What participles? Participle. Isolation of syntactic constructions

1. As already noted (see paragraph 3.1. Parts of speech. The word and its forms), the participle is characterized in linguistics in different ways.

Some linguists consider adverbs to be a special form of the verb, others - an independent part of speech. In this manual we adhere to the latter point of view.

Participle- an independent part of speech, which denotes an additional action, combines the properties of a verb and an adverb and shows how, why, when an action caused by a predicate verb is performed.

The participle answers questions doing what? what did you do? Questions are also possible How? Why? how? When? etc.

Leaving, waiting, seeing.

A gerund with dependent words is called participial phrase.

Having gone to the village, waiting to go on stage, seeing my brother.

Basic signs of gerunds

A) General grammatical meaning Examples
This is a designation of an additional action, which shows how the action of the predicate verb is performed. Standing at the window, he carefully read the note handed to him.
B) Morphological characteristics Examples
A combination of the characteristics of a verb and an adverb in one word.
Participles are formed from verbs and retain the following characteristics of verbs:
  • transitivity,
  • repayment.
  • Wed: think(imperfect form, irrevocable) - thinking; think(perfect form, irrevocable) - after thinking; think about it(perfect form, reflexive) - lost in thought
    Participles are distributed like verbs. Thinking about mother - thinking about mother; think about the future - thinking about the future; quarrel with mother - quarrel with mother..
    The participles have the following signs of adverbs:
  • participles are unchangeable words;
  • Reading, reading, deciding.
  • The participle depends on the predicate verb.
  • Having passed the note, he stepped aside.
    B) Syntactic features Examples
    In a sentence, the gerund depends on the predicate verb.
    In a sentence, the adverbial participle and participial phrase play the role of adverbial circumstances. [When?] Passing the note, he stepped aside.

    2. Formation of participles- gerunds are formed from verbs using special suffixes - -a, -ya, -v, -lice, -shi:

    • participles imperfect form are formed from the present tense stem using the suffixes -а, -я:

      be silent: silent - atsilently;
      decide: deciding - utdeciding;

    • participles perfect form are formed from the stem of the infinitive using the suffixes -v, -vshi, -shi:

      shut up: shut up - tfalling silent;
      decide: decide - thaving decided;
      to do: busy - t-xia → busy;
      bring: brought - youhaving brought.

    3. Single gerunds can lose the characteristics of a verb and become adverbs. In this case, the former participles cease to denote a secondary action (they cannot be replaced by verbal forms, they usually cannot be asked questions doing what? what did you do?), but denote only a sign of action, like adverbs, and answer the question how? Participles that have become adverbs are not separated by commas.

    For example: Dasha listened silently, often closing her eyes (Gorbatov).

    Closing- a gerund, since it has dependent words and can be replaced by a verb form (cf.: Dasha listened and often closed her eyes).

    Silently- an adverb, since it no longer denotes an additional action (one question is asked to it How?; question doing what? cannot be specified); in this context, the following actions cannot be compared as equal actions: listened And was silent(silence accompanied the only action - listened).

    4. Morphological analysis of gerunds:

    Plan for parsing participles

    I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
    II Initial form. Morphological characteristics:
    A Constant morphological characteristics:
    1 view;
    2 repayment.
    B Variable morphological characters(unchangeable word).
    III Role in sentence(which part of the sentence is the participle in this sentence).

    He hurt himself falling from a horse(Turgenev).

    Having fallen

    1. Participle, as it denotes an additional action; answers questions When? what did you do?
    2. N. f. - having fallen. Morphological characteristics:
      A) Constant morphological characteristics:
      1) perfect form;
      2) irrevocable.
      B) Variable morphological features (unchangeable word).
    3. Forms an adverbial phrase with a noun form from a horse; in a sentence, the participial phrase is an adverbial adverb of time.

    A part of speech is defined by morphological and syntactic features. In the world lexicon, a name (further divided into and others) and a verb are contrasted. A classification of parts of speech according to the functions performed is also accepted. So, they can be official and independent.

    Special verb form

    In Russian science, there are four views on gerunds as parts of speech. The grammatical meaning of this category, morphological features, and are also determined by the peculiarity of this form. The participle in the Russian language combines the characteristics and meaning of an adverb and a verb.


    According to Vinogradov, this is a special adverbial-verbal hybrid category. Bogoroditsky classifies gerunds as adverbs. In accordance with encyclopedic information, these words and phrases are considered a special verbal unchangeable, unconjugated attributive form. How does the 7th grade school curriculum define the concept of “gerunds”? This category is a special verb form that denotes an additional action against the background of the main action expressed by the verb. The participle answers the questions “by doing what?”, “by doing what?”, “how?”, “when?”


    Participles as parts of speech combine the features of an adverb and a verb. The main feature is that they indicate an action that is additional to the main one. The gerund is a verbal form and, like a verb, has the form (imperfect and perfect). This category has “return” (for example, clinging - non-return, clinging - return). Participles as parts of speech are distributed with nouns, pronouns, and adverbs. Revolutions are formed with dependent words. Participles as parts of speech also have the characteristics of adverbs: they do not change, they simultaneously characterize the main action, illustrating when, how, why, etc. it is being accomplished. In a sentence they act as adverbials, referring to the predicate verb.

    Morphological analysis

    There are several features that define gerunds as parts of speech and distinguish them from other forms. In addition to the fact that it is formed from a verb, it usually contains suffixes such as -a, -shi, -lice, -ya. In adverbial phrases, you can ask a question to dependent words. Morphological analysis should be carried out in accordance with a specific plan:

    1. General grammatical meaning.
    2. Morphological characteristics:

    Indefinite (initial) verb form;


    View, return.

    3. Syntactic role.

    As a sample, you can give an example of a written analysis.

    "Burbling, the stream runs"

    Oral analysis

    The word "zhurcha" is a gerund - a special verbal category. First of all, it illustrates an additional action to the main one (running and murmuring). Derived from the verb “to babble” (initial form). This participle does not change and has an imperfect form. As part of a sentence, this form acts as an adverbial circumstance of the manner of action.

    How are the verb forms in question formed? What types of participles are there?

    The verb forms in question can fall into one of two categories. Imperfect participles illustrate an additional unfinished action. It occurs simultaneously with the process expressed by the verb. This type is formed using the suffixes -я, -а, based on the form that determines the action in the present tense. For example: reading-reading, flying-flying and others. From verbs with the suffix -va- the formation of the gerund comes from the infinitive: recognize-recognize. A number of words describing an action do not form a verb form: flow, beat, protect, tear, and others. illustrates an additional completed action. It usually occurs before the start of the process that the verb expresses. The formation of this form is carried out using the suffixes - lice, -shi, -v on the basis of an indefinite verb form: deceived-deceived, sad-sad, and others. From a series of words illustrating the action, double turns can be formed: dry-dry, dry-dry; unlocked, unlocked, unlocked.

    Verb tenses

    In some cases, the future tense form is used to form participles. To form participles, the suffixes -я, -а are used: read-read, come-coming. Categories formed from the verb stem in the past tense using suff. -lice- (having known, having been, plowing, eating, licking and others) are considered obsolete. As a rule, they are little used, rarely. Previously, they were used to denote actions that had just been completed up to the present time: “seeing what was happening, he grabbed a pitchfork,” “having said this, she sat down.” Currently used with the suffix -having, they are formed from the reflexive verb form: let it slip - having let it slip, wash - having washed, get hungry - go hungry, decompose - decomposed and others.


    Single gerunds relating to sitting, standing, lying, silently, jokingly, slowly and others are not distinguished using punctuation marks (commas). These forms do not illustrate additive action. For example:

    He walked slowly (slowly, that is).

    She spoke worriedly (excitedly, that is).

    In these and similar cases, the gerund illustrates not an additional action, but a sign of the main process. In contrast to, for example, the following sentence: “You need to read while sitting at a normal table and in good lighting.” Here the participle acts as an illustration of an additional action. Phraseological units that contain the verb forms in question are not isolated. Such constructions, in particular, include the following: work tirelessly, scream without remembering, run headlong and others. In other cases, participial phrases - expressions containing dependent words - are always separated by commas.

    Syntactic role

    The participle, as a rule, is structurally adjacent to the verbal predicate. In the structure of a sentence, this form acts as an adverbial adverbial and is not conjugated. Less commonly, a gerund may be adjacent to a nominal predicate, which can be expressed either as a noun. In a construction as part of a sentence, this verb form denotes an additional action that accompanies the process that carries the main idea of ​​the predicate. In this case, a gerund is allowed to replace the conjugated verb form. Similar constructions are present in various Indo-European dialects - Latin, French. Participles are used in Eskimo, Hungarian, and Turkic languages. In the vocabulary of other countries, the construction may be called a gerund. Some languages ​​do not have a separate form for the verbal construction in question. This is the situation, for example, in the English language, where the participle acts as a gerund.

    The gerunds help to enrich speech and give it a certain dynamics. 6th grade is the period when they are studied at school. Unfortunately, many people neglect this part of speech, but in vain. After all, without knowing what a gerund is, it is impossible to speak competently and correctly convey this part of speech in writing. Frequent punctuation errors are also associated with its use.

    The concept of participles

    What is a participle? This is such an independent part of speech, containing both verbal and adverbial features. Grammatically, the gerund conveys an additional action; it explains how the predicate verb acts. Answers the questions “what are you doing?” or “having done what?”

    Let's compare the offers:

    • The kitten curled up and slept quietly in the corner.
    • The kitten, curled up in a ball, slept quietly in the corner.

    In the first case, homogeneous predicates are used in the sentence: curled up, slept. In the second - the main action slept- this is a predicate, and it is the gerund that complements and adds specificity curled up.

    You can distinguish the gerund from other parts of speech by fairly specific suffixes: -A; -I; lice; -shi; -V. For example: asking, asking, asking; running, running, running.

    What is a participle as a part of a sentence? This is a circumstance that relates directly to the predicate verb. For example, the sentence: He left without even waving goodbye . Without waving- participle: left(how? what did I do?) without waving.

    Signs of an adverb and verb in a gerund

    As mentioned above, the gerund combines verbal and adverbial features. The gerund “inherited” from the first:

    • Refund: washing the baby(non-refundable) - washing your face in the evening(returnable). This category depends on the presence of postfix -sya;
    • View: talking(imperfect view - doing what?) - after talking(perfect view - having done what?). Aspectual forms of gerunds are formed as follows: imperfective gerunds are derived from the stem of the present tense verb, suffixes are involved in this -a/-z; and from the base of the infinitive - the perfect participle, using suffixes -V; -shi; - lice. For example, participle opening derived from an imperfective verb open(what to do?); opening- derived from a perfect verb open(what to do?).
    • The gerunds are distributed according to the principle of verbs: read a novel - reading a novel; feed the animals - feeding the animals.

    From the adverb, the gerund has absorbed an unchangeable form and dependence on the predicate verb.

    To avoid grammatical errors, you should remember: the participle always refers only to the predicate verb and is performed by the same person. There are frequent cases of erroneous use of this part of speech. Let's look at an example:

    • While working on the book, my head began to spin.

    This is a categorically incorrect use of the participial phrase, because it does not relate to the predicate verb. Correcting such constructions is simple: just change the sentence into a complex one:

    • While I was working on the book, I felt dizzy.

    You can correct it by leaving the gerund:

    • While working on the book, I felt dizzy.

    To check, we replace the gerund with a homogeneous predicate:

    • I was working on a book and felt dizzy.

    Rules for writing participles

    There is a spelling rule for writing gerunds: particle Not with them is always written separately. The exception is those cases when a word does not exist without it. For example:

    • I abandoned the book without reading even half of it.

    Participle after reading With Not written separately.

    • Indignant, the grandmother ran after her granddaughter to the playground.

    In this case, the gerund indignant With Not it is written together because it cannot be used without this particle.

    As for punctuation, it should be remembered that both single participles and participial phrases (gerunds with dependent words) are always separated by commas.

    • Smiling, the girl left the room.

    Single gerund smiling separated by a comma.

    • The girl, smiling mysteriously, left the room.

    Participial phrase smiling mysteriously separated by commas on both sides.

    Morphological analysis

    Analysis of morphological participles is not particularly difficult. It is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. General grammatical meaning (here it is important to remember what a gerund is).
    2. Initial form and morphological characteristics: appearance, recurrence, unchangeable form.
    3. Function in a sentence.

    For example, let’s analyze the gerund participle included in the sentence “Whistling something, the boy walked along the pavement”:

    1. Whistling- a gerund because it answers a question doing what? and has the meaning of additional action.
    2. Whistling- initial form. Morphological characteristics: irrevocable (no postfix -xia), imperfect form (doing what?). There are no unstable signs, because this part of speech is unchangeable.
    3. In a sentence it has the function of an adverbial manner of action and relates directly to the predicate: walked(how? in what way?), whistling.

    Participle- this is a special form of a verb that carries the meaning of an action that is additive in relation to the predicate verb in a given sentence.

    A participle is a part of a sentence

    The participle answers questions such as “what by doing”, “what by doing” and has features of both verbs and adverbs. The participle is a form of a verb and has its own morphological characteristics.

    In sentences, the participle is a circumstance and does not change. Example: The boat floated, rocking.

    Participles do not have a temporal category; they express time relative to or simultaneously with the action of the predicate verb or preceding it.

    Participles and participial phrases.

    Participles with dependent words form and are always isolated. But if they lose the characteristics of a verb, turn into adverbs and are used to enhance the meaning of the quality of an object, then they are no longer isolated in the sentence. Examples:

    She walked slowly; Dmitry listened to him frowning(M. Gorky)

    Participles and turnover: examples.

    If a gerund with dependent words denotes an additional action adjacent to the predicate, then this action must necessarily be carried out by the one named in the subject.

    Example: The boys dispersed dogs, taking young lady under your protection (A. Pushkin).

    It is erroneous to use gerunds and phrases when the additional action is not performed by the person who is the subject of the sentence. For example: Driving up to the station, my hat flew off (A. Chekhov).

    If a gerund or phrase is used in an impersonal sentence, then only in one where there is an active person in the dative case. For example: Getting ready for practice, I had to go to the library often.

    Formation of participles.

    Types of participles depend on the degree of perfection of the action and are:

    • perfect form;
    • imperfect type.

    Imperfect participle

    Imperfect participles give an answer to the question “doing what?” and imply an action that occurs simultaneously with another action (which is indicated by the predicate). For example: Standing on the table, he took out books from the top shelf.

    This type of participle is formed using the suffix -a- (-я-). Exceptions:

    • verbs ending in -ch (oven, guard),
    • verbs ending in -nut (wither, get stuck, sour)
    • from some verbs with a hissing at the base (they write, lick).

    Perfect participle

    Perfect participles denoting the action that precedes the action of the predicate verb, they answer the question “having done what?” For example: Standing on the table, he took out a book from the top shelf.

    They are formed using suffixes

    • -lice- (for obsolete forms),

    Variable forms can be in -a-(-я-). For example, “frowning - frowning.”

    The Russian language, in addition to independent and auxiliary parts of speech, is also rich in so-called special forms. These include the reflexive participle and all types of participles in general. Many linguists still cannot come to a consensus about this part of speech. Some argue that this is an independent part of speech, while others argue that the role of the verb in the formation and use of the gerund is too great to talk about its independence.


    First, let's remember: This is an independent part of speech or it is also called a special form of the verb, which means an action during the main action. Answers the questions “Doing what?”, “Having done what?”

    Similar verb forms exist in many languages, except Russian: in Latin, French and others and are called gerunds.

    By origin, the gerund belongs to the inarticulate form, in other words, to the short form of the participle in the nominative case. And it arose due to the loss of the declension form of the inarticulate participle.

    Dual nature

    A gerund of any kind is often confused with a verb or an adverb. And all because this part of speech has a dual nature.

    Let's look at what features the verb and adverb have given to the gerund:

    Verb marker

    Adverb mark

    Availability of the species

    1. Immutability;
    2. Depends on the verb - predicate;
    3. The type of subordinating connection is adjacency.



    • What matters is an action that has already happened before the one pointed to by the predicate;
    • Answers the question “Having done what?”;
    • Suffixes: -v, - lice, -vsh.

    Example: overcoming, building, smiling.

    • It will have the meaning of simultaneously performing an additional action with the one indicated by the predicate;
    • Answers the question “Doing what?”;
    • Suffixes: -a

    Example: overcoming, building, smiling.



    Has a dependent word in the accusative case without a preposition.

    Example: exploring the area

    Does not have a dependent word in the accusative case.

    Example: walking, enjoying




    • The reflexive form of gerunds is formed from a reflexive verb;
    • Suffixes: - s.

    Example: bathing (from swimming), bathing (from having bathed)

    • The irreversible form of gerunds is formed from ;
    • Suffixes: - I,

    Example: opening (from open), having built (from build)

    Syntactic role

    In a sentence it is a circumstance of the manner of action.

    Example (irreflexive participle): I listened without interrupting. Without thinking about anything bad, the travelers moved towards the rocks.

    Example (reflexive participle): Returning, I found only my father at home.

    Spelling with "not"

    In frequent cases, gerunds with the particle “not” are written separately (because everyone remembers the well-known rule: “not” with verbs is written separately).

    Example: without reading, without deciding.

    But, as you know, there are exceptions to the rules. The reflexive participle and other types of this part of speech with the particle “not” will be written together if:

    1. The participle is formed from verbs that are not used without “not” (indignant, underestimating, having not seen enough);
    2. The participle is formed from verbs with the prefix “nedo-” (not enough salt, not enough sleep).

    In addition, any word and its spelling must be looked at in context. The insidious Russian language can bring surprises; even guidelines for the suffixes of reflexive and non-reflexive participles cannot help.

    Example: “not eating enough” and “not eating enough.”

    My sister leaves for university without finishing her breakfast. - Here the word is used in the context of “does not eat the whole thing.”

    During the war, people could live without food for months. - Here the word is used in the context of “they didn’t eat enough, they were almost hungry.”

    Syntactic role

    The reflexive participle, as well as other types of participles, have the following features:

    • They adjoin the predicate verb, being a circumstance.
    • They don't conjugate.
    • Rarely adjacent to a nominal predicate, which is a noun or short adjective.
    • Adjacent to the predicate, denoting an additional action that accompanies the main action expressed by the predicate;
    • It is possible to replace it with the conjugated form of the verb.

    In written speech there are those that are separated by commas.

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