my turn, I haven’t been there for a whole year.


I won’t let you in, Spring, I’ll howl and whistle,

I’ll call the blizzard to me and I can drive you away.


You shouldn't have gotten angry

You, sister, are wrong

If I hadn't shown up,

The grass wouldn't grow.

The starlings did not come to us,

They did not return to their native land.


What is this really?

You are always arguing with me.

I'm fluffy and white

I'm cute to the kids!

I let them ride

Both on the slide and on the ice,

I wish to stay

I won't leave here.


You're nice, and I'm nicer

I'm lighter and warmer

So that the grains begin to ripen,

I want to warm the earth.

I'm coming to replace you,

I bring fresh greens.

I will dress up all the trees -

In groves, parks and forests.


I'll powder you and stun you with a blizzard,

I'll freeze you and drive you away from here.


People have been waiting for me for a long time

They opened the window for me,

To every city, to every region

I lead a blooming May.


Who started this dispute?

Name two sisters.

Children. Winter and spring.


Children whom you want to leave -

Blizzard winter or warm spring?

Children. Spring.

Winter gets angry and leaves the hall.


Hello my friends,

I'm glad to see you all.

I've been in the forest for a long time,

I bring joy and warmth.

Brighter, sunshine, shine!

The grass is growing greener!

Sing us a song, little stream!

Everyone will make friends with Spring!

Presenter. Spring, our children are glad to see you.

you came

And it brought fun.

The sun is clear, shine

Celebrate our holiday with us!

The dance of the streams is performed.

Spring. Well done guys. And now I propose to play with the sunbeam who looked into our hall.

The game "Sunny Bunny" is played.

The bunny looked into his eyes - close them.

Run along the cheeks, neck - stroke them.

The bunny has reached the tummy - pet the tummy.

The sunny bunny loves and caresses you, let's make friends with him. Great, let's smile at each other.

The outdoor game “Spring, Red Spring” is being played

Spring, red spring!

(children walk in a circle holding hands)
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy,

(go the other way)
With great mercy:
With tall flax,

(stop, raise their arms up, stand on their toes, inhale)
With deep roots,

(squat, lower arms, exhale)
With abundant bread.

(holding hands, they run in a circle).

Spring. Children, guess my riddle.

Hanging outside the window
The bag is icy.
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring

Presenter. When a lot of icicles melt on the street at once, it turns out to be droplets.

Conducted finger gymnastics“Drip-drip-drip the drops are ringing”

Drip-drip-drip - drops ringing

April has come to us.
(Children drum their fingers on the table, imitating playing the piano.)

Spring. Thank you guys for the dancing and the song.
I found it both fun and interesting.
I congratulate you all on the beginning of spring,
I wish you Sun, Warmth and Light!
Have a treat!

Presenter. Well, here we are on a spring day -

Let's dance and sing too!

Characters (adults): LEADING SPRING CAT

Goal: Consolidate children's knowledge about spring during an entertaining event. Activate children's desire to use their creative abilities.


  1. Systematize children's knowledge about the signs of spring.
  2. Develop creative imagination and love of nature.
  3. Increase the emotional mood of each child.

Preparation: Conducting a conversation with children about spring, solving riddles, learning songs, poems and round dances, creating a presentation, decorating a music room.

Attributes and equipment: multimedia screen, hoops.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

VED. Dear guys! Today we have gathered in our hall to welcome our guest, Spring.

If the snow has melted everywhere, the days become longer,
If everything is green and a stream rings in the fields,
If the sun shines brighter, if the birds have no time to sleep,
If the wind has become warmer, it means...

ALL Spring!

VED. Everything is ready for the holiday. So what are we waiting for? We will begin our holiday with a poem.


1. All the snowstorms have flown away,
The cold has gone.
The sun is shining stronger -
No snow, no ice.

2. The sun is shining again
Warm the earth.
And spring is beautiful
She came to us again.

3. The days are fine,
Similar to holidays.
And the sun is warm in the sky,
Cheerful and kind.

4. We will frolic together,
Sing songs and have fun.
On a sunny spring day,
Have fun, whoever is not too lazy!

VED. Guys, so that Spring can come to us for the holiday, let's sing a song about it.

SONG "And in the spring..."

VED. Let's all shout out together: “Spring-Red, come here!”

CHILDREN Spring-Red, come here! Spring-Red, come here!

SPRING enters to the music.

SPRING I hear, I hear you guys. I am the sorceress Spring.

I awakened the meadows, the forest, and the field from sleep.

So that the flowers bloom and the birds sing.

Hello my friends,

Here I am, Spring-Red!

VED. Hello, Spring. The guys were really waiting for you. We are all happy about warm days, sunshine, birds, and the first flowers.

SPRING Guys, do you know that migratory birds are returning to our region with me? When all the birds gather and sing, they form a bird choir. Do you hear? (Sounds of the forest) Let's look at the birds. Just to see them, you need to guess my riddles. Can you handle it?

SPRING Well then, listen.

Spring asks riddles, and the answers appear on the screen.

Riddles about birds:

1. All the migratory birds are greater than the rabble,

Cleans the earth from worms.

He gallops along the arable fields,

And the bird's name is... Rook!

2. She lives under roofs,

He builds his nest from clay.

Flying high in the clouds,

It eats midges on the fly.

Sweetheart in a black tailcoat,

And it’s called... Swallow!

3. Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random,

Looking for frogs in the river.

A drop hung on my nose.

Did you guess it? This is... Heron!

4. This little bird

She is a great singer.

5. What a bird on a bitch

He sings to us coo-coo, coo-coo!

She is everyone's friend in the forest,

And her name is... Cuckoo!

5. There is a palace on a pole,

There is a singer in the palace.

And his name is... Starling!

Guys, do you know the name of the starling's house?

CHILDREN Yes! It's a birdhouse!

VED. Our children help starlings and build houses for them. Do you want to hear how?

SPRING With pleasure!

SONG "Merry Builders"

SPRING What great fellows! Birds should not be offended, because they are small, and they also bring great benefits to the forest. Do you want us to turn into birds?

SPRING Spun, spun,

They turned into little birds!

Let's play a game "Birds in Nests"

A CAT enters the hall. Meows.

CAT I’m a little gray cat, I kept sitting by the window.

I was going to visit you, I spent a lot of time dressing up.

Who's singing about birds here? Who doesn't let me sleep? Meow!

VED. Ah, that's who scared away our birds! You can't hunt birds, Kiska, they are our friends!

CAT I'm so bored, I have nothing to do, so I hunt.

VED. So you better play with the birds!

GAME "Birds and Cat" .

SPRING We had a lot of fun playing! Well, let's turn into kids again.

We spun, we spun, and we turned into kids!

CAT So it wasn't birds, but kids? I don't play like that...

SPRING Kitty, don’t be angry, it’s better to have fun with us.

DANCE "Boogie Woogie"

CAT You have a lot of fun. But I have to go, goodbye, kids!

SPRING Guys, do you want to know how forest dwellers greet spring?

SPRING Well then, let's hit the road, walk along the forest path.


SPRING Well, here we are. Look, this is a forest clearing. It seems like a magpie is flying towards us...

SKETCH "Spring has come" (showing children of the older group)

SPRING The sun shines brighter,

It warms our earth.

So that the buds open quickly,

For flowers to grow.

You guys come out and start dancing together!

DANCE “Go dancing”

SPRING Thank you, guys, for your affection, for your wide-ranging fun.

VED. And to you, Vesna, thank you for your kind words. We are glad to meet you.

SPRING Well, it’s time for me to go, I still have a lot to do: I need to sweep the snow off the hill, wash the garbage off the paths in streams, and dry the ground with the sun’s rays. Goodbye, friends!

ALL Goodbye!

VED. Guys, our holiday is over. Did you like it? And now we all go to our groups.

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