Numerology will accurately determine your compatibility by date of birth. Destiny number and love relationships

One of the main components of our happiness is a strong, stable relationship with a loved one. Numerology will help you find out how suitable you and your partner are for each other, and will also give you some tips on how to behave with this or that type of people so that your union becomes stronger over time.

To do this you will need calculate the karmic number for yourself and your partner. It will reflect the character, hidden talents and abilities of your loved one. This digital code will help you understand the motives for certain actions of your partner, and by comparing it with yours, you will find out how compatible you are in love, life, work and other general aspects.

There are a huge number of ways to calculate compatibility with a partner. Their results may not be equivalent, but this is what will help you get a complete picture of the person you are interested in.

We should not forget that we are all complex, multifaceted personalities, our mood can change several times a day, our actions can be thoughtless, we often trust our sixth sense and cannot explain to ourselves why we acted one way or another in some situation.

Therefore, if the number of your partner’s name is 3, and the number of fate is 8, this will mean that in your loved one the emotionality, demandingness and temper of the three and the friendliness, gallantry and smiling nature of the eight coexist perfectly.

You cannot take into account just one digital code of a person, this will give you an incomplete picture, since the perfect compatibility of your destiny numbers will not mean that your union will be strong if your birth numbers do not combine well.

Just as a good combination of numbers in a name can mean that you feel each other well, get along well in everyday life, the union will be stable and balanced, but if there is no spiritual closeness between you, achieving complete mutual understanding in love will not be easy.

By date of birth

Calculating a digital code by date of birth is one of the most popular and simple analyzes of compatibility with a partner. With its help you can get an idea of How well do your personal qualities match?, such as determination, character, stability, self-esteem, temperament and spirituality.

Take a blank piece of paper and write down your date of birth and your partner's date of birth in two columns. Write both dates in numbers; if you were born on May 22, 1985, then you need to write 5/22/1985.

The same goes for your partner’s date of birth. Now on the next line add up all the numbers in your date: 2+2+5+1+9+8+5. If you end up with a double-digit number, the result is inconclusive.

Rewrite it on the next line and add the resulting numbers again until you come to a single digit number. In our example it is 32, 3+2=5. This number will be your digital code based on your date of birth. Using the same principle, calculate the code of your significant other.

Now all you have to do is add both codes together to a single digit number, the result will be compatibility number for your couple by date of birth.

  1. Harmony and mutual trust prevail in your union, and all thanks to the boundless patience of one or both partners. You know how to appreciate and respect not only feelings, but also each other’s personal space.
  2. One of the most favorable results in numerology compatibility. In such a couple, the woman, as they say, is the neck, and the husband is the head, and support and respect for each other are the key to a long and strong relationship.
  3. In an alliance with triplets, partners may experience problems understanding each other. It will seem to you that your loved one is shutting yourself out and does not hear you, which is where quarrels and conflicts may arise. Such a union is often based on the strong sexual desire of the partners.
  4. Couples with fours are often socially active people. In addition to themselves, numerous friends, colleagues, and relatives are constantly present in the relationship. Because of this, they waste a lot of energy on those around them, remaining completely exhausted for each other.
  5. Fives are couples from Hollywood films. In them, one partner always tries to pamper and surprise the other, be it breakfast in bed, a bouquet of flowers or an unplanned romantic evening.
  6. An alliance with this code is most often formed by people with completely different temperaments. Partners may have a hard time with each other, but fours believe that all relationships are work and do not stop halfway.
  7. Sevens calculate everything in advance. In this couple, the relationship is reminiscent of a game of chess. Partners feel and understand each other perfectly. The most important thing is to prevent the players’ understatement from turning into insincerity.
  8. In this union, the man and woman are equal partners. Eights make wonderful parents. They know how to listen and hear each other.
  9. The most difficult compatibility number for a couple. Relationships are like a dog's romp in the manger. It’s hard for you to be together, but you can’t live away from each other either. Often in such unions, over time, a third person appears and the partners’ attention switches to him. This could be either a child or an affair.

By name

The numerology of a person's name can also tell a lot about his character and life path. Of no small importance is compatibility of partners by name code, since our name and date of birth are what we receive at the very beginning of our life journey. These numerological codes contain encrypted information that will help you avoid serious mistakes in your relationship with your loved one and show how compatible you are.

  1. T, L, L;
  2. B, K, G, M;
  3. E, P, R, A;
  4. Ш, З, Ж, Х;
  5. Sh, O, E, I;
  6. D, H, E;
  7. U, V, Y, J;
  8. C, S, B, F;
  9. I, N, Yu.

Let's look at the example of the names Tatyana and Miron.

T – 1, A – 3, T – 1, b – 1, I – 5, N – 9, A – 3 and M – 2, I – 9, P – 3, O – 5, N – 9

We add up the numbers in each name and get the number of the name Tatyana - 23, bring the result to the single-digit number 5, and the number of the name Miron - 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1. Now let’s check the compatibility of the name numbers using the two numerological codes received:

  1. People with this code are very enterprising and cannot sit still. Their active life position can sometimes suppress their partner. In relationships, they are well compatible with 5 and 9.
  2. Twos are inveterate realists and leaders. They will not let their partner waste time on dreams, but will draw up a plan and manage the process. Compatible with 3, 6 and 9.
  3. A person with such a numerological name number is balanced and harmonious. It is difficult for him to let someone into his life, carefully protecting his personal space. Compatible with 4.2 and 8.
  4. Fours are very trusting, which often makes them disappointed in people. For them the main thing is to find support and an ally in your partner, and together they can move mountains. Compatible with 3 and 4.
  5. Such people are partly infantile. They are always on their own, they know what they want from life, they are prudent. They will try to “beat” their partner in order to gain dominance in the relationship. Compatible with 5, 1 and 7.
  6. Sixes are ideal partners. They often put the interests of a loved one above their own, completely surrendering to feelings and emotions. Compatible with 2 and 9.
  7. The person with this code is a real optimist. He is able to find something good in everything, and masterfully knows how to nullify any conflicts. Rarely shares deeply personal thoughts and feelings with your partner. Compatible with 5 and 8.
  8. Eights love, appreciate and idolize their partner. But they require a lot of dedication. If they notice that they remain underestimated, they leave without regrets. Compatible with 3 and 7.
  9. The biggest drawback of people with this name number is vindictiveness. One rash act and you are already on the blacklist. Such people know their worth and will never waste their energy in vain. Compatible with 1, 2 and 6.

By last name

Compatibility analysis of lovers by last name is a kind of numerological compass that shows in which direction you are going at the moment. This is especially pronounced among women, since they can change at least one last name during their lives when they get married.

With a change of surname, the digital code changes, and, accordingly, a person’s life path. As a rule, when a woman takes her husband's surname, she thus aligns her destiny with the life of her husband, since from that moment on their compatibility by surname will be expressed by one numerical code.

Professional numerologists believe that the digital code of a surname largely influences the development of a person’s personality, his character and behavior. In order to calculate your surname number, you will need to convert each letter into a number using the table above in the compatibility analysis of partners by name.

For example, if your last name is Malinina, the calculation will be as follows:

M – 2, A – 3, L – 1, I – 9, N – 9, I – 9, N – 9, A – 3, then add up all the resulting numbers 2+3+1+9+9+9+9 +3=43=4+3=7. The result is your surname number. To find out if you are compatible with your partner, use the same algorithm to calculate the number of your soulmate. The meanings of the last name numbers coincide with the first name numbers.

Indian compatibility

Recently, one of the most popular trends in numerology has become the Indian horoscope of compatibility by date of birth. In India, such horoscopes are already recognized as official science, which is based on ancient numerological calculations and astrological manuscripts.

The main idea in such a horoscope is that our character, behavior and life are directly influenced by the date of birth. The Indian horoscope is based on the position of the Sun and Moon in relation to other stars. They divide our year into 27 periods, each of which is assigned a specific star and a totem animal - a patron.

  • 13.04 – 27.04. Ashivini. Animal – Horse. These are very liberated, freedom-loving people with a fine spiritual organization. They look for support and common interests in their companion.
  • 28.04 – 11.05. Bharani. Animal – Elephant. People by nature are hunters. They are quickly ignited with interest, but, having received theirs, they cool down just as quickly. They value the spirit of competition.
  • 12.05 – 25.05. Krittika. Animal – Sheep. Very emotional and passionate personalities. Their relationship resembles a hurricane, they love and know how to show their feelings to their partner. They are reluctant to get married.
  • 26.05 – 8.06. Rohini. Animal – Snake. They rarely take the first step in a relationship. Very shy and reserved. At the same time, it is this sign, as the Indian compatibility horoscope claims, that is capable of the deepest devotion.
  • 9.06 – 21.06. Mrigasira. Animal – Snake. People are arrogant and secretive. They don’t show their feelings and emotions to anyone. They will never accept a partner if he is inferior to them in intellectual development.
  • 22.06 – 5.07. Adra. Animal – Dog. Kind, calm, balanced people sometimes become hyperactive. In relationships they are often prone to self-sacrifice.
  • 6.07 – 19.07. Punarvasu. Animal – Cat. These people often get bored in relationships. Jealous and touchy.
  • 20.07 – 2.08. Pushia. Animal – Ram. Very sexy and flighty people. Rarely do they form long-term relationships.
  • 3.08 – 16.08. Ashlesha. Animal – Cat. With strangers they are cold and closed, but next to a loved one they blossom. People with self-esteem. In relationships - caring and tender.
  • 17.08 – 30.08. Magha. Animal – Rat. Power seekers. Passionate and emotional. They love and appreciate pleasure.
  • 31.08 – 13.09. Purva Falguni. Animal – Mouse. Often unbalanced. Throughout their lives they strive for debts and strong alliances, but do not know how to maintain them.
  • 14.09 – 27.09. Uttara Falguni. Animal – Buffalo. They look for obedience in a loved one. People are strong-willed, often caustic and sarcastic.
  • 28.09 – 9.10. Hasta. Animal – Buibolitsa. They are vulnerable and emotional, although they don’t show it outwardly. They look for support and support in everything from their companion.
  • 10.10 – 23.10. Chitra. Animal – Tigress. They are demanding and even cruel towards their partner. They often seek only sexual pleasure without starting a long-term relationship.
  • 24.10 – 6.11. Swati. Animal – Buffalo. Monogamous. They strive to financially provide for themselves and their loved one. Prone to early marriages.
  • 7.11 – 19.11. Visakha. Animal – Tiger. They are very sexy and unrestrained, which is why they are prone to cheating. This is not considered betrayal, since at heart they are always devoted to one partner.
  • 20.11 – 2.12. Anurada. Animal – Deer. Romantics by nature cannot imagine their lives without love. The partner is trusted unconditionally.
  • 2.12 – 15.12. Yeshta. Animal – Deer. For these people, the main aspect of a relationship is intimate life. Often very domineering and fickle.
  • 16.12 – 28.12. Mula. Animal – Mule. They don't like stability. They do not accept norms and rules of behavior. They are looking for a like-minded person in their companion.
  • 29.12 – 11.01. Purva Ashada. Animal – Monkey. Monogamous. They do not tolerate betrayal and insincerity. Very attached to their partner.
  • 12.01 – 24.01. Uttara Ashada. Animal – Mongoose. For a long time they cannot decide on the choice of a partner, they compare him with others, and look elsewhere. People are difficult, but serious.
  • 25.01 – 6.02. Shravana. Animal – Baboon. Individual farmers. They strive for a solitary lifestyle. They require the companion to respect personal space.
  • 7.02 – 19.02. Dhanishta. Animal – Lioness. Charismatic and strong-willed people. Very active and friendly. One of the most pleasant companions in life.
  • 20.02 – 4.03. Satabhisha. Animal – Horse. Rarely show their partner their interest and affection. Vulnerable and closed.
  • 5.03 – 17.03. Purva Bhadra. Animal – Leo. In relationships, they tend to idealize their partner, which is why they are often disappointed in him. By nature they are good-natured optimists.
  • 18.03 – 31.03. Uttara Bhadra. Animal – Cow. Maximalists. They are not afraid of loneliness. In relationships, they often take the piss and can easily break up.
  • 1.04 – 12.04. Revati. Animal – Elephant. They are always looking for a trick. Until the last moment they will doubt the sincerity and loyalty of their partner.

Love is a crazy and magical feeling that works wonders for lovers. It can last for years, or it can crash against the ship of everyday life and everyday problems in a short time. A romantic couple can become a strong and friendly family, or maybe fate will separate them for some petty reason. Finding out what awaits lovers ahead is not difficult - numerology will help, you just need to know the compatibility number of the couple by date of birth, thanks to which you will find out what the relationship is based on and what awaits them ahead, as well as whether you are suitable for each other or not, who dominates and much more.

To do this, you need to know the dates of birth of the girl and guy. So, he was born on 01/21/1980, and she was born on 05/22/1985, we calculate his number: 2+1+1+1+9+8+0=22=4, and then hers: 2+2+ 5+1+9+8+5=32=5. So, the female number is greater, which means she is dominant in this pair. Now we’ll find out how to characterize their couple. We count: 4+5=9.

Online calculation of a couple's compatibility number by date of birth:

Date of birth of first partner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November 1927 28 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 19 53 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1 978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 03 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Date of birth of the second partner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November 1927 28 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 19 53 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1 978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 03 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Your relationship is built on love and mutual trust. You value each other and respect the opinion of your partner, so there are rarely quarrels and scandals in your couple. But if suddenly some understatement or minor deception appears, you will definitely tell about it, putting everything in its place, so that everything will be as before - peaceful and calm.

Your relationship is like a tug of war, you try to prove that you are right, sometimes even offending your other half. However, it is precisely such disputes and bickering that make your couple strong and strong. The main thing is that you love each other, even if there are serious scandals.

There is always someone third present in your relationship - parents, boyfriends, relatives or even animals, over whom there are serious quarrels. However, your couple simply needs a third person, thanks to him you can show your superiority, prove you are right and, in the end, play the role of the offended and insulted, so that they will pity and caress you.

It is always difficult for you to find a common language, that is, emotionally you are different, but physically, you are like a key and a lock, so your relationship can be called stable. However, they are short-lived, someone will definitely want to stop them. And someone from the outside will help you with this.

Your relationship is strong and correct: on all holidays there are gifts and flowers that your significant other loves, you always know how to avoid conflicts, since this is wrong! But still, someone in your couple will want to change the calm course of life, changing it to a more acute one, so that there are emotions and unpredictability.

Your relationship is thoughtful, since the girl is beautiful and well-groomed with a lovely figure, and the guy is friendly, smiling and always gallant, or, conversely, the man is handsome, and the woman is calm and balanced. But there is one BUT in your couple - insincerity!

Your couple is complex, both from an emotional point of view - you are hot-tempered and unbalanced, and from a physical point of view - he is demanding, she is frigid, or vice versa. But still, there is a big plus in your couple - you are both patient with each other’s shortcomings, so your relationship will be long and strong.

Your relationship cannot be called ideal; most likely, you are united by some common goal, for example, you see each other as good parents or promising specialists. This is what draws you to each other. True, when the common goal ceases to be such, your couple may end up existing.

It’s difficult for you to be with each other, but you can’t live separately either. But such feelings will not last forever; nevertheless, the moment will come when a person will appear in life who can win one of you over to his side, and your couple will cease to be a couple.

Numerology is an ancient and interesting science that allows you to determine not only the psychological portrait of a person, but also learn a lot about health, talents, and the future. Determining the compatibility of people using numerology is an important technique, as it allows you to know in advance the outcome or outcome of a relationship and how best to behave. If you have been communicating for a long time or live together with a partner, you will be able to learn more about your relationship, and perhaps solve the problem of misunderstanding.

Do some simple calculations. Write the date of birth (yours and your partner's) in one line without zeros. Add up all the numbers. Subtract 22 from the resulting number until you get a number less than 22. This way you will get a numerological index of your compatibility.

Example. Anna was born on 02/25/1980, Nikolai’s date of birth was 03/23/1978
We write out all the numbers in a row without zeros and add them up
2521982331978 = 60 Subtract 22 to get 38 and subtract 22 again. Index 16.

Now look at the value of this index in the table.

1 - In such relationships there will always be a question of leadership. Someone, usually a man, will strive to lead the relationship, impose his will and his laws. Try not to conflict about this, it will not lead to anything good. Relationships are creative, interesting, a lot depends on the mood of the partners, a lot can be changed. It’s good for you to work together.
2 - Soft, harmonious relationships. Soul kinship. You understand each other perfectly. Each partner has a rich inner world and a strong imagination. This is a very favorable relationship.
3 - Good relationship. Which most often lead to marriage. Maybe the birth of a child. Relationships that bring money and stability. However, don't let others interfere in your life. Especially mothers. In this union, the woman will play the main role.
4 - Relationships. In which the main role is played by a man. Lots of passion and emotions. Don't let jealousy ruin everything. You will want to completely own your loved one, and this is selfishness. Don't let gossip ruin your union.
5 - An important union in your life. Humans will play a significant role. Social differences can get in the way here. Or a difference in interests, outlook on life. Your partner will become your teacher and advisor. Or you will become his guiding star.
6 - The most harmonious of all unions. These are the strongest marriages. Mutual love, harmony and tranquility. However, at first it may be difficult to fully understand each other. Don't worry, everything comes with time.
7 - Very dynamic relationships, a lot of changes, trips, communication. Lots of inconstancy. There may be betrayals. Usually such relationships end quickly. Don't rush into making an important decision about your loved one! High chance of error.
8 - This is more of a business union than a love one. Karmic relationships. In a past life, you did something wrong to each other. In this life you must work out your mistakes. Such relationships are difficult to break.
We need to work on ourselves. You shouldn't change your partner.
9 - Difficult relationships. Everyone for themselves. You may feel very lonely in this union. Lack of affection, attention, warmth.
Such an alliance eventually falls apart. This is also unrequited love. You love, but you don’t! Or vice versa!
10 - a very happy relationship. She will bring success and good luck. A person is sent into your life as a lifeline. It will greatly expand
horizons of your capabilities. It can also be a relationship of convenience. In any case, everything will end well!
11 - Difficult relationships. Both partners have very strong characters.
Everyone is trying to dominate. Hence the conflicts and discord. Third parties may intervene. Treason. We need to adapt to each other, find a compromise. Otherwise the relationship will fall apart. Very good compatibility in sex.
12 - You will go to great lengths for this relationship. It's always sacrifices. You can endure a lot for the sake of your love. This is a complex, karmic relationship. Unrequited feelings. Grievances. Misunderstanding. This relationship will leave a deep imprint on your soul.
13 - Bad alliance. Sooner or later it will fall apart like a house of cards.
Energy incompatibility between partners. Dangerous relationship. Violence in marriage.
14 - Calm, even relationships. This is one of the best compatibility options. You understand each other, there are common goals, common interests. Long and stable relationship.
15 - Danger! Such an alliance is built on manipulation and blackmail. One of the partners tied up another. Severe sexual addiction. Perversions. Black magic. Love spell! Try not to connect your life with this person.
16 - Very unstable relationships. Constant swearing, quarrels. As a result, divorce. You don't fit in with each other. The relationship is dangerous for both partners. Close people can have a strong influence.
Energy vampirism.
17 - A wonderful union. You complement each other well. A man has been sent to you by your guardian angel. Great future. Collaborative creativity.
18 - There are many misconceptions and illusions in relationships. You haven’t fully understood who is next to you. Deception of treason. Get down to the ground.
The danger of making the wrong choice. You cannot use magic to harmonize relationships. Especially the black love spell!
19 - Great. Warm and harmonious relationships. The birth of healthy and happy children. Real love. Understanding. Support.
20 - At the first stage, such relationships can be quite complex.
You will adapt to each other. However, very quickly the problems will fade into the background. Strong feelings will appear. Overall it's a good relationship. The main thing is to give time to get used to each other. This is a loyal friendship.
21- Peace, tranquility, harmony. Strong marriage. Serious intentions. Taking care of each other. Excellent energy compatibility.
22 - Very unpredictable relationships. Thirst for freedom. Your partner may be a very unconventional person. This is a volcano that can explode at any moment. It takes a lot of effort to make this relationship smooth and calm. Divorce is likely!

The reality is that among all the people you meet throughout your life, only a select few have the set of personal qualities suitable for a harmonious relationship.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the likelihood of choosing “your person” based on first impression is small. At the beginning of an acquaintance, a person tries to show himself from the best side, and “inappropriate” qualities often come to the surface after visiting the registry office. Even those negative aspects that are visible to others are ignored by the partners themselves due to mutual attraction. Therefore, not finding out compatibility for a couple in advance is simply thoughtless.

This opportunity is provided by numerology by date of birth; compatibility in it is calculated based on the analysis of two numerological charts. At the same time, the horoscope reveals harmonious digital combinations in various areas. The more such successful matches, the higher the level of success of the relationship. The nature of such similar combinations indicates the nature of the future connection: from light flirting to long-term partnership and marriage.

Calculation of compatibility using the Pythagorean square (psychomatrix)

The founder of numerology, Pythagoras, received knowledge about digital matrices from the priests of Ancient Egypt. An adapted version of the secret tables has survived to this day and allows everyone to calculate compatibility using the psychomatrix.

Since the analysis of the psychomatrix is ​​carried out on all qualities of two personalities without exception, complete similarity of all parameters is a rather rare case. If we assume that people with ideal compatibility have met, they are unlikely to have the desire to test the stability of their happy union. Therefore, a person who is trying to find an ideal partner with an identical psychomatrix may simply waste precious time.

It would be much more reasonable to assess the similarity in key life positions. Using the Pythagorean square, compatibility can be calculated based on such priority character traits as determination, desire for family, stability, level of self-esteem and many others.

We invite you to calculate compatibility using the Pythagorean square online to find out the secret vibration of the combination of digital codes of a couple. According to the rules of numerology, numbers cannot carry positive or negative information; they only convey a flow of energy that can change and prevent unwanted situations in the future.

What does compatibility of signs according to the Pythagorean square give in reality? You receive specific answers to questions that are inevitable in the process of building a relationship with your chosen one. Does he want and can he become a reliable partner? What actions can be expected from him in vital situations?

By predicting the development of relationships in advance, many complications can be avoided. In particular, do not demand from a loved one what is obviously impossible.

Remember that knowing compatibility according to the psychomatrix, any relationship can be made more harmonious. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to just reading the results of fortune telling. Every meeting in life does not happen by chance; the compatibility horoscope according to the Pythagorean square will help you understand what the greatest soothsayer - Fate - has in store for you.

An initially compatible partner will, of course, be ideal for a love match. But do not forget that if people are incompatible in character, but have spiritual unity, they will always be able to find a compromise solution, which is so necessary in any relationship. All disagreements will be perceived by such partners in one key - as an annoying obstacle that needs to be overcome as quickly as possible.

Two complementary techniques - the Pythagorean square, compatibility by date of birth - will help you create the most complete picture of your karmic combinations, as well as a true vision of probable contradictions and ways to eliminate them.

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