Problems of updated educational content. Innovative Eurasian University. Goals of primary education



Updating the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Today the school is dynamically changing its appearance. This is due, first of all, to serious changes in Kazakhstani education.

Teachers are faced with problems: “How to teach in the age of information?”, “How to improve the quality, how will the knowledge gained in the lessons help the student become a competitive individual?”

Updating the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan sets the main goal: improving the pedagogical skills of teachers in the context of updating the educational program and introducing a criteria-based assessment system. This program is based on the development of a spiral form of education based on the cognitive theory of D. Bruner. The spiral form of learning assumes that repeated consideration of material that will become more complex throughout schooling provides a greater advantage in the development of the modern student than traditional forms of learning. Also, the development of Kazakhstani students will take place through the introduction of active forms of learning, during which it is assumed that students will independently develop functional literacy, actively “extract” knowledge, with a great desire to develop communication skills with peers, and creatively approach problem solving. The task of teachers in the course of applying the updated program is to instill in students basic human norms and morals, to develop tolerance and respect for other cultures and points of view, and to raise a responsible, healthy child.

I work as a primary school teacher, and I believe that it is we primary school teachers who must begin to develop in students the skills of self-education, the ability to learn how to learn, becoming independent, self-motivated, enthusiastic, confident, responsible individuals with developed critical thinking, demonstrating competence in digital technologies.

The traditional school meant presenting the truth to students, and the modern Cambridge understanding of learning is built precisely on the teacher guiding students to find and comprehend the truth themselves. For many years, teachers adhered to the classroom-lesson system, but the new age of technology has arrived and everything that was acceptable in the last century has become irrelevant today. The teacher is in an eternal search for something new, interesting and modern, something that could attract students and lead them.

Based on the ideas of the updated program, I set myself the main pedagogical task - to become a partner for my students, to guide them, to experience every small mistake and every great victory in their still beginning life journey. After all, it is in elementary school that we impart to children certain knowledge and life skills that they will use throughout their lives; this is my most important purpose as a teacher. I would also like that each of my students could achieve great success, and no matter who they become in the future, the most important thing is that they become real people!

This problem can be easily solved by applying effective teaching approaches of the updated program, which provide for the comprehensive development of students, developing critical and creative thinking, skills in the field of information and communication technologies, scientific research skills, as well as a willingness to learn throughout life. One of the important objectives of the updated program is “Teach - Learn”, lifelong learning, which will contribute to the development of a new competitive personality.

When I found out that our school would be conducting educational renewal courses throughout the school year, I was faced with the questions “What is this?”, “How is this taught?” But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do.

While studying at these courses, I gained a wealth of experience that will allow me to reconsider the techniques and methods of my work in the future.

The expected results of the Program are the formation of students' skills in learning how to learn and, as a result, their becoming independent, enthusiastic, confident, responsible individuals with developed critical thinking, demonstrating competence, including in digital technologies.

To achieve this, I had to rebuild myself first, change my thinking, and direct the activities of my students in the right direction.

Of course, to be honest, it was difficult to rebuild. Because these courses made me look at everything differently, I realized that everything we “did” before was very different. Nobody gave you anything ready-made, but taught you to learn new things in your own ways, to construct your thoughts in such a way as to reveal the topic.

Of course, none of us could do without the trainers, who gave us a lot of useful material that helps us throughout the course of training. Before starting to work on this program, I was faced with the following tasks:

The most important thing is to develop critical thinking in children, and in yourself as a teacher too;

Teach children to work with a problem, teach them to find solutions;

Develop in children the ability to work in a group, work together cooperatively, and learn at the same time;

I was faced with the main question: “How can I teach this to my children?” During the work, our trainers explained everything to us, told us how to work so that the children would be comfortable and interested. Having studied all 7 modules of the program, I have already outlined plans for the future, how I will work:

Creating a good collaborative environment contributes to a good mood in the lesson, which means you need to create an atmosphere of cooperation in which children feel comfortable;

Encourage them to find ways to solve the problem they face;

Conduct and prepare the educational process so that all individual abilities of students are taken into account;

Use more tasks so that they work in a group, in pairs;

Compose questions so that they approach the issue in more depth;

Take a more serious approach to developing critical thinking in students;

To promote a comprehensive, harmoniously developed, functionally literate personality.

Before taking the courses, I often asked myself the question: how to structure my work so that children become active in class, so that learning brings joy, so that they strive for knowledge, and do not come to school just because their parents demand it.

I found answers to many questions in the courses when I became a student. I immediately felt all the advantages of group work. I felt comfortable and interested in working in a group, and I also saw how important it is to create a collaborative environment in a team. Students spend most of their school time sitting at their desks. Trying on the role of a student, I felt for myself how important it is to conduct training and physical exercises during the lesson. They relieve muscle tension, changing activities activates the brain, improves mood, and increases performance.

When planning a series of consecutive lessons in the Russian language in grade 2, I set myself the goal of introducing all 7 modules of the Program. Planning for three lessons at once made it possible to predict the result and monitor the learning process.

A series of consecutive lessons involved mastering the topic “Spelling prepositions” and applying one’s knowledge in practice.

In each lesson, training was planned to create a collaborative environment. This form of lesson organization introduced novelty into the educational process. The children liked working in the group, they felt comfortable and safe, which is of great importance for a person, if we remember Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.The child feels the need to communicate with peers, and we teachers can satisfy this need by organizing interactive learning.

Integrating the module “New Approaches to Teaching and Learning,” I used leading questions or using diverse tasks to guide students to independently determine the topic of the lesson and goals. In the first lesson, students were able to name the topic of the lesson themselves; to set goals, I suggested using word prompts, because this type of work is new to them. Practicing this work from lesson to lesson, already in the third lesson, students, having certain skills, did it on their own. After all, independent goal setting implies that students understand what they will learn, how they will do it and why they need it.

During the first lesson, during group work, the class was a little noisy, the children were actively discussing, interrupting each other, members of one group refused to work together due to personal hostility. The children could not distribute roles among themselves, because everyone wanted to be a speaker. In subsequent lessons these problems no longer arose because The students realized that the effectiveness of their work depends on how much they can agree among themselves and accept each member of the group, listen to everyone’s opinion. Group work develops communication and collaboration skills, and they patiently listened to different points of view. They discussed various opinions, argued and proved the correctness of their point of view, the students’ answers became complete, as a result of the development of speech, the development of thinking occurs. Setting a goal for themselves, the children tried to find a solution; they learned to think outside the box and creatively. During group work, a zone of proximal development was created for weak students. They felt supported by group members and the teacher.

Even at the first stage of “Face to Face”, I realized that before developing critical thinking in students, we must first develop our own critical thinking. Work during this period showed that we must learn to think outside the box and creatively. At first it was difficult for me to accept what we were taught, but then I realized that if I want my students to become successful, I must introduce new methods and techniques. There may be mistakes, but they will be a starting point for me to do it better or differently next time.

Having studied the technique of asking questions, I began to think about what meaning they carry and for what purpose they are used in the lesson. After analyzing my work, I came to the conclusion that before the courses, my questions that I asked students were simple. When planning lessons after the courses, I began to be more attentive to the questions I asked, when formulating the question I relied on Bloom's taxonomy, I tried to ensure that my questions contributed to the cognitive development of students.

To develop the critical thinking of students, I selected tasks in such a way that they were aimed not only at knowing the basics of the subject, but at understanding the meaning, so that the student could, after analyzing the material, choose, in accordance with his abilities, an exercise that he can perform independently or with support from classmate and teacher. In each of the series of planned lessons, I created a situation of success for each student. I selected tasks in such a way that they were either “in the zone of proximal development” of the student or in the zone of “self-regulatory” actions. When performing such tasks, all students were active, even those who previously preferred to remain silent. In the future, I think I will gradually make the tasks more difficult.

Any lesson involves assessing the student himself and his knowledge. Before the courses, I heard teachers who had completed the course talk about formative and summative assessment, but I didn’t know what these concepts meant and I didn’t see the differences between them. Having studied the Assessment for Learning and Assessment for Learning module in the courses, I realized the difference between them and that they have different goals. Assessment aimed at identifying opportunities to improve learning is formative. If the purpose of assessment is to summarize learning for the purpose of assigning grades, then it is summative assessment.

Having considered various types of assessment in theory, I tried to apply them in practice. For formative assessment, in accordance with the age characteristics of the students, I used the following assessment techniques: “Three stars”, “Self-assessment sheet. Yes-no”, “Hands to the Sun”. Then I asked to justify my assessment. This work was difficult because... Students find it difficult to express their thoughts due to their limited vocabulary. For myself, I concluded that in every lesson we need to work on developing students’ speech and enriching their vocabulary. At each lesson, to evaluate their work, students became familiar with the assessment criteria.

Because the use of formative assessment involves identifying problems and making changes in lesson planning, I constantly observed the children, used various types of assessment: assessment of group work, peer assessment in pairs, self-assessment. Not everything worked out, because... students inflated their grades and did not objectively evaluate their classmates. There is still a lot to learn for me and my students.

Using different types of assessment allowed me to identify gaps in students' knowledge, identify difficulties and adjust further work.

Previously, I very rarely reflected in class due to lack of time. Now I consider this simply a necessary condition for organizing effective training. To provide feedback in the first lesson, I used the “Three Stars” strategy, in which students had to determine their level of learning. In the following lessons, I used the following strategies: “Complete the sentence”, “Now I know... Now I can...”, each student expressed his opinion and made conclusions and statements about this lesson.

The main result of this work is that we, together with the children, tried to analyze what they need to change, what they need to work on to improve the result.

I am not yet able to clearly monitor changes in the learning and development of each student; I lack practice and experience. In the future, I plan to systematically and purposefully monitor the degree of understanding of the material as far as possible for each child.

Conducting lessons using seven modules, I saw joy in the eyes of the children, their animation and genuine interest. All students were active, even weak students wanted to be heard, strived to do the work as best as possible, and as a result of group work, self-efficacy judgments of many students increased.

The teacher retains the right to teach others as long as he himself studies!

Currently, there is no more pressing topic in the pedagogical community than the modernization of the education system. There are still discussions between supporters and opponents of introducing updated educational content.

I would like to take the opportunity through our regional professional newspaper “Teacher Plus” to express my opinion on the pros and cons of the updated content of education. First of all, I will support the supporters of the “renewal”. The state has taken a political course to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OSED), the most powerful and powerful international economic organization of the developed countries of the world, therefore our education system needs to meet OECD standards, and for this we need to modernize the domestic education system.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development was created in 1961. The mission of the OECD is to promote policies to improve people’s well-being, which is reflected in the organization’s slogan “Best policies for better life.” OECD unites 35 countries. Kazakhstan joined the OECD in 2010. And the first monitoring, carried out according to OECD standards, showed that our 15-year-old students lag behind the average schoolchildren in OECD countries in reading literacy by two and a half years, in science by two years and in mathematics by one and a half years. The reasons for this lag were studied, and the analysis showed that our country does not meet international standards in the field of educational content. Therefore, first of all, the question arose about the need to update the content of education in Kazakhstani schools. To understand where and how much we are inferior, in 2019, for the first time, a comparative study of the quality of the teaching corps will be carried out, and in 2020, a measurement of the competencies of adults from 16 to 65 years old will be carried out.

In 2015, Kazakhstan adopted a Roadmap for the updated content of education, which consists of specific steps to develop competencies adopted by OECD countries: to be able to work with information, technology and knowledge, to be in a team with partners and society. The roadmap includes the phased introduction of 12-year education, updating school education standards to develop functional literacy, and introducing a new model of multilingual education in high schools and universities. Steps have been developed to develop critical thinking, independent information search skills, and the formation of IT knowledge. Work has begun on digitalization of the educational process and content. A policy of trilingualism and systematic study of the English language is being introduced, and the Kazakh alphabet is being transferred to the Latin script.

As we can see, the introduction of updated educational content is necessary in order to enter the club of the 30 most developed countries in the world. And this is the political course of the state.

At the same time, opponents of updating the content of education are also right. The implementation is taking place without taking into account the best Soviet and Kazakh traditions. It is impossible to formally “implant” Western models of education into our environment. In order for the renewal of the content of education to be more successful and effective and to be supported by the public, teachers and especially parents, it is necessary to take into account our experience - fundamental Soviet and Kazakh education. Lately we have been constantly citing the United States and Western Europe as examples. But for the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that the public there is very concerned about the low level of knowledge of its schoolchildren. The weak point in the Western education system for many years has been the low level of teaching and learning mathematics, physics, and chemistry. And in the Soviet school, according to Western experts, fundamental subject disciplines were taught more efficiently and thoroughly. And we need, by introducing updated educational content, to preserve our traditions in the fundamental preparation of schoolchildren.

At the same time, it must be recognized that in traditional Soviet and Kazakh education the emphasis was on theory and less attention was paid to the practical application of knowledge. As you know, international and domestic experts have repeatedly pointed out the distinctive features of our fundamental education, which is centered, to a greater extent, on the ability to memorize rather than the ability to think. This lack of fundamental training did not provide technological returns and did not develop competence. In the educational systems of the leading world powers, the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the basis is a competency-based philosophy, in which the emphasis is placed, first of all, on the technological approach and the formation of competencies. Therefore, OECD countries (Korea, Japan, Finland) have achieved great economic success due to competencies and technologies in education, which has led to high competitiveness of human resources.

I want to emphasize: competence-based, technological approaches do not cancel the fundamental approach. We cannot do without this achievement of the Soviet school. At the same time, we must understand that in the updated content of education we need to combine fundamental and competency-based approaches. Thus, the updated content of education implies a change in the paradigm of education: from “instructive” education to “constructive”. The result of modern education will be ways of active cognition and transformation of the surrounding reality.

In addition, opponents of the updated content of education note a passion for digitalization and poor humanitarian training of students. Research shows that modern children have become worse at speaking and writing, as virtual communication leads to the loss of oral and written communication skills. Passion for “digital” forms “clip thinking” in students. Modern students do not even try to correspond briefly on social networks, but use simple emoticons or even exchange memes. Using information and communication technologies, we have created the psychological problem of deserted learning, since there is no real communication on the Internet: contacts with real people and with the real world. But anything is possible. Therefore, schoolchildren sign up online with fictitious names - nicknames - and post fictitious photographs - avatars. Such virtual life leads to fragmented live communication. Material textbooks and teachers are losing their positions as the main sources of knowledge.

Thanks to social networks, virtual schoolchildren become fixated on “their loved ones.” Let's think about why people have been so passionate about selfies lately: they take pictures of themselves even in the most primitive everyday situations. Because in a network environment you can talk about yourself endlessly, putting your pride on a pedestal. Only on the Internet can you assert yourself so easily.

Schools need to protect students from the negative effects of digital technology and the harmful information they receive. In 1994, Kazakhstan ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

It states in Article 13 that children have the right to receive information as long as it does not harm them. In February 2015, we adopted the law “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.” When implementing the updated content of education, it is necessary to maintain a reasonable balance between the child’s right to freedom of expression, freedom of access to information and restrictions on obtaining it. Today, when the flow of information becomes limitless, introducing updated educational content, emphasis must be placed on the ability to critically perceive information.

Thus, if during the modernization of the education system all issues are resolved and systematic work is carried out to adjust it, then the pedagogical community, the entire community, will support the implementation of the updated content of education. Today, its implementation needs to be done in such a way that it allows answering all the questions of teachers, parents, schoolchildren, and therefore receives the support of the entire Kazakh society.

Advisor to the rector of KSPU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, member of the Academy of Natural Sciences and Informatization

This article discusses the implementation of new approaches to teaching first-level students in the context of educational renewal. The role of the teacher in this process is determined, and the main directions in terms of the updated content of education and the features of curriculum in primary school are revealed.

One of the pressing problems of our society is the formation of a competitive personality, adapted to changing social and economic conditions.
– this is a revision of the very model of secondary education, its structure, content, approaches, methods of teaching and education, the introduction of fundamentally student achievement.

The entire range of measures within the framework of updating the content of education is aimed at creating an educational space favorable for the harmonious formation and development of the individual.

Currently, there is a lot of talk about the technologization of the educational process and the benefits of introducing pedagogical innovations. How to increase? How to make school a place of SMART education? What will contribute to the creation of a humane educational environment at school that stimulates the development of moral and spiritual qualities of the individual?

The renewal of education involves active learning, which must be carried out in the conditions of a created collaborative environment and differentiation of learning, and the implementation of interdisciplinary connections. The use of ICT, dialogue teaching, and studying the needs of students is mandatory.

Qualitative changes in education are impossible without a new view of the teacher on the educational process.

Teachers should:

  • create a positive learning atmosphere, involve all students;
  • instill confidence, responsibility and activity in students;
  • use correct methods and tasks aimed at developing students' skills;
  • organize and plan group (whole-class work and in small groups), individual or pair tasks, effectively use materials, resources and support materials to carry out planned lessons in accordance with established goals;
  • use simple, understandable language when explaining;
  • observe students and try to get feedback.

Primary school plays a fundamental role in the development of a child’s personality and the holistic development of his abilities.

Objectives of primary education:

  • revealing the child's individuality;
  • comprehension of his knowledge about the surrounding reality;
  • formation of the desire and ability to learn, i.e. cognitive motivation.

Primary school curricula are aimed at:

  • development of skills in searching, analyzing and interpreting information according to age capabilities;
  • formation of propaedeutic knowledge about man, nature and society;
  • development of spiritual and moral values;
  • formation of functional learning skills: counting, reading, writing, logically expressing your thoughts, establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Much attention must be paid to the system for assessing the achievement of expected student results.

Basic principles of assessment:

  • validity;
  • systematic;
  • subsequence;
  • objectivity;
  • transparency;
  • relevance;
  • reliability.

Assessment involves the parallel development of two lines: formative and summative.

New training programs are based on a competency-based approach. They form the competencies that form the basis of the functional literacy necessary for the successful socialization of students.

According to Benjamin Bloom’s “Taxonomy of Learning Objectives” theory, well-known in world pedagogy, the existing standard allows a student to master only two of the six levels of knowledge well: “know” and “understand.” With the help of the new standard, it is possible to achieve the remaining four levels of knowledge: “apply”, “analyze”, “synthesize” and “evaluate”.

When designing the content of subjects, the principles of helicity and cross-cutting themes were used. The principle of spiraling will allow students to increase their knowledge and skills gradually - by topic and grade level, moving from simple to complex. Ensures continuity in the presentation of educational material and integration of subjects for a more holistic perception of the world around us.

Cross-cutting topics help to establish intra-subject and inter-subject connections, form knowledge, skills, value orientations and norms of behavior in areas that have points of contact with academic subjects.

The updated content is based on expected outcomes, which are defined by educational area. Expected results allow you to evaluate the student’s work and achievements.

The basis of programs at all levels of education is the “Mangilik El” value system. The ideas of “Mangilik El” will be introduced into school content through academic subjects, research and extracurricular activities, additional education, and elective courses.

New items are being introduced. In elementary school - this is “Natural Science”, “Information and Communication Technologies” (from 3rd grade), “Knowledge of the World” with updated content of the material.


Updating the content of education: psychological support for participants in the educational process

Natalia Tifantsidi

Director of KSU “Secondary school No. 17 with a preschool mini-center”, p. Panfilova Talgar district, expert of the EC “ACTUALIS: Education”

Education Content Update

Updating the content of general and vocational education is

as the main factor in the development of education.

1. Need for updating.

There are at least several contradictions that explain the need to update the content of education:

Changing the goals of education, determined by the new requirements of the economy, students and their parents and the existing content of education;

Changes in the organization of education;

Changing the cognitive capabilities of children and the content of general education;

Opportunities that the use of new educational technologies, technical means, and educational content can provide.

The content of general education is now increasingly lagging behind the global trends in the formation of an information, post-industrial society, and from the needs of the formation of a free personality in a democratic open society. The serious problem of isolation of the education sector from the general processes of Russian reforms is increasingly emerging. Periodic attempts to modernize the content of education by including new subjects or increasing the number of teaching hours have already led to overload of students and an extremely acute situation with the health of children and adolescents. It is with this that, first of all, the decision on the need to switch to compulsory 9-year basic and complete 11-year secondary school is connected.

Changes in the content of education, carried out with broad public support, can become a factor in changing the attitude of society and individuals towards education. This will contribute to society’s understanding of the role of education, awareness of the need and effectiveness of investments in human capital for society and the individual.

Naturally, updating the content of education cannot be a one-time act. Systemic reform of the content of general secondary education should be carried out on the basis of the development and implementation of a long-term program, providing for the creation of a mechanism for the continuous updating of the content of education. At the same time, at the next stage it is important to use the existing legal opportunities for significant changes in the content of education.

2. Positive trends in the development of educational content

To solve the problems of updating the content of education, it is first of all necessary to support those positive trends in the development of the education system,

which have already developed in the conditions of its reform. These trends can be

Formation of the idea of ​​development in society, education and personality; gradual transition to personality-oriented education;

Transition to a variety of educational programs that create the prerequisites for a real choice of individual educational trajectories in accordance with the needs and capabilities of the individual; the emergence of a network of various educational institutions;

Increasing the level of autonomy of educational institutions, developing academic freedoms of teachers and students;

Expanding the scope and increasing the significance of the innovation movement

for the development of the education system;

Reorientation of the educational process towards students’ mastery of universal methods of acquiring knowledge (comprehension of the science of learning);

The transition from studying computer technology to mastering information technology


Using the opportunities of general education to form the legal, psychological, economic and environmental culture of students;

Development of orientation towards fuller use of educational opportunities

Attracting new teaching staff to the school - higher education specialists

educational institutions, scientists and cultural figures;

Avoiding monopolism in educational book publishing, creating a market for educational literature and a real opportunity to choose it.

3. Goals and objectives of updating the content of education

The main management idea of ​​reforming the content of the general average

education is that by changing the ideology of constructing the basic curriculum and educational standard, it is possible to determine the direction of the reform of the content of education, stimulate the system to self-development, which should give a sociocultural orientation and quality to the entire reform as a whole.

Social goals: updating the content of education should contribute to solving the most important problems of Russian society: overcoming the backlog

Russia in key areas of the economy, creating conditions for the development of spiritual

culture of society; ensuring social mobility of the individual; overcoming

tendencies to consolidate the social stratification of society based on providing equal starting opportunities and equal chances for success to all children.

Pedagogical goals: updating the content of education can give the expected socio-pedagogical effects if the content of education matches the capabilities of the individual. It should create the prerequisites for each student to achieve a level of education that corresponds to his personal potential, interests and needs and provides the opportunity

continuing education.

4. Organizational conditions for updating the content of education

It is obvious that only setting the task of reforming the content of education can transform the sluggish reform of the modern Russian school into a new state. But content reform is, first of all, a revision of the criteria for assessing educational results, a change in the dominant educational philosophy, the very nature of teaching and learning.

It must be taken into account that the implementation of such a reform may lead to:

Dissatisfaction of personnel, the need for their retraining;

Lack (at the first stage) of educational literature;

Dissatisfaction and resistance of a certain part of managers of all

A radical restructuring of industrial science, the system of training and retraining of teaching staff;

Dissatisfaction of parents focused on the usual (traditional) results of their children's education.

The above difficulties, which inevitably, to a greater or lesser extent,

degrees, will appear at the first stage of reform implementation, allow us to once again make

conclusion that the reform cannot be not only departmental,

but even interdepartmental in nature. In addition to the concerted efforts of the executive and legislative branches, it must rely on the support of the population and the educational community, at least its progressive part.

Organization of activities to update the content of education should

be based on the following principles:

Continuity. Ensures the use of all the positive things that

was accumulated by the Soviet and Russian schools, excludes the rejection of the main ideas of the reform by teachers and practitioners. Solved through the invariant part of the basic curriculum.

Perspective. Provided by the variable part of the basic training

plan and educational standard.

Openness and clarity of student knowledge requirements for managers,

teacher, parent, student, employer. Can be ensured by the development and proactive presentation of requirements for students’ knowledge to all

subjects of the educational process. At the same time, an important factor

transparency of materials and accessibility of the language in which they will be presented becomes clearer.

Programmatic approach. A number of transition modes must be designed

lei from the current state to the predicted one. Every step of transition

must be accompanied by supporting research programs.

Creation of most favored nation treatment for educational institutions,

taking part in the development of new ideas. Their exemption from certification and accreditation procedures. Legalization of financial activities for investing financial flows into the system.

Development and implementation of decision-making mechanisms characteristic of a federal state. Any decision that is mandatory for all educational institutions and governing bodies at various levels in the system can be made only by identifying some general patterns in the variety of approaches and results obtained by experimenters in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Solved by concluding a system of agreements between governing bodies

education system at various levels.

Democratic nature of decision making. Achieved by openly

th, public discussion of decisions that determine the prospects for the development of the system as a whole.

Immediate tasks of updating the content of education and ways to solve them

appear as follows:

Specification of the goals of each stage of school education; reduction

compulsory study load for students, corresponding changes in curricula; creating conditions for expanding additional education and self-education; encouraging creative searches and development of educational content that meets the new goals of the secondary school; creating meaningful prerequisites for the transition to 11-year school education.

Creation of a flexible state-public identification mechanism

a social order that could express the agreed interests of schools, cultural institutions, science, healthcare, higher and secondary vocational education, employers, family, society and the state.

Distribution of powers between the subjects determining the content

all components of education (federal, regional, educational institutions). It is necessary to determine the powers and responsibilities of each of the subjects, including public and public-state structures, in the formation and selection of educational programs, plans and teaching aids.

Implementation of a set of measures that determine the state-social nature of the development and examination of federal standards for general secondary education, contributing to the renewal of the content of education. Periodically updated educational standards must guarantee that schoolchildren study the mandatory minimum educational content, which, if mastered, will provide the opportunity to continue education at the next level. Requirements for mastering the content of education should be determined by the real possibilities of its mastery by students; These requirements should be considered as the level of preparedness provided for by educational standards.

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