Effective techniques for memory development. Technique of mental influences on the course of events System of numerical references

“It is not external things that bring a pleasant and happy life, but only within oneself does a person find joy, spring and pleasure.” - Plutarch.

A person can change, and this is one of the greatest gifts that nature has endowed him with. Having analyzed our past and present lives, we clearly understand what we don’t like, and we can begin to get rid of everything that prevents us from enjoying life and enjoying every moment of it. At the same time, we must develop and deepen the strengths of our personality.

To get rid of stress and ill health, first of all, you need to understand the reason that gives rise to them. This will require a lot of inner work, introspection and objectivity. Only through the process of internal dialogue, where you may have to take the role of an outside observer and look at the situation from the outside, will you be able to understand the cause of your problems. When we analyze our actions, we learn much more about ourselves. Self-analysis allows us to understand why certain events happen to us, why a trail of unresolved problems trails behind us, why the same unpleasant events periodically repeat in our lives. But most importantly, as a result of self-analysis, we begin to understand how to avoid failures, solve any problems, achieve our goals and achieve excellent results.

All goals and strategic planning should be based on self-knowledge. Self-knowledge reveals our “I”, over which time has no power, self-knowledge helps to separate the wheat from the chaff and breathes into us a fresh stream of life. And when our “I” begins to radiate, we again become young and beautiful, healthy and happy.


  • Overweight
  • Living in an apartment with parents
  • Traffic jams
  • Pile of debts
  • I smoke a lot
  • I judge and criticize others
  • I am often jealous of my husband
  • Hot temper
  • Constant pressure of stress
  • Inability to have privacy
  • The abundance of relatives of the spouse
  • Crazy phone bills
  • Uncertainty about the future
  • Lack of generosity


  • Lose weight
  • Earn money for your own apartment
  • Pay off loan
  • Gain financial stability
  • Buy a car
  • Find a high paying job
  • Travel the world
  • Rest more
  • Give a good education to children
  • Help parents
  • Switch to a vegetarian diet
  • Quit smoking
  • Spiritually evolve
  • Learn to live today and stop putting off life until tomorrow

It is useful to review the list of goals that you set for yourself often. Separate tactical goals from strategic ones. Some goals may be achieved within two or three weeks, while others may take years or even a lifetime to achieve. If we set ourselves only tactical goals, we can get into time trouble: overwhelmed by the desire to achieve the goal at any cost, we only increase stress and bring defeat closer.

We don't know how to solve problems - whether personal, interpersonal or social - because we are used to getting everything quickly: eating heated convenience foods, drinking instant coffee, achieving quick success and hoping for sudden enlightenment.

To achieve true, and not imaginary, success, you need to be patient. We must slowly and surely move towards achieving our goals. Once you have set your goals, think carefully about which ones are realistically achievable during the year. These will be the primary goals. Now identify goals that you can realistically achieve within five years, then ten, and so on. By scheduling a realistic time to achieve your goals, you are actually engaged in tactical and strategic life planning.

Once you have separated your tactical goals from your strategic ones, surround yourself with people who have already achieved those goals. They will become energy teachers for you, encouraging you to take action. By doing daily grounding, inventory, and goal-setting techniques, you will change, grow spiritually, and evolve.

But there is a big obstacle on the way to achieving your goals - our laziness. Laziness can ruin all our good undertakings and good intentions. Laziness causes us to let other people down and harm ourselves. Laziness is humiliating and undignified. They stop believing us. We are losing authority. We stop believing in ourselves.

To avoid such developments, you need to constantly work on yourself. You must take an honest look at your laziness and admit that it exists, and then set yourself up to achieve your goals. In other words, you must give yourself the mental mindset to achieve your goals and motivate yourself to take action. Regularly analyze your actions and thoughts. When you engage in self-analysis, you are guided by your true guide - the inner self.

If you practice the techniques described in this chapter daily, over time you will find that individual development is no longer a painful process, but becomes a reward for hard work.

When we fail to achieve a goal quickly or when we feel that our goal cannot be called “high,” we often subconsciously scold, blame, and punish ourselves. A destructive state of mind provokes physical or mental problems. Problems generated by our mental state are often reflected in our position in life, in relationships with people and the world around us. They hinder the process of spiritual evolution. Mental problems that prevent us from setting ourselves up to achieve goals include indifference, indecisiveness, anxiety, the desire to put things off and make decisions from day to day, the constant need to complain, inaction, and lack of discipline. Whenever you discover one of these qualities in yourself, counteract it with the following thoughts and actions:

  • Indifference: This position shows that we do not see the difference between good and bad, we do not distinguish what should be done and what should not be done. To get rid of indifference, you need to develop insight, and for this, look everywhere and in everything only for the positive beginning.
  • Indecision:Without learning to make decisions, we will never understand what is good for us and what is bad. We can only know what is right for us and what affects us positively only through direct experience. That is, you need to learn to make decisions and act.
  • Anxiety:This is an emotion associated with fear. Fear and anxiety arise from ignorance or lack of information, and this makes it impossible to be fully equipped. You can get rid of anxiety by: 1) receiving sufficient information before starting any action; 2) practicing and improving your skills so that you feel completely confident in completing the task; 3) from the very beginning, believing in your own strengths and in the business you are doing. When anxiety grows to unimaginable levels and becomes uncontrollable, trust in providence and a higher power. Accept reality as it is. Remember that you are part of nature, and nature can be cruel sometimes. Stop tormenting and tormenting yourself, but on the contrary, relax and go with the flow. This period will certainly end, but you will greet the morning of a new day fresh and renewed.
  • The desire to put things off and make decisions from day to day:This is a product of indecision and anxiety. If you want to get rid of this desire, tell yourself: “Don’t put it off until tomorrow, start right now.” The sooner you take action, the sooner you will know what is good for you and what is bad.
  • Constant need to complain:It poisons the lives of us and the people around us who are forced to listen to our complaints. When a person constantly complains, this is a mental illness, which over time will definitely develop into a physical one. We will stop complaining when we analyze our weaknesses and start working on ourselves.
  • Inaction:Inaction is useless. Only by acting can you achieve concrete results and achieve your goals.
  • Lack of discipline:Dealing with our weakness requires discipline. Without discipline we will remain weak. Discipline implies efficiency, reliability and responsibility. We have a choice: discipline - or envy and regret over missed opportunities and unfulfilled goals.

Unlike mental location, when the operator “only” needs to identify his representations-indicators with energy reactions, with mental influence and correction of events, deep energetic contact is carried out between a person and the event being changed. Strictly speaking, during location, a person does not so much come into contact with an object or event as capture its energy emanations. In principle, mental location does not in any way affect the course of the event being located or the energy of the object being studied. With mental influence, the operator interferes in the most radical way with the structure of an object or phenomenon at the deepest level for our physical reality. Such an intervention requires serious special training. Otherwise, the most unpredictable options are possible. For example, an unprepared operator can easily come into contact with an object that is extremely negative for him, fail to make this contact correctly, and then fail to get out of it and remain at the mercy of processes that destroy his personality (which, however, often happens in everyday life with ordinary, unsuspecting people).

All techniques of mental influence involve the following stages: entering into contact, making contact, leaving contact, implementing the results of contact. However, before considering the technique of entering into contact, it makes sense to consider the technique of leaving contact.

Here it is appropriate to recall the subjectivity of the reality in which human life unfolds. And this or that event cannot have any meaning in itself. It acquires significance only by being included in the course of a person’s life, capturing his thoughts, his emotions, influencing the vital activity of his body, in other words, coming into energetic contact with various fields of the human “I”.

Usually people do not control their contacts with events. They do not have adequate concepts to be aware of these contacts. Therefore, here we will introduce such a concept as “immersion in an event.” With the help of this concept, one can realize the position of various spheres of the human “I” in relation to certain events of his life. As a rule, a person’s involvement in an event, the involvement of various spheres of his personality and energy fields occurs spontaneously, and only occasionally does a person’s purposeful connection to an event occur for a pre-planned impact on certain areas of his personality. Let us remember, for example, the story of the handkerchief that Othello gave to Desdemona.

Considering the living conditions of a person in European civilization, we can say that most of the events in which he becomes a participant have a destructive effect on his life. And the more a person’s inner world is involved in these events, the more unhappy and, often, weaker and more broken the person becomes. In other words, each event can be perceived differently and experienced differently by the same person. But in conditions of an unfavorable psychological climate, each event causes predominantly negative experiences in a person and has a destructive effect on his personality.

In an effort to protect their psyche from the destructive effects of tragic events and situations, people from time immemorial have been looking for means and methods of protection. In ancient civilizations, when people knew how to control their psyche and their destiny, they found means and methods of protection in esoteric knowledge. During periods of great social upheaval and migrations of peoples, esoteric knowledge and the ability to control one’s psyche were lost. Methods that were simpler and more accessible to undeveloped consciousness became necessary. During these periods, mass forms of drunkenness and drug use arose and became widespread customs, usually combined with primitive superstitions and religious fanaticism. In itself, the use of drugs and alcohol is unphysiological in relation to the body, depressing in relation to the psyche and antisocial in relation to the structures of society. The author sees no other reason for the spread of alcohol and drugs other than their ability to interrupt negative energy contacts. But in this role, in the conditions of our primitive civilization, they turn out to be very effective, and in many cases - simply irreplaceable. But people engaged in mental practice and striving to obtain and implement esoteric knowledge must remember that the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs is the same for the psyche as amputation of certain body parts or organs is for the body. Such amputation can save the body from death, but from the point of view of its species physiology, it becomes defective. Therefore, here we must clearly stipulate in what cases it is permissible to use alcohol and drugs as a means of escaping energy contacts.

Firstly, it should be said that the majority of people inhabiting our planet do not strive for knowledge or self-improvement. Their desires and goals are primitive, chaotic and destructive. Their “I” is essentially an organism with a small set of simple nervous reactions, emotions and social stereotypes; in a sense, it is a socially adapted biorobot, the spiritual life of which is not manifested in our reality. Spiritually, in terms of the development of their consciousness, they are not only dead, but also immersed in the deep grave of their social position... Therefore, even in order to just discover the spiritual death of a person, in most cases very deep excavations are necessary.

A one-time use of alcohol or drugs cannot cause any harm to the development of consciousness for the simple reason that in this case such development simply does not exist. As for the possible harm to the body, with a single use it is completely within the framework of the European way of life. We are not talking about the constant use of alcohol, but about a one-time use, as a way to get out of a specific energy contact. Another thing is that the systematic use of alcohol and drugs always begins with a one-time use, but this is not so much a problem of the psychoenergy of a particular person as of customs and traditions.

Thus, if an ordinary person has entered into severely negative energetic contact with some event or situation and does not have other ways to get out of it, the use of alcohol or drugs can be considered acceptable. In this case, the doses must be large enough to ensure a complete psychoenergetic break with the traumatic situation.

The situation is completely different with a man of knowledge. Is it acceptable for a person of knowledge to use alcohol or drugs to get out of energy contact?

In general, we can say this: if the contact is negative and there is no other way to get out of it, then it is possible. However, you should remember the yen of such an exit. If a person of knowledge uses alcohol or drugs to get out of energetic contact, then he ceases to be a person of knowledge. And it is unknown whether he will be able to take the path of self-improvement again, and if he can, then with what simplest basics he will have to start.

Such problems usually arise from unorganized, ill-conceived experiments by poorly trained people. A person who sincerely strives for spiritual quest must remember: where haste begins, serious work ends. A sufficiently prepared mental operator begins by determining his place among the events and phenomena of the spheres of reality accessible to him. As a result of this, he sees how accessible certain contacts are to him, how they can proceed and what means are necessary for their successful implementation. The entire contact is completely under control, and the very inclusion in the contact determines the moment and technique of exiting it. This leads to rule No. 1: before entering into psychoenergetic contact with a certain object, it is necessary to orient yourself in the psychoenergetic situation. In other words, before entering into contact, you need to provide a way out of it.

In the conditions of our reality, each intentional psychoenergetic contact has its own goal and, therefore, its own optimal moment of completion. It often happens that, following the initially set goal during a contact, the operator opens up new prospects, opportunities to obtain much more ambitious results than those for which he expected. In this regard, there is a desire to change the contact program so as not to miss unexpectedly opened opportunities. Such a desire is a sure sign of an approaching loss of control over the situation, the emergence of uncontrollability in the course of contact. This phenomenon can be called the “effect of sirens,” who, according to ancient legends, lured sailors with their sweet singing to deadly reefs.

This leads to rule No. 2: the contact program can only be changed before entering it or after leaving it.

Leaving contact is essentially a transition from arbitrarily controlled psychoenergetic interaction with a predetermined object (event) to involuntary interactions with ordinary conditions and situations. Therefore, the quality of the output is determined by how successfully the operator fits into the previous relationship with the environment. The exit process itself begins with the awareness of the implementation of the contact program, regardless of whether this implementation was successful or not. As a rule, maintaining psychoenergetic contact and deep concentration on the object being corrected requires special work. The implementation of the program is a kind of internal clock of concentration on the object. When it is completed, the work of concentration stops, and the operator automatically leaves psychoenergetic contact. After exiting, control preventive exercises are performed.

During the contact, in addition to achieving the set goal (in our case, correcting a necessary event), unexpected interactions may arise that stimulate the work of concentration. In this case, tendencies towards concentration may continue after the implementation of the program. Regardless of the nature of these tendencies, as a result of their development they can make contact uncontrollable. A similar option is described in one of Carlos Castaneda’s books, when he felt the possibility of irrevocably going into an altered state of consciousness. This is where the need for special methods of breaking out of concentration arises.

If it is difficult to get out, in principle, the same methods can be used as for relieving stress and obsessive states. The difference is that to get out of contact, the energy potential of our social reality, the social roles of the operator, as well as his spiritual values ​​can be effectively used.

The most common method of conducting psychoenergetic contact is the use of specific objects that are carriers of significant energy information flows. Using such objects, the operator enters into contact, implements its program, and then with their help can easily leave the contact. For religious people, these can be icons, sacred relics and objects of worship. Various symbols and objects can be used, personifying the forces and elements of nature, as well as other fairly intense energy-informational processes.

The very procedure of psychoenergetic contact when correcting a certain event consists in changing its energetic characteristics, and, as a consequence, a change in probabilistic cause-and-effect relationships with environmental conditions and related situations and events occurs. The desired version of the event is determined by the parameters of the operator’s various fields and is, to one degree or another, connected with various spheres of his personality - the body, emotions, thinking. At the beginning of the contact, while focusing on the upcoming event, the operator determines the trend of its development based on the reactions that arise in various areas. Unfavorable trends cause negative voltages that disrupt the operator’s existing energy picture of the desired option. The deeper the concentration, the more significant these disturbances and the associated negative sensations, emotions, and thoughts are. The main technical task of the operator is to deepen his concentration on the upcoming event, i.e. strengthening energetic interaction with it, at the same time reducing and completely removing negative tensions and strengthening tendencies that form the desired version of the event. This is where a kind of competition begins between the energy potential of the event and the energy potential of the operator, or rather, not so much his energy potential, but the level of consciousness and abilities. Figuratively speaking, the negative potential of an event does not have to be “suppressed” and “liquidated.” It can be transformed, bypassed, rebuilt, used, etc. The operator does not have to “act with force.” He can use not only various complexes of his own energy potentials, but also a wide variety of combinations of energy information flows available to him. Therefore, when adjusting the course of events, the main importance is not so much the energy capabilities of the operator, but rather his abilities and skills.

The simplest, most accessible and reliable method is to use the energy potential of physiological processes and the tone of various body systems. The overall picture of the tones of a person’s various muscular systems reflects the state of his entire energy system, all energy fields, emotions and thinking. By influencing the tone of certain muscle groups in a certain way, you can change all other processes in the desired direction.

For example, by focusing more and more deeply on the event being corrected, the operator experiences increasingly unpleasant emotions. Negative emotions inevitably cause involuntary muscle tension. Depending on the nature of the emotions, this can be clenching of teeth, frowning of eyebrows and forehead, tension of cheekbones, throat spasms, involuntary clenching of fists, raising of shoulders and dozens, even hundreds of other muscle tensions, clamps, blocks.

Relaxation technique is the basis, the ABC of almost all systems and schools of self-improvement. Therefore, any mental operator knows how to regulate muscle tone and knows how certain patterns of muscle tension affect various energy fields. Thus, the tone of a particular muscle group can become a kind of battleground between undesirable tendencies in the development of an event and favorable tendencies created by the skill of the operator. Having certain skills, it is not difficult to relieve tension from the facial muscles, smile the “Buddha smile” and create a pattern of muscle tone that creates a feeling of peace, confidence, and joy. However, try to smile and relax if, for example, your dismissal order is to be signed tomorrow and the prospect of hopeless unemployment opens up before you. Moreover, the deeper the concentration on this event, the more difficult it will be to manage your condition in general and muscle tone in particular.

For those who do not have personal experience of mental correction of events, it is difficult to imagine what we are talking about. We can only say that if the operator manages, by going deeply into the situation, to create optimal muscle tone, the positive nature of emotions and other spheres and fields of the inner “I”, this changes the energy of the situation and transforms the development of events in the right direction.

Outwardly, this may look like a change in management’s position regarding your dismissal or the emergence of new factors, the organization of new divisions where your experience and skills are needed, or the appearance of lucrative offers from other organizations or firms. External manifestations can vary indefinitely. The main thing is to create an energy structure for a favorable development of events. A kind of “lucky streak” arises, covering a given spectrum of reality. And how exactly you will acquire a high professional status is usually not of fundamental importance. However, thanks to the appropriate skills, the operator can determine and design a specific implementation of the created positive potential of events,

If the concentration on the corrected event reaches the level of visualization, then in fact the event unfolds in the reality of the operator even before it occurs in the public social reality. From a certain point of view, an event is “removed” from its time in the generally accepted reality, transformed in accordance with the goals of the operator, and then reinserted into the generally accepted reality in which the operator’s external life takes place.

If the correction of an event occurs on the level of muscle tone, then the operator uses the appropriate technical arsenal of relaxation. However, the technique of conventional physical relaxation in this case is insufficient. Relaxation techniques are usually learned in a calm environment in a quiet room without distractions. A precondition for relaxation is to distract thoughts from all problems and focus on soothing and liberating images. When mentally correcting an event, the operator, on the contrary, finds himself in a stressful situation and must be able to relax, despite significant nervous tension. Therefore, what is needed here is a technique that is not so much physical as psychophysical and psychological relaxation, as well as techniques for overcoming negative emotions and obsessive states.

Anyone who seriously engages in the practice of self-improvement discovers significant sources of spiritual strength over time. These sources can be personified by certain objects, symbols or mental images, in other words, key objects of meditation. By focusing on this object, a person draws strength not only for new spiritual quests, but also for everyday psychophysical training, as well as for overcoming stress, for mental stability in critical situations. During the mental correction of an event, it is the energy of the key object that allows the operator of the force to deeply enter into energetic contact with the event, overcome negative energy tendencies, becoming, as it were, part of the corrected event, expanding

weaken, fill with peace and confidence, thereby transforming the event, and then successfully leave the psychoenergetic contact, providing a streak of luck in the area of ​​public reality regarding this event. In the twenties of our century, the German psychologist Karl Marbe, after conducting a series of studies of accidents, came to the conclusion that in the life of every person there may be periods or streaks of luck or bad luck associated with certain psychological patterns. To a large extent, attitudes towards success or failure. In the esoteric teachings of antiquity, this issue is discussed in great detail.

Already in ancient times, people paid attention to the fact that some of them succeed in what for all others seems completely impossible. Fire doesn’t burn them, water doesn’t wet them, arrows don’t hit them, and everything they try, they succeed. And, conversely, there are people who can fail in the most innocuous situations, when success seems absolutely guaranteed. They stumble out of the blue, forget about the most important thing, lose things, and are haunted by misfortunes and failures everywhere. Spiritual masters and mentors who recognized the patterns of these phenomena used them to create various systems of self-improvement.

From the point of view of psychoenergetics, this is nothing more than a manifestation of the law of mental potential, which determines the relationship between the external and internal energy of an individual. By following one or another system of self-improvement, a person can develop the energy potential of individual spheres of his personality and at the same time remain with low mental potential, and it is the energy of thinking that determines a person’s luck and success in life among people. A good example can be the life of Rosa Kuleshova. In the 60s, almost all the media were full of reports about the “Kuleshova phenomenon”, about her clairvoyance abilities, about unusual ways of removing information from objects. However, in her human life, Rose was unhappy. She could not solve her housing problem. Her attempt to start a family ended unsuccessfully. Conflicts constantly arose with relatives and workmates. From here it becomes clear how important it is for a person of knowledge to master methods of correcting events.

Here we have presented only one of the possible options for correcting events and opening a “lucky streak”. You can work not only on muscle tone, but also on emotional-volitional processes, as well as directly on mental images. Having mastered the necessary methods and techniques and developed the appropriate abilities, the operator can achieve such results, such success and fantastic luck that in the eyes of others may look supernatural. However, the more widely information about the operator’s work is disseminated, the more unforeseen factors can arise during psychoenergetic contacts, and the more difficult it is to organize a mental correction program. Therefore, the third rule for conducting psychoenergetic contact during mental correction is the rule of energy-informational isolation.

It should be emphasized that the technique of mental correction of events can give any serious results only if the operator is able to deeply concentrate on the event and works, at least at the level of visualization. At a lower level of concentration, we can not talk about correction, but only about some influence on the course of the event.

The second significant conclusion is that, using the technique of mental correction, a person engaged in self-improvement can provide himself with optimal living conditions necessary for spiritual practice. Any other use of the technique of mental correction of events is not used for its intended purpose and has a destructive effect on spiritual practice.

Ordinary people often ask the question: if parapsychological phenomena are really possible, then why don’t we see it in life? One of the reasons is that people of knowledge use their capabilities only for spiritual development, only within their spiritual practice, which is inaccessible to the perception of the average person.

If a philistine-minded person nevertheless managed to encounter anomalous phenomena and became convinced of the existence of extrasensory abilities, then he often has a desire to “acquire” these abilities to achieve his goals.

However, this weight is equivalent to using a microscope to hammer nails. It is much more convenient to hammer nails. To achieve philistine goals, it is much more convenient to use power and money. The technique of mental correction is the key to completely different doors. Therefore, the recommendations given below on the use of mental correction to improve various aspects of a person’s life are intended specifically for those who strive for self-improvement.

Our ancestors were fluent in the techniques described below. They have proven their high effectiveness for those who work with them and apply them in practice, and can be used to achieve any desired result.

Mental techniques have been developed to solve the most common human problems, but even if your problem is unique, you will not have much difficulty adapting these techniques to solve your problem. Just like with affirmations, these techniques are best used when your brain is in the alpha state.

1. Whistling technique

This mental technique was developed by Richard Bandler, one of the creators of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). To begin, choose the behavior or mental state you want to change. Now try to imagine what you want to change your behavior or state to as clearly and as clearly as you can. The more detailed your idea, the more effective the technique will be.

Focus on all the sensory cues this state brings to you:

  • See this.
  • Smell it.
  • Hear the sounds associated with it.
  • Feel it.
  • Try this.

Your goal is to keep two mental visual pictures in your head - the one you want to change and the one that makes you happy. Every picture needs a frame, so place your mental pictures in frames. For now, make the pleasant picture smaller and put it to the side or in the corner of your mental wall. Enlarge the picture you want to change to a large, bright frame. Next comes the “whistle” stage.

Imagine how both pictures change their sizes and begin to change places. Make the pleasant picture big and bright, and the unpleasant picture dim and small. Try to hear the sound effect while resizing pictures and moving them, let it be a whistle. Whistle yourself, or say the word “whistle,” as they change places.

Repeat the whistling technique as many times as you can and remember that this technique works best if you do it at high speed and intensity. The whistle should instantly initiate the movement and resizing of pictures. The more and more often you repeat the “whistle” technique, the faster you will program your mind. And in the future, as soon as you start behaving incorrectly, your mind will automatically switch you to a happy picture.

2. Anchor and trigger technique

Anchoring is a mental technique designed to create a specific response to a specific stimulus (trigger). The stimulus can be anything you choose: pressing your fingers on your earlobe, snapping your fingers, tapping your foot, anything you can think of, as long as it's specific, something you wouldn't do in normal life.

The answer can also be anything. You can put yourself in a state of attention, or stop craving for cigarettes or alcohol. The key to this mental technique is intensity and repetition - the desired mental or physical state should be as intense as possible while creating the anchor.

The best time to create an anchor is when you are deeply, deeply relaxed, or in a solid Tetta state. When relaxed, you can create any condition or circumstance you want. Imagine being where you want to be - happy, smoke-free, confident, etc.

The state or situation you imagine should be as realistic as if you were dreaming. Create a mental movie that is very, very intense. Let your mental movie be as clear as it should be in reality.

Next, run your stimulus. If you decide to use earlobe pinch as a stimulus, you need to pinch it while you are at the peak of the desired state. This process will create the perfect mental anchor, but only if your mental image or state is intense enough and the stimulus is repeated often enough that the response to it is programmed into your mind.

3. Programming circumstances

This mental technique works well for affirmations. The essence of its work lies in the presentation of a circumstance or statement that an event will occur. The sky is the limit for this technique.

Any situation you can imagine or want to be in can be programmed into this mental technique. If you do it right, your subconscious mind will work for you and construct things in the background to make this circumstance a reality.

Programming a circumstance is a fairly simple technique; you just need to imagine yourself on the stage of the desired reality, the main thing is that the picture is intense enough. This technique is actually similar to the anchoring technique, only here you are not trying to create a mental state. All you are doing is creating instructions for your subconscious to follow.

Just like with other techniques, repetition is important here. Review your mental movie in your head as often as you can. This will reinforce your instructions to the subconscious mind and help it continue working on the task. While playing your mental movies, repeat affirmations, this will speed up the occurrence of the result.

4. Simulation

This mental technique is based on the success of successful people. The human brain was designed in such a way that it can not only recognize patterns, but also copy patterns. This is very noticeable in children, they copy the behavior of adults, like monkeys who, watching people, begin to repeat their actions.

Thanks to copying models, we learned to walk, talk, write and much more. As an adult, you may have forgotten that your brain usually tends to copy things, but it keeps doing it anyway. Think about the people you interact with frequently, do you ever find yourself using the same expressions, saying the same jokes, or wearing similar clothes?

The basis of modeling is to copy the behavior of a person who is very good at what you also want to be good at. To begin, choose a character trait or habit that is preventing you from achieving success. For example, if you think you are bad at tennis, imagine yourself on a tennis court. Or, if you have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex, imagine a situation where there are girls you could meet. Now, choose someone who plays tennis well or communicates freely with the opposite sex.

Imagine the situation quite vividly and intensely. See how this person handles the task exactly the way you would like to handle it. Now imagine yourself as if you are inside this person - see what he sees, think and feel the same. Watch your limiting thoughts and beliefs disappear. Feel relaxed and confident, feel how great it is to do what you want just as well.

Repeat this exercise as often as possible, but just change the circumstances, change the weather, place, people, and so on. Keep doing this until your model's traits merge with your own behavior, beliefs and attitudes.

5. Disgust Technique

Have you ever watched a child who was told not to do something, but he went ahead and did it, did it out of spite. Usually, if the experience is unpleasant enough, the child will not repeat these actions. This is disgust.

The aversion technique can be used to free oneself from the chains of a destructive habit. The technique is very simple - you associate the unwanted behavior with something particularly disgusting, nauseating or painful. For example, if you want to stop smoking, first you must imagine a lit cigarette, its appearance, smell, taste as if you were actually smoking.

Now turn the cigarette into something very nasty. The more disturbing and repulsive the image, the better the technique will work. Imagine that from the smoke of your cigarette you begin to cough heavily, feel weak and confused, feel as if you have just vomited, but make sure that along with the unpleasant sensations you smell tobacco smoke.

If you apply this method correctly, your craving for cigarettes should be largely replaced by feelings of disgust and nausea.

Any one of these techniques is powerful on its own. They can be used together or separately, or in combination with statements. Remember that persistence, desire and faith will take you to where you want to be.

The thought itself first reveals itself to clairvoyant sight as a vibration of the mental body; it can be either simple or complex. If the thought itself is absolutely simple, then only one frequency of vibration is observed, and only one type of mental matter is strongly affected. The mental body consists of matter of several degrees of density, which we usually divide into classes corresponding to subplanes.

Each of them, in turn, has many divisions, and if we can conditionally distinguish degrees of density by horizontal lines, then another division, by quality, can be designated by drawing lines perpendicular to them. Thus, there are many varieties of this mental matter, and it has been found that that each has its own frequency of vibration, which is most characteristic of it, so that it readily responds to it and strives to return to it as soon as possible if it is knocked out of it by a strong impulse of thought or feeling.

When a sudden wave of emotion hits a person, his astral body, for example, comes into a state of intense excitement, and its own colors are temporarily almost eclipsed by flashes of burgundy, blue, or scarlet, which corresponds to the frequency of vibrations characteristic of a certain emotion. This change is only temporary; it passes in a few seconds, and the astral body quickly restores its normal state. However, each such outburst of feelings also produces a permanent effect - it always adds a little of its shade to the normal coloring of the astral body, so that whenever a person gives in to a certain emotion, it becomes easier for him to give in to it again, because it becomes a habit for his astral body vibrate at this particular frequency.

Most human thoughts, however, are not simple. Absolutely pure love, of course, exists; but we very often find it colored by pride or selfishness, jealousy or animal passion. This means that at least two different vibrations appear in both the astral and mental bodies, and often more. The vibrations emitted will therefore be complex, and the resulting thought-form will exhibit several colors instead of one.

Let us dwell separately on each component of mentalism (mental magic):

Telepathy is the reading and transmission of thoughts at a distance without the use of the senses.

Telekinesis - influencing physical processes without physical action, moving objects by force of will.

Telemetry – obtaining information about objects and objects at a distance.

Teleportation is the instant movement of living and inanimate objects over a certain distance.

Pyrokinesis is ignition without the participation of handy means.

Levitation is the reduction of the weight of an animate or inanimate object to float in the air without assistance.

Hypnosis is complete relaxation of the body to accept foreign information. Impact on the human mind.

Clairvoyance - predicting the future.

Extrasensory perception is a hypersensitive perception that is not familiar to every person.

From all this we can conclude that mental magic is a type of magic based on the mind and will of a person, combining the power of thought into an idea, translating this idea into reality. Achieved through the power of thought and our desire. Our thoughts have the power for self-realization, they can materialize, we just need to learn how to do it.

Magicians in mental magic are on seven levels.

First level– Newbie to mental magic. The mentality is undeveloped, but there may be a predisposition to extrasensory perception.

Second level– Student of mental magic. Accepts thoughts directed at him, knows the intentions of animals, and can transmit mental images through visual contact with a mental magician.

Third level- Journeyman of mental magic. Can communicate with the magician using mental transmission (reception) of information, regardless of visual contact. For some time it can subjugate the animal. With further improvement, it can influence a person’s consciousness, but at the same time, each person perceives visions in his own way. Knows how to read unprotected thoughts, can break a mental barrier, a mental shield.

Fourth level– Master of mental magic. He can subjugate any animal to his will, he can impose his will on a person prone to suggestibility. It is possible to put a mental shield on another person. He can read dreams and can sometimes interfere with the dreams of a sleeping person. Working with memory opens up and can activate long-forgotten memories. Over time, he can give a long-term task to a person, which he will carry out, but no more than 7 days. At a stronger level, he can give orders at a distance, he can simultaneously control a group of people of three people; if it is one person, then he can be under control for up to one year. If you direct knowledge to an area, then the people in this area will perceive it as the magician instills in them.

Fifth level– Master of the highest level. It is possible to perceive separately the emotions of different people located in the same place. Reads a person's thoughts located deep in the subconscious. Feels the emotions of any people. It is possible to establish a mental connection with any person with whom you have communicated or at least once made eye contact - a distance of no more than 100 km. If the interlocutor is close (friend, acquaintance, relative) - the distance is up to 500 km. The magician gains the ability to change people's memories of the events of the past month. Can order several people, and orders may contradict the moral principles of the controlled person.

Sixth level– Master of mental magic. Perfect control over a person, regardless of distance and suggestibility of the person. Can overcome a person's subconscious resistance. The master, after suggestion, can leave a person in a vegetative state - a “vegetable”. Simultaneously controlling a group of ten people.

Seventh level– Archmage of mental magic. The highest level. A magician of this level can subjugate an entire city. Manipulate people at will and inspire people with what he himself wants.

Mental magic always depends on the will and desire of the practitioner (or you can call him a wizard). At will, he weakens, increases or modifies the mental impact.

Man is a continuation of the Universe, in which there is what we once had, what we have now and what we will have in the future. We send mental energy to perform physical actions. With our thoughts we can change our future at our discretion, but at the same time we ourselves are responsible for everything that happens in the future.

Many programming techniques for prosperity, health, love, luck, etc. are built on the basis of mental magic. Let me give you one example of a technique for making a wish come true.

The first thing you need to do is accurately and sincerely formulate your desire. The second stage is visualization. Mentally and vividly imagine yourself in the situation that is associated with your desire. If you want a car, imagine yourself driving a luxury car, the latest brand. Feel the smell of the leather on the seats, how convenient and comfortable it is for you to sit in this car, mentally take the steering wheel, feel how easy your, and indeed YOUR, car is to drive. It was created just for you. Remember these feelings.

Do this for some time, morning and evening, then let go of your thought. In this process, you use a lot of cosmic forces; you need to direct your energy to manifesting and fulfilling your desire. Don’t give in to doubts and everything will work out for you. And remember, the stronger the visualization, the brighter your thoughts and feelings, the greater your chances of success.

Don’t forget that our wishes and thoughts come true; before you make a wish, think carefully or you really need it.

Now mental magic is highly developed in various types of tricks, in performing magic tricks. This is one of the types of entertainment magic, which consists of demonstrating telepathy, levitation, telekinesis, retrospection, etc. More than once I have seen how people move objects without touching them, how spoons or knives bend without physical contact, hypnotic sessions, driving in a trance and much more. And for some reason the movie “The Matrix” immediately comes to mind.

Some of the most prominent performers of mental tricks are Al-Koran, Kreskin, and Uri Geller.

The very concept of “magic” is a volitional order of thought to achieve the intended result. A thought in the human brain, enhanced by energy, creates the mental element of psychic energy.

The thought image, as well as the thought form, are material. Only this matter is of a more subtle level. Through the mental plane we can read any information relating to our past or future.

The level of mental magic corresponds to a correctly formulated thought image, followed by the formation of a thought form. A thought form launched into the astral plane begins to change it according to your desire, according to your projected thought image..

Mental techniques in Ashtanga yoga...? This is just physical exercise, acrobatics, jumping - no matter how those who do not practice it tried to christen Ashtanga - there is not even pranayama or meditation here. What kind of work with the mind and consciousness can we talk about?

But anyone who has remained faithful to the method will agree that it was not masterly handstands and unrealistic backbends that kept him in Ashtanga and motivated him to get on the mat every day, but something more, subtle, internal, not lying on the surface of all this physics. Some people felt it literally in the first lesson, others needed months or even years of trying to twist their body into the same strange shapes, but one way or another the relationship between the work of body and mind, physical and mental in the practice of Ashtanga yoga becomes so obvious and fascinating that you can’t stop yourself from continuing to explore it further. And at this stage, problems most often begin, and worse than just the 254th day of kapotasana (marichyasana d, supta kurmasana...), accompanied by pain in the back (knee, neck...). Not always pleasant emotions, thoughts, behavior patterns and images float to the surface. Someone runs away from them, and at the same time from Ashtanga, someone follows the instruction proven by the experience of others: “Practice - and everything will come,” waiting until everything resolves itself, and someone prefers to approach this aspect of practice consciously, even with a scientific approach. Sasha Smirkin, for example, went to study as a psychophysiologist. It was his achievements in this area, coupled with many years of experience in personal practice and teaching Ashtanga yoga, that attracted attention to his St. Petersburg two-day seminar “Mental techniques in Ashtanga Yoga”, held under the slogan: “Tired of physical exercise?”

“Yoga is simple. Every morning you get up and do the practice. Everything else will come automatically,” Sharat Jois perfectly described how the method works. Indeed, in Ashtanga everything seems simple: you stand on the mat, breathe freely and with sound, perform the same sequence of asanas, but in reality there is so much going on. So is Sasha: he seems to be simply talking about working with the mind and emotions, but each of his sentences is filled with such deep meaning that after the seminar there are more questions left than answers to them, new contradictions appear, one thought clings to another and gives rise to a new one, as in In the association test proposed to us, some words evoke new associations and as a result, a single word remains, which will be the key to solving a specific problem. The question is how exactly to use it 🙂 But this is good food for thought, because you can wait forever for everything to come, you can still strain your brain sometimes.

Is this yoga?

The question may arise whether it is worth using various mental techniques in the practice of Ashtanga yoga, especially Western ones, which have nothing to do with tradition. Here, it seems to me, an appropriate comparison is with the study of anatomy and the use of this knowledge when adjusting poses (ha-ha, again a comparison with physical training - it seems that there is no escape from it, and it will not be possible to consider the mental component of practice in isolation from the physical one). The connection between understanding applied anatomy and the practice of asanas is obvious and does not contradict tradition, although neither Krishnamacharya nor Pattabhi Jois described the work of each muscle or joint in their books. And if the opportunity to understand yourself and your practice with the help of additional mental techniques causes contradictions, you should follow the advice of the philosopher Ramanuja: study, read until they go away by themselves. Well, and at the same time continue to stand on the mat 🙂


The mastery of mental techniques began right at the first Mysore, especially among those who found themselves in Mysore for the first time. Only Ashtanga yoga is practiced here, and, apparently, the right energies and tapas of the entire local team contribute to good practice, but in the mornings it is usually so hot that it is unaccustomed to breathing the system is in a colossal shock, and at a certain stage you stop feeling different parts of the body. Even practice in the Crimean summer heat and in the main chalet in Mysore doesn’t kill me like that (I constantly found myself on the podium there, right in the draft between the door and the window). And this is the third time I’ve encountered the fact that the first Mysore in the St. Petersburg chalet is a real test: the body becomes so soft that in kapotasana, dropbacks, chakra bandhasana I don’t feel at all what my legs are doing, and in pincha mayurasana or karandavasana my hands feel like cotton wool. Sasha calls this phenomenon maladaptation.

In principle, it accompanies Ashtanga yoga in everything: the room is cramped, stuffy, humid, you are constantly in contact with various sweaty parts of the body of your neighbors on the mat, someone is breathing too loudly, sweat flows like a river, there is nothing to breathe... In general, everything is done for this purpose to throw a person out of his comfort zone and rid him of the usual stereotypes about yoga. In your right mind you would never sign up for this voluntarily. But gradually you adapt to such conditions, irritation and anger are replaced by joy from being in them, the mind calms down, and concentration increases. So Sasha noticed that at the second Mysore the energy in the hall flowed softer and calmer. Disadaptation has been dealt with!


Working with mantras is the most obvious mental technique in yoga. Indeed, the word “mantra” (मन्त्र) consists of the root “man” (mind; thought; think) and the suffix “tra” (weapon; protective). All this can be roughly translated as “tool of the mind” or “protection of the mind.”

At the seminar, Sasha offered several options for working with mantras in practice. First, reciting the familiar prayer to Ganesha and two shanti mantras, we were all transported for a few minutes to the main shala in Mysore for a chanting class. This was facilitated by Sasha’s excellent pronunciation of Sanskrit. So we set the right context and mood for the upcoming work at the workshop - what happens in this case, few can express in words better than Richard Freeman, to whom Sasha referred more than once at the seminar, apparently under the influence of the St. Petersburg Ashtanga Yoga Shala: . The most correct practical context that a mantra can provide is related to humility. This is what leads to the best results. Let us remember another quote from Sharath: “...he who wants nothing gets everything.”

I would especially like to note the handouts with accessible explanations of the symbolism of mantras and their literary translation. By the way, if anyone still knows little about the opening mantra of Ashtanga yoga, I recommend that you read Sasha Smirkin’s detailed study about its history, translation and chanting: http://www.ashtanga.moscow/p/blog-page_6.html. And also about the chanting “Vande Gurunam...” - this is probably the most authentic performance: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gHQ6uftItik.

Pronouncing a mantra causes certain vibrations in the body that affect the autonomic nervous system and emotional state. Sasha did not recommend reading mantras directly in asanas, which distracts from working with breathing. In his opinion, the ideal places for this in practice are pauses after inhalation and exhalation when entering and exiting an asana. These are not breath-holds, but naturally occurring pauses; at these moments the most important work in consciousness occurs, therefore mantras can help to comprehend the higher goals of yoga.

We looked at how to work with mantra in practice using the example of Surya Namaskar. Not only did they perform it mentally, but after each vinyasa they repeated a line from the so-called Sun Salutation mantra from the Rigveda. A real brain explosion!

Metaphors, symbolism, texts and Sanskrit

I think everyone will agree that sometimes one figurative expression can help in mastering an asana more than even the best correction. “Imagination has been actively used in the yoga tradition to personify the idealized forms and qualities of gods, goddesses and heroes in order to destroy the usual patterns of perception of one’s own body and the sensations necessary when moving, being and in the characteristics of yoga poses. Personification practitioners contributed to the evolution of yoga by integrating subtle and esoteric teachings within the context of the everyday reality of having a body. Deep insights that can be accessed through imagination will help you come to an understanding of how to live on a more practical level, i.e. to introduce practice, tradition, lineage and mythology into “real” life,” Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor’s book “The Art of Vinyasa” is permeated with metaphors for the study of subtle anatomy on literally every page. But how right Freeman is once again: “A good metaphor is rare, as is an outstanding work of art and insight.”

Sasha refers their search to traditional Indian scriptures, in particular the Puranas. I think everyone remembers the symbolic meaning of the bent leg in all marichyasanas?

But for a better understanding of the texts, Sanskrit is still necessary. My decision to master this language at least a little a couple of years ago was influenced by the chapter “Sanskrit - the sacred language of yoga” from Gregor Maele’s book “Ashtanga Yoga - Middle Series: Mythology, Anatomy and Practice”: “... the subtle body perceives Sanskrit and reacts to it. You can chant mantras in English or any other language as much as you like, but they will not have any effect on the subtle body. Using an information technology analogy, Sanskrit is the programming language in which the operating system of the subtle body is written. If you need to reprogram it, new instructions should be entered in Sanskrit. Otherwise, you will communicate only with your consciousness, which, of course, can be useful, but is not nearly as effective.”

In addition to such a powerful effect on the subtle body, reading scriptures and mantras in the original language will lead to the spontaneous emergence of various associations, images, understanding of meanings, and also, perhaps, according to Sasha, to a meditative state and pratyabhijna, recollection of truth.

Asanas as worship

Continuing the topic of what else to read to deepen the practice, and to find practical solutions, Sasha also advised turning to tantra and the scriptures of the Nath tradition, from which you can learn a lot for using asana as a way of worship.

By external worship he means, among other things, the creation of a sacred place for practice. About internal worship, again, you will have to read tantric scriptures and the works of hatha yogis. The basic principle here is: there is nothing outside that is not inside. That is, a person is a kind of Universe in miniature, the whole body is a projection of continents, oceans, rivers, etc. When practicing, we imagine our body as an altar, we sacrifice it (it’s not difficult to imagine yourself like this, especially in kapotasana or bridges). But the main act of internal worship in Ashtanga yoga is, of course, breathing. With its help, we kindle the inner sacred fire, Agni, and it, in turn, destroys all impurities of the body and mind, eliminating samskaras.


A rich imagination also came in handy when performing Sun Salutations... in the mind. It is surprising that all the same sensations arise in the body as during real movement. This is work with the imagination, when the action being performed is first placed in consciousness, i.e. we clearly imagine how we rotate the hip, do a deflection, etc., and then into the body, this is called ideomotor.

I can confirm from my own experience that this technique works great. When I realized that my arms were too short to make a grab even in Marichiasana A, and there was no deflection at all, I could only rely on my imagination ) I remember how clearly I saw myself in these asanas, and the images were so vivid that I really felt myself in them. Not much time passed - and voila, everything arrived )

And how could there be no example with kapotasana? The first time I tried to make it, I was pushed into it, and very successfully. I've never been so comfortable in a backbend before. True, then the relationship with Kapotasana due to injury and too active mental activity for more than a year was quite difficult, but even three years later I clearly remember not only the place in the hall at the Mysore class and what I was wearing that day, but also all the smallest sensations in the body when entering, staying and leaving this asana. And this image of a successful kapotasana saved me more than once during difficult days of practice.

But imagination can play a cruel joke. If performing an asana was accompanied by pain and fear, then its mental representation may well lead to their real sensation. I still missed the pain from virtual asana practice!

There is one note on working with imaginary movements at the end of this video (

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