Presentation “History of the development of computer technology. History of computer technology - presentation Presentation on computer science history of the development of computer technology

Lesson topic: History of the development of computer technology Lesson objectives:

  • Get acquainted with the main stages of the development of computer technology.
  • Study the history of the development of domestic and foreign computer technology.
The main stages of the development of computer technology
  • Computing in the pre-electronic era.
  • 2. First generation computer.
  • 3. Second generation computer.
  • 4. Third generation computer.
  • 5. Personal computers.
  • 6. Modern supercomputers.
  • The need to count objects in humans arose in prehistoric times. The oldest method of counting objects was to compare objects of a certain group (for example, animals) with objects of another group, playing the role of a counting standard. For most peoples, the first such standard was fingers (counting on fingers).
  • The expanding needs for counting forced people to use other counting standards (notches on a stick, knots on a rope, etc.).
Computing in the pre-electronic era
  • Every schoolchild is familiar with counting sticks, which were used as a counting standard in the first grade.
  • In the ancient world, when counting large quantities of objects, a new sign began to be used to indicate a certain number of them (for most peoples - ten), for example, a notch on another stick. The first computing device to use this method was the abacus.
Computing in the pre-electronic era
  • The ancient Greek abacus was a plank sprinkled with sea sand. There were grooves in the sand, on which numbers were marked with pebbles. One groove corresponded to units, the other to tens, etc. If more than 10 pebbles were collected in one groove when counting, they were removed and one pebble was added to the next digit. The Romans improved the abacus, moving from sand and pebbles to marble boards with chiseled grooves and marble balls.
  • Abacus
Computing in the pre-electronic era
  • As economic activities and social relations became more complex (monetary payments, problems of measuring distances, time, areas, etc.), the need for arithmetic calculations arose.
  • To perform the simplest arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction), they began to use the abacus, and after centuries, the abacus.
  • In Russia, abacus appeared in the 16th century.
Computing in the pre-electronic era
  • The development of science and technology required increasingly complex mathematical calculations, and in the 19th century mechanical calculating machines - adding machines - were invented. Arithmometers could not only add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers, but also remember intermediate results, print calculation results, etc.
  • Adding machine
Computing in the pre-electronic era
  • In the middle of the 19th century, the English mathematician Charles Babbage put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a program-controlled calculating machine that had an arithmetic unit, a control unit, as well as input and printing devices.
  • Charles Babbage
  • 26.12.1791 - 18.10.1871
Computing in the pre-electronic era
  • Babbage's Analytical Engine (the prototype of modern computers) was built by enthusiasts from the London Science Museum based on surviving descriptions and drawings. The analytical machine consists of four thousand steel parts and weighs three tons.
  • Babbage's Analytical Engine
Computing in the pre-electronic era
  • The calculations were carried out by the Analytical Engine in accordance with the instructions (programs) developed by Lady Ada Lovelace (daughter of the English poet George Byron).
  • Countess Lovelace is considered the first computer programmer, and the ADA programming language is named after her.
  • Ada Lovelace
  • 10.12 1815 - 27.11.1852
Computing in the pre-electronic era
  • Programs were recorded on punched cards by punching holes in thick paper cards in a certain order. The punched cards were then placed into the Analytical Engine, which read the location of the holes and performed computational operations in accordance with a given program.
First generation computer
  • In the 40s of the 20th century, work began on the creation of the first electronic computers, in which vacuum tubes replaced mechanical parts. First-generation computers required large halls for their placement, since they used tens of thousands of vacuum tubes. Such computers were created in single copies, were very expensive and were installed in the largest research centers.
First generation computer
  • In 1945, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer - electronic numerical integrator and calculator) was built in the USA, and in 1950, MESM (Small Electronic Computing Machine) was created in the USSR.
  • MESM
First generation computer
  • First-generation computers could perform calculations at a speed of several thousand operations per second, the execution sequence of which was specified by programs. Programs were written in machine language, the alphabet of which consisted of two characters: 1 and 0. Programs were entered into the computer using punched cards or punched tapes, and the presence of a hole on the punched card corresponded to the 1 sign, and its absence – to the 0 sign.
  • The results of calculations were output by printing devices in the form of long sequences of zeros and ones. Only qualified programmers who understood the language of the first computers could write programs in machine language and decipher the results of calculations.
Second generation computer
  • In the 60s of the 20th century, second-generation computers were created based on a new elemental base - transistors, which are tens and hundreds of times smaller in size and weight, higher reliability and consume significantly less electrical power than vacuum tubes. Such computers were produced in small series and installed in large research centers and leading higher educational institutions.
Second generation computer
  • In the USSR, in 1967, the most powerful second-generation computer in Europe, BESM-6 (Big Electronic Calculating Machine), which could perform 1 million operations per second, came into operation.
  • BESM-6 used 260 thousand transistors, external memory devices on magnetic tape, as well as alphanumeric printing devices to output calculation results.
  • The work of programmers in developing programs has been significantly simplified, since it began to be carried out using high-level programming languages ​​(Algol, BASIC, etc.).
  • BESM - 6
Third generation computer
  • Since the 70s of the last century, integrated circuits began to be used as the elemental base of third-generation computers. An integrated circuit (a small semiconductor wafer) can have thousands of transistors packed tightly together, each about the size of a human hair.
Third generation computer
  • Computers based on integrated circuits have become much more compact, fast and cheaper. Such mini-computers were produced in large series and were available to most scientific institutes and higher educational institutions.
  • The first minicomputer
Personal computers
  • The development of high technologies has led to the creation of large integrated circuits - LSIs, including tens of thousands of transistors. This made it possible to begin producing compact personal computers available to the masses.
  • The first personal computer was the Apple II (the “grandfather” of modern Macintosh computers), created in 1977. In 1982, IBM began manufacturing IBM PC personal computers (the “grandfathers” of modern IBM-compatible computers).
  • Apple II
Personal computers
  • Modern personal computers are compact and have thousands of times greater speed compared to the first personal computers (they can perform several billion operations per second). Every year, almost 200 million computers are produced around the world, affordable for the mass consumer.
  • Personal computers can be of various designs: desktop, portable (laptops) and pocket (palms).
  • Modern PCs
Modern supercomputers
  • These are multiprocessor systems that achieve very high performance and can be used for real-time calculations in meteorology, military affairs, science, etc.

Counting on fingers Finger counting goes back to ancient times, being found in one form or another among all peoples even today. Famous medieval mathematicians recommended finger counting as an auxiliary tool, allowing for fairly effective counting systems.

Counting with objects For example, the peoples of pre-Columbian America had highly developed knot counting. Moreover, the system of nodules also served as a kind of chronicles and annals, having a rather complex structure. However, using it required good memory training. To make the counting process more convenient, primitive man began to use other devices instead of fingers. The counting results were recorded in various ways: notching, counting sticks, knots, etc.

Abacus and abacus Counting with the help of grouping and rearranging objects was the predecessor of counting on the abacus - the most developed counting device of antiquity, which has survived to this day in the form of various types of abacus. The abacus was the first developed calculating device in the history of mankind, the main difference of which from previous methods of calculation was the performance of calculations by digits. Well adapted to perform addition and subtraction operations, the abacus turned out to be an insufficiently efficient device for performing multiplication and division operations.

The logarithms introduced in 1614 by J. Napier had a revolutionary impact on the entire subsequent development of calculation, which was greatly facilitated by the appearance of a number of logarithmic tables calculated both by Napier himself and by a number of other calculators known at that time. Subsequently, a number of modifications of logarithmic tables appeared. However, in practical work, the use of logarithmic tables has a number of inconveniences, so J. Napier, as an alternative method, proposed special counting sticks (later called Napier sticks), which made it possible to perform multiplication and division operations directly on the original numbers. Napier based this method on the lattice multiplication method. Along with sticks, Napier proposed a counting board for performing the operations of multiplication, division, squaring and square root in binary s.s., thereby anticipating the advantages of such a number system for automating calculations. Logarithms served as the basis for the creation of a wonderful computing tool - the slide rule, which has served engineers and technicians around the world for more than 360 years. Napier sticks and slide rule

In 1623, the German scientist Wilhelm Schickard proposed his solution based on a six-digit decimal calculator, which also consisted of gears, designed to perform addition, subtraction, as well as table multiplication and division. The first actually implemented and well-known mechanical digital computing device was " Pascal", created by the French scientist Blaise Pascal. It was a six- or eight-digit geared device capable of adding and subtracting decimal numbers. Chiccard and Pascal machine

1673 Thirty years after Pascalina, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's "arithmetic instrument" appeared - a twelve-digit decimal device for performing arithmetic operations, including multiplication and division. End of the 18th century. Joseph Jacquard creates a program-controlled weaving loom using punched cards. Gaspard de Prony develops a new computing technology in three stages: developing a numerical method, drawing up a program for a sequence of arithmetic operations, and carrying out calculations by arithmetic operations on numbers in accordance with the left program.

Babbage's brilliant idea was realized by Howard Aiken, an American scientist who created the first relay-mechanical computer in the United States in 1944. Its main blocks - arithmetic and memory - were executed on gear wheels. Charles Babbage develops a project for the Analytical Engine, a mechanical universal digital computer with program control. Separate machine components were created. It was not possible to create the entire machine due to its bulkiness. Babbage's Analytical Engine

At the end of the 19th century. More complex mechanical devices were created. The most important of these was a device developed by the American Herman Hollerith. Its uniqueness lay in the fact that it was the first to use the idea of ​​punched cards and calculations were carried out using electric current. In 1897, Hollerith organized a company that later became known as IBM. Hermann Hollerith's machine The largest projects at the same time were carried out in Germany (K. Zuse) and the USA (D. Atanasov, G. Aiken and D. Stieblitz). These projects can be considered as direct predecessors of mainframe computers.

Gg. In England, with the participation of Alan Turing, the Colossus computer was created. It already had 2000 vacuum tubes. The machine was intended to decipher radiograms of the German Wehrmacht. Under the leadership of the American Howard Aiken, by order and with the support of IBM, Mark-1 was created - the first program-controlled computer. It was built on electromechanical relays, and the data processing program was entered from punched tape. Colossus and Mark-1

First generation computers 1946 – 1958 The main element is an electron tube. Due to the fact that the height of the glass lamp is 7 cm, the machines were huge. Every 7-8 min. one of the lamps was failing, and since there were thousands of them in the computer, it took a lot of time to find and replace a damaged lamp. Numbers were entered into the machines using punched cards, and software control was carried out, for example in ENIAC, using plugs and typed fields. Once all the lamps were working, the engineering staff could tune the ENIAC to a task by manually changing the wiring connections.

Machines of the first generation Machines of this generation: “BESM”, “ENIAC”, “MESM”, “IBM-701”, “Strela”, “M-2”, “M-3”, “Ural”, “Ural-2” , “Minsk-1”, “Minsk-12”, “M-20”. These machines took up a large area and used a lot of electricity. Their performance did not exceed 23 thousand operations per second, and their RAM did not exceed 2 KB.

Second generation computers 1959 – 1967 The main element is semiconductor transistors. The first transistor was able to replace ~40 vacuum tubes and operates at high speed. Magnetic tapes and magnetic cores were used as information storage media; high-performance devices for working with magnetic tapes, magnetic drums and the first magnetic disks appeared. Much attention began to be paid to the creation of system software, compilers and input-output tools.

Second-generation machines In the USSR, in 1967, the most powerful second-generation computer in Europe, BESM-6 (High-Speed ​​Electronic Calculating Machine 6), came into operation. Also at the same time, the Minsk-2 and Ural-14 computers were created. The appearance of semiconductor elements in electronic circuits significantly increased the capacity of RAM, the reliability and speed of computers. Dimensions, weight and power consumption have decreased. The machines were intended to solve various labor-intensive scientific and technical problems, as well as to control technological processes in production.

Third generation computers 1968–1974 The main element is an integrated circuit. In 1958, Robert Noyce invented the small silicon integrated circuit, which could house dozens of transistors in a small area. One IC can replace tens of thousands of transistors. One crystal does the same work as a 30-ton Eniak. And a computer using IC achieves performance in operations per second. At the end of the 60s, semiconductor memory appeared, which is still used in personal computers as operational memory. In 1964, IBM announced the creation of six models of the IBM 360 (System360) family, which became the first third-generation computers.

Third generation cars. Third generation machines have advanced operating systems. They have multi-programming capabilities, i.e. simultaneous execution of several programs. Many tasks of managing memory, devices and resources began to be taken over by the operating system or the machine itself. Examples of third-generation machines are the IBM-360, IBM-370 families, ES EVM (Unified Computer System), SM EVM (Family of Small Computers), etc. The performance of machines within the family varies from several tens of thousands to millions of operations per second. The capacity of RAM reaches several hundred thousand words.

Fourth generation computer 1975 – present The main element is a large integrated circuit. Since the early 80s, thanks to the advent of personal computers, computing technology has become widespread and accessible to the public. From a structural point of view, machines of this generation are multiprocessor and multi-machine complexes operating on a common memory and a common field of external devices. RAM capacity is about 1 – 64 MB. "Elbrus" "Mac"

Personal computers Modern personal computers are compact and have thousands of times greater speed compared to the first personal computers (they can perform several billion operations per second). Every year, almost 200 million computers are produced around the world, affordable for the mass consumer. Large computers and supercomputers continue to develop. But now they are no longer dominant as they were before.

Prospects for the development of computer technology. In about years, molecular computers, quantum computers, biocomputers and optical computers should appear. The computer of the future will make human life easier and more tenfold. According to scientists and researchers, personal computers will change dramatically in the near future, as new technologies are being developed that have never been used before.

Von Neumann principles 1. Arithmetic-logical unit (performs all arithmetic and logical operations); 2. Control device (which organizes the process of executing programs); 3. Storage device (memory for storing information); 4.Input and output devices (allows you to input and output information).

1.A device for entering information by pressing buttons. 2.A device with which you can connect to the Internet. 3.A device that outputs information from a computer onto paper. 4.Device for entering information. 5. Device for displaying information on the screen. 6.A device that copies any information to a computer from paper. CROSSWORD

Sources of information. 1.N.D. Ugrinovich Informatics and ICT: textbook for 11th grade. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Virtual Museum of Computer Science Virtual Museum of Computer Science Wikipedia - virtual encyclopedia

People learned to count using their own fingers. When this was not enough, the simplest counting devices appeared. ABAK, which became widespread in the ancient world, occupied a special place among them. People learned to count using their own fingers. When this was not enough, the simplest counting devices appeared. ABAK, which became widespread in the ancient world, occupied a special place among them. Making an abacus is not at all difficult, just line a board in columns or simply draw columns on the sand. Each column was assigned a number digit value: units, tens, hundreds, thousands. Numbers were indicated by a set of pebbles, shells, twigs, etc., arranged in different columns - ranks. By adding or removing this or that number of pebbles from the corresponding columns, it was possible to perform addition or subtraction, and even multiplication and division as repeated addition and subtraction, respectively. Making an abacus is not at all difficult, just line a board in columns or simply draw columns on the sand. Each column was assigned a number digit value: units, tens, hundreds, thousands. Numbers were indicated by a set of pebbles, shells, twigs, etc., arranged in different columns - ranks. By adding or removing this or that number of pebbles from the corresponding columns, it was possible to perform addition or subtraction, and even multiplication and division as repeated addition and subtraction, respectively.

The Russian abacus is very similar in principle to the abacus. Instead of columns, they have horizontal guides with bones. In Rus', abacus was used simply masterfully. They were an indispensable tool for traders, clerks, and officials. From Russia, this simple and useful device penetrated into Europe. The Russian abacus is very similar in principle to the abacus. Instead of columns, they have horizontal guides with bones. In Rus', abacus was used simply masterfully. They were an indispensable tool for traders, clerks, and officials. From Russia, this simple and useful device penetrated into Europe.

The first mechanical calculating device was a calculating machine built in 1642 by the outstanding French scientist Blaise Pascal. The first mechanical calculating device was a calculating machine built in 1642 by the eminent French scientist Blaise Pascal. Pascal's mechanical "computer" could add and subtract. “Pascalina,” as the car was called, consisted of a set of vertically mounted wheels with numbers from 0 to 9 printed on them. When the wheel turned completely, it engaged with the adjacent wheel and turned it by one division. The number of wheels determined the number of digits - so, two wheels made it possible to count up to 99, three - up to 999, and five wheels made the car “knowledgeable” even such large numbers as Counting on Pascaline was very simple. Pascal's mechanical "computer" could add and subtract. “Pascalina,” as the car was called, consisted of a set of vertically mounted wheels with numbers from 0 to 9 printed on them. When the wheel turned completely, it engaged with the adjacent wheel and turned it by one division. The number of wheels determined the number of digits - so, two wheels made it possible to count up to 99, three - up to 999, and five wheels made the car “know” even such large numbers as Counting on Pascaline was very simple.

In 1673, the German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz created a mechanical adding device that not only added and subtracted, but also multiplied and divided. Leibniz's machine was more complex than Pascalina. In 1673, the German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz created a mechanical adding device that not only added and subtracted, but also multiplied and divided. Leibniz's machine was more complex than Pascalina.

The number wheels, now geared, had teeth of nine different lengths, and calculations were made by the clutch of the wheels. It was the slightly modified Leibniz wheels that became the basis for mass calculating instruments - arithmometers, which were widely used not only in the 19th century, but also relatively recently by our grandparents. The number wheels, now geared, had teeth of nine different lengths, and calculations were made by the clutch of the wheels. It was the slightly modified Leibniz wheels that became the basis for mass calculating instruments - arithmometers, which were widely used not only in the 19th century, but also relatively recently by our grandparents. There are scientists in the history of computing whose names, associated with the most significant discoveries in this field, are known today even to non-specialists. Among them is the 19th-century English mathematician Charles Babbage, who is often called the “father of modern computing.” In 1823, Babbage began working on his computer, which consisted of two parts: calculating and printing. The machine was intended to help the British Maritime Department to compile various nautical tables. There are scientists in the history of computing whose names, associated with the most significant discoveries in this field, are known today even to non-specialists. Among them is the 19th-century English mathematician Charles Babbage, who is often called the “father of modern computing.” In 1823, Babbage began working on his computer, which consisted of two parts: calculating and printing. The machine was intended to help the British Maritime Department to compile various nautical tables.

The first, calculating part of the machine was almost completed by 1833, and the second, printing part, was almost half completed when costs exceeded pounds sterling (about dollars). There was no more money, and the work had to be closed. The first, calculating part of the machine was almost completed by 1833, and the second, printing part, was almost half completed when costs exceeded pounds sterling (about dollars). There was no more money, and the work had to be closed. Although Babbage's machine was not finished, its creator put forward ideas that formed the basis for the design of all modern computers. Babbage came to the conclusion that a computing machine must have a device for storing numbers intended for calculations, as well as instructions (commands) for the machine on what to do with these numbers. The commands that followed one after another were called the “program” of the computer, and the device for storing information was called the “memory” of the machine. However, storing numbers even with a program is only half the battle. The main thing is that the machine must perform the operations specified in the program with these numbers. Babbage realized that for this the machine must have a special computing unit - a processor. It is on this principle that modern computers are designed. Although Babbage's machine was not finished, its creator put forward ideas that formed the basis for the design of all modern computers. Babbage came to the conclusion that a computing machine must have a device for storing numbers intended for calculations, as well as instructions (commands) for the machine on what to do with these numbers. The commands that followed one after another were called the “program” of the computer, and the device for storing information was called the “memory” of the machine. However, storing numbers even with a program is only half the battle. The main thing is that the machine must perform the operations specified in the program with these numbers. Babbage realized that for this the machine must have a special computing unit - a processor. It is on this principle that modern computers are designed. Babbage's scientific ideas captivated the daughter of the famous English poet Lord Babbage's scientific ideas captivated the daughter of the famous English poet Lord George Byron - Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace. At that time there were no such concepts as computer programming, but nevertheless, Ada Lovelace is rightfully considered the world’s first programmer - this is how people capable of George Byron are now called - Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace. At that time, there were no such concepts as computer programming, but nevertheless, Ada Lovelace is rightfully considered the world’s first programmer - this is what people are now called who are able to “explain” its tasks in a language understandable to a machine. The fact is that Babbage did not leave a single complete description of the machine he invented. This was done by one of his students in an article in French. Ada Lovelace translated it into English, adding her own programs that the machine could use to carry out complex mathematical calculations. As a result, the original volume of the article tripled, and Babbage had the opportunity to demonstrate the power of his machine. Many of the concepts introduced by Ada Lovelace in the descriptions of those world's first programs are widely used by modern programmers. One of the most modern and advanced computer programming languages ​​- ADA - is named after the world's first programmer. “explain” its tasks in a machine-understandable language. The fact is that Babbage did not leave a single complete description of the machine he invented. This was done by one of his students in an article in French. Ada Lovelace translated it into English, adding her own programs that the machine could use to carry out complex mathematical calculations. As a result, the original volume of the article tripled, and Babbage had the opportunity to demonstrate the power of his machine. Many of the concepts introduced by Ada Lovelace in the descriptions of those world's first programs are widely used by modern programmers. One of the most modern and advanced computer programming languages, ADA, is named after the world’s first programmer.

New technologies of the twentieth century turned out to be inextricably linked with electricity. Soon after the appearance of vacuum tubes, in 1918, the Soviet scientist M.A. Bonch-Bruevich invented a tube trigger - an electronic device capable of storing electrical signals. New technologies of the twentieth century turned out to be inextricably linked with electricity. Soon after the appearance of vacuum tubes, in 1918, the Soviet scientist M.A. Bonch-Bruevich invented a tube trigger - an electronic device capable of storing electrical signals. The principle of operation of the trigger is similar to a swing with latches installed at the upper points of the swing. When the swing reaches one top point, the latch will work, the swing will stop, and they can remain in this stable state for as long as desired. The latch will open - the swing will resume to another upper point, the latch will also work here, stop again, and so on - as many times as you like.

The first computers were considered thousands of times faster than mechanical calculating machines, but were very bulky. The computer occupied a room measuring 9 x 15 m, weighed about 30 tons and consumed 150 kilowatts per hour. This computer contained about 18 thousand vacuum tubes. The first computers were considered thousands of times faster than mechanical calculating machines, but were very bulky. The computer occupied a room measuring 9 x 15 m, weighed about 30 tons and consumed 150 kilowatts per hour. This computer contained about 18 thousand vacuum tubes.

The second generation of electronic computers owes its appearance to the most important electronics invention of the twentieth century - the transistor. The miniature semiconductor device has made it possible to dramatically reduce the size of computers and reduce power consumption. The speed of computers has increased to a million operations per second. The second generation of electronic computers owes its appearance to the most important electronics invention of the twentieth century - the transistor. The miniature semiconductor device has made it possible to dramatically reduce the size of computers and reduce power consumption. The speed of computers has increased to a million operations per second. The invention in 1950 of integrated circuits - semiconductor crystals containing a large number of interconnected transistors and other elements - made it possible to reduce the number of electronic elements in a computer hundreds of times. Third-generation computers based on integrated circuits appeared in 1964. The invention in 1950 of integrated circuits - semiconductor crystals containing a large number of interconnected transistors and other elements - made it possible to reduce the number of electronic elements in a computer hundreds of times. Third-generation computers based on integrated circuits appeared in 1964.

In June 1971, a very complex universal integrated circuit, called a microprocessor, was first developed - the most important element of fourth-generation computers. In June 1971, a very complex universal integrated circuit, called a microprocessor, was first developed - the most important element of fourth-generation computers.

The final step in the evolution of digital computing devices (mechanical type) was taken by the English scientist Charles Babbage. The Analytical Engine, the project of which he developed in 1836-1848, was a mechanical prototype of computers that appeared a century later. It was supposed to have the same five main devices as in a computer: arithmetic, memory, control, input, output. For the arithmetic device, C. Babbage used gears similar to those used earlier. Using them, C. Babbage intended to build a memory device from 1000 50-bit registers (50 wheels in each!). The calculation program was written on punched cards (punched), and the original data and calculation results were also recorded on them. The number of operations, in addition to four arithmetic ones, included a conditional jump operation and operations with instruction codes. Automatic execution of the calculation program was provided by the control device. The time for adding two 50-bit decimal numbers, according to the scientist’s calculations, was 1 s, and for multiplying – 1 min.

Analytical Engine (reconstruction)

Charles Babbage did not have time to complete the project, leaving behind a model and detailed drawings.

The programs for computing on the Babbage machine, compiled by Byron's daughter Ada Augusta Lovelace, are strikingly similar to the programs subsequently compiled for the first computers. It is no coincidence that a wonderful woman was called the world's first programmer.

Key dates Around 3000 BC - abacus in China. 1642 - Pascal's first mechanical summing machine. 1694 - Leibniz's first machine. 1830 – C. Babbage developed the first programmable computer. 1867 - The writing machine was invented. 1890 – Hollerith calculating and analytical machine. 1930 - Bush's first analog computer. 1944 - Aiken's first digital computer (MARK 1). 1946 - The first fully electronic digital computer by Mauchli and Eckert (ENIAC). 1948 - The transistor was invented. 1949 - Completed work on the first stored program computer.

Key dates 1951 - The first serial computer (UNIVAC). 1964 - The emergence of integrated circuits. 1965 - The first mini-computer - Creation of large integrated circuits. 1977 - The first microcomputer of Wozniak and Jobs, released by APPLE in 1980. - A central processor was created on a single silicon chip. - Ultra-large integrated circuits appeared.

30 thousand years BC The so-called “Vestonitsa bone” with notches was discovered in excavations. Allows historians to assume that even then our ancestors were familiar with the rudiments of counting.

VI-V century BC The history of digital devices should begin with abacus. A similar instrument was known among all nations. The ancient Greek abacus (board or "Salaminian board" named after the island of Salamis in the Aegean Sea) was a plank sprinkled with sea sand. There were grooves in the sand, on which numbers were marked with pebbles. One groove corresponded to units, the other to tens, etc. If more than 10 pebbles were collected in any groove when counting, they were removed and one pebble was added in the next rank. The Romans improved the abacus, moving from wooden planks, sand and pebbles to marble planks with chiseled grooves and marble balls.

The Chinese abacus suan-pan consisted of a wooden frame divided into upper and lower sections. The sticks correspond to the columns, and the beads correspond to numbers. For the Chinese, counting was based not on ten, but on five. It is divided into two parts: in the lower part there are 5 seeds on each row, in the upper part there are two. Thus, in order to set the number 6 on these abacuses, they first placed the bone corresponding to the five, and then added one to the units digit. The Japanese called the same device for counting serobyan.

In Rus', for a long time, they counted by bones placed in piles. Around the 15th century, the “plank bill” became widespread, apparently imported by Western merchants along with textiles. The “board abacus” was almost no different from ordinary abacus and consisted of a frame with reinforced horizontal ropes on which drilled plum or cherry pits were strung.

9th century AD Indian scientists made one of the most important discoveries in mathematics. They invented the positional number system, which the whole world now uses. When writing a number that lacks any digit (for example, 101 or 1204), Indians would say the word “empty” instead of the name of the number. When recording, a dot was placed in place of the “empty” digit, and later a circle was drawn. Arab mathematicians translated the meaning of the word “empty” into their own language - they said “sifr” (digit). The modern word “zero” was born relatively recently - later than “digit”. It comes from the Latin word "nihil" - "no".

Around 850 AD. Arab scientist and mathematician Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi (from the city of Khorezm on the Amu Darya River) wrote a book about the general rules for solving arithmetic problems using equations. We owe the appearance of the term “algorithm” to Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi.

40s of the 17th century. Blaise Pascal (), the greatest scientist in the history of mankind - mathematician, physicist, philosopher and theologian, created in 1642. The first mechanical device was a summing machine, which made it possible to add and subtract numbers in the decimal number system. It was a system of interacting wheels, each of which corresponded to one place of a decimal number and contained the numbers from 0 to 9. When the wheel made a full revolution, the next one shifted by one digit (this is similar to the principle of manual abacus). Pascal's machine could only add and subtract.

End of the 17th century A mechanical device (1694), which allows not only adding numbers, but also multiplying them, was invented by another great mathematician and philosopher - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. The calculating machine had great capabilities - it performed all arithmetic operations. However, it was too bulky and worked slowly.

Late 15th – early 16th century Leonardo da Vinci () created a 13-bit adding device with ten-tooth rings. In 1969, using the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, the American computer manufacturing company IBM built a working machine for advertising purposes.

The basis of the machine, according to the description, consists of rods on which two gears are attached, the larger one on one side of the rod and the smaller one on the other. These rods had to be positioned so that the smaller wheel on one rod meshed with the larger wheel on the other rod. In this case, the smaller wheel of the second rod engaged with the larger wheel of the third, and so on. Ten revolutions of the first wheel, according to the author's plan, should have led to one full revolution of the second, and ten revolutions of the second - one revolution of the third, etc. The entire system, consisting of 13 rods with gears, had to be driven by a set of weights.

Drawings and descriptions of such a device were discovered among a two-volume collection of manuscripts known as the Codex Madrid on mechanics. Similar drawings have also been found in the Codex Atlanticus manuscripts.

Babbage's machine was purely mechanical and required the manufacture of a large number of high-precision parts. The project remained unfinished due to lack of funds. After Babbage's death, some of his ideas were used to create the first electromechanical calculating machines. Until the middle of the 20th century. On such machines they made complex accounting calculations and processed statistical data. The English mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage worked for more than 40 years on the project of a programmable computer, which he called analytical. Babbage owned the very idea of ​​programming calculations, as well as the method of its implementation: entering programs into the machine using punched cards. He was the first to introduce memory for intermediate calculations, and he also proposed using the binary number system in the machine.

November 1991 In November 1991, Charles Babbage's difference engine made calculations for the first time: it was assembled by staff at the Science Museum in London. The machine consists of 4000 parts (not counting the mechanism for printing the result), made of bronze and steel, and the whole thing was about 3 tons. Its dimensions are 2.1 x 3.4 x 0.5 m. The difference machine, which uses a decimal number system rather than binary, as in modern computers, can calculate differences of the 7th order and operates using a handle, being an active exhibit at the London Science Museum.

Ada Augusta Byron, Countess of Lovelace Ada Augusta Byron was born on December 10, 1815 (). Her father, the famous English poet George Gordon Byron, dedicated several touching lines to his daughter in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Her mother, Annabelle Minbank, was called the “princess of parallelograms” for her passion for the exact sciences.

The first general purpose computer of 1946, USA - ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) contained vacuum tubes and performed 5000 addition operations per second. (The number of operations performed per second - performance).

Revolution in the world of computers In January 1944, one of the creators of ENIAC, John Eckert, put forward the idea of ​​​​a stored program. The essence of this revolutionary idea for computer technology is that “computer programs should be stored in its internal memory along with the source data and intermediate results of calculations.”

Personality in history American mathematician and physicist John von Neumann () was from Budapest. This man began to stand out for his unusual abilities very early: at the age of six he spoke ancient Greek, and at eight he mastered the basics of higher mathematics. He worked in Germany, but in the early 1930s he decided to settle in the USA. Continued on next slide...

Personality in history In 1945, von Neumann's report was published, in which he outlined the basic principles of construction and components of a modern computer. It was thanks to this report that, about a year later, an article appeared in which the author, abstracting from vacuum tubes and electrical circuits, was able to outline, so to speak, the formal organization of a computer. The architectural principles of computer organization, set by von Neumann, remained unchanged until the end of the 1970s.

It is worth keeping in mind that all developments in domestic computer technology were carried out during the Cold War and were classified as “secret”. So the classical computer architecture, now called von Neumann architecture, was developed by S.A. Lebedev, as well as I.S. Brook and N.Ya. Matyukhin completely independently, including from each other.

The first domestic computer of 1951, USSR - MESM (Small Electronic Computing Machine) contained 6000 electron tubes and performed 5000 addition operations per second. This machine was developed in Kyiv by a group of scientists led by Academician S.A. Lebedev. S.A. Lebedeva. One of the first computers in the world and the first in Europe with a program stored in memory.

BESM In 1952 (according to some sources in 1953) in Moscow - BESM (High-Speed ​​Electronic Calculating Machine) - the fastest computer in Europe. "BESM" is a family of general-purpose digital computers aimed at solving complex problems in science and technology. Developed at the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Science of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Personality in history Sergei Aleksandrovich Lebedev () was born on November 2, 1902. in Nizhny Novgorod. An outstanding designer, academician, creator of the first domestic electronic digital computer, as well as a number of other computers. Since 1950 – Director of the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Science.

The first mini-computer In 1965, the mass-produced PDP-8 mini-computer was released. Until the end of the 60s, the PDP-10 and the first 16-bit minicomputer PDP-11/20 were developed. IBM begins production of the first computer in the System 370 family. In 1970, Intel released the first commercially available dynamic memory chip. The year 1969 brought particularly important results: this year, Intel employee Ted Hoff invented the microprocessor. In 1970, another Intel employee, Frederico Fagin, began work on the design of a microprocessor. A year later, the world's first four-bit microprocessor, Intel 4004, appeared, containing 2300 transistors on a chip, its clock frequency was 108 kHz. A year later, Intel developed an eight-bit processor 8008 for Computer Terminal Corp (clock frequency 108 kHz, 3500 transistors, address space 16 KB).

The first microprocessor On November 15, 1971, Marchian Edward Hoff, working at Intel, built an integrated circuit similar in its functions to the central processor of a large computer: the first microprocessor appeared, later called Intel 4004.Intel 4004.

The first Intel 4004 microprocessor had fantastic characteristics for its time: 2300 transistors per chip, 4-bit architecture, 60 thousand operations per second. The processor clock frequency is 108 KHz. True, the term “microprocessor” itself began to be used only in 1972.

A step in development... Early 1980s, Adam Osborne (GY, England) - the first "commercially successful" laptop computer.

IBM personal computer In 1981, IBM introduced a personal computer to the international market, which conquered the whole world. It embodied the principle of “open” architecture, which means that as the characteristics of individual computer devices improve, it is possible to easily replace outdated devices with more advanced ones. RAM – 640 KB Computer type – IBM PC/XT Processor – Intel 8086 Clock frequency – 10 MHz

A Personality in History Gil Amdahl (G) is the chief designer of legendary machines such as the IBM 704, 709, 7090, and the architect of the third generation IBM 360 computer family.

A step towards the development of the third generation of computers In the early 1960s, a general direction was outlined for the development of the computer element base, namely, a tendency to reduce size, weight, power consumption, and increase reliability, which served as an incentive for the development and implementation of so-called “methods” in the production of computer systems. integrated technology”, which made it possible to move from individual diodes and transistors to integrated circuits and from the second generation of computers to the third.

The first representatives of third-generation computers The first representatives of third-generation computers are usually considered to be models of the IBM 360 (System 360) family, the appearance of which was announced by the management of IBM Corporation in 1964. Machines of this family could be used in many areas; they were universal computers. In addition, the various models were largely compatible, and here we should already talk about software portability: a program written for one model of the IBM 360 family had to be suitable for any other model of it almost without modification. Continued on next slide...

The first representatives of computers of the third generation. Of course, the execution time of the program changed, difficulties could arise due to lack of memory space, but there was hope that when switching to a new machine, the existing program would not have to be completely redone. In general, the IBM 360 family had a strong influence on the entire course of development of computer technology.

Personality in history Peter Norton (born November 14, 1943) is a journalist, computer expert, and author of a number of books about PCs. Creator of the Norton Utilities suite of utility programs and the Norton Commander shell (entered the market in 1986). In 1982, Peter Norton accidentally erased a file from his PC's hard drive. Restoring the file turned out to be a difficult and painstaking task. However, the current situation led Norton to create a program that is the prototype of today's utilities.

Mulaslator FORmula TRANslator In November 1954, IBM released the first report related to the creation of the Fortran language (FORmula TRANslator - formula translator and translator). The development team leader was John Backus. In those years, computer science developed quite spontaneously, and it was difficult to plan anything, so the creators of Fortran had no idea how widely the language they created would receive.

Personality in history Bill GATES (born 1955), American entrepreneur and inventor in the field of electronic computing, chairman and CEO of the world's leading software company, Microsoft. In 1975, after dropping out of Harvard University, where he was preparing to become a lawyer like his father, Gates founded Microsoft with his high school friend Paul Allen. The first task of the new company was to adapt the BASIC language for use in one of the first commercial microcomputers, Edward Roberts' Altair. In 1980, Microsoft developed the MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operation System) operating system for the first IBM PC, which by the mid-1980s became the main operating system in the American microcomputer market. Gates then began developing Excel spreadsheet applications and Word, and by the late 1980s, Microsoft had become a leader in this area as well.

Personality in history In 1986, by releasing the company's shares for free sale, Gates became a billionaire at the age of 31. In 1990, the company introduced Windows 3.0, which replaced verbal commands with mouse-selectable icons, making the computer much easier to use. In the early 1990s, Windows sold 1 million copies a month. By the end of the 1990s, about 90% of all personal computers in the world were equipped with Microsoft software. Bill Gates's ability to work, as well as his unique ability to effectively engage in work at any stage, are legendary. Of course, Gates belongs to the cohort of the most extraordinary businessmen of the new generation. In 1995, he published the book “The Road to the Future,” which became a bestseller. In 1997 he topped the list of the richest people in the world.

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