Bondarchuk family tree. Blood ties. the most famous acting dynasties. Boyarsky acting dynasty

Tata Bondarchuk's Instagram

We have already written that one of the founders of genetics, Francis Galton, studied the genealogy of more than four hundred outstanding people in the history of mankind and found out that most of them are related to each other to one degree or another.

By the way, Galton himself was a close relative of Charles Darwin and a distant relative of Yaroslav the Wise. We proved Galton's theory using the example of the Mikhalkov family:
Geniuses are born: 3 most famous star dynasties
And now we continue our series of articles with an equally famous family - the Bondarchuks.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Instagram Svetlana Bondarchuk
Fyodor Bondarchuk, known simply as the FSB to his family and friends, is perhaps one of the most prominent figures in the Russian film industry.
And, without false modesty, we can say that he earned his fame and recognition through his own labor. Today Fedor is one of the most sought-after directors, actors, producers and music video directors.
Sometimes Fyodor Sergeevich hosts events, he can freely manage his time, of course, because he is the chairman board of trustees ORKF "Kinotavr", academician of the national cinematography award "Nika", member of the national cinematography award "Golden Eagle", founder of the Glavkino group of companies and one of the founders of the Kinoshiti project.
Agree, a significant track record for a 48-year-old director. Fyodor Bondarchuk's film "9th Company" became the highest-grossing film of 2005 and received 7 prestigious film awards and 8 nominations, including an Oscar!
Other “highest-grossing films”, but already in 2009 and 2013, are “Inhabited Island” and the grandiose military drama “Stalingrad”, nominated for the same Oscar, also the work of Fyodor Sergeevich. In 2003, Fedor won the TEFI Award as the best presenter of an entertainment program, and in 2011 he received the Golden Eagle for his role in the film “Two Days.”

You can wonder for a long time what prompted Fyodor Sergeevich to conquer such heights, or you can look into his biography. Little Fedya grew up in a creative family. His father, Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk, was an actor, director, screenwriter and teacher.
In 1952, he became a People's Artist of the USSR, and also received the titles of Lenin Prize laureate, Stalin Prize, Hero of Socialist Labor and USSR State Prize laureate. He received the Oscar and Golden Globe awards for the film War and Peace (1965–1967).
Fyodor's mother, Irina Konstantinovna Bondarchuk, nee Skobtseva, is a theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
Sergei and Irina met at a time when both were married. Bondarchuk Sr. saw his future wife at the exhibition. He admired her portrait, and suddenly she appeared... a little later, the couple played the main roles in the production of Othello. Perhaps this film became a sign of their love.
The lovers were able to get married only a few years later, having gone through many obstacles. Before the wedding, Sergei Fedorovich set two conditions for his wife: never separate and allow him to rest and be silent for a while - at least three days. And the couple lived in perfect harmony for 35 years!
Sergei Fedorovich died more than 20 years ago, but his wife still presents the Sergei Bondarchuk medal for achievements in the field of cinema at the international film forum “Golden Knight”. Irina says that her fate was happy - today she has not only her beloved son and daughter, but also two grandchildren, a granddaughter and three great-granddaughters.

Elena Bondarchuk, Sergei Bondarchuk and Konstantin Kryukov with children. Instagram Svetlana Bondarchuk
Elena Bondarchuk, Fyodor's older sister, also devoted her entire life to theater and cinema. We can remember her roles in the TV series “Poor Nastya” (Empress Alexandra Feodorovna) and “Dear Masha Berezina” (Masha Berezina’s mother), as well as in the film “Quiet Don” (Natalia). On the theatrical stage, Elena’s most striking role was Blanche from A Streetcar Named Desire.
In November 2009, Fyodor Bondarchuk’s sister died of cancer at the age of 47. From her husband, Doctor of Philosophy, gemologist, Elena has a son, Konstantin Kryukov. We know Konstantin from his work in films, including with Uncle Fyodor: he played in “9th Company”, “Heat”, in the series “The Three Half-Graces”, “What Men Do” and in 32 other films.

The 30-year-old actor even managed to receive the Frank Kafka Order for innovation in art. In addition to acting practice, Kryukov is engaged in jewelry work. He started by making precious gifts for his family on his own. Konstantin himself became a designer wedding rings for his wedding, and in 2009, together with the British company The Saplings, he released the “Choice” collection.

Fedor's half-sister Natalya, from Sergei Fedorovich's first marriage to actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR and First Class Stalin Prize Laureate Inna Makarova, has been working in the film industry for about 45 years as an actress, director and screenwriter. She has the titles of Honored Artist of the RSFSR and Honored Artist Russian Federation.
One of Natalia’s most striking film roles is Hari in Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris. Today, Natalya Bondarchuk is the founder of the Bambi children's theater, which has three branches: Moscow, Aprilevsky and Odintsovo. In Aprelevka, the theater is run by Natalya’s second husband, actor Igor Dnestriansky.
From her first husband - actor, director, People's Artist of Russia and member of the Union of Writers of Russia Nikolai Burlyaev - Natalya Sergeevna has two children: Ivan and Maria Burlyaev. Ivan Burlyaev is a Russian composer.
As a child, he tried himself in the acting field: he played in 8 films, but, perhaps, he was most remembered in the film “Bambi’s Childhood,” where he played a young deer. Regarding professional career, Ivan Burlyaev the composer has more than 30 films to his name, including “9th Company”, “We are from the Future”, “Pushkin. The last duel." Maria Burlyaeva is a 27-year-old actress, a graduate of GITIS, with 8 film works and 9 theater productions to her credit.

Professional family dynasties have existed almost since the transformation of apes into humans. Or maybe a little later. IN wild tribes There is still a strict family division: some are engaged in hunting, others in farming. In the Middle Ages, it was impossible to imagine that a tanner, for example, would become a cooper or a pastry chef.

However, when creative people are engaged in one thing, they will definitely remember the proverb about nature and the children on whom it rests. Can a talented carpenter, fireman or steelmaker have a mediocre successor to the profession? A successful businessman has a mediocre heir? Quite. But, you see, few people will notice this and, in an idle conversation at a friendly table, will compare the skills of completely strangers. Unless, of course, the heir to capital to smithereens does not go bankrupt in a short time.

And only those who continue creative professions are doomed to live permanently with their ancestors. They are watched and discussed with special passion always and everywhere. Fortunately, in Russia, in most famous acting dynasties, nature works without a break for several decades in a row. This is only a tenth of the existing acting families - dynasties. By .

Actor-director dynasty Bondarchuk

The founder of the dynasty is the outstanding film director and actor Sergei Bondarchuk. Sergei Fedorovich had two wives - actress Inna Makarova and actress Irina Skobtseva. Both marriages produced children who also became artists. And then their children.

From her first marriage to theater and film actress Inna Makarova, a daughter, Natalya Bondarchuk, was born, and from her marriage to the artist Nikolai Burlyaev, a daughter, Maria Burlyaeva, was born. In his second marriage, Sergei Bondarchuk and Irina Skobtseva had children Alena and Fedor. Alena's son Konstantin Kryukov and Natalya's daughter Maria Burlyaeva - yet? - the youngest members of a large acting dynasty.

Boyarsky acting dynasty

One of the oldest acting dynasties in Russia. Its founder was a priest, whose many children under Soviet rule chose a different ministry - a different temple. Almost all of them, in one way or another, were related to the theatrical art of St. Petersburg. The most famous artists from a large, extensive family are: Sergei Boyarsky, Nikolai Boyarsky, Mikhail Boyarsky, his wife Larisa Lupian and their daughter Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

Ephraim Dynasty

The founder of the dynasty is a man of the era: and actor Oleg Efremov. His children Anastasia (from a civil marriage with actress Irina Mazuruk) and Mikhail (from a marriage with actress Alla Pokrovskaya), who are directly related to theater and cinema, already have their own adult children, Olga Efremova and Nikita Efremov, who also continue to bear a heavy cross. daily proving its worth and uniqueness of the family.

Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky clan

Founders: artist Pyotr Konchalovsky, his daughter, writer Natalya Konchalovskaya, and her husband, poet Sergei Mikhalkov. Their children: film and theater director Andron (Andrey) Konchalovsky and film director and actor Nikita Mikhalkov. Their children from different marriages have long been successful in the arts: directors and artists Yegor Konchalovsky and Artem Mikhalkov, actresses Anna Mikhalkova and Nadezhda Mikhalkova.

Urgant acting dynasty

The founders of the dynasty: actors Lev Milinder and Nina Urgant. Their son Andrei, a famous St. Petersburg actor and showman, married to actress Valeria Kiseleva, gave birth to a son, now famous TV presenter Ivan Urgant.

Yankovsky dynasty

Founders: brothers Rostislav and Oleg Yankovsky. The first to enter the acting path was his elder brother Rostislav, a film and theater artist. most of lived his life in Belarus and served in the Minsk Drama Theater. His sons Igor and Vladimir also became artists, but later left the profession. The younger brother Oleg became the founder of the Moscow branch of the acting dynasty: in his marriage to actress Lyudmila Zorina, he had a son, Philip. Nowadays, the already famous film director and actor Philip Yankovsky and his wife, actress Oksana Fandera, are taking their first steps in the acting profession with their eldest son Ivan.

Mikhalkovs, Bondarchuks, Yankovskys, Todorovskys March 15th, 2011

Families who "saw" Russian cinema

In Western cinema there are also relatives, but the priority is business. And here - whom Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov often stroked on the head as a child

Ksenia Degtyareva

In 2010, Russia is reducing spending on healthcare, science, and salaries for public sector employees, but not on cinema. On the contrary, expenses to support cinema during the crisis are increased to 5.5 billion rubles. It will rain gold on the filmmakers. But not at all.

– So next year The state financing scheme will be changed, Mikhalkov promised. - These 5.5 billion will be distributed only among several film companies that win the tender.

It’s not difficult to predict where the money will go in the “infighting” that has long taken root in our cinema. The same directors and producers receive the “green light” from the state for the next portion of “cinema”. The “Club of Clans” is being revived; an attempt to leave it was quickly suppressed. And again, everything has worked out very conveniently: large production companies will divide among themselves the billions allocated by the state for “large-scale” projects, and those who are “not in the clans”, “not in the retinue” will be left behind - however, they are no strangers, they are breaking through make their way on cheap budgets at festivals.

Mikhalkov family

Nikita Mikhalkov - actor, director, screenwriter, producer.

Andron Konchalovsky - director, screenwriter, producer. His son Yegor Konchalovsky is a director and producer. Children of N. Mikhalkova: Anna Mikhalkova - actress, producer. Nadezhda Mikhalkova - actress, producer. Artyom Mikhalkov - actor; Stepan Mikhalkov is a restaurateur. Natalya Arinbasarova - actress, first wife of A. Konchalovsky; Yulia Vysotskaya is an actress. N. Mikhalkov's first wife is Anastasia Vertinskaya, actress. E. Konchalovsky's wife, Lyubov Tolkalina, is an actress.

Endless conversations about the fact that it is “unfair” to constantly stigmatize unfortunate “star” children is a strange topic. Strange because there are some things that are undeniable. Show that you are a professional - and at least be Pushkin-Lenin through a dash - “the viewer votes with a ticket.” The viewer watches “Hipsters” by V. Todorovsky, loves actress Ksyusha Akinshina, director German Jr., watches films with the participation of Sergei Bodrov Jr., and there is no talk of bias here, because there is professionalism + talent, and there is mediocrity + ambition, which is fed despite any failures.

Bondarchuk family

Sergei Bondarchuk - actor, director, screenwriter. Wives: Inna Makarova - actress, Irina Skobtseva - actress. Children: Natalya Bondarchuk - actress, director, screenwriter; Alena Bondarchuk - actress; Fyodor Bondarchuk - actor, director, producer. The son of Natalia Bondarchuk, Ivan Burlyaev, is a composer. The son of Alena Bondarchuk, Konstantin Kryukov, is an actor.

Hollywood also has its own film clans, but the situation is different, because there, as they like to repeat in American films, “nothing personal - just business.” One of the most famous clans in Hollywood is the family of Francis Ford Coppola. F.F. himself Coppola is a living classic. His daughter, Sofia Coppola, is the director of the famous films “Virgin Suicides”, “Lost in Translation”, “Marie Antoinette”, famous in our country. Her films are more than successful, they pay off at the box office with interest, and one must assume that as long as she makes a “profitable” movie, Hollywood will give her the opportunity to make it. Nicolas Cage, Coppola's nephew, is an actor whose talent and success also earn him the rank of “star.” It is impossible in Hollywood for a situation in which a person who has released a bad, unwatchable and unprofitable movie will be given another chance, even despite famous surname. This is against the rules of the American film industry. They don't play these games there, because money should make money.

Yankovsky family

Rostislav Yankovsky - actor, director ("knight of the Minsk Theater"), his brother Oleg Yankovsky - actor, director; son of Oleg Yankovsky - Philip Yankovsky - actor, director; F. Yankovsky's wife Oksana Fandera is an actress, their son Ivan Yankovsky is an actor.

With us, everything is different, “cinema in Russian.” The shaky Russian film industry has repeatedly suffered disaster, including from “famous champions.” The most popular example: the painting “Inhabited Island” by Fyodor Bondarchuk. Discarding discussions about the artistic value of this work, we can say that as a business project the picture failed on all counts. But the sound of failure was drowned out by the news that Fedor was going to make a picture about Stalingrad and was asking for 40 million dollars. A more than immodest desire, which will probably be satisfied according to the laws of our Russian cinema. Maybe, after all, the problem is not the bias of viewers and colleagues? It is fair to invest money in a movie that will bring a lot of pleasure to the viewer, and money to public and private investors. It’s unfair to throw them away “out of friendship,” without taking into account the professionalism and experience of previous films.

Todorovsky family

Pyotr Todorovsky is a classic of Russian cinema, his wife Mira Todorovskaya is a famous film producer, their son Valery is a director, his wife Evgenia Khirivskaya is an actress.

If now we are so preoccupied with the problem of reorganizing the industry, “raising” Russian cinema, perhaps we need to start with an adequate investment of funds? If this cabal again scatters billions “out of friendship,” instead of trying to “revive” the film industry, we will get another portion of “failed” cinema.

For reference

"Inhabited Island" and "Inhabited Island: Skirmish", directed by F. Bondarchuk 2009. Budget: $36.5 million for two films Box office: $25.7 million for two films. After payments to theaters, losses: $24.5 million.

"Hipsters", director V. Todorovsky 2008 Budget: $15 million. Box office: $17 million. After payments to theaters, losses: $5.5 million.

"Stone Head", director F. Yankovsky 2008 Budget: unknown Box office $780 thousand.

"Tell Leo", director Leonid Rybakov, 2008. Budget: $2 million Box office: $73 thousand We won’t calculate losses here...

The last picture is an expensive experiment, where the producers were Anna and Nadezhda Mikhalkov and Maxim Korolev. As practice shows, such experiments of “star” children are very expensive. So, next up is an ambitious project with Milla Jovovich in the title role: Fyodor Bondarchuk plans to shoot a film adaptation of Boris Akunin’s book “Azazel” - the first book in the series about detective Erast Fandorin, and “Stalingrad”. If the budget for the film about Stalingrad is 40 million, the losses can be calculated today. But the viewer is waiting for new works by V. Todorovsky.

Well, for comparison, the above-mentioned Sofia Coppola:

"Marie Antoinette" 2006 Budget: $40 million. Grossings (total): $70 million.

"Lost in Translation" 2003 Budget: $4 million. Box office (USA): $44.5 million, worldwide: $75 million.

The director will celebrate his 50th birthday with his family.

Fedor is 50! He is in excellent shape, surrounded by attention, love, successful... TV Program magazine remembers the star’s favorite women.


Fyodor’s half-sister Natalya did not communicate with him for many years. Sergei Bondarchuk cheated on her mother, actress Inna Makarova, with Irina Skobtseva, who later became the director’s third wife and bore him two children: Fyodor and Elena.

After the death of her father, Natalya realized that she had no one closer to her brother. Now they constantly call each other. Natalya's son, composer Ivan Burlyaev, composed the music for. Natalya Bondarchuk herself is a director, she knows that she can rely on her brother in any matter:

— When one of the actors who was filming with me slowed down the filming, I rushed to call Feda to see if he would play this role. The brother immediately responded: “Of course! And you don’t need any money.” That artist returned, but Fedya’s willingness to help out was worth a lot... I know, I am a child of love, and Fedya knows that he is a child of love. What should we share?

Natalya Bondarchuk knows that she can rely on her brother Fedor in any matter. Photo: Vadim SHERSTENIKIN

But Fyodor’s sister Elena Bondarchuk died at the age of 47 from an incurable disease. The director takes special care of her son Konstantin Kryukov. Sometimes he stars in his films, his family relaxes together, and they ride bicycles on weekends. They live next door. We reached Kostya:

Daughter and granddaughters

The son of the famous director and his ex-wife Svetlana, actor Sergei Bondarchuk, and his wife Tata are raising two daughters. Fyodor dotes on Vera and Margarita:

- Of course, I spoil them. Let the parents scold and educate them, and I will pamper them.

Grandfather is relaxing with his granddaughters, walking, giving them toys.

On vacation Fedor Sergeevich with his granddaughters and ex-wife Svetlana. Photo:

For a long time, Fyodor did not talk about his daughter Vara. Varvara was born ahead of schedule, the girl began to have developmental problems. The Bondarchuk couple did not use words such as “disease.” They say they are raising a child with special needs. Since adaptation in Russia for such children is usually difficult, the girl spends most of her time abroad. There she studies and gets the necessary medical care. Svetlana Bondarchuk talked about her daughter:

— Fantastic, cheerful and much loved child! She instantly puts everyone at ease. It is simply impossible not to love her.

Svetlana emphasized that the birth of Varvara brought the family together. However, when Varya grew up,...


Fyodor Bondarchuk's heart is not free. The director's fiancee is actress Paulina Andreeva. On the eve of the anniversary, Bondarchuk spoke about his relationship with the actress:

— I first saw Paulina in the play “No. 13D.” I was invited to the premiere new version my old friend Igor Vernik. There I noticed the actress Paulina Andreeva - she really stood out. An actress who is interesting to watch... Paulina on stage combined beauty, comedy and cosmic speed. In general, in my opinion, she has a rare theatrical texture. And then there was the film market in Sochi, where Sasha Tsekalo presented his project “Locust”. Such a psychological thriller with many explicit scenes, in which the main roles were played by Pyotr Fedorov and Paulina Andreeva... This bold role also highlighted Paulina for me. Then Moscow made a fuss about the series “Method”. I think I was the last one to watch it. And then we met...

A year and a half has passed since then - Fyodor and Paulina are vacationing together, the couple’s friends say that the director is happy, he proposed to the woman he loves and... .

Nikita Mikhalkov has been a winner of the largest international awards more than once, including taking three awards at the Kinotavr festival. While the jury is deciding who will be the best at Kinotavr 2015, we decided to use Mikhalkov as an example to find out whether his family really makes a genius.

By the way, one of the founders of genetics, Francis Galton, studied the genealogy of more than four hundred outstanding people in human history and found out that most of them are related to each other to one degree or another. By the way, Galton himself was a close relative of Charles Darwin and a distant relative of Yaroslav the Wise. Well, judging by Mikhalkov, everything fits. Judge for yourself and don’t forget to look at the useful article on our website, which will really help you raise a gifted, talented child!
Moms in action: how to raise a genius?

The Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky dynasty: branch of Nikita Mikhalkov

Nikita and Tatyana Mikhalkova / Nadezhda Mikhalkova’s Instagram

Since we've touched on this grandiose family, let's figure out who is who. The founder of the dynasty is a Soviet writer, poet, fabulist, author of hymn texts Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, playwright and war correspondent Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.

Married to the children's writer and poetess Natalia Konchalovskaya, who was the granddaughter of the artist Surikov and the daughter of the artist and Stalin Prize laureate Pyotr Konchalovsky, Sergei Vladimirovich had two sons: Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Konchalovsky.

Both sons chose the profession of film directors. Nikita Sergeevich is a famous actor, director, producer, screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia and Oscar winner for the film “Burnt by the Sun.”

He was married twice. From his first wife, actress Anastasia Vertinskaya, he had a son, Stepan, a restaurateur, actor and film producer. From the second - the president charitable foundation“Russian Silhouette” and public figure Tatyana Mikhalkova - three child actors: Anna, Artem and Nadezhda, who actively star in their father’s films and not only.

The youngest daughter, Nadezhda, by the way, married the Georgian director and film producer Rezo Giginieshvili, known for his works “Love with an Accent,” “The Last of the Magekians,” “Inhabited Island,” and “Heat.”

Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya / Photo: from the personal archive of the editorial office

Andrei Sergeevich Konchalovsky - Soviet and American director, screenwriter, public and politician, President of the Nika Film Academy, winner of the Venice Film Festival.

He was married five times. His first wife was the ballerina Irina Kandat, the second was the ballerina and actress Natalya Arinbasarova, who gave the world another film director - Yegor Konchalovsky, who has two “Antikillers”, “Escape”, “Canned Food” and other films to his credit.

By the way, Yegor was married to the popular Russian actress Lyubov Tolkalina. The third one Andrei Sergeevich took to the registry office was a French woman - orientalist Vivian Mikhalkova-Godet, who gave her husband a daughter, Alexandra.

It is noteworthy that in 1980, when the couple divorced, Andrei Konchalovsky, after a fleeting relationship with actress Irina Brazgovka, had a daughter, Daria.

An outstanding pop artist, actor, composer and singer, author of a whole host of outstanding songs and romances, Alexander Nikolaevich Vertinsky, in union with his second wife Lydia - a woman of demonic beauty, actress and artist, known to us from the films “Sadko”, “Don Quixote” and “ Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" - gave the world two talented daughters - actresses Marianna and Anastasia.

Marianna Vertinskaya - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, star of the films "City of Masters", "Death under Sailing", "Dialogue with a Continuation", "One Love of My Soul", in turn became the mother of Alexandra Vertinskaya - an artist, interior designer and decorator.

Today Alexandra is a Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, actively participates in exhibitions in Russia and Europe and has already worked on television as the host of the “Take it off immediately!” program. on the STS channel and designer of the program “ Housing issue"on the NTV channel.

Anastasia Vertinskaya is one of the most beautiful, “unearthly” women of Soviet and Russian cinema, who starred in the films “ Scarlet Sails", "Amphibian Man", "War and Peace", "The Master and Margarita". She became the mother of Stepan Nikitich Mikhalkov, an actor and film producer of the film “The Ninth Company”. Thanks to the first marriage of Anastasia Vertinskaya to Nikita Mikhalkov, two, without further ado, great star dynasties became related.

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