Dream Interpretation: Why eat an apple in a dream? Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams. Rotten, wormy apples

Dreams in which you dream of apples, according to most interpreters are considered positive, however, there are also negative interpretations of these fruits in your dreams. The Assyrian dream book contains information that if you dreamed about eating pieces of apples, then you will always have success in love affairs. The British note dreams about apples in their dream book as a good sign. At the same time, the dream book says - your life will be filled with happiness, your career will go uphill, and you will also be lucky in love. The British see a very good omen if a mother has such a dream, because she can count on the fact that her children will grow up to be extraordinary and famous personalities. The usually gloomy Meneghetti boils down his interpretations to the fact that the apple can be considered the personification of a successful life and the pleasures derived from it.

However, there are also negative interpretations of dreams about apples, for example, in Tsvetkov’s dream book. The interpreter is sure that these fruits are harbingers of troubles or possible illnesses.

Picking and eating apples in dreams. Why would this be?

Miller, in his dream book, considers dreams about apples to be generally positive. Especially if in a dream you saw ripe, juicy red fruits. In his opinion, such a dream foreshadows the quick achievement of your goals, the fulfillment of some of your hopes. It also matters whether you saw the apples on a tree or on the ground. crumbled, they report that you may be harmed in some way by the flattery or hypocrisy of others.

Vanga in his interpretations identifies apples with wisdom and reward. A dream in which you had to pick fruits from a tree means that soon you will feel the need to comprehend some essence, communicate with people and have long thoughts. If you dreamed that you were eating an apple, the fortuneteller sees in the dream an indication of a quick acquaintance with a person older than you, from whom you can learn a lot if you repay him with kindness for the knowledge and experience gained. Apple cut into slices, according to the woman, will be a warning about possible retribution for one’s own delusions.

Freud interprets dreams in which you ate a delicious, ripe apple as a signal that the person for whom you have some feelings will not be able to answer you in kind because of his homosexuality.

The fortuneteller Nostradamus notes that large and ripe fruits dream of future discoveries, and eating an apple in a dream, in his understanding, promises a quick acquaintance with a woman who knows how to have a significant impact on your life. At the same time, the soothsayer is confident that such a dream could mean the coming to power in one of the countries of a woman who will be able to turn the state into the No. 1 world power in the world.

Hasse's Dream Book also contains positive interpretations dreams about apples. An apple tree with fruits symbolizes making new friends; picking apples from a tree foretells some kind of joy or doing something pleasant. If you dreamed that you were eating an apple, pleasant experiences regarding your personal life await you ahead. At the same time, the dream book indicates that drunk in a dream apple juice- prophesies illness, a sour-tasting apple will warn of sadness and possible insincerity of friends, and cutting the fruit promises separation from a friend.

Esotericists consider the apple to be the personification of your soul. green apple in a dream may indicate spiritual youth, falling ahead of time may indicate the soul’s tendency to early aging; a ripe and red apple symbolizes a period of excellent health and unprecedented elation. The modern dream book considers dreams about ripe, red apples as an indication of the speedy fulfillment of all desires.

Rotten or wormy apple in a dream

According to Miller's dream book, rotten apples will warn of the futility of efforts, and eating spoiled fruits the interpreter considers it a bad sign. Vanga’s dream book says that a wormy apple in a dream is a harbinger of you receiving some false information; the seer recommends carefully thinking through any of your actions. For Freud, dreams of wormy fruits serve as an indication of possible betrayal by your significant other. However, the interpreter claims that there is no seriousness in this relationship and the partner who went on a spree will soon return back with a huge feeling of guilt. For Nostradamus, a dream about rotten apples is a reliable confirmation of the failure of the business on which you are currently spending time and energy, and Hasse regards such dreams as warning of impending danger, like modern interpreters. For esoteric dream book a wormy apple is a symbol of a disease that sits inside you without showing itself in any way externally.

I dreamed about an apple tree

If you dreamed of an apple tree, interpreters offer the most different meanings dreams. Tsvetkova’s dream book considers such a dream to be a harbinger of a message about someone’s death, while Hasse sees in a dream with an apple tree future success in business or the receipt of good news. Freud points out that dreams in which you shook an apple tree to get its fruit are directly related to your sex life. The interpreter advises making more efforts in bed in order to please your partner. The modern dream book sees in dreams about an apple tree an indication of quick fulfillment of desires However, there is a clarification that those dreams in which you were unable to get fruits from the branches of a tree warn of the impossibility of achieving your goal.

Specific interpretations

What does a dream about red apples mean - find out right now.

The interpretation of a dream about green apples must be carried out taking into account the details.

What does a dream about many apples bring - joy or sadness?

How to use the hint correctly and avoid trouble after dreaming about rotten apples.

Don't miss the chance, by correctly deciphering the dream about ripe apples, you can achieve a lot.

Why do you dream of yellow apples?

Prosperity awaits you in family life. A promising marriage will develop into a real strong love that nothing can destroy. But be careful - you shouldn’t completely dissolve in another person, even if it’s your dearest and closest spouse.

Picking apples

To expect joyful, pleasant news. You already feel that something good and positive will soon burst into your life. This is true, everyday life will take on more meaning than it currently has for you.

Steal apples

Your love will be unrequited. You will have to suffer unrequitedly for some person, moreover, having learned about this, he may begin to openly mock you and your feelings. Therefore, if possible, try to keep everything secret.

Wormy apples

Changes in life will be completely joyless. Soon fate will present a black streak: everything you undertake will turn out to be impossible. By trying to solve problems that arise, you threaten to incur even more trouble.

apple core

You have to take part in a business that will bring big profits. The only thing that can darken the joy is that you will think that your share is too modest, and you should get much more, since you put a lot of effort into promoting this business.

The interpretation of dreams still remains a mystical and exciting activity, because our subconscious often tries to warn us. To find out whether you had a harmless dream or whether you are in serious danger, it is not the forum that will help you, but the interpretation of this dream book online. Why do you dream about a person eating an apple?

Miller's Dream Book - apples

A ripe, tasty and beautiful fruit always promises positive emotions, and red pouring apple among green leaves will bring a lot of luck, unlike a pear, which, according to the sign, will bring a hundred troubles to the one who eats it. All endeavors from now on will be crowned with success, all efforts will bear fruit. A person eating a sweet ripe apple in a dream will bring good results in business.

If the apple is rotten in a dream, then your efforts will be in vain, the business will not work out. Anyone who receives a rotten apple as a gift in a dream should not take the initiative for a while, especially if it was given by a stranger.

Fallen apples symbolize enemies or liars in your environment. Such a dream can also be a warning about imminent betrayal.

Vanga's dream book - dreamed of an apple

An apple, according to this dream book, symbolizes wisdom and the essence of being, so whoever bites or eats this fruit comprehends self-knowledge. If you dream about a ripe and juicy apple, your attempts will be crowned with success, to comprehend new experience a person who is much older than you will help, especially if he also eats these fruits.

Dreaming of a wormy or rotten apple means deception and disappointment. And if you dreamed of a man cutting an apple with a knife, then you will soon pay for your gullibility and naivety.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - seeing apples in a dream

According to this interpretation, apples will only bring good news. A person tearing fruits from an apple tree or eating an apple in a dream means that success in business, fame, and recognition from others will soon await you.

For a man who is looking for a life partner, this good sleep, a fateful meeting will soon happen to you, especially if you dream that he is eating this fruit.

Nostradamus predicted the global meaning of apples, which can be seen in dreams - they promise that the power of a woman is coming, which will bring success to the state.

Freud's Dream Book - I dreamed about apples

In Freud's understanding, seeing an apple in a dream is a desire for closer contact with your partner, which is not given fulfillment due to opposing preferences.

If you dreamed about a wormy apple, it means betrayal or your partner’s desire to cheat on you. This can also be indicated by dirty, artificial, fake or unripe fruits.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - why eat apples in a dream

If you just eat an apple in a dream, then you will experience slight unrest in your personal life, but if you drink apple juice, you will soon get sick.

A good sign is to receive apples from someone as a gift; this is a dream of success and luck.

If you are eating fruits in a dream, and they are sour or bitter, then Hasse says that this dream is a manifestation of the essence of someone you know. Betrayal or minor grievances are quite possible.

Cutting an apple in half means breaking up with a loved one.

Chinese dream book - I had a dream about apples

A woman had a dream where she was eating green apple, and the man is red, meaning the onset of peace and prosperity (everyone eats their own color, meaning the power of the earth, yin or yang). A loved one picking a lot of apples in a dream is a sign of a successful relationship, and if you pick apples from a tree together, there will soon be a new addition to the family.

An apple caught your eye - a sign that your wish will come true. A cat gnawing an apple - someone is taking away your strength. A conversation about apples among relatives will soon lead to talk about children.

The meaning of an apple in a dream depending on its color

If you dream of an apple of a specific color, remember which one. There is a color that signifies the financial and material spheres, and there is a spiritual one.

A dream about a green apple will bring you good luck and success, and a new acquaintance. For those who have been plagued by protracted financial difficulties, it promises profit.

Yellow apples are most often dreamed of by men and symbolize hard work that must end in success.

A red apple can be dreamed of as a symbol of passion and strength, as well as aggression towards the sleeping person. In the interpretation of such a dream, the emphasis is on the symbolism of apple = fruit, so this fruit may depend on specific life circumstances. For a young family eating apples, this means the imminent conception of a child, and for a lonely man - a meeting with the object of strong passion.

Why do you dream of apples: video dream book

Dream theme: ,

When figuring out what apples mean in dreams, you need to remember that most often they turn out to be positive harbingers. Its details will help anyone to more accurately interpret the meaning of the dream. So as not to forget important little things, it’s worth writing them down immediately after waking up.

Why does a woman dream of apples: interpretation from dream books

According to various dream books, apples can portend to a representative of the fair sex both peace in family life and an early pregnancy. So Miller’s work suggests: if a girl sees a tree with a large number large ripe apples, which means that she will soon become a mother. You can begin to prepare your body for serious changes.

If the sleeping woman sees fruits lying in the snow, then she can simply relax and enjoy life. Nothing threatens her personal and family happiness.

In Vanga's dream book, apples are called a symbol of wisdom. But, if the girl had to cut him, then she should double-check all the information received as carefully as possible. Even if its sources are reliable acquaintances.

The work of Nostradamus notes that ripe, delicious apples in night dreams are a symbol of great discoveries. A woman can expect success and fame in a variety of areas.

Seeing green, red, yellow apples in a dream - meaning

It is also important to pay attention to the color of the fruits that appear in a dream. This characteristic of them can radically change the interpretation.

Fruits of each color have several meanings:

  • If you dream of green apples, then you need to interpret the dream in the context of friendship. This symbol suggests that a new acquaintance can be trusted. He's really nice positive person. Squeezing juice from green fruits means reconciliation with an old friend. Long-standing conflicts have long been forgotten, you can bring a loved one back into your life.
  • If a girl dreams of red apples, most likely an exciting love adventure awaits her. The new man will turn out to be an amazingly skilled lover. Passion will completely cover both partners. Just don’t expect that a bright flash of emotion will flow into a long-term relationship. Most likely, they will end as soon as the passions subside slightly.
  • Very large fruits yellow portend positive changes at work. The bosses will finally notice the efforts and responsibility of the sleeping woman and will encourage her positive qualities.

According to dream books, one of the most favorable signs is to see apples in a dream. This is a rare case when most dream interpreters are unanimous in their interpretations. Of course, dream plots, as well as their meanings, can be very diverse, but in most cases, seeing apples in a dream means happy changes in life, wisdom, luck and wealth, and also love.

In many Russian fairy tales, apples were associated with health and strength. It was not in vain that the king sent heroes to distant lands for In addition, these fruits were considered a symbol of reward and knowledge. Anyone who happened to eat apples in a dream will meet an older person who will pass on all his experience and knowledge to him. In addition, if the apples are plump and rosy, nothing threatens your health in the near future, and if you are sick, you will get better very soon. Also, eating ripe apples in a dream means wealth and good luck in business. If you have eaten baked apples, then this is a joy.

In addition, apples have always been considered a symbol of life. Therefore, seeing apples in a dream means that you have a great love of life and know how to enjoy life and achieve your goals. In a dream, seeing apples surrounded by green foliage is a sign that the time has come to implement your plans. The dream advises you to move forward more boldly. If you see ripe red apples at the top of the tree, you may need to reconsider your plans, as they are not realistic. If you see an apple on a plate or saucer, in reality you will become a participant in very interesting events. Well, if you roll this apple on a plate, you will soon find out someone’s secret.

If you dreamed that you were holding it in your hands, you are guaranteed universal love and recognition. If in a dream you pick from a branch, then in reality you are rushing things. It’s time to remember the saying that advises not to pick a green apple, but to wait until it ripens and falls on its own. In a dream, seeing apples ruddy and ripe in large quantities is a sign of prosperity. This dream also foretells that in the future you may make some kind of discovery and, in general, will be held in high esteem by those around you. If one apple is rolling towards you along the path in the garden, expect guests in your house, and specifically relatives. Picking apples in a dream is a good omen, which means that your dreams will certainly come true.

And, of course, we should not forget that the apple also represents a symbol of seduction, temptation. After all, it was because of the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. Sometimes seeing ripe and juicy apples in a dream means that soon you will have a pleasant love adventure, which may end in a successful marriage. For a man, an apple means a meeting with a very attractive person who will have great value in his future destiny. If a man is sitting under the table, then in reality he dreams of being seduced by a charming girl, and if a woman offers him an apple, they are already trying to seduce him. If a woman dreams that she is treating a man to an apple, in reality she would not mind getting into a relationship with him. If the apple the woman is holding turns out to be wormy, she may be disappointed in her partner. Receiving apples as a gift in a dream means that someone loves you.

If you dreamed of rotten apples

But not only good changes can be foreshadowed by a dream with apples. So, if you eat rotten or wormy fruits, you will be disappointed and annoyed. Such a dream often means losing, receiving false information. Cutting apples into slices in a dream means discord; in addition, the dream means that you are in a delusion for which you will have to pay. Sometimes a wormy apple indicates a hidden disease. Fallen and rotten apples in a dream warn that you should not agree to a tempting offer. Making jam from fruits means you will become a participant or witness to sad events, and eating unripe apples means unpleasant news. And, if you are apples, then in reality you can commit an unseemly act that will have disastrous consequences.

This is a very good dream for most people. -Seeing red apples on trees in green foliage is extremely favorable for the one who sees this dream.

If you dream that you are eating spoiled apples, this dream does not bode well.

Ripe apples on the tree mean that the time has come for your hopes to come true, it’s time to think carefully about what you are going to do and boldly move forward.

Ripe apples at the top of the tree warn you not to get too high in your desires. Apples on the ground mean that you will be harmed by false friends and flatterers. Rotten apples promise fruitless efforts.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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What does the dream Apples mean?

There is disappointment, anger;

Collecting - domestic troubles;

Seeing is a nuisance.

Also see Apple tree.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

Seeing Apples in a dream

Plucking is joy;

Eating - pleasant love experiences;

Eating sour - sadness, insincere friend;

Receive - something good awaits you;

Cutting - separation from friends;

Collecting is good deeds;

Rotten - danger;

To see on a tree - you will find many friends;

Apple juice drinking is a disease.

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What do dreams about Apples mean?

Mature - successful marriage;

Bitter ones are trouble;

Immature - harm;

Baked - self-interest;

Delicious - well-being;

Sweets - fun;

Wine - joy;

White - success;

Red - tears;

Dried, boiled - self-interest.

Interpretation of dreams from the Correct Dream Book

Dream about Apples

Seeing apples in a dream is very good sign.

He promises a long and happy life, good luck in work and in love.

This dream will especially please mothers, because it contains the promise that their children will become extraordinary and rich people.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does Apples mean in a dream?

Eating ripe apples means a successful marriage; eating unripe apples means work and sadness; baked or boiled - a sign of joy; ripe and tasty - prosperity and wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

Meaning of dreams Apples

(See interpretation: garden, fruits)

Seeing a lot of apples in a dream means quarrels and domestic squabbles. Eating an apple in a dream means grief due to discord in the family or in love. Boiled apples or jam in a dream foretell the imminent receipt of good news.

Picking ripe apples in a dream is a sign of pleasure and joy. Picking green apples in a dream is a harbinger of grief due to your own haste.

A sour apple in a dream means grief over a loved one.

Dividing or cutting an apple in a dream foretells a divorce for lovers or disagreements with business partners. Worthy apples in a dream mean unfaithful friends or envious people who will do a lot of harm to you.

Admiring beautiful or unusually large ripe apples in a dream is a sign of seduction and forbidden pleasures. Trying such an apple in a dream foreshadows satisfaction, enjoyment of the forbidden fruit, unless the apple turns out to be sour, bitter, wormy, etc. Asking the price for apples you like in a dream is a harbinger of love passion, succumbing to which you can lose a lot. Biting into such an apple in a dream means that you are prone to frivolous actions and are capable of taking great risks to satisfy your own lust. See interpretation: apple of paradise.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What do Apples mean in a dream?

A dream in which you see red apples promises happiness and love. Ripe apples portend the fulfillment of your wildest hopes and desires. You will be able to achieve the love of a worthy person, and your marriage will be strong and happy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Apples

The apple is a symbol of wisdom and reward. Ripe apples on the tree mean that the time has come for your hopes to come true. Think carefully about your plans and move forward boldly. Apples falling to the ground warn against false friends and flatterers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Apples

A dream where you pick apples from a tree foreshadows the disappointment that will befall you upon achieving your desired goal. The ground strewn with fruits around the apple tree speaks of changes for the better in your destiny.

Large red apples are a sign of good health and sexual joys. Small apples portend an activity that is incompatible with your tastes and inclinations. Green, sour and unripe apples are a sign of illness and suffering.

Eating apples in a dream means that in reality you will show close participation in the fate of a friend who is in serious trouble. Apple jam promises unexpected luck and the recovery of lost hope. Cooking in a dream apple pie says that in real life An extraordinary love adventure awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does Apple predict in a dream?

Seeing red apples in green foliage is exceptional favorable dream for most people. A fallen apple promises trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Universal Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Apples

You pick or eat ripe apples without wormholes - good health for you and your children. If the apples are wormy, this means your children are sick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does the dream of Apples predict?

The dream is generally favorable, but you need to look at the condition of the apples. Green (immature) indicates that you are rejoicing early: you still have to work hard. Rotten - take care of your health. Ripe, juicy apples mean the health and well-being of your entire family.

Imagine a whole basket of juicy, ripe, beautiful apples. You treat them to all your household members.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of the dream Apples

Strong, ripe apples: a sign of reliable success; seeing them growing on an apple tree foreshadows the successful implementation of your plans and undertakings.

A good dream is also one in which you buy or eat apples or see them at home.

If you see apples on a branch, but cannot reach them: the dream suggests that you risk suffering due to too high ambitions.

Cutting an apple in a dream: foreshadows some controversial situation that can overshadow the success of a particular business.

Green apples encourage you to be patient: - success will definitely come to you, but you will have to wait for some time and not rush things.

At the same time, if green apples turn out to be surprisingly sweet: the dream suggests that good luck may come to you sooner than you expect.

Wormy apples: they warn that you risk succumbing to some temptations, and this will harm your business.

Fallen and rotten apples: warn of possible losses. You should take care of your affairs and be wary of overly tempting offers.

Interpretation of dreams from

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