Amnesia: the dark descent: reviews. Amnesia. Ghost of the past. Walkthrough Walkthrough of the game amnesia ghost

Hall with rain.

After the introductory video, we wake up in some kind of castle. We read the entry in the diary and walk along the corridor, guided by the pink marks on the floor. Also, don’t forget to read the clues and look into rooms and closets in search of useful items. For example, a tinderbox is needed for lighting candles, etc.

Old archives.

We continue walking, hoping to find a source of water. In the room where the tracks lead, we select a lantern from the floor; there is a chest on the left. It contains a tinderbox vial. We go into the next one, having reached the office with the flasks, we read the note from the table. Daniel asks us to kill Alexander. It turned out to be a note to myself. After all, having taken a certain elixir, we lost our memory and, anticipating such complex consequences, we took care in advance to return us to old life. We immediately pick up fuel for the lamp. To the right of the table, on one of the shelves, we activate the mechanism. Through the opened passage we go to the next location.

Going out into the main hall, we watch a short cut-scene. We go down to the illuminated door. There is nothing good there - the road is blocked by a sticky mass. We need to somehow dissolve it. Once again I would like to note that useful items are scattered throughout the game with great generosity, you just need to be able to find them, even in the most unexpected places.


We go down the stairs and turn left. In the experiment room, we select a note from the table. On the left side of the room we read another note and take away the empty bottle. After leaving the laboratory, we hear a woman’s scream coming from the second floor.

From the right room, from the table we take the manuscript. Leaving the room, we turn right, then right again and find ourselves in a huge corridor. We go to the end and turn into the left room. In the “Floor Plans” we find a chest in the very last row. After leaving the room, we turn right, leaning against a dilapidated wall, we hear a roar. Near the left room, we select the next urinals from the table. There we pick up a stone and throw it at the wall with the opening. Let's move on. We examine the hall of local history, first we will find all three books that need to be activated. Under glass lies the last manuscript in this series. Having noticed the books, we activate them and go to the secret room. We take the key from the table and take out the note from the nightstand. Having heard the roar, we return to the hall where it opened new door. We move carefully along the corridors, because a monster is wandering nearby. We leave the archives the same way we came.

Wine cellar.

We use the found key on the wine cellar door. We go down the stairs and enter the first door. We select the first component: cuprite. Next, we examine the rooms from left to right. In the second room we select the next component. We will lose consciousness for a few seconds. In the corner of the room you can top up the fuel for the lantern. We remove the rubble before exiting and go to the next room. Approaching the door, we see that someone is breaking in with reverse side. But this is just an illusion, in reality there is no one there. We take the royal vodka. We return to the stairs. Now we go from right to left. The first door is locked, let's go to the second. Upon entering, immediately turn left. At the end, we pick up a tincture of opium (healing drink) from the shelf and immediately see the monster. He doesn't pose any danger yet. If we are on the verge of madness, a simple flashlight will not save us. You will either need to quickly advance through the plot by completing the task, or enter a very illuminated area. We go further around the corner where the monster hid. We go to the end, from below, we see the last component on the shelf, we take it. We go to the laboratory to make acid.


We go to the room with the device for chemical experiments. Pour in all the components, turn the left one, then the remaining screws. Quickly place the empty bottle under the tap on the right. We take the acid.

We use acid on the slime that blocked the road.

Processing chamber.

We move along the dark corridor. Having seen the monster, we turn off the flashlight and try to climb on our haunches. We turn left and go into the room. On the shelf on the left we select fuel for the lantern. In the next room, from the shelf, we select the tincture of opium. Next, we discover that the door is locked on the back side. We go further until we find a note. We return back to the blocked door. On the right, removing the boxes, through narrow passage We enter the back room. After walking a little, we replenish our fuel supply. The gate does not turn, this needs to be fixed. Somewhere in the middle, looking at the ceiling, we see that a piece of wood is interfering with the mechanism. We put the box and, reaching out, we shake it until it breaks. We turn the gate. Don’t forget to thoroughly inspect the room before leaving. Next, we go down through the opened door.

Basement archives.

So, after a few seconds of loss of consciousness, we jump onto the first box. An invisible monster is near us! We can only track him by his footprints on the water. Also, if we walk on water, he instantly notices us and kills us. There is a room on the right. We activate the lever and very quickly walk along the corridor, at the end there is a metal grate that slowly closes. If we don’t have time, we’ll have to do it all over again. Of course, if you find it difficult to find your way, you should scout everything out first. Intelligence will help you discover useful items in other rooms. Once in the next zone, there is already another monster there. The boxes contain dismembered body parts. We throw them into the water and wait for the monster to start eating them. Then, we quickly move through the water and turn the mechanism on the door to move on. Meat needs to be added constantly. Having passed into the next room, we take the needle from the shelf and use it on the door.

Archive tunnels.

Run, run and run again. Don't forget to close the doors behind you!

Remote hall.

By looking to the left, the game itself indicates where we should go. The elevator is not working, the engine room is locked. We return to the hall and go in the opposite direction.


After passing along the corridor, we turn left. We enter the room and select one of the parts of the drill. The monster is right there, we quickly disappear into the darkness. There are also a lot of tinderboxes here. In a branch, it is best to light lamps and candles everywhere to make it easier to navigate. Let's go right. There are many barrels here, among them there are containers with primary and secondary liquid. We need them to make explosives. We carefully examine the rooms in search of the remaining parts of the drill. Find them, let's connect. Using a drill, we drill a hole in containers with liquids and substitute an empty bottle. Ready. We go back and go to the last fork, where, in fact, the blockage is located. We use the explosive on the stones. We take a small pebble in our hands and throw it into the dangerous mixture. It will catch fire, and we have a few seconds to run away. We walk along the corridors, examining the rooms. We move quietly, because there will be a couple of monsters on the way. Having reached the room, we select two rods and a note that says that the third rod is in the office on the second floor. We leave the storage facility.


We look around the rooms. We go further, approaching the window, it will crack. There is oil nearby. We go into the room on the right. We look at memories, look for useful items, notes. Let's take it in our hands heavy object, for example, a chair and throw it through a cracked window. Through the cornice, we jump to the other side. From the table on the right we look into the sphere. We go further, on the right we select the last rod and instructions for setting up. In the next room on the left we examine the chest. When leaving, don’t forget to fill the lamp with oil.

Living room.

We examine the left room, take the crowbar from the table. We read the note from the nightstand. In the middle room we select oil from the shelf. We read the note from the table. Use a crowbar to break down the door to the right room. A little later we hear a roar and read a warning. The monster is coming, we quickly hide in the closet. When he leaves, we read the last note, remove the picture from the wall and take the key from the hiding place.

We go to the hall with the elevator. We use the key on the engine room door.

Engine room.

We go forward and turn right. On the left side of the table we read the note. Let's go further, now we need to adjust the levers according to the instructions: the sum of the numbers should be 8 - from the bottom, 8 - from the top.

Having done everything correctly, we will see a notification. We return to the entrance, go down the stairs and turn into the left room. We install the rods: three-phase - triangle, four-phase - square, steam - circle. We read all the notes in the room. Let's move on. Having entered the room with the mechanisms, immediately turn right and read the note. Next, you need to fill the stove with coal, to do this, open the hatch, and go to the room on the left, throw three coal balls into the stove. We set it all on fire using a lever. Now you need to find three gears: one of them is somewhere in this room. The second is in the room where the rods were installed, the third is right at the exit from that room, in the corridor. Having installed everything as it should, we start the mechanism. Everything started, we return to the elevator and go down.

Basement Archives

The level is flooded with water, there is a monster in the water that won’t let you take a step. For this reason, in this part of the walkthrough we omit all the details in search of tinderboxes and other material to replenish the collection (you won’t have time for that anyway). Jumping over the boxes to the room on the right and jumping there to the lever, we try to distract the monster. To do this, we very usefully throw books lying at hand into the water. While the monster is running to check what tasty things have fallen into the input, we pull the lever and, hearing the roar of the lifting mechanism, we very quickly run towards the sound. You definitely need to run and not jump on boxes! You have to make it before the door goes down again, otherwise you'll have to start all over again. An insatiable monster also lives in the next room, but this time we have “delicacies” in the form of human body parts for it. Don't rush to run, wait until the monster reaches the offered leg or arm (it's up to your taste), and only then run to the doors. You can grab some oil on the boxes along the way. The main task here is to distract the monster and use the valve to open the door. Then we run further. In the next room on the shelf we take the needle. We get to the doors and find out that they are locked. We use the needle on the door.

Archive tunnels

There is no need to look for anything in this level. In this level you have to run, run fast and don’t look back! Don't close the doors behind you, don't waste your time. Just run! For those who still can’t pass the level and lose their nerves completely, I suggest save after water levels .

Remote hall

We go up the stairs into a huge hall. Notice the contrast between the levels. On the left, a door opened with the wind, as if inviting us to enter. Here we go. We go into the elevator, and, pulling the lever, we find out that it is broken. Now we need to find a way to fix it. We exit the elevator - on the right is the door to the “Engine Room”, but it is closed. We go to the door at the opposite end of the hall with a fountain.


Let's go down. On the table in the center of the room we take the tinderbox. We go to the room on the left - on the shelves we find three tinderboxes and a part from a drill. We go into the corridor located in the center of the room. The inscription on the wall reads “Details”. This is where we need it! But after passing through dark corridor, we find out that the door is locked and the passage is blocked. Why so unlucky! We raise a tinderbox near the rubble. Hoping to find something that will help us get past the rubble, we go to the next room. “Equipment” is written above the entrance. Going down to the basement, we find a lot of barrels, but we are only interested in two large barrels located in the corners of the room. We go to the door on the left. On the shelf on the left we take another part from the drill, and in the cabinet opposite there are two tinderboxes. We leave and head to the door located directly opposite the entrance. Here we again take two tinderboxes and a part from a drill.

The next door is two tinderboxes on the left, one on the right. But the main thing is that there is a chest in which we will find opium, oil and a tinderbox. Behind the last door in this location we pick up a note lying on the table, and under the table - a tinderbox. The note talks about explosives - that's what we need. In the inventory we combine the parts and get a hand drill. We run to the barrels. The faucets on them are rusty, but it doesn’t matter, because we have a drill! Using a drill, make a hole in a large barrel labeled “primary liquid” and use the jar from the inventory on the stream. We go to the barrel labeled “secondary liquid” and do the same thing. Now we have explosives according to Agrippa's recipe and we should hurry to the rubble. We use a jar of explosives on the rubble. Now we need to somehow activate the mixture, to do this we need to hit the jar with something. At the moment of the explosion, we need to be further away, so it’s better to climb up the stairs and throw a heavy stone at the bank. If you have problems with accuracy, then you can take a chance and throw a stone from a distance closer and, while the mixture is burning, quickly run away. But in this case, most likely you will get injured.

We pass along the cleared corridor to the very end. We select a tinderbox in the closet. There is a passage on the left, a sign on the wall - “Details”. Further along the corridor is the “Food Warehouse”. Walking along the left side, we find a tinderbox and oil. There is another tinderbox on the counter in the middle and another one on the right in the cabinet. We enter the first door on the right. Among the pile of barrels in the left corner we find oil, and on the shelf there is a tinderbox. Behind the next door is an unpleasant surprise in the form of a monster, and, as compensation, three tinderboxes. Two in the closet and one on the floor behind the drawer.

We move further to a room with a strange torch in the center. There we go through the door on the right. On the shelf we take two rods and a note. A monster appears - we hide behind a box and there we find another tinderbox. Now let's run! We run without looking back, not paying attention to the monsters. We go out into the hall with a fountain. From the note we learned that the rod for repairing the elevator lies in the office. We go up the stairs and go through the far door.


We go into the door on the right. There is a tinderbox on a shelf right next to the entrance, and another one is in the chest. In the room on the left along the corridor we find a note. We go further along the corridor. A sudden gust of wind caused the window to crack - it might come in handy. We select the oil and enter the door on the right. These are rooms where animals are stuffed. On big table take the note in the center. In the next room we take the tinderbox in the table, we get scared when we open the cabinet, and on the table near the sofa we take it and read the note. We leave the room and, walking further along the corridor, we find out that we cannot get into the office, since the path is blocked. Well, if the door is closed in front of you, climb through the window. Taking something heavier and heavier, we break the cracked window and make our way along the window sills into the office. On the first windowsill we select a tinderbox. In the first room we find an artifact on the table. In the next room we read the note lying on the table, and pick up the last rod there. In the third and last room, in the chest we find two tinderboxes. We just have to find the key to the engine room, after which we should go to the “Living Room”.

Living room

On the table we take a piece of paper from Daniel’s diary. In the second drawer of the table there is tincture of opium. We find oil on the shelf in the closet. Doorway on the left is the bedroom. Take the tinderbox on the fireplace. On the table we select another leaf from the diary. We take a crowbar on the table, and a tinderbox in the table cabinet. We go to the door opposite. It is locked, but we have a tool, and as popular wisdom says, “there is no trick against a crowbar.” Therefore, after some fiddling around, we open the door. There should be a key in this room. On the table we find part of the diary. There is a painting on the wall on the left, remove it and take the key, having previously broken the jar in which it is located. When we approach the closet located in the far corner of the room, we will hear the roar of an approaching monster. We hide in the closet. After the monster leaves, we go to the doors of the “Engine Room”.

Engine room

Oh, how terribly the hall with the fountain has changed! We run to the door to the engine room and, using the key from the inventory, we enter the room. We go straight and go into the room located on the right. We pick up a page from the diary on the table. In the right corner at the end of the room we take two tinderboxes. At the end of the room we find a panel with levers, turn on the light above it. The “Instructions for starting the elevator” say that we need to install required pressure using the “8 up/8 down” levers. We install the levers as shown in the figure.

We leave the room and go downstairs to the next floor. There's a door on the left - let's go in. On the right, in the chest, we take two tinderboxes. On the left, on the table, is a page from the Diary. On the wall opposite the entrance there is again some kind of panel, and next to it there is a note. There are three holes on the panel, each with its own geometric figure. We have three rods: “steam cycle”, “triple” and “four-phase oscillations”. The solution is based on associations. The steam cycle is a circle. Triple - triangle. Four-phase oscillations are square.

We leave the room and go down even lower. We go into the room located right along the corridor. We turn on lights everywhere - we will need them here. On the right side of the table we select a sheet from the diary. There is a large mechanism right in front of us. We approach the lever next to the stove (left lever) and, pulling it, we find out that in order for something to burn in the stove, you need to put something there. We go into the room to the left of the stove. There is a large barrel of oil, and on the shelf there is a tinderbox. Coal is scattered on the floor. We take pieces of coal and carry them into the oven until we fill it completely. We launch - again nothing. We go to the lever near the large gears. We pull it and find out that we haven’t done something yet. We look to the right - there are pins on the wall, something is clearly missing there. Gears. Now our task is to collect all the missing gears. We take the first one in the same room to the left of the entrance and install it. We run to the floor above and not far from the stairs, on the left, find another one - we carry it and install it. The last gear lies in the room where we inserted the rods, in the corner on a stool. We install the last gear and start the mechanism. The task is completed and, accompanied by solemn music, we rush to the repaired elevator. Stay away from red “living creatures”, otherwise you will waste a lot of energy. We go into the elevator, close the doors and pull the lever.

Hall with rain

After the introductory video, we wake up in some kind of castle. We read the entry in the diary and walk along the corridor, guided by the pink marks on the floor. Also, don’t forget to read the clues and look into rooms and closets in search of useful items. For example, a tinderbox is needed for lighting candles, etc.

Old archives

We continue walking, hoping to find a source of water. In the room where the tracks lead, we select a lantern from the floor; there is a chest on the left. It contains a tinderbox vial. We go into the next one, having reached the office with the flasks, we read the note from the table. Daniel asks us to kill Alexander. It turned out to be a note to myself. After all, having taken a certain elixir, we lost our memory and, anticipating such complex consequences, we took care in advance to return us to our old life. We immediately pick up fuel for the lamp. To the right of the table, on one of the shelves, we activate the mechanism. Through the opened passage we go to the next location.

Going out into the main hall, we watch a short cut-scene. We go down to the illuminated door. There is nothing good there - the road is blocked by a sticky mass. We need to somehow dissolve it. Once again I would like to note that useful items are scattered throughout the game with great generosity, you just need to be able to find them, even in the most unexpected places.


We go down the stairs and turn left. In the experiment room, we select a note from the table. On the left side of the room we read another note and take away the empty bottle. After leaving the laboratory, we hear a woman’s scream coming from the second floor.

From the right room, from the table we take the manuscript. Leaving the room, we turn right, then right again and find ourselves in a huge corridor. We go to the end and turn into the left room. In the “Floor Plans” we find a chest in the very last row. After leaving the room, we turn right, leaning against a dilapidated wall, we hear a roar. Near the left room, we select the next urinals from the table. There we pick up a stone and throw it at the wall with the opening. Let's move on. We examine the hall of local history, first we will find all three books that need to be activated. Under glass lies the last manuscript in this series. Having noticed the books, we activate them and go to the secret room. We take the key from the table and take out the note from the nightstand. Hearing a roar, we return to the hall where a new door has opened. We move carefully along the corridors, because a monster is wandering nearby. We leave the archives the same way we came.

Wine cellar

We use the found key on the wine cellar door. We go down the stairs and enter the first door. We select the first component: cuprite. Next, we examine the rooms from left to right. In the second room we select the next component. We will lose consciousness for a few seconds. In the corner of the room you can top up the fuel for the lantern. We remove the rubble before exiting and go to the next room. Approaching the door, we see that someone is breaking in from the back. But this is just an illusion, in reality there is no one there. We take the royal vodka. We return to the stairs. Now we go from right to left. The first door is locked, let's go to the second. Upon entering, immediately turn left. At the end, we pick up a tincture of opium (healing drink) from the shelf and immediately see the monster. He doesn't pose any danger yet. If we are on the verge of madness, a simple flashlight will not save us. You will either need to quickly advance through the plot by completing the task, or enter a very illuminated area. We go further around the corner where the monster hid. We go to the end, from below, we see the last component on the shelf, we take it. We go to the laboratory to make acid.


We go to the room with the device for chemical experiments. Pour in all the components, turn the left one, then the remaining screws. Quickly place the empty bottle under the tap on the right. We take the acid.

We use acid on the slime that blocked the road.

Processing chamber

We move along the dark corridor. Having seen the monster, we turn off the flashlight and try to climb on our haunches. We turn left and go into the room. On the shelf on the left we select fuel for the lantern. In the next room, from the shelf, we select the tincture of opium. Next, we discover that the door is locked on the back side. We go further until we find a note. We return back to the blocked door. On the right, having removed the boxes, we enter the back room through a narrow passage. After walking a little, we replenish our fuel supply. The gate does not turn, this needs to be fixed. Somewhere in the middle, looking at the ceiling, we see that a piece of wood is interfering with the mechanism. We put the box and, reaching out, we shake it until it breaks. We turn the gate. Don’t forget to thoroughly inspect the room before leaving. Next, we go down through the opened door.

Basement Archives

So, after a few seconds of loss of consciousness, we jump onto the first box. An invisible monster is near us! We can only track him by his footprints on the water. Also, if we walk on water, he instantly notices us and kills us. There is a room on the right. We activate the lever and very quickly walk along the corridor, at the end there is a metal grate that slowly closes. If we don’t have time, we’ll have to do it all over again. Of course, if you find it difficult to find your way, you should scout everything out first. Intelligence will help you discover useful items in other rooms. Once in the next zone, there is already another monster there. The boxes contain dismembered body parts. We throw them into the water and wait for the monster to start eating them. Then, we quickly move through the water and turn the mechanism on the door to move on. Meat needs to be added constantly. Having passed into the next room, we take the needle from the shelf and use it on the door.

Archive tunnels

Run, run and run again. Don't forget to close the doors behind you!

Remote hall

By looking to the left, the game itself indicates where we should go. The elevator is not working, the engine room is locked. We return to the hall and go in the opposite direction.


After passing along the corridor, we turn left. We enter the room and select one of the parts of the drill. The monster is right there, we quickly disappear into the darkness. There are also a lot of tinderboxes here. In a branch, it is best to light lamps and candles everywhere to make it easier to navigate. Let's go right. There are many barrels here, among them there are containers with primary and secondary liquid. We need them to make explosives. We carefully examine the rooms in search of the remaining parts of the drill. Find them, let's connect. Using a drill, we drill a hole in containers with liquids and substitute an empty bottle. Ready. We go back and go to the last fork, where, in fact, the blockage is located. We use the explosive on the stones. We take a small pebble in our hands and throw it into the dangerous mixture. It will catch fire, and we have a few seconds to run away. We walk along the corridors, examining the rooms. We move quietly, because there will be a couple of monsters on the way. Having reached the room, we select two rods and a note that says that the third rod is in the office on the second floor. We leave the storage facility.

We look around the rooms. We go further, approaching the window, it will crack. There is oil nearby. We go into the room on the right. We look at memories, look for useful items, notes. We pick up a heavy object, such as a chair, and throw it at the cracked window. Through the cornice, we jump to the other side. From the table on the right we look into the sphere. We go further, on the right we select the last rod and instructions for setting up. In the next room on the left we examine the chest. When leaving, don’t forget to fill the lamp with oil.

Living room

We examine the left room, take the crowbar from the table. We read the note from the nightstand. In the middle room we select oil from the shelf. We read the note from the table. Use a crowbar to break down the door to the right room. A little later we hear a roar and read a warning. The monster is coming, we quickly hide in the closet. When he leaves, we read the last note, remove the picture from the wall and take the key from the hiding place.
We go to the hall with the elevator. We use the key on the engine room door.

Engine room

We go forward and turn right. On the left side of the table we read the note. Let's go further, now we need to adjust the levers according to the instructions: the sum of the numbers should be 8 - from the bottom, 8 - from the top. We do it as shown in the screenshot.
Having done everything correctly, we will see a notification. We return to the entrance, go down the stairs and turn into the left room. We install the rods: three-phase - triangle, four-phase - square, steam - circle. We read all the notes in the room. Let's move on. Having entered the room with the mechanisms, immediately turn right and read the note. Next, you need to fill the stove with coal, to do this, open the hatch, and go to the room on the left, throw three coal balls into the stove. We set it all on fire using a lever. Now you need to find three gears: one of them is somewhere in this room. The second is in the room where the rods were installed, the third is right at the exit from that room, in the corridor. Having installed everything as it should, we start the mechanism. Everything started, we return to the elevator and go down.

We remove stones and boards from the passage. It's very easy to get confused in a dungeon, especially when you have to run away from monsters. However, if you follow the rules, everything will go like clockwork. So, let's go, keeping to the left wall and carefully (!) Inspecting the rooms. On the way we will meet a door with a lock, and a room in which memories will begin of how a mother and daughter talk. If you remove the bed, you can see a hole in the floor, which leads to the northern wing of the dungeon. We continue to inspect the rooms, looking for a chisel and a hammer, with which we will expand the hole on the floor. And yet, if you really feel that you cannot escape from the terrible inhabitants of the castle, then it is better to let yourself be killed, the next time you load this monster will not be there.

Dungeon (North Wing)

We move along a narrow tunnel. At the fork we turn right. Removed the stones, turn left. Now you need to get into the storage room. To do this, we look at the walls and see arrows indicating the path. Of course, the path will be difficult, the monsters have not gone away, we also examine the rooms in search of useful items. In the storage room itself, we take the jar from the shelf, do not forget to look into the chest in the corner of the room. Next, following the same arrows, we go to the kitchen. At the end there is a barrel of acid. We fill the jar with it. Now the question is, what to use this acid on? Remember long corridor in front of the storage facility. So, now we are not walking along this corridor towards the storage room, but continue to go forward, where we will come across a door with an old lock. We pour acid on it and finish it off with a hammer. Before the monster gets to us, we quickly move on.

Passage to the tank

We can’t go further yet, the water has blocked the way. Oil is flowing from one of the pipes, place a jar under it. Lubricate the lever with oil to lower the ladder. To break the pipe that interferes with lowering several times, we raise and then lower the lever. Let's go upstairs.

Control room

There are five rooms here. We go to the first room on the right, here all the levers are jammed, i.e. everything is already adjusted. We go to the first room on the left. We turn three taps and do this until there is a characteristic click. Therefore, we scroll slowly so as not to miss the moment. There are also pieces of pipes in each of the rooms. We'll need them a little later. To go further, we turn the crane, but it slowly lowers. We quickly place the boxes lying nearby under the door. We go to the second room on the left. Everything is adjusted here, go to the room on the right. We move the levers, making sure that the large structure in front of us goes completely down. In the same room, we take the required item from the table. We go to the last central room. We line up the three found pipes on the wall. We leave the control room.
We activate the levers next to the door. One of them is jammed, but we'll deal with it later.


Everything is very simple here. You just need to redirect the flow of water in the collector. At different ends, we turn the mechanisms. The path to the latter will be blocked by a bridge that has not been lowered. We take the pebble next to the torch and throw it at the chain holding the bridge.
To get to the last room, we activate the lever of the bridge through which we got to the tanks and quickly run to it. We already jump from it onto the jammed one.

We go forward until we reach the room with bones, where we take it from the shelf copper tube. We go back and turn left. Having reached the room with the corpse, we make a hole in the head of the body using hand drill. We insert a tube into it, and a needle into the tube. Click on the head and get a dose of the antidote. Don’t forget to inspect all the rooms, including bedside tables and shelves. As you're about to leave, a monster starts banging on the door. Just hiding in neighboring rooms and after waiting for him to leave, we leave the morgue.
We go to the previously flooded place. Now we can safely go to the next location.


Opening metal door. We go down the stairs. We let the monster pass. We go straight and then turn left. At the intersection, turn right. After walking a little further, we turn left. We enter the room, in front of us are two mechanisms with levers. They will slow down the mill we saw at the very beginning. The right lever is all the way to the right, the left lever is all the way to the left. Fill the lantern with fuel. Let's leave. A monster will meet us at the exit, we go back to the room and wait until he leaves. We return to the mill, now we take the right path. We reach the end, there we see a hanging pipe. We loosen it and take it away. We return to the mill and use a piece of pipe on it. We pass forward, in the room we see that we cannot go further. We go back, we hear a strong roar. A monster is coming, we quickly hide in the room. When he leaves, when leaving the room, turn right. And we walk along the opened path. There will be monsters constantly circling here, it’s easier to die and load again and then there will be no problems with them.

There are four doors in front of us. In the first one everything is littered with stones, but there is a tinderbox there. In the second, the levers are not working, there is a note nearby and you can replenish oil reserves. The third one is closed. The fourth one leads down. Having gone down, don’t forget to look under the stairs: there are a lot of tinderbox supplies there. Entering the door, turn left. We open the gate and go down. We see a suspended body. An unknown person asks to activate the lever. We pull the handle on the right. He introduces himself as Agrippa, Alexander's assistant. After talking with him, he suggests that we find six particles of the sphere. This is what we will do. First we turn left towards the table. At the top of this table we open the hatch cover. We put the boxes and get to the top, where we restore the fallen gear into place. We go back upstairs to the levers. Now they are in working order, let's activate them. Approaching Agrippa, he will ask for another favor, to find a certain note. We move on, the doors to the torture chambers are closed. In the next room we examine each cell, on the first and second floors. On the second floor we select a piece of meat from the table. After examining all the cameras, we will hear screams and roars.

We reach the crossroads. We turn left. We find ourselves in a room where we take a bucket of resin from the shelf and a note from the table. We return to the crossroads. We go to the right side, there is nothing there except a note and some oil in the ritual room.
Let's go back. We turn left, before the next location there will be a room on the left, it contains the note we need and some supplies.

Choir (entrance)

We examine both rooms. In the left room we read the note and memories begin. We select the knife, click on the body of the criminal. We leave the room.

Choir (main hall)

The area here is huge, and in addition it is very dark. Therefore, we move along the right wall. If we did everything correctly, we will find ourselves in the first torture chamber with a wheel. In the corner we pick up the glowing fragment of the sphere. The next camera is with a bull. But in front of the door there is a glowing plant. We use the hammer on it and take away the poisonous gland. Let's go inside. Click on the bull and read the inscription. Open the lid and light the coal underneath. We hear the screams of the prisoner. On the right we take another particle of the sphere. Next up is torture with a wooden coffin with spikes. Click on it and select the bright red fragment of the sphere on the right. We leave the area. First, let's give Weyer's recipe to Agrippa. He asks to prepare an elixir before collecting the sphere. Let's move on to the next part. In the room with the well, we tie the meat to a string. We lower it down and wait for the monster to swallow it. We lift it up and take away the remains.


In front of us are again three rooms and one staircase leading upstairs. Let's start with the right camera. We take away a piece of the sphere next to the ropes. In the central room, the sphere is under the bags. In the last room we take out a piece of the sphere from the closet. We go up to the second floor and take the rope from the table. We inspect the office completely. We go again to the right room. Open the grate on the floor. We combine the rope in the inventory, with empty jar We use it on the blood, under the bars.
All parts of our sphere, having reached the altar, will be captured. We'll wake up behind bars. We weaken the flimsy wall with a hammer. Then we pull with our hand. We examine all the neighboring cells and find a bucket. We fill it with water from the well. There is a pipe near the exit; we let water from a bucket flow through it. We take the key. We open the door for them. Now all that's left to do is run and run.

We read the note from the table. We lose consciousness. Having woken up, we get out of here and go down the stairs. Now after the door we turn right, straight into the laboratory. In the right design we heat up the blood. IN medium design We put the bone in the oven, having previously placed a jar of unprepared elixir under the stream. In the left structure we place the poisonous gland and turn the lever. Ready. Let's return to Agrippa. A new passage has opened on the left, there we take the saw from the shelf. First, we solder Agrup with the elixir, then we cut off the head with a saw. We run to the altar.

Let's go to the gate. We pour resin onto the pedestal and line up pieces of spheres on the resin. We still can't go any further. We return to the crossroads and follow the only path. We go down to the basement, grabbing a stone along the way, and jam the gears. All that remains is to wait until the monster leaves.

Inner Sanctum

We go down and activate the lever on the pillar. We carry out rituals in the rooms: we pierce our finger and stand in the appropriate place. We do these steps in both rooms. We pass further through the opened gate.

Hall of the Sphere

The game has three endings, which one to choose is up to you.
1) Shake all the columns and put an end to Alexander’s plans.
2) Wait for the start and throw Agrippa's head into the portal.
3) Do not interfere at all, allowing Alexander to move to another world.

After the introductory cutscenes with views of the castle, follow the tracks marked with red and pink spots. In the room where the door opens there is a tinderbox (on the table). Opposite the door is a closet with another one in it. Continue along the points on the floor. Once you have the oil lamp, light it and move on (there is a tinderbox in the chest). A note on the table next to the bottle of oil will clarify something. On the left under the shelving you will see a lever - lower it and go to the Hall.


At the bottom right is a passage closed with sticky rubbish. We go back up to the hall - right next to us there will be a corridor, in it on the left there is a chest with oil and a tinderbox. At the end of the corridor there are massive doors. Try to open them, and this path will also be blocked by biomass. Return to the hall, turn left, past the stairs to the top, then right - into the laboratory.


We go down to the torch. We select the oil and go through the door under the balcony where we came from. There are two tinderboxes on the right: in the chest and among the boxes on the floor. Read the letter on the table - you will find out where to look for the ingredients. At the other end of the room, on and inside the table there is a tinderbox, a letter, a flask and a cylindrical strange thing that can be read. We return to the hall, go up the stairs to the door leading to the Archives.


In the room on the right we read the note. We go to the room opposite, there is a note on the shelf, and a tinderbox in the table. We exit through another door. In the room opposite there is a note and a tinderbox in the table. We exit through another door. We go through the door “Old Books”. The chest contains a tinderbox and oil. Let's move on. The Local History Room is closed. We move along the corridor, through the hall with fireplaces, to the left. We take oil near the piano. In the “Maps” room we take the note and listen to the text. Then we go to the light and take the ball.

The vision passes. There is a tinderbox on the table. We move further - to the “Floor Plans” room. The chest contains a tinderbox and oil. We listen to the lecture and leave. Having picked up any heavy object, we break the wall between the “Maps” and “Floor Plans” offices. Let's go inside. There is oil on the shelf, and in the display case (break it with a book) there is a note. Inspect the shelves. They have three identical books on them that can be pulled out. After this, a timer starts - you need to have time to pull out the other two books. It is not difficult to find them in the room - they have a binding with a white stripe.

Exit into the opened passage. There's a note and a key. The door in the next room will open, and the way back will be clear. Through the Hall to the cellar (descent to the laboratory, but not to the right, but to the left).

Wine cellar

Run downstairs, through the door opposite the stairs. Inside, pick up the bottle and light the candle. Wait half a minute and leave. Go through the door on the left. There is again a bottle, tinderboxes and rubble. The rubble needs to be cleared. Get out and go through the door to the left. There is again a reading of the text, pate on the floor and useful things on the table in the back room - a bottle and a note.

The last door is behind the stairs. We go left - at the end there is opium on the shelf. We return to the door to the room, go around the ghost and inspect the premises, moving clockwise. We find orpiment. We return to the Hall (immediately behind the door you need to run forward), and from there to the Laboratory.


We go to the table where they took the note. This is a laboratory bench with flasks. Pour the contents of the bottles into the bottles on the stand. We turn the valve on the left (it needs to be opened, but we will turn it clockwise. Strange), then the four valves above the bottles. We take the result in the jar on the right. The stairs have collapsed, but we will lay out three boxes, jump on them and go to the Hall.

Again you need to quickly, quickly run away from the door, which is overgrown with red mold. Go to the passage that was originally closed, splash the acids and go to the processing chamber.

Processing chamber

We walk along the corridor, listening to the remarks. Carefully squat down and follow the enemy. We go through the rooms, collecting tinderboxes and lighting candles as needed in order to improve mental health.

After long room with a table filled with bottles, go straight. There's opium in the shelf, there's a note on the nightstand. Return to the large room with the table and clear the rubble near one of the walls. There's a passage there. Behind it is a room with a hatch in it. Search the room, pull the hatch cover. The mechanism does not work - you need to pull the stick out of one of the blocks under the ceiling. Lift the hatch and go down.

Basement Archives

Finally some action. Go ahead. After the cutscene and confusion, quickly jump onto the nearest box. Splashing on the water is the location of the enemy, who will finish you off in a couple of blows. He doesn't walk much faster than you if you run (Shift key) and don't bump into objects.

But you will have to run - there are not boxes everywhere you can jump on. You can also jump on long distances, after holding Shift, even from a standstill, and from a running start - practice and jump all the way to the iron grate. Return to the beginning of the level and go into the room on the right. There's a lever. If you lift it, you will have a couple of tens of seconds to reach the grate, which is now raised. If the monster stops right at the door, lure it by throwing books or any other objects into the water.

If you were running from a monster and then jumped onto a box, then after a couple of steps it will lose track and stop - until your first move, even if you are not in the water. Well, now get ready and pull the lever (up). It's actually very easy to get there - the monster is slow if you get used to jumping and know the way. It’s also very important not to become paralyzed with horror, although, admittedly, the atmosphere is masterfully escalated in this episode. The spanking behind the back grabs right by the spinal cord and says, “Where are you going in such a hurry? I’m already close anyway, you can’t escape.” But as soon as you turn around, it becomes clear that the speed of the monster has not changed, it’s just that fear has big eyes.

Once in the next room, do not relax and do not stand knee-deep in water - a monster lives here too. Jump onto a pillar or box and take a break. Wipe the sweat from your forehead, drink 10 drops of valerian.

And prepare 20 more. In this room the task is more interesting. If we stand with our back to the door we ran into, then we need to go left. Throw a piece of meat into the right corner, pick up the oil and, when the monster starts eating (red splashes will appear from where the remains fell), run to the door. By no means before. There we repeat the operation - we throw the bait, wait until it starts to absorb (we have 5 seconds), jump into the water and spin the wheel. After lifting the door, crawl under it and quickly jump onto the box.

There is a hollow needle on the shelf on the left, use it on the door and move to the next level.

Archive tunnels

Run, Lola, run. There is no use hiding, freezing or fighting here. We need to run. All doors open towards themselves, hinges on the left. There is also no point in resting or throwing boxes into the water away from you - this monster is not being fought. Just run along the only path and click on the final door.

Remote hall

We pass forward, go through the opened door, listen to the scene. We pull the lever in the elevator, return to the hall, up the stairs and into the Office.


There is opium on the table. There is a note on the table. There is oil on the rack. In the next room, touch the bed and read the note. There is a crowbar on the table. They can open the locked door in the office. Insert the crowbar and push it to the right. Come in. There is a closet on the right - jump into it and close the door behind you. Sit until the monster leaves, closing the door behind him with a grinding sound. Read the note.

In the same room you can see a painting. Rip it off, there's a hiding place behind it. There is a can in it - drop it and pick up the key. Go back out into the distant hall, and from it into the office (the door on the balcony next to the door to the living room).


On the right is a tinderbox in a chest, on the left is a note on the table. Let's go straight and listen to the skit. In the next room there is a tinderbox in the table and a note on the nightstand. We explore the premises further - a dead end. The window cracks, we finish off the frame with a chair, take the oil and tinderbox and go out onto the balcony. We jump along the cornices and end up in new room. There's a barrel of oil, a steam cycle rod, and a note.

We return in a similar way (downstairs some particularly powerful bastard is breaking the age-old pine trees) to the Distant Hall and go to the Storage (on the side opposite from the elevator).


We go forward to the room with candles. We light torches in it. Let's go to left door. Someone stole the torches there, but there are three tinderboxes and a drill. Someone is grumbling. We're waiting.

We go to the next passage clockwise (“Details”). Along the way, light a couple of torches for guidance. Dead end. The tinderbox is on the floor. Let's go back. We go into the last unexplored passage. Right. There's a note and a tinderbox. We continue to walk around the premises counterclockwise - tinderboxes, oil, opium are everywhere. In the third door there is also a part lying between the drawers. In the last room we find the last part and collect the drill in the inventory (drag one onto the other). We use it on two barrels standing vertically. Place the vessel under the stream. We get explosives.

Something scares us, but since it is impossible to understand what exactly it is, there is nothing to be afraid of. We return to the rubble, use the bottle on the rubble, take a larger pebble and throw it into the jar. If you don’t hit, come closer, you’ll have time to run away later. We go into a previously inaccessible room.

We explore and collect everything in it and the rooms adjacent to it. Don't touch the second door on the right - there are zombies there. We go straight into the passage, occasionally illuminating the torches. Bang! Are you scared? Me too. Behind the door on the right are rods and a tinderbox and a note. And the sound of zombies. He's outside the door. If you try to run away, he will eventually catch up with you, and quite soon. Therefore, it is better to wait it out. And then make your way into the Distant Hall quietly. Open the door to the Engine Room with the key and enter.

Engine room

In the first room on the right you need to solve a puzzle with levers. Direct the levers five, one and two up and down too - five, one and two. Let's go downstairs to the room. There we turn on the light, collect the tinderboxes and place the rods: steam cycle, three-phase and four-phase from left to right. There is a gear in the room. There's another one in the corridor. Let's go down. We place the gear from the corridor to the left, from the room - to the right, from this room - in the center. We drag three pieces of coal from the room nearby, put them in the furnace, light the furnace, lower the lever near the gears. Voila. There is a note on the cabinet at the entrance. We return to the elevator in a distant hall and leave.


We go forward and clear the rubble. We walk along the corridor. There will be two tinderboxes in the right branch. In the left (before the stairs up) there is a hammer, a tinderbox, and oil. When you reach the locked door, you will hear the already familiar sound of zombies. Wait for some time in the light of a torch or candle. Return to the stairs. We meet zombies face to face. Let's go back and wait it out. We go up the stairs, to the right, then into the room to the right. It contains a tinderbox and opium.

We leave the room and turn right. For closed door zombie. We're scared. We return and near the room turn right and right again. There is a scene in the room. We move the bed - there is a hole. There is oil in the next room. A zombie appears, opens the door and leaves. We wait in the dark. We get out and turn right. At the end of the corridor there is a room with a scene and a chisel.

We leave this room. On the left there will be a door with a rusty lock (opposite it is a corridor with oil - do not waste it, even if there is very little left in the lantern). Combine the hammer and chisel, use it all on the door, get a barrel of oil. We return to the room with a hole in the floor. We expand, we jump down.

Dungeon (north wing)

We'll hide a lot. We crawl along the passage, turn right (there is a completely uninteresting dead end on the left), and clear the rubble. We follow the signs to the Storage. Along the way, we regularly get scared of zombies, hide in the dark, explore side rooms and branches. Opposite the room where the note is, a zombie is waiting for you. You can have time to hide in the same room in the corner behind the bedside table. Just don't look at the enemy for too long - you'll lose your mind. He will wander around the room and leave. In the utility room of this room you will find oil and a tinderbox.

The storage contains 4 tinderboxes, oil and a jar. On the way back we meet zombies, return to the vault, hide and shake with fear. Then we continue our journey. We follow the signs leading to the kitchen. There are 2 tinderboxes on the shelf, and a jar of butter near the fire. There is a note on the table. Having reached the end of the kitchen, we feel in the back of our necks that something is wrong. Zombie. He went into the kitchen and doesn’t see you yet. Hide somewhere, you can distract him by throwing something, just throw it away from you. He will wander and leave.

Our path again lies to the Vault. However, at the fork, where there are two paths - right and left, and there is a sign under the torch - turn left. Then go left again. In the room on the right there is a scene, on the left there is a corpse, a tinderbox and oil. At the end of the corridor there is a room, there is a candle and a note. Let's go back. We are afraid of zombies, we wait it out. We go left (near the window in the floor, through which you can see spiral staircase), then left again. We come to the sign “To the tank”. We pour acid on the door, hit it with a chisel and, opening it, run to the tank.

Passage to the tank

Let's listen to the scene. There is a lever in the center pillar. Let's pull. We go to the side branch in the collector wall. Everything there is flooded. Oil is leaking from a pipe near the beginning of the manifold. We substitute the can and lubricate the lever. Lowering and raising it we break the pipe. We climb the stairs. We pull both levers and walk along the lowered bridge.


We walk along the bridge, listen to the remarks, and see the platform on the right. We cross over to it, jump over the collapsed bridges, take the oil and tinderbox in the chest. We pass further across the bridge. We read the note and turn the valve. It gets dark and scary. We go back a little, cross the water and climb the stairs a little to the right of the one from which we came. We go forward and lower the bridge by throwing a stone along the rusty chain.

We go to the next valve, read the note and redirect the flow. There is one more valve left. In the farthest corner of the level. WITH gas pipes carefully - it is better to cross the space between them while holding Shift. The valve immediately behind them turns off the demonic machine.

We return to the passage to the tank, and from there to the control room. The entrance to it is located near two levers that lower the walkway.

Control room

There are two rooms on the sides, look at how the weights hang in the right one and place them in the same way in the left one. IN correct position the weight makes a clicking sound. If you set them correctly, you won't be able to move them anymore. Next. Door with lowering mechanism. You can put drawers under it so you don’t have to lift it up and down every time. There are two pipes in the weight rooms. Take them and carry them to the back room, on the wall on the left. Place it on the floor for now. Now go into the right room, where the stairs lead down. There is oil to the right of the stairs, and a note to the left. Remember the position of the levers on the remote control. We need to recreate the same position in the room opposite.

At the same time, pick up a handle there. Let's go to the last room. We install pipes. Place the long one found in the right room with the stairs vertically in the center. Short through it horizontally. And another short one on the left vertically. It worked. We return to the passage to the tank.

Passage to the tank

Pull the second lever at the entrance to the repositioning room. To lower the bridge to the end, go down, throw a stone on the platform where the levers are. Then climb it yourself and throw the stone onto the bridge. He will go down. Let's go to the morgue.


We go left, listen to conversations in the room and collect opium (at top shelf rack), a tinderbox under a fallen rack and a copper pipe on a shelf. We return to the door. We go forward, listen to the conversation, continue to move forward. In the room there is a tinderbox on a shelf, in the table there is a cylinder with a record, a tinderbox and opium. Two notes - on the table and on the shelf. We drill into the corpse's head, insert a hollow needle into the tube, stab the corpse, stab ourselves. We go to the door to the exit, but along the way we catch a powerful glitch, hide in a room with corpses, and wait. Then we go into the passage to the tank. We go down into the collector, which was previously filled first with water, and then with toxic fumes.


We go to the water mill. There are zombies there. We get scared and hide, then go left. There is only one road, leading to a room with a barrel of oil and two levers. We put the right one to the right, the left one to the left. Let's go back. Zombie. We hide in the room on the right under the pipes - squatting. We are waiting for the footsteps to subside.

Let's return to the water mill, if you can call it that. It now spins more slowly - thanks to your efforts. We pass straight past it and go along the corridors. There will be a piece of pipe sticking out on the right, and in it there will be a tinderbox. Let's move on. We see a broken pipe - we break it down. We take it with us. We put it under the mill and crawl into a previously inaccessible room. There is only one road for now. In a room with an old acquaintance - red mold on the floor and walls, we find a bottle of opium and return. We hear a grinding and crashing sound - the monster has broken through the grate and we are coming towards us. We hide in the room, we see zombies coming and going.

Let's go into the gap. There's a circular corridor there. A zombie is blocking the exit. We take a stone and knock on it metal pipe. The zombie comes to see what the noise is, but there is no fight. Meanwhile, we run around from the other side, running along the corridor (the doors all open away from us - on the move, without stopping). We climb the stairs.

One door won't budge. From there we go clockwise. Rubble and tinderbox. We'll skip the next door for now. The last one is a note, a barrel of oil, a tinderbox. Two levers. We don't need them yet. We go to the last unused door.

We go down the stairs, the door on the right leads to the place where Agrippa is kept. We pull the lever and listen to what he says. Meanwhile, there is oil on the left. We go around the room. Two gates are closed, and there is an even larger room with stairs - in it there is a tinderbox on the right in the chamber, and on the left there is also a tinderbox - on a shelf. On the second floor there is meat, a tinderbox and a stage. Let's return to Agrippa. We put the boxes on the table where the oil was, climb up and adjust the gear. Agrippa continues to chat rather annoyingly at this time. Go to the beginning of the level and lower the two levers that we found in one of the rooms.

They will open the large doors in the hall with Agrippa. Let's go to the left first. There's a well there. Tie the meat to the rope and lower the bait. Take out the gnawed bone. Go further along the corridor to the Transept.


Go up the stairs to the office. There is oil, a tinderbox, a note in the table and a rope. We go to the left room (if you stand with your back to the entrance to the level). There we get a piece of a sphere, a tinderbox and an explanation of the torture place.

We go to the room in the center. On the way there there is a scene, in the room there is a sphere on the right, a tinderbox on the left and a scene. We go to the room on the right. There is another torture and a piece of the sphere. We return to Nave. We go to the hall with Agrippa and straight through the second large gate. There will be a room on the left - search everything in it. And go to the Kliros.


We go along the corridor, on the left there will be a room with a roller. On the right are two tinderboxes. We pass further along the corridor - into the Main Hall.

Choir. Main hall

You can't see anything. Feel your way. I don’t recommend turning on the flashlight - you will still only see the nearest wall along which you are walking. And you can see her anyway. I also don’t recommend running - you’ll attract zombies in the hall. Feel your way quietly along the left wall to the first door and go through it.

Here in the niche on the right is opium, on the left is a sphere. In the center is a torture exhibit. Get out and walk, keeping to the left wall and then the left cliff. Go straight across the bridge, then all the way to the right (along the left wall). There's a zombie walking nearby, so don't run or shine your flashlight. If you suddenly come upon him (or he comes upon you), quietly crawl out of sight and move away from him. After the room with the wheel, go out into the hall and again move along the right wall to the next room - at the entrance there will be big mushroom(break it with a hammer and chisel and get iron), and inside is the last part of the sphere and a cow.

Exit the torture chamber, move along the right wall (you will find oil), then turn around at the dead end and move along the cliff on the right (you will find a tinderbox near a broken column). After the bridge, do not turn off - go straight to the exit from the level.

We listen to Agrippa, go to the last unexplored door on this level - the Altar (if you stand between the gates to the Choir and Transept, it will be straight).


Go ahead. Zombies come running and kill you. This time it's normal and there's no need to replay it. After the cutscenes and cues, pick up the oil behind the bunk and break off the rod at the top of the grate. The wall on the left is unreliable. We break it with a rod. We leave the next chamber and go around them all, collecting all the useful things. Do not waste oil under any circumstances. After finishing your walk, go to the well in the center. Pick it up and attach the bucket to the rope.

The note said about the key in the pipe. Pour a bucket of water into the pipe. Pick up the key, open the door. Be sure to fill the lantern with oil and light it. Now run. The first door opens from you. Then there will be a blockage, it must be dismantled and the door opened towards you. At the fork to the right. You find yourself in the Nave.

Pick up the tinderbox and note from the table. Go to the house. After the end of the video, go to Agrippa, you know the way, although the terrain has changed. After the stairs down on the right you will see a laboratory - there is nothing to do there for now. To the left of Agrippa there is a failure. There's a saw on the right, a bloodstream on the left. Connect the rope and the jar and take out the blood. Go to the laboratory. Heat the blood on the burner. Then place the jar under the left stand with the press, put the poisonous gland there and squeeze out the juice. Then place the jar under the bell of the central stand, place the bone in the box on the left and pull the lever. Ready.

Go to Agrippa and follow his instructions. Pick up your valuable burden and go to the Altar.


Go forward to the fork. We go to the left. There are most likely zombies there. You can wait until he goes off somewhere, or let yourself be killed - after revival you will appear in the room, and he will leave. Pick up the bucket of resin and read the note. Take the stone and wedge the two large gears. Then go along the walkway to the center of the hall and to the left. There, place the oil and 6 pieces of the sphere in the recess on the left. Enter the Inner Sanctum.

Inner Sanctum

Pull the lever on the left. Go to the left door. Read the note and donate some blood on the table on the right. Then we stand on the pentagram. We repeat the procedure in the hall opposite. Then we run into the opened gate and go to the Sphere Hall

Hall of the Sphere

Either don’t let anyone leave, or let at least Agrippa leave - by throwing his head into the portal when it opens (wait for quite a long time and it seems that nothing is happening. But the stones above are spinning faster and faster. First the blue light will light up, then the green light - then throw it) . There is only enough energy for one and Alexander will die and will not go anywhere. The third option is to do nothing, watch Alexander leave by fast train. In any case, this is the end. See you again in the cyberspace.

P.S.: if you saved Agrippa, when you see a glow ahead instead of the credits, go a little forward.

Original title: Amnesia The Dark Descent
Russian name: Amnesia Ghost of the past
Developer: Frictional Games
Publisher: Frictional Games
Localizer in Russia: Snowball Studios
Release date: September 8, 2010
Release date in Russia: September 10, 2010
Platform: PC

Hall with rain.

After the introductory video, we wake up in some kind of castle. We read the entry in the diary and walk along the corridor, guided by the pink marks on the floor. Also, don’t forget to read the clues and look into rooms and closets in search of useful items. For example, a tinderbox is needed for lighting candles, etc.

Old archives.

We continue walking, hoping to find a source of water. In the room where the tracks lead, we select a lantern from the floor; there is a chest on the left. It contains a tinderbox vial. We go into the next one, having reached the office with the flasks, we read the note from the table. Daniel asks us to kill Alexander. It turned out to be a note to myself. After all, having taken a certain elixir, we lost our memory and, anticipating such complex consequences, we took care in advance to return us to our old life. We immediately pick up fuel for the lamp. To the right of the table, on one of the shelves, we activate the mechanism. Through the opened passage we go to the next location.


Going out into the main hall, we watch a short cut-scene. We go down to the illuminated door. There is nothing good there - the road is blocked by a sticky mass. We need to somehow dissolve it. Once again I would like to note that useful items are scattered throughout the game with great generosity, you just need to be able to find them, even in the most unexpected places.


We go down the stairs and turn left. In the experiment room, we select a note from the table. On the left side of the room we read another note and take away the empty bottle. After leaving the laboratory, we hear a woman’s scream coming from the second floor.


From the right room, from the table we take the manuscript. Leaving the room, we turn right, then right again and find ourselves in a huge corridor. We go to the end and turn into the left room. In the “Floor Plans” we find a chest in the very last row. After leaving the room, we turn right, leaning against a dilapidated wall, we hear a roar. Near the left room, we select the next urinals from the table. There we pick up a stone and throw it at the wall with the opening. Let's move on. We examine the hall of local history, first we will find all three books that need to be activated. Under glass lies the last manuscript in this series. Having noticed the books, we activate them and go to the secret room. We take the key from the table and take out the note from the nightstand. Hearing a roar, we return to the hall where a new door has opened. We move carefully along the corridors, because a monster is wandering nearby. We leave the archives the same way we came.

Wine cellar.

We use the found key on the wine cellar door. We go down the stairs and enter the first door. We select the first component: cuprite. Next, we examine the rooms from left to right. In the second room we select the next component. We will lose consciousness for a few seconds. In the corner of the room you can top up the fuel for the lantern. We remove the rubble before exiting and go to the next room. Approaching the door, we see that someone is breaking in from the back. But this is just an illusion, in reality there is no one there. We take the royal vodka. We return to the stairs. Now we go from right to left. The first door is locked, let's go to the second. Upon entering, immediately turn left. At the end, we pick up a tincture of opium (healing drink) from the shelf and immediately see the monster. He doesn't pose any danger yet. If we are on the verge of madness, a simple flashlight will not save us. You will either need to quickly advance through the plot by completing the task, or enter a very illuminated area. We go further around the corner where the monster hid. We go to the end, from below, we see the last component on the shelf, we take it. We go to the laboratory to make acid.


We go to the room with the device for chemical experiments. Pour in all the components, turn the left one, then the remaining screws. Quickly place the empty bottle under the tap on the right. We take the acid.


We use acid on the slime that blocked the road.

Processing chamber.

We move along the dark corridor. Having seen the monster, we turn off the flashlight and try to climb on our haunches. We turn left and go into the room. On the shelf on the left we select fuel for the lantern. In the next room, from the shelf, we select the tincture of opium. Next, we discover that the door is locked on the back side. We go further until we find a note. We return back to the blocked door. On the right, having removed the boxes, we enter the back room through a narrow passage. After walking a little, we replenish our fuel supply. The gate does not turn, this needs to be fixed. Somewhere in the middle, looking at the ceiling, we see that a piece of wood is interfering with the mechanism. We put the box and, reaching out, we shake it until it breaks. We turn the gate. Don’t forget to thoroughly inspect the room before leaving. Next, we go down through the opened door.

Basement archives.

So, after a few seconds of loss of consciousness, we jump onto the first box. An invisible monster is near us! We can only track him by his footprints on the water. Also, if we walk on water, he instantly notices us and kills us. There is a room on the right. We activate the lever and very quickly walk along the corridor, at the end there is a metal grate that slowly closes. If we don’t have time, we’ll have to do it all over again. Of course, if you find it difficult to find your way, you should scout everything out first. Intelligence will help you discover useful items in other rooms. Once in the next zone, there is already another monster there. The boxes contain dismembered body parts. We throw them into the water and wait for the monster to start eating them. Then, we quickly move through the water and turn the mechanism on the door to move on. Meat needs to be added constantly. Having passed into the next room, we take the needle from the shelf and use it on the door.

Archive tunnels.

Run, run and run again. Don't forget to close the doors behind you!

Remote hall.

By looking to the left, the game itself indicates where we should go. The elevator is not working, the engine room is locked. We return to the hall and go in the opposite direction.


After passing along the corridor, we turn left. We enter the room and select one of the parts of the drill. The monster is right there, we quickly disappear into the darkness. There are also a lot of tinderboxes here. In a branch, it is best to light lamps and candles everywhere to make it easier to navigate. Let's go right. There are many barrels here, among them there are containers with primary and secondary liquid. We need them to make explosives. We carefully examine the rooms in search of the remaining parts of the drill. Find them, let's connect. Using a drill, we drill a hole in containers with liquids and substitute an empty bottle. Ready. We go back and go to the last fork, where, in fact, the blockage is located. We use the explosive on the stones. We take a small pebble in our hands and throw it into the dangerous mixture. It will catch fire, and we have a few seconds to run away. We walk along the corridors, examining the rooms. We move quietly, because there will be a couple of monsters on the way. Having reached the room, we select two rods and a note that says that the third rod is in the office on the second floor. We leave the storage facility.


We look around the rooms. We go further, approaching the window, it will crack. There is oil nearby. We go into the room on the right. We look at memories, look for useful items, notes. We pick up a heavy object, such as a chair, and throw it at the cracked window. Through the cornice, we jump to the other side. From the table on the right we look into the sphere. We go further, on the right we select the last rod and instructions for setting up. In the next room on the left we examine the chest. When leaving, don’t forget to fill the lamp with oil.

Living room.

We examine the left room, take the crowbar from the table. We read the note from the nightstand. In the middle room we select oil from the shelf. We read the note from the table. Use a crowbar to break down the door to the right room. A little later we hear a roar and read a warning. The monster is coming, we quickly hide in the closet. When he leaves, we read the last note, remove the picture from the wall and take the key from the hiding place.

We go to the hall with the elevator. We use the key on the engine room door.

Engine room.

We go forward and turn right. On the left side of the table we read the note. Let's go further, now we need to adjust the levers according to the instructions: the sum of the numbers should be 8 - from the bottom, 8 - from the top.

Having done everything correctly, we will see a notification. We return to the entrance, go down the stairs and turn into the left room. We install the rods: three-phase - triangle, four-phase - square, steam - circle. We read all the notes in the room. Let's move on. Having entered the room with the mechanisms, immediately turn right and read the note. Next, you need to fill the stove with coal, to do this, open the hatch, and go to the room on the left, throw three coal balls into the stove. We set it all on fire using a lever. Now you need to find three gears: one of them is somewhere in this room. The second is in the room where the rods were installed, the third is right at the exit from that room, in the corridor. Having installed everything as it should, we start the mechanism. Everything started, we return to the elevator and go down.


We remove stones and boards from the passage. It's very easy to get confused in a dungeon, especially when you have to run away from monsters. However, if you follow the rules, everything will go like clockwork. So, let's go, keeping to the left wall and carefully (!) Inspecting the rooms. On the way we will meet a door with a lock, and a room in which memories will begin of how a mother and daughter talk. If you remove the bed, you can see a hole in the floor, which leads to the northern wing of the dungeon. We continue to inspect the rooms, looking for a chisel and a hammer, with which we will expand the hole on the floor. And yet, if you really feel that you cannot escape from the terrible inhabitants of the castle, then it is better to let yourself be killed, the next time you load this monster will not be there.

Dungeon (North Wing).

We move along a narrow tunnel. At the fork we turn right. Removed the stones, turn left. Now you need to get into the storage room. To do this, we look at the walls and see arrows indicating the path. Of course, the path will be difficult, the monsters have not gone away, we also examine the rooms in search of useful items. In the storage room itself, we take the jar from the shelf, do not forget to look into the chest in the corner of the room. Next, following the same arrows, we go to the kitchen. At the end there is a barrel of acid. We fill the jar with it. Now the question is, what to use this acid on? Remember the long corridor in front of the vault. So, now we are not walking along this corridor towards the storage room, but continue to go forward, where we will come across a door with an old lock. We pour acid on it and finish it off with a hammer. Before the monster gets to us, we quickly move on.

Passage to the tank.

We can’t go further yet, the water has blocked the way. Oil is flowing from one of the pipes, place a jar under it. Lubricate the lever with oil to lower the ladder. To break the pipe that interferes with lowering several times, we raise and then lower the lever. Let's go upstairs.

Control room.

There are five rooms here. We go to the first room on the right, here all the levers are jammed, i.e. everything is already adjusted. We go to the first room on the left. We turn three taps and do this until there is a characteristic click. Therefore, we scroll slowly so as not to miss the moment. There are also pieces of pipes in each of the rooms. We'll need them a little later. To go further, we turn the crane, but it slowly lowers. We quickly place the boxes lying nearby under the door. We go to the second room on the left. Everything is adjusted here, go to the room on the right. We move the levers, making sure that the large structure in front of us goes completely down. In the same room, we take the required item from the table. We go to the last central room. We line up the three found pipes on the wall. We leave the control room.
We activate the levers next to the door. One of them is jammed, but we'll deal with it later.


Everything is very simple here. You just need to redirect the flow of water in the collector. At different ends, we turn the mechanisms. The path to the latter will be blocked by a bridge that has not been lowered. We take the pebble next to the torch and throw it at the chain holding the bridge.

To get to the last room, we activate the lever of the bridge through which we got to the tanks and quickly run to it. We already jump from it onto the jammed one.


We go forward until we reach the room with the bones, where we take the copper tube from the shelf. We go back and turn left. Having reached the room with the corpse, we make a hole in the head of the body using a hand drill. We insert a tube into it, and a needle into the tube. Click on the head and get a dose of the antidote. Don’t forget to inspect all the rooms, including bedside tables and shelves. As you're about to leave, a monster starts banging on the door. We just hide in the neighboring rooms and wait until he leaves, leaving the morgue.

We go to the previously flooded place. Now we can safely go to the next location.


We open the metal door. We go down the stairs. We let the monster pass. We go straight and then turn left. At the intersection, turn right. After walking a little further, we turn left. We enter the room, in front of us are two mechanisms with levers. They will slow down the mill we saw at the very beginning. The right lever is all the way to the right, the left lever is all the way to the left. Fill the lantern with fuel. Let's leave. A monster will meet us at the exit, we go back to the room and wait until he leaves. We return to the mill, now we take the right path. We reach the end, there we see a hanging pipe. We loosen it and take it away. We return to the mill and use a piece of pipe on it. We pass forward, in the room we see that we cannot go further. We go back, we hear a strong roar. A monster is coming, we quickly hide in the room. When he leaves, when leaving the room, turn right. And we walk along the opened path. There will be monsters constantly circling here, it’s easier to die and load again and then there will be no problems with them.


There are four doors in front of us. In the first one everything is littered with stones, but there is a tinderbox there. In the second, the levers are not working, there is a note nearby and you can replenish oil reserves. The third one is closed. The fourth one leads down. Having gone down, don’t forget to look under the stairs: there are a lot of tinderbox supplies there. Entering the door, turn left. We open the gate and go down. We see a suspended body. An unknown person asks to activate the lever. We pull the handle on the right. He introduces himself as Agrippa, Alexander's assistant. After talking with him, he suggests that we find six particles of the sphere. This is what we will do. First we turn left towards the table. At the top of this table we open the hatch cover. We put the boxes and get to the top, where we restore the fallen gear into place. We go back upstairs to the levers. Now they are in working order, let's activate them. Approaching Agrippa, he will ask for another favor, to find a certain note. We move on, the doors to the torture chambers are closed. In the next room we examine each cell, on the first and second floors. On the second floor we select a piece of meat from the table. After examining all the cameras, we will hear screams and roars.


We reach the crossroads. We turn left. We find ourselves in a room where we take a bucket of resin from the shelf and a note from the table. We return to the crossroads. We go to the right side, there is nothing there except a note and some oil in the ritual room.

Let's go back. We turn left, before the next location there will be a room on the left, it contains the note we need and some supplies.

Choir (entrance).

We examine both rooms. In the left room we read the note and memories begin. We select the knife, click on the body of the criminal. We leave the room.

Choir (main hall).

The area here is huge, and in addition it is very dark. Therefore, we move along the right wall. If we did everything correctly, we will find ourselves in the first torture chamber with a wheel. In the corner we pick up the glowing fragment of the sphere. The next camera is with a bull. But in front of the door there is a glowing plant. We use the hammer on it and take away the poisonous gland. Let's go inside. Click on the bull and read the inscription. Open the lid and light the coal underneath. We hear the screams of the prisoner. On the right we take another particle of the sphere. Next up is torture with a wooden coffin with spikes. Click on it and select the bright red fragment of the sphere on the right. We leave the area. First, let's give Weyer's recipe to Agrippa. He asks to prepare an elixir before collecting the sphere. Let's move on to the next part. In the room with the well, we tie the meat to a string. We lower it down and wait for the monster to swallow it. We lift it up and take away the remains.


In front of us are again three rooms and one staircase leading upstairs. Let's start with the right camera. We take away a piece of the sphere next to the ropes. In the central room, the sphere is under the bags. In the last room we take out a piece of the sphere from the closet. We go up to the second floor and take the rope from the table. We inspect the office completely. We go again to the right room. Open the grate on the floor. We combine a rope in our inventory and use it with an empty jar on the blood, under the bars.

All parts of our sphere, having reached the altar, will be captured. We'll wake up behind bars. We weaken the flimsy wall with a hammer. Then we pull with our hand. We examine all the neighboring cells and find a bucket. We fill it with water from the well. There is a pipe near the exit; we let water from a bucket flow through it. We take the key. We open the door for them. Now all that's left to do is run and run.


We read the note from the table. We lose consciousness. Having woken up, we get out of here and go down the stairs. Now after the door we turn right, straight into the laboratory. In the right design we heat up the blood. In the middle design, we place the bone in the oven, having previously placed a jar of unfinished elixir under the stream. In the left structure we place the poisonous gland and turn the lever. Ready. Let's return to Agrippa. A new passage has opened on the left, there we take the saw from the shelf. First, we solder Agrup with the elixir, then we cut off the head with a saw. We run to the altar.


Let's go to the gate. We pour resin onto the pedestal and line up pieces of spheres on the resin. We still can't go any further. We return to the crossroads and follow the only path. We go down to the basement, grabbing a stone along the way, and jam the gears. All that remains is to wait until the monster leaves.

Inner Sanctum.

We go down and activate the lever on the pillar. We carry out rituals in the rooms: we pierce our finger and stand in the appropriate place. We do these steps in both rooms. We pass further through the opened gate.

Hall of the sphere.

The game has three endings, which one to choose is up to you.
1) Shake all the columns and put an end to Alexander’s plans.
2) Wait for the start and throw Agrippa's head into the portal.
3) Do not interfere at all, allowing Alexander to move to another world.

Article taken from the site

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