Taurus horoscope for February 7th. Horoscope - Taurus. Personal horoscope for Taurus by date of birth

On Monday, others should hardly rely on logic if they want to convince Taurus of something. He tends to make decisions under the influence of emotions, and his main argument will be his intuition. In general, on Monday Taurus is more creative than business-oriented. Where it is necessary to show imagination, he will have no equal, and he will be able to read people’s hearts like an open book. It may even seem to others that the insightful Taurus is a real telepath.

On Tuesday, Taurus should really dream up! The stars of the horoscope remind him: in order to achieve a lot, you need to go beyond the limits from time to time and give free rein to your dreams. The day is ideal for daydreaming about the future, working out the most unconventional, even fantastic moves - over time, Taurus will be able to bring many of these incredible plans to life.

On Wednesday, circumstances will not give Taurus the opportunity to relax and do what he sees fit. On the contrary, they will tease him every now and then, demanding active action. Willy-nilly, Taurus will have to accept these rules of the game, and at the end of the day he may even get a taste for it. In the process, Taurus is able to be surprised to discover that his brain works surprisingly clearly and clearly on Wednesday, offering him elegant moves that he would not have thought of before.

On Thursday, the horoscope stars advise Taurus to avoid too much attention from others. The day does not incline Taurus to be able to show himself in the most favorable light, which means that if time is of the essence, it is better to wait. But Thursday is the ideal day for Taurus to prepare their future success. Work hard on your project, prepare the necessary materials, think through your arguments - when the time comes to be in the spotlight, you will be able to amaze everyone!

On Friday, Taurus can expect a very pleasant and useful surprise, and a completely unexpected one, literally out of nowhere! Perhaps Taurus, walking down the street, will find a large bill under his feet. Or he will win the lottery, receive a forgotten debt, a gift from a fan... There can be many options, so Taurus should be prepared for any gifts of fate, just in case. And, in order not to miss them, look more carefully around you, as well as at your feet.

On Saturday, Taurus's mood can mislead anyone, but not himself. All day long he may feel a vague anxiety, which can sometimes spill over into the heads of those around him in outbursts of irritation. However, this same anxiety can push Taurus to other unexpected actions, including romantic ones. In other words, Taurus will not sit still on Saturday, no matter how hard he tries to prove to himself and others the opposite.

On Sunday, Taurus may face a difficult task, and a lot will depend on how he solves it. Perhaps it is on Sunday that Taurus may be required to make a final decision on some issue or take a step that will give his life a new direction. So Taurus’ decisions on Sunday must be weighed and thought out - after all, the consequences of this choice will be felt for a long time.

Taurus, today you are active and energetic - it's time to bring a couple of grandiose ideas to life. The day is good for creativity - don’t be shy about your talents, that’s why they exist, to please others. It is advisable to be persistent in resolving family issues - your household members have become lazy and are dreaming of relaxation.

Taurus love horoscope for today

It is unlikely that today you will be able to somehow influence the course of events. Most likely, the most correct thing would be not to waste time and effort. Lonely Taurus can find themselves in the center of very interesting events. Try not to miss your chance!

Career horoscope for Taurus on 02/07/2017

A very productive day for many Taurus. You will have many ideas for developing your business, although many of them will be divorced from reality and more like projection. At the same time, an intensive exchange of views contributes to the identification and development of the most promising areas.

Personal horoscope for TAURUS by date of birth

The cost of drawing up a personal horoscope is 180 rubles.

This day will pass quite calmly. It will not bring serious problems, but it is unlikely to be marked by any outstanding successes. But you will have the opportunity to complete what was started earlier, put things in order, and get answers to questions that have long interested you. Sometimes disagreements may arise, most often they are related to work or business. But a compromise can be reached quickly.
Now you shouldn’t take on any serious matters or projects, especially if they require creativity and imagination. You can rest, it will be useful.

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Love horoscope - Taurus

Changes in relationships are possible, and not only favorable ones. However, if you wish, you can resolve all contradictions.


Today you will passionately want to take your relationship with your partner beyond just physical affection and fill it with deep spiritual content. You will gravitate towards sincere, heartfelt conversations with your passion, communicating with her on any topic. Go beyond your comfort zone and make every effort to create an atmosphere of harmony and magic in your relationship.
On the amorous front of your life there will be a feeling of stagnation. Try not to worry about this, however. Just be patient and wait a little. Even if now it seems that you will never be able to find your love, in reality this is not at all the case, and very soon many new interesting and attractive people will appear in your life.

Try to spend this evening more quietly, you need to rest, and let noisy entertainment wait for now. You may have to do some household chores, but you don’t have to spend all your free time on them. Let your significant other have as much fun as they want, and you can just lie on the couch in front of the TV.


Family horoscope - Taurus

You will appreciate the comfort and convenience of your home more than ever. To ensure that it remains a quiet haven where you can hide from the world, do not drag professional problems there and do not burden your loved ones with them.

Business horoscope - Taurus

Tomorrow will delight you with stability in everything - from the flow of affairs at work to the state of finances. Use your achievements wisely.


If you recently turned down a lucrative business offer out of fear of possible risk or other considerations, know that it was a mistake. But it's not too late to get a second chance!

Health horoscope - Taurus

Tomorrow will not bring health problems, but you should monitor your condition - rapid fatigue may hide an illness, so at the slightest suspicion you need to take action immediately. The main task for tomorrow is to pay attention to the quality and quantity of nutrition - Taurus has a slow metabolism, so everything excess turns into fat.


You should not have any problems with your health today. The influence of Jupiter, the planet of luck and protection, promises good health. If you have any health problems, now you can get better. Even those who suffer from chronic diseases will feel better with proper treatment.

Mobile horoscope - Taurus

Although you may not be as motivated to succeed today, you may be the only person who is fully aware of your new passions. Your new beliefs and dreams may be incomprehensible to people, and it is unlikely that anyone will notice that something has changed in you. Your thoughts are now tuned to explore the secret corners of your mind. You are almost to the door that will open up the opportunity for you to rethink your life and build new aspirations.

Beauty Horoscope - Taurus

Today you will have a great opportunity to calmly think everything over and make that important decision that you have been racking your brains about lately. You will be very reasonable and analytical, and the optimal choice will be almost obvious to you.

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Horoscope for February 6, 2018 Taurus

The thoroughness and foresight inherent in Taurus will be in demand only by the end of this day. Before evening comes, communicate with people, observe the events around you and draw conclusions. This is not a good time to launch a new project, exchange long-term commitments, or enter into another serious partnership. Risky plans will most likely remain unfulfilled. If they still have appeal in your eyes, discuss them over a cup of tea with one of your friends.

Health horoscope

If you don't take care of yourself, no one will. So take charge of your health today. Make a list of wellness activities and think about how and when you could implement them all. Don’t plan too many different things at once, start with one thing and not the most difficult one.

On this day, it will be quite easy for Taurus to correct your figure. Try your best to ensure that actions aimed at achieving a good goal do not harm any other aspects of your health.

Relationship horoscope

Are you tired of holding back your feelings? Give them an outlet and make a splash with your ideas. Your comrades will react to them with enthusiasm, and you will be known as an innovator.

Unfortunately, no significant erotic events are expected in your life today. But a few minor, but very pleasant ones are very, very likely. A new caress, an extra smile from your partner, his unexpected passionate sigh, a light touch to the overall picture of amazing sexual pleasure...

Family horoscope

Do not forget to come to the aid of your loved ones if any need arises. Even if it seems to you that everyone can do without you, show care and attention to your family today and take care of household chores. Everyone will be touched by your behavior and will not hesitate to respond in kind.

There will be a lot of controversy waiting for you at home; However, they will all end in jokes and general fun. At social events you will attract attention, but it will quickly tire you. An evening spent with loved ones will leave the most pleasant impression.

Business horoscope

Having more self-confidence won't hurt you at all. Act boldly in your chosen direction, and you will definitely achieve success.

The day is associated with unexpected expenses, significant but pleasant; You won't regret the money spent. There will be more work than usual, but you will get it done quickly and you won’t have to work overtime. Management will appreciate your diligence and diligence, but they will hardly be happy if you begin to show initiative and leadership qualities.

Horoscope for February 7, 2018 Taurus

Thanks to a successful combination of circumstances, Taurus will show themselves on the winning side. Do your work calmly, listen to your intuition more often and take into account business experience. To win your partner’s trust, demonstrate to him your seriousness, responsibility, foresight, breadth of professional horizons, as well as the ability to take calculated risks, if necessary. Do not get carried away by familiarity and patronage: friendship is friendship, and in business you should be surrounded only by reliable top-class masters.

Health horoscope

Today you may feel tired and depressed more than usual. Do exercises in the morning, take a shower and cook something tasty, this will distract you from gloomy thoughts. Go for a walk, and it’s best to take skis or skates with you, it will be much more fun and useful.

On this day, you may be somewhat unsettled by experiences and difficult life situations. But in order to prevent all this from affecting your health, you should learn relaxation techniques.

Relationship horoscope

You will have to deal with a number of outdated ideas and beliefs before you can get down to business. Perhaps this conservatism will come from you, or maybe from some other person, but one way or another you will need to get rid of it.

Today a new stage will begin in your relationship. It is difficult to judge the level of its globality, and also its duration. However, this day will definitely become another step towards your joint happiness, whatever it may be. Try to do everything correctly and wisely.

Now is a very good time to raise your relationship with your loved one (or beloved) to a new, higher level. And for single people, perhaps there will be a chance to meet a like-minded person.

A favorable day for making new acquaintances. The people you meet today can become good friends - and more.

Today something in your life will change rapidly, and it is not clear in what direction. You will then need more than one week, and maybe more than one month, in order to adequately assess the consequences of this day. For now, you should rely only on your intuition, nothing else will help you.

Perhaps today you yourself will provoke your admirer to take very unequivocal actions towards your person, and then with an indignant look you will begin to shame him. Like, you are pure and innocent, but he - how dare he imagine such a thing? So that you - yes with him? Never!

Family horoscope

Something needs to change in your life. If you live with your parents, then think about whether you would like to separate and start a family. If you live alone with your spouse in a separate apartment, then all you are missing is a child. With its appearance, your life will acquire many bright colors.

Business horoscope

Caution in business never hurts, and even more so today. Don't start anything new and think carefully about your actions.

A suitable day for new beginnings, primarily aimed at improving the lives of other people and helping those in need. However, Taurus, who care exclusively about their own well-being, will not be left unscathed - they will simply have to put in a little more effort to achieve their goal.

Interest in creativity increases; it is possible that the activity that you take up today out of pure curiosity will soon begin to make a profit.

By showing flexibility and diplomacy in a difficult situation, today you can emerge victorious or avoid a quarrel altogether. Things may slow down. Luck can slip through your fingers. Be attentive to details, pay attention to signs, listen to your intuition.

This day is favorable for both professional activities and personal relationships.

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