Das Geschlecht der Substantive - Gender of nouns in German. Das Geschlecht der Substantive - Gender of nouns in German Gender of nouns in German table

a. by semantic meaning

  • male persons:
    der Mann - man, der Onkel - uncle;
  • male animals:
    der Bär - bear, der Hahn - rooster;
  • names of countries of the world, lakes, mountains and winds:
    der Osten - east, der Bodensee - Lake Constance,
    der Harz - Harz, der Taifun - typhoon;
  • names of seasons, months and days of the week:
    der Sommer - summer, der Januar - January, der Sonntag - Sunday.

b. according to form

  • nouns with suffixes -er, -neg, -ler, -ling:
    der Schlosser - mechanic, der Redner - speaker,
    der Sportler - athlete, der Lehrling - student;
  • most of the nouns formed from the stem of the verb without adding a suffix:
    der Lauf (run) - from laufen (to run)
    der Sprung (jump) - from springen (jump);
  • foreign language (borrowed from other languages) nouns with suffixes -ist, -ent, -ant, -eur, -är, -or, -ismus:
    der Polizist, der Student, der Aspirant, der Ingenieur, der Militär, der Doktor, der Egoismus.

The feminine gender in German includes:

a. by semantic meaning

    nouns meaning:
  • female persons:
    die Frau - woman, die Tante - aunt.
    Exception: das Mädchen - girl, girl, das Weib - woman, woman;
  • some female animals:
    die Kuh - cow, die Katze - cat.
    Exception: das Schaf - sheep;
  • names of most flowers, trees and songbirds:
    die Rose - rose, die Tanne - spruce, die Eiche - oak,
    die Lerche - lark, die Nachtigall - nightingale;
  • names of most German rivers:
    die Elbe - Elbe, die Spree - Spree, die Saale - Saale, etc.
    Exception: der Rhein, der Main, der Neckar, der Inn;
  • names of rivers that have feminine equivalents in Russian:
    die Wolga - Volga, die Oka - Oka, die Kama - Kama ( except: der Ob - Ob).

b. according to form

  • nouns with suffixes -in, -ung, -keit, -heit, -schaft, -ei:
  • -in:
    die Sängerin - singer
    die Bärin - she-bear
  • -ung:
    die Forderung - requirement
    die Zeitung - newspaper
  • - keit:
    die Möglichkeit - opportunity
    die Richtigkeit - correctness
  • -heit:
    die Kindheit - childhood
    die Neuheit - news
  • - schaft:
    die Wirtschaft - farming
    die Bereitschaft - readiness
  • -ei:
    die Bäckerei - bakery
    die Bücherei - library;
  • borrowed nouns with suffixes -ie, -ik, -ion, -tion, -tät, -ur:
    die Chemie, die Mathematik, die Million, die Organisation, die Fakultät, die Natur.

The neuter gender in German includes:

a. by semantic meaning

  • names of parts of the world, countries and cities:
    (das) Europa - Europe, (das) China - China, (das) Belgien - Belgium,
    (das) München - Munich, (das) Prag - Prague, etc.
    Exception: country names ending with -ei, -au:
    die Mongolei - Mongolia, die Moldau - Moldova, and also die Schweiz - Switzerland,
    der Iran - Iran, die Ukraine - Ukraine and some others;
  • names of metals:
    das Eisen - iron, das Gold - gold, etc.
    Exception: der Stahl - steel, der Schwefel - sulfur;
  • names of children (baby animals):
    das Kind - child, das Kalb - calf, das Lamm - lamb, etc.;
  • letter names:
    das "A", das "Z".

b. according to form

  • diminutive nouns with suffixes -chen, -lein and with suffixes -tel, -tum:
    das Häuschen - house, das Büchlein - little book,
    das Viertel - quarter, das Eigentum - property;
  • nouns formed from adjectives by means of a suffix -e and denoting abstract concepts:
    das Neue - new, das Interessante - interesting;
  • borrowed nouns with suffix -um, -ment:
    das Museum - museum, das Dokument - document.
    Some German nouns, with the same spelling and pronunciation, have different meanings depending on their gender:
  • die See (sea) - der See (lake);
    die Steuer (tax) - das Steuer (steering wheel), etc.

The gender of nouns in German and Russian often does not match, so it is necessary to remember nouns with a definite article.


  • das Pferd (neuter) - horse (feminine);
    der Hund (masculine) - dog (feminine);
    der Baum (masculine) - tree (neuter);
    die Stunde (feminine) - lesson (masculine);
    der Spiegel (masculine) - mirror (neuter), etc.
    The gender of any noun can be checked in a dictionary. In dictionaries, the following abbreviations are used to indicate the gender of a noun:
  • m(from the Latin word masculinum- masculine);
  • f(from the Latin word feminine- feminine);
  • n(from the Latin word neutral- neuter).

Integrated lesson of Russian and German languages.

Russian language teacher E.V. Makarova, German language teacher N.V. Chasova.

Target: identify the differences inherent in the gender category in Russian and German, determine the meaning of the gender category in the language, and draw attention to the problem of the environment.

Planned results:

Personal: manifestation of attitude towards an environmental problem.

Subject: the ability to construct a monologue with argumentation.


  • educational

Selection of arguments for solving educational problems.

  • communicative

Ability to participate in general conversation;

Ability to formulate statements;

Ability to carry out joint activities in work groups, taking into account specific educational tasks.

  • regulatory

Ability to carry out actions in accordance with the plan;

Ability to perform self-assessment.



Integrated lesson of Russian and German languages.

Russian language teacher E.V. Makarova, German language teacher N.V. Chasova.

Topic: Gender of nouns in Russian and German

Target: identify the differences inherent in the gender category in Russian and German, determine the meaning of the gender category in the language, and draw attention to the problem of the environment.

Planned results:

Personal : manifestation of attitude towards an environmental problem.

Subject : the ability to construct a monologue with argumentation.


  • educational

Selection of arguments for solving educational problems.

  • communicative

Ability to participate in general conversation;

Ability to formulate statements;

Ability to carry out joint activities in work groups, taking into account specific educational tasks.

  • regulatory

Ability to carry out actions in accordance with the plan;

Ability to perform self-assessment.

Lesson progress:

  1. Organizational moment

Good morning. The day has begun
First of all, we drive away laziness.
Don't yawn in class
And work and read.

Be diligent in class
Be calm and attentive.
Write everything without falling behind,
Listen without interrupting.
Speak clearly, distinctly,
To make everything clear.

If you want to answer
You have to raise your hand

  1. Setting goals and objectives

U 1: Guten Tag, liebe Kinder. Heute haben wir eine ungewöhnliche Stunde. 2 Lehrerinnen werden mit ihnen arbeiten: Deutschlehrerin und Russischlehrerin.

U 2: Good afternoon, guys. Today we have an unusual lesson. Today in the lesson 2 teachers will work with you: a teacher of Russian and German

U 2: Guys, listen carefully to an excerpt from the story by L. Uspensky (audio recording)

Somehow, quite by accident, I happened to be present at a very funny and at the same time instructive argument.

Three elderly women were sitting at the dining table of a small Caucasian restaurant - a Russian, a German and an Armenian. They calmly ate borscht. Suddenly a large soup spoon fell to the floor with a clatter.

Yeah! – said the Russian woman, remembering a funny old sign. “Some lady is coming to visit us.” The spoon fell!

Why a lady? - the German woman was surprised. – Spoon – “der löffel”! Spoon is masculine. Some man must come...

The Russian was indignant:

Well, here we go again! If the knife fell, then it would mean a man. The knife is masculine...

Ha ha ha! – the German woman laughed. - A masculine knife? But if the knife falls, it doesn’t mean anything. He is “das messer” - of the middle kind.

The Armenian woman sat silently and looked in bewilderment at one or the other of those arguing. Finally she leaned towards me.

Forgive me,” she whispered, “but I don’t understand anything... I see some kind of funny superstition here.” But what is it based on? Why can a knife somehow resemble a man or a spoon – a woman? This is not clear to me. (L. Uspensky)

U 2: Try to explain the situation that arose during the conversation between three women.

Student answers:(... there are languages ​​in which nouns have no gender - neither masculine, nor feminine, nor neuter. They are called “genderless” languages. These are English, Finnish, Turkish, Chinese and other languages. In the Armenian language, nouns also have no genders , so it is really impossible to explain to an Armenian woman why Russians believe that if a spoon falls, a woman will come, and if a knife, a man will come.

... there are languages ​​in which nouns have only two genders. These are French, Spanish, Italian, Moldavian and other languages).

U 2: Guys, what do you think we will talk about in class today? What topic would you suggest for our lesson?

Students: Gender of nouns

  1. Updating knowledge

U 2: First, let's fill out the ZHU table:

  1. Which parts of speech (nominative or functional) have gender meaning? (significant)
  2. Do all significant parts of speech have gender meaning? (numerals and adverbs do not have)
  3. How many genders are there in the Russian language? (three)
  4. How many genders are there in German? (three)
  5. How to determine the gender of a noun in Russian? (You can determine whether a noun belongs to one gender or another by the ending of the noun or by asking a question)
  6. Do nouns change according to gender?

U.2: What goal will we set for ourselves today? And what will we need to do for this?

(Students' answers)

This will be the goal of our lesson.

U 1: Guys, you have a sun on the tables in each group, but it is sad and does not shine at all, your task is to get as many rays as possible for your work in class.

4. Learning new material

Work in groups:

Task 1.

U2. In front of you in a red envelope are three houses with unusual addresses. On the signs there are conventions for the gender of nouns.

Guys, “space out” the words and phrases from the envelope so that everyone falls into place.

M.R. J.R Sr.r

World auto protection

city ​​planet animal forest soil living creature

Man river enterprise

trolleybus danger lake

bus nature tree

yard environmental protection

garbage factory tram street vehicle mountain plane problem factory bottle car village paper

Name the same-root nouns that ended up in different houses (auto - car, tree - village)

Name a word or phrase that is general for all these words (environmental protection).

Analysis of the results of working with the table.

The students themselves draw conclusions, the Russian language teacher helps

U 2: In the Russian language there are not only masculine, feminine and neuter nouns, but also general nouns.

Now I’ll tell you riddles, and you’ll tell me common nouns (greedy, slob, bungler)

Task 2

1. The house is dirty, the shirt is black,

And his name is...

2.Nothing in the whole world

Petya will not share with you:

Not a cheesecake, not a toy,

Not a funny animal...

And the children shout to the boy:

“Oh and...you, Petya!”

3. We have losses all year round:

Calendar for that week

Last month - a ticket,

This one contains a book and a package.

The whole family is innocent

After all... it's me!

Working with a crossword:

Task 3

There is a crossword puzzle in the blue envelope, you must consult and solve it


1. A sleepy person who loves to sleep a lot (colloquial). SONYA

2. Insatiable, gluttonous person (colloquial). GLUTTON

3. Food industry worker. FEEDER

4. The one who starts quarrels, fights (colloquial). BULLY

5. A person who is arrogant (colloquial). arrogant

6. A person with higher medical education who treats patients. DOCTOR

7. Specialist in agriculture and agriculture. AGRONOMIST

8. Head of the print publication. EDITOR

U.2 Let's summarize: Exist. general gender, both male and female.

U.2 There are yellow reminders on the tables for everyone:

  1. Physical education minute

(Children do exercises)

Task 4

U.2 Now let’s test our knowledge and conduct testing

On your tables there are cards with the letters m, f, s. We check by picking up the correct card.

1. Determine the gender of the noun: SHAMPOO

  • a) masculine
  • b) feminine
  • c) neuter

2. Determine the gender of the noun: POTATOES

  • a) masculine
  • b) feminine
  • c) neuter

3. Determine the gender of the noun: CAR

  • a) masculine
  • b) feminine
  • c) neuter

4. Determine the gender of the noun: TULLE

  • a) masculine
  • b) feminine
  • c) neuter

5. Determine the gender of the noun: FIELD

  • a) masculine
  • b) feminine
  • c) neuter

6. Determine the gender of the noun: COOKIE

  • a) masculine
  • b) feminine
  • c) neuter

7. Determine the gender of the noun: BED

  • a) masculine
  • b) feminine
  • c) neuter

8. Determine the gender of the noun: BUFFIN

  • a) masculine
  • b) feminine
  • c) neuter

9) Determine the gender of the noun: SUN

  • a) masculine
  • b) feminine
  • c) neuter

10) Determine the gender of the noun: ROYAL

  • a) masculine
  • b) feminine

Task 5

U1: Now let's do the same thing only with the green envelope. Please pay attention to the type of Russian translation!

U 1: In the German language there are nouns of three genders; you can determine whether a noun belongs to one gender or another by the suffix of the noun. If difficult cases arise, you need to consult a dictionary. The gender of a word in German very often does not coincide with the gender of a word in Russian, so it is better for you when memorizing words to learn them immediately together with the article.

Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum

Umweltschutz Gefahr Problem

Planet Stadt Wasser

Wald Nature Auto

Boden Welt Dorf

Mensch Luft Verkehrsmittel

Fluss Umwelt Flugzeug

Obus Fabrik Papier

Bus Straße Kleidungstück

See Berg Tier

Betrieb Straßenbahn Lebewesen

Hof Flasche Werk


Task 6. Students work with dictionaries.

U.1 In our book dictionaries, nouns already have articles, but in large dictionaries you will not find articles. Let's remember how you can determine the gender of nouns in them. Let's turn to dictionaries.

U.1 Na gut, ihr habt gut gearbeitet.

Guys, you have already defined a general word for all these words in Russian, find it in the German version. (Der Umweltschutz)

Nature is a living home!
It is connected - from century to century -
Just one thin thread
The fate of the earth is with the fate of man!

Nature will not tolerate emptiness:
Where you take a lot, you can’t put a little there,
And if you do harm, you won’t be able to
Achieve pristine purity!

Nature is a temple!
Nature is not a palace,
Where you can live and have fun!
Treat her with care and sensitivity
It was bequeathed to us by its creator and creator.

U.1 Ich nehme dieses Gedicht nicht zufällig.Vermutet bitte wofür wird die Rede in nächstem Text?

Hort bitte zu! (Listening to the text)

Children's answers about what the text is about.

U.1 Nun lesen wir!

U.1 Sucht bitte im Text Antworten auf die Fragen:

  • Warum ist die Erde in Gefahr?
  • Was verschmutzt unsere Umwelt?
  • Warum müssen wir unsere Umwelt schützen?
  • Haben alle Länder auf der Erde ökologische Probleme?

6. Lesson conclusions:

U2: Why do you need to know the gender of a noun? (To correctly use nouns in speech: in combination with adjectives, pronouns)

U1: Warum ist das Problem des Umweltschutz ist ein internationales Problem? Why is environmental protection important in all countries today?

U.2: Guys, what did you learn in class today:

Children's answers:

It is important to know the gender of a noun, as this allows you to use nouns grammatically correctly in speech.

The gender of nouns in Russian and German does not match, so it is better to memorize foreign nouns by gender,

If you have difficulty determining the gender of a noun, it is best to consult a dictionary, which lists the correct gender of the noun.

7. Homework:

In Russian: Paragraphs 91-92 learn the rules.

On “5”, compose a fairy tale with common nouns.

For German: im Arbeitsbuch S. 74-75 Üb. 1

A noun in German, as in Russian, has a gender category: masculine, feminine or neuter. At the same time, the gender of nouns in German and Russian often does not coincide. Therefore, nouns must be memorized with an article, which indicates the gender of the noun.

Remembering the gender of nouns is often difficult. However, many nouns have some features that help determine the gender of those nouns. The gender of nouns can be determined:

- according to the meaning of the word
- according to the form of the word

Masculine gender by meaning:

- male persons

der Mann (man)

- male animals

der Bär (bear)

- cardinal directions

der Norden (north)

- seasons

der Sommer (summer)

- names of months

der Januar (January)

- days of the week

der Montag (Monday)

- times of day

der Morgen (morning), But die Nacht (night)

— precipitation

der Regen (rain)

- minerals

der Granit (granite)

- stones

der Rubin (ruby)

- names of mountains

der Harz (Harz)

- names of lakes

der Baikal (Baikal)

- alcoholic drinks

der Wodka (vodka), But das Bier (beer)

- monetary units

der Euro (euro), But die Kopeke (penny), die Krone (crown), die Mark (mark)

- celestial bodies

der Mond (moon), But die Venus (Venus)

- names of car brands

der Opel, der BMW

Masculine form:


der Fahrer (driver)


der Sportler (athlete)


der Gärtner (gardener)


der Lehrling (student)


der Fuchs (fox)

Note: don't confuse the suffix -er in derived nouns with words whose roots end in -er: die Mutter, die Tochter, das Fenster, etc.

— Foreign words (mostly animate) with suffixes:


der Student (student)


der Laborant (laboratory assistant)


der Publizist (publicist)


der Poet (poet)


der Pilot (pilot)


der Kandidat (candidate)


der Philosopher (philosopher)


der Astronom (astronomer)


der Photograph (photographer)


der Ingenieur (engineer)


der Pionier (pioneer)


der Jubilar (celebrant of the day)


der Sekretär (secretary)


der Doktor (doctor)

Note: inanimate nouns with suffixes -ent, -at,-et can be either masculine or neuter: der Kontinent - das Patent, der Apparat - das Referat, der Planet - das Alphabet.

Feminine by meaning:

- female persons

die Frau (woman), But das Mädchen

- female animals

die Kuh (cow), But das Huhn (chicken), das Schaf (sheep)

- tree names

die Birke (birch), But der Ahorn

- names of colors

die Aster (aster), But der Mohn (poppy), der Kaktus (cactus)

- names of berries

die Himbeere (raspberry)

- name of fruits and vegetables

die Birne (pear), But der Apfel (apple), der Pfirsich (peach), der Kohl (cabbage), der Kürbis (pumpkin)

- most German rivers

die Elbe, die Oder, die Spree,Butder Rhein, der Main, der Neckar

Feminine form:

— Nouns with suffixes:


die Laborantin (lab assistant)


die Übung (exercise)


die Freiheit (freedom)


die Möglichkeit (opportunity)


die Landschaft (landscape)


die Malerei (painting)

— Foreign words with stressed suffixes:


die Chemie (chemistry)


die Universität (university)


die Station


die Kultur (culture)


die Physik (physics)


die Reportage


die Fassade (façade)


die Ambulanz (outpatient clinic)


die Existenz (existence)

Note: there are also a number of nouns masculine ending in -e: der Kollege, der Russe, der Junge, der Name, der Gedanke, der Käse and several nouns neuter: das Ende, das Interesse, das Auge.

Neuter by meaning:

- names of children and cubs

das Kind (child), das Lamm (lamb)

- metals and alloys

das Silber (silver), But der Stahl (steel), die Bronze (bronze)

- chemical elements

das Chlor (chlorine), But der Schwefel (sulphur), der Phosphor (phosphorus)

- continents

(das) Africa, But die Arktis (Arctic), die Antarktis (Antarctica)

- countries

(das) Germany, Butder Iran, der Iraq, der Sudan, die BRD, die Schweiz, die Türkei, die Mongolei, die Ukraine, die USA

- cities

(das) Moscow, But der Haag

- names of the islands

(das) Rügen, But die Krim (Crimea)

- physical units

das Kilowatt (kilowatt)

- languages

das Russisch (Russian language)

Neuter form:

— Foreign words (objects and abstract concepts) ending in:


das Stadium (stadium)


das Kabinett (office)


das Document (document)


das Drama (drama)


das Kino (cinema)

— Substantivized infinitives:

das Laufen (running) - from laufen (to run)
das Lesen (reading) - from lesen (read)

These are almost all the rules for determining the gender of a noun in German. However, do not forget that not all nouns fit these rules. The most reliable way not to get confused when assigning a noun to one gender or another is to simply learn it with an article!

The gender of compound nouns depends on the gender of the base word. The first part of a word is called a modifier, the last part of a compound word is called a base word.

Der Kuchen schrank(kitchen cabinet, kitchen cupboard) = die Küche (kitchen) + der Schrank (cabinet)

The base word of a compound noun can only be a noun. Various parts of speech act as a defining word: a singular noun (die Tischlampe - table lamp) and plural (der Kräutertee - herbal tea), a verb (das Schlafzimmer - bedroom), a short adjective (der Kurzstreik - short-term strike), pretext (das Nebenamt - part-time position).

The words that make up a compound noun are joined to each other either directly (das Schlafzimmer) or with the help of connecting elements -(e)s (die Lebensmittel), -(e)n (der Küchenschrank).

The gender of compound words also depends on the base word: der PKW = der Personenkraftwagen - passenger car. In German, some words are abbreviated so that only some part of the word remains - the beginning or the end. For example, die Universität (university) - die Uni, der Autobus (bus) - der Bus. A word shortened in this way retains the gender of the full word.

Some nouns have different meanings depending on their gender:

  • der See (lake) - die See (sea),
  • der Band (volume) - das Band (tape),
  • das Steuer (rudder, steering wheel) - die Steuer (tax),
  • der Leiter (head) - die Leiter (ladder),
  • der Tor (fool) - das Tor (gate),
  • der Schild (shield) - das Schild (sign, tablet),
  • der Bauer (peasant) - das Bauer (cage)

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As it became clear from the previous lesson, in German, as in Russian, there are three genders of nouns: masculine, neuter and feminine. The indicator of gender in speech is the article: der - for masculine, das - for neuter, die - for feminine.

In the dictionary, gender is indicated by three different letters: m - for masculine (from Maskulinum), f - for feminine (Femininum), n - for neuter (from Neutrum).

Sometimes the gender of a noun can suggest its meaning: we are talking about the coincidence of biological and grammatical gender, for example, in the word die Frau - woman. However, the coincidence does not always occur, for example, the word das Mädchen (girl) in German, as you can see from the article, is neuter.

The gender of many nouns largely coincides with Russian, but some words just need to be remembered. However, in the German language there are a number of rules by which you can understand the gender of a noun.

Remember! Noun in German Always is written with a big letters.

Formation of the feminine form

In the German language there is a universal rule for the formation of the feminine gender of nouns, especially when it comes to professions, representatives of different nationalities, etc.: an article must be added to a masculine noun die and suffix -in. Example:

der Student – ​​die Studentin (student - student)
der Lehrer – die Lehrerin (teacher - teacher)
der König - die Königin (king - queen)
der Löwe - die Löwin (lion - lioness)

It is interesting to note that in Russian many nouns do not have a feminine form, and if they do, then this form sounds derogatory or disparaging. For example, a doctor is a doctor. In German the suffix -in solves the problem : der Arzt – die Arztin (Doctor - Female doctor). The feminine form of the word der Arzt does not carry any negative meanings and is completely neutral.

The same rule can be applied to nouns denoting nationalities:

der Russe – die Russin (Russian – Russian)

der Engländer – die Engländerin (Englishman - Englishwoman)

Determining the gender of a noun

As mentioned above, the gender of the noun is indicated in the dictionary. However, the word itself can also have characteristics of one kind or another. Let's look at the main ones.

The feminine gender (die) in German is indicated by:

  1. Suffix -in: die Arztin (female doctor), die Engländerin (English woman).
  1. Nouns denoting women and girls, as well as feminine animals: die Mutter (mother), die Schwester (sister), die Katze (cat). EXCEPTION: das Mädchen is a girl.
  1. The ending e is for nouns that do not indicate male persons: die Erde (land), die Karte (ticket).
  2. Nouns ending with the suffixes -ei (the suffix is ​​stressed), -heit, -keit, -schaft, -ung (the suffix is ​​not stressed), -ik, -tion (stressed), -ur, -ät. These nouns denote abstract phenomena and concepts:

die Backerei (bakery), die Freiheit (freedom), die Ewigkeit (eternity), die Bereitschaft (readiness), die Übung (exercise), die Musik (music), die Nation (nation), die Natur (nature), die Universität .

  1. Names of trees and many types of flowers: die Espe (aspen), die Chrysantheme (chrysanthemum).

IMPORTANT: if the name of a tree ends with the word “baum” (der Baum - tree), the noun will be masculine. For example: der Kaffeebaum - coffee tree.

  1. Substantivized numerals (numerals that act as a noun): die Fünf (five), die Zehn (ten).

IMPORTANT: Numerals denoting quantity - average kind.

  1. Names of rivers in Germany: die Elbe - Elbe.

BUT: der Rhein - Rhine, der Main - Main, der Neckar - Neckar.

  1. Names of planes, ships, and brands of cigarettes.

die Boeing, die Titanic, die Kamel.

The masculine gender (der) in German is indicated by:

  1. Persons of biological masculine gender and profession, as well as masculine animals: der Vater (father), der Lehrer (teacher), der Kater (cat).
  1. Names of seasons, months, days of the week:

der Winter (winter), der August (August), der Montag (Monday).

  1. Names of cardinal directions and precipitation:

der Norden (north), der Nebel (fog).

  1. Nouns ending with the suffixes -ling, -el, -s, -ig, -ich, -s:

der Zwilling (twin), der Honig (honey), der Krebs (cancer)

  1. Words, usually of foreign origin, ending in the suffixes -ant, -ent, -ist, -loge, -eur, -är, -or, -ismus, -eur/ör. These nouns denote male persons:

der Student (student), der Pianist (pianist), der Millionär (millionaire).

  1. Nouns formed from a verb without additional suffixes:

der Lauf (running, from the word laufen - to run).

  1. Names of alcoholic drinks, as well as tea and coffee:

der Wein (wine), der Wodka (vodka), der Tee (tea).

BUT: das Bier (beer).

  1. Car brands:

der Opel, der Mercedes

  1. Mountain names:

der Elbrus (Elbrus).

  1. Names of minerals, gems and rocks:

der Smaragd (emerald), der Marmor (marble).

The neuter gender (das) in German is indicated by:

  1. Nouns with diminutive suffixes -chen, -lein.

das Mädchen, das Bächlein (stream).

  1. Most nouns have the suffixes -ir, -tum.

das Zeugnis (testimony), das Rittertum (knighthood).

  1. Most nouns have the prefix ge-.

das Gewitter (thunderstorm), das Gesicht (face).

  1. Verbs in the initial form that act as a noun.

das Lesen (reading), das Essen (eating).

  1. The names of hotels, cafes, cinemas, as well as the words themselves das Hotel (hotel, hotel), das Cafe (cafe), das Kino (cinema).
  1. Borrowings with suffixes -ett, -il, -ma, -o, -um.

das Paket package, parcel, das Exil (exile), das Klima (climate), das Konto (bank account), das Zentrum (center).

To reinforce new material, try the following exercises.

Lesson assignments

Exercises 1. Form feminine nouns from the following words:

Der Schüler, der Lehrer, der Arzt, der Student, der König, der Kellner, der Verkäufer, der Russe.

Exercise 2. Determine the gender of the noun, enter the desired article (der - masculine, das - neuter, die - feminine).

… Cafe, … Opel, … Druckerei, … Lesen, … Rubin, … Kommunist, … Klima, … Schnee, … Realität, … Wohnung, … Museum, … Geschwindigkeit, … Gedicht, … Vater, … Politik, … Schnelligkeit, … Liebe .

Answer 1:

Die Schülerin, die Lehrerin, die Arztin, die Studentin, die Königin, die Kellnerin, die Verkäuferin, die Russin.

das Cafe, der Opel, die Druckerei, das Lesen, der Rubin, der Kommunist, das Klima, der Schnee, die Realität, die Wohnung, das Museum, die Geschwindigkeit, das Gedicht, der Vater, die Politik, die Schnelligkeit, die Liebe .

The gender of nouns (nouns) in German is particularly difficult for language learners, since the gender of German words often does not coincide with the gender of Russian words, and sometimes even seems illogical (for example, der Busen - breast (female), das Mädel - girl, das Kind - child).

In the German language there are three genders of nouns: masculine (Maskulinum), feminine (Femininum) and neuter (Neutrum). They correspond to articles: ein and der – masculine, eine and die – feminine, ein and das – neuter. At the initial stage of learning, it is recommended to learn words immediately with an article, since it is often difficult to determine gender without an article. Those who consider themselves advanced in learning German will be helped to determine the type of meaning of words and their suffixes and prefixes. However, it is possible to determine the genus by following the rules in approximately 50% of cases.

As a rule, The masculine gender in German includes nouns. with the following suffixes:

  • -er-: der Lehrer, der Zucker, der Computer. BUT! das Messer, das Fenster, das Monster.
  • -ig-: der Honig, der Käfig, der Essig.
  • -ich-: der Teppich, der Anstrich, der Kranich.
  • -ling-: der Lehrling, der Frühling, der Zwilling. BUT! Die Reling
  • -el-: der Schlüssel, der Ärmel, der Apfel.
  • -s-: der Schnaps, der Keks, der Krebs.
  • -ismus-: der Hinduismus, der Kapitalismus, der Sozialismus.
  • -ant-: der Praktikant, der Demonstrant, der Lieferant.
  • -or-: der Motor, der Konduktor, der Rektor.
  • -eur-/ör: der Friseur, der Ingenieur, der Kollaborateur, der Likör.
  • -us-: der Zirkus, der Kasus, der Numerus.
  • -ent-: der Student, der Dozent, der Produzent.
  • -ist-: der Polizist, der Kommunist, der Spezialist.
  • -är-: der Revolutionär, der Reaktionär, der Millionär.
  • -loge-: der Kardiologe, der Philologe, der Biologe.
  • -and-: der Proband, der Doktorand, der Habilitand.
  • -ast-: der Gymnasiast, der Fantast, der Kontrast.

The following nouns also belong to the masculine gender:

  • formed from the root of the verb, sometimes with a change in the root vowel: der Schluss, der Fall, der Gang.
  • Some words with the suffix -e- (the so-called weak declension) denoting male creatures (animals, people, nationalities): der Hase, der Junge, der Zeuge, der Russe, der Pole...

Most nouns are feminine. with suffixes:

  • -e-: die Liebe, die Brille, die Schule. BUT! Der Name, das Interesse, das Ende.
  • -ung-: die Wohnung, die Übung, die Werbung.
  • -keit-: die Geschwindigkeit, die Kleinigkeit, die Höflichkeit.
  • -heit-: die Wahrheit, die Einheit, die Krankheit.
  • -schaft-: die Freundschaft, die Liebschaft, die Verwandtschaft.
  • -ei-: die Druckerei, die Polizei, die Bücherei.
  • -ie-: die Kopie, die Geographie, die Familie.
  • -ät-: die Universität, die Qualität, die Realität.
  • -itis-: die Bronchitis, die Pankreatitis, die Cholezystitis.
  • -ik-: die Musik, die Politik, die Klinik.
  • -ur-: die Kultur, die Frisur, die Temperatur.
  • -age-: die Reportage, die Garage, die Blamage.
  • -anz-: die Ignoranz, die Toleranz, die Distanz.
  • -enz-: die Intelligenz, die Existenz, die Tendenz.
  • -ion-: die Lektion, die Station, die Explosion.
  • -a-: die Kamera, die Ballerina, die Aula.
  • -ade-: die Olympiade, die Ballade, die Marmelade.
  • -ette-: die Tablette, die Pinzette, die Toilette.
  • -ose-: die Neurose, die Sklerose, die Psychose.
  • - st-, formed from the verbs: die Gunst, die Kunst. BUT! Der Verdienst.
  • -t-, formed from verbs: die Fahrt, die Macht, die Schrift.

The neuter gender includes nouns. with suffixes:

  • -chen-, sometimes with alternating vowels in the root: das Märchen, das Mütterchen, das Hähnchen.
  • -lein-, also with alternation in the root: das Büchlein, das Fräulein, das Kindlein.
  • -um-: das Museum, das Stadium, das Datum.
  • -ment-: das Regiment, das Document, das Engagement.
  • -ett-: das Ballett, das Tablett, das Büfett.
  • -ma-: das Thema, das Klima, das Schema.
  • -ing-: das Shopping, das Training, das Jogging. BUT! der Browning, der Pudding.
  • -o-: das Auto, das Konto, das Büro.
  • -in-: das Benzin, das Cholesterin, das Nikotin.

The neuter gender also includes:

  • verbal nouns formed from the infinitive: das Lesen, das Schreiben, das Hören.
  • most nouns ending -tum: das Christentum, das Altertum, das Eigentum. BUT! der Irrtum, der Reichtum.
  • most nouns ending -nis: das Ergebnis, das Bekenntnis, das Verständnis. BUT! die Erkenntnis, die Kenntnis, die Erlaubnis, die Finsternis.
  • most nouns with the prefix ge-: das Gedicht, das Gemüse, das Gelände. BUT! die Gefahr, die Geschichte.
  • substantivized adjectives: das Böse, das Gute, das Schlimmste.

Gender noun in German it can also be determined by meaning, although in this case there are even more exceptions.

So, The following names belong to the masculine gender:

  • living male creatures: der Vater, der Arzt, der König;
  • days of the week, months, seasons, parts of the world, natural phenomena: der Montag, der Winter, der Süden, der Schnee;
  • train car brands: Mercedes, VW, Express;
  • minerals, stones, incl. precious: der Sand, der Smaragd, der Rubin;
  • most drink names: der Wein, der Cognac, der Tee. BUT! Die Milch, das Bier, das Wasser.

The feminine gender names include:

  • females: die Frau, die Schwester, die Tochter. BUT! das Weib, das Mädel, das Fräulein;
  • trees and flowers, some fruits: die Birke, die Eiche, die Narzisse, die Mango. BUT! Der Apfel, der Pfirsich, das Vergissmeinnicht;
  • airplanes, ships, cigarette brands: die Boeing, die Falcon, die Titanic, die Europa, die Kamel, die Marlboro;
  • numbers: die Drei, die Zehn, die Million. BUT! das Dutzend.

The neuter gender includes names:

  • young creatures: das Kind, das Baby, das Ferkel;
  • metals and chemical elements: das Kalzium, das Eisen, das Jod. BUT! Der Schwefel, der Phosphor, complex nouns. with the root -stoff: der Wasserstoff, der Sauerstoff;
  • fractional numbers: das Viertel, das Drittel, das Zehntel;
  • countries, continents and cities: das alte Europa, das heiße Afrika, das kalte Sibirien. BUT! Die Schweiz, die Ukraine, die Niederlanden (pl), die USA (pl), die Türkei, die Slowakei, die Mongolei, der Iran, der Iraq, der Jemen, der Sudan;
  • physical units of measurement: das Volt, das Ampere, das Kilogramm.

The German language is famous for its compound words (those with 2 or more roots). The genus of such beings. determined by the last word:

Das Blei + der Stift = der Bleistift.

Die Reihe + das Haus = das Reihenhaus.

Das Schlafzimmer + die Tür = die Schlafzimmertür.

If you still have doubts and cannot accurately determine the gender of a being. in German, then don’t be lazy to look in the dictionary - then you definitely won’t make a mistake.

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