Social scholarship. Rules for applying for a social scholarship. List of documents for receiving a social scholarship

We explain what a social scholarship is and how the conditions for receiving it have changed.

Social scholarship- This is an additional monetary payment to the main academic scholarship intended for financially vulnerable categories of students. Back in 2016, many Kirov students studying full-time at universities and colleges at state expense could count on receiving it. But now the number of recipients has been greatly limited, and the procedure for processing this payment has become more complicated.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

The following students can count on a social scholarship:

  • disabled people of groups I and II,
  • orphans,
  • students exposed to radiation,
  • students with disabilities due to military injury or illness,
  • students who have served for at least three years under contract or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition to the above categories, students whose parents earn a low salary could previously apply for a social scholarship. wages. This option was the most common reason for assigning this payment. Provided that the average per capita income in the family is less than the subsistence level, the student could collect necessary documents and submit an application to the dean's office.

How much is the social scholarship?

The size of the social scholarship is determined by the educational institution, but for universities it cannot be less than 2010 rubles. Unlike an academic scholarship, a social scholarship does not depend on the grades a student receives; its payment is terminated only if the student has a debt in any subject or practice, as well as due to the expiration of a social security certificate.

Let us remind you that a typical academic scholarship at a higher educational institution is just over 2 thousand rubles; a student will receive this amount monthly, provided that he studies with “good” and “excellent” grades. If the student’s record contains “satisfactory” grades, then the issuance of an academic scholarship is terminated until the next session. Thus, previously a student receiving both of these scholarships could count on about five thousand rubles a month.

What is the current procedure for receiving a social scholarship?

Previously, to assign the so-called “social benefits” it was necessary to take certificates about the composition of the family, the income of all family members, that the person is a student at an educational institution, and also that he was awarded an academic scholarship. On the basis of these certificates, a certificate was issued from social security recognizing the family as low-income; it was this that made the university staff understand that the student needed additional financial assistance.

The validity period of this certificate is still limited to one year, that is, in order to extend the payment, you need to re-submit a certificate from the authority social protection population at the place of registration at the university.

But from January 1, 2017, the procedure for receiving a social scholarship has changed. Now, in order to apply for or extend the payment of a social scholarship, students, as before, need their family to be recognized as low-income (total income divided among all family members should not exceed the subsistence level, today this amount is 9,503 rubles). But at the same time, in accordance with another condition for assigning a state social scholarship to students, there is now a document confirming the appointment of the state social assistance. This means that now, in order to qualify for a social scholarship, a student must already receive some kind of subsidy or benefit from the state. This is not a problem for orphans and disabled children, but it makes life difficult for students whose parents have low incomes, but officially no social payments don't get it. After all, there are many more students who need social scholarships than students who are already receiving financial assistance from the state.

What options are there?

For state-funded students from low-income families, one of the options would be to apply for a subsidy to pay for utility bills. It is assigned to citizens who have expenses for public utilities exceed 22% of the average family income. We already know how to get it and what documents are needed for this. After this, you will only have to get from social security the same certificate that you will need to apply for a social scholarship at the university.

If it is not possible to obtain a subsidy or your family does not fit into the low-income category, a state-funded student can apply for financial assistance due to difficult circumstances. financial situation. To do this, you need to contact the dean's office of your educational institution. This payment is provided once a year, usually it is accrued before the winter holidays, its amount cannot exceed three times the size of the state social scholarship. In your application for financial assistance, you must indicate the reason why you need to receive it. For example, “I ask you to provide me with financial assistance, since I am from out of town (I don’t live in a hostel) and rent a house” or “I ask you to provide me with financial assistance, since the income of the family in which I am being raised is below the subsistence level.” The application must be accompanied by a copy of your passport (page with photo and registration) and a copy of your TIN. Practice shows that in some universities it is much more realistic and easier to receive financial assistance, and it will not take as much time as applying for a social scholarship.


Vladimir, good afternoon.

The procedure for issuing a “social scholarship” is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 28, 2013 N 1000 “On approval of the Procedure for assigning a state academic scholarship and (or) a state social scholarship to students studying full-time at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, state scholarships to graduate students, residents , assistant trainees studying full-time at the expense of federal budget allocations, payment of scholarships to students of preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations higher education studying at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget"

According to this document

7. State social scholarship is awarded to students who are orphans and children without parental care, persons from among orphans and children without parental care, disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood, students, exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk training ground, students who are disabled due to military injury or illness received during military service, and military veterans actions or entitled to receive state social assistance, as well as students from among citizens who have served for at least three years under contract in the Armed Forces Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in engineering, technical, road construction military formations under federal executive authorities and in rescue military formations of the federal executive authority authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, organs federal service security, state security agencies and the federal body for ensuring mobilization training of bodies state power of the Russian Federation in military positions subject to replacement by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, and those dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs “b” - “d” of paragraph 1, subparagraph “a” of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs “a” - “c” "Clause 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service.”

You will be eligible to receive a scholarship if you are eligible to receive a state scholarship. social assistance.

However, you can apply for an increased scholarship under the following conditions:

8. Needy first and second year students , students studying full-time education at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget for educational programs higher education (bachelor's and specialist's programs) and having academic grades of “excellent” or “good” or “excellent and good”, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2012 N 679 “On increasing scholarships for needy first and second year students of federal state educational institutions higher vocational education Full-time students studying at the expense of federal budget allocations for bachelor's degree programs and specialist training programs and having performance grades of “good” and “excellent” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 28, Art. 3909) are awarded a state social scholarship, increased in size in relation to the standard established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the formation of a scholarship fund at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget in relation to state social scholarships.

In addition to the fact that you are recognized as needy, as you can see, it is assumed that you are studying in the first or second year, as well as having appropriate grades based on the results of your studies.

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As for the certificate, it is quite possible to obtain it at your place of stay.

3. Notification of the appointment of state social assistance or of refusal to assign it must be sent in writing to the applicant by the social protection authority at the place of residence or place of residence of the applicant no later than 10 days after the applicant applies and submits the necessary documents.

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But will a certificate from the university accounting department be used as proof of income?

Yes, Vladimir, a document from the accounting department of your educational institution confirming the amount of the scholarship for the last three months will be proof of income, but keep in mind that the total income will be calculated for three family members - parents and you, in order to subsequently decide whether low-income family.

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Client clarification

If I am not registered with my parents, I take a certificate of family composition from the administration of the hostel (it’s called a “certificate of registration”, it says that I am registered at my place of residence alone), then information about my parents’ income will not be taken into account?

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(“registration certificate” is called, it says that I am registered at my place of residence alone), then information about my parents’ income will not be taken into account?

No, they won't.

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    Client clarification
    If I am not registered with my parents, I take a certificate of family composition from the hostel administration (“registration certificate”, it says that I am registered at the place of residence alone), then information about the parents’ income will not be taken into account?

    Vladimir. Sorry, I’ll correct my answer, in St. Petersburg it is also possible to issue certificates for social scholarships at the place of stay, i.e. You can obtain this certificate from the social security authorities both at your place of permanent residence and at your place of stay in St. Petersburg.

    But provide documents, incl. and certificates of parents’ income will still be required both at the place of residence and at the place of stay.

    So, according to:

    On approval of administrative regulations for the provision of public services
    Appendix 12 to the order. Administrative regulations for the provision of public services for registration and issuance of certificates for receiving state social scholarships
    Appendix No. 12 to the order
    Committee on Social Policy
    St. Petersburg
    dated October 9, 2009 N 133-r
    1.1. Name of the public service: registration and issuance of certificates for receiving a state social scholarship (hereinafter referred to as the issuance of a certificate).
    1.4. Recipients of public services are those with a place of residence ( stay) in St. Petersburg:
    e ) citizens who are members of a low-income family and have the right to receive state social assistance;
    2.3.1. When applying in person to citizens entitled to receive public services specified in subparagraphs “a”-“e” of paragraph 1.4 of these Regulations:
    application for the issuance of a certificate in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations;
    passport or other document certifying the identity of a citizen entitled to receive public services;
    a document confirming the place of residence (registration) of a citizen entitled to receive public services in St. Petersburg;
    a document confirming the right to benefits;
    a certificate confirming study at an educational institution. Copies of documents are accepted subject to presentation of their originals (with the exception of notarized copies of documents).
    2.3.2. When applying in person to citizens entitled to receive government services specified in subparagraph "e" , “g” of paragraph 1.4 of these Regulations ( additionally presented):
    a certificate of income of all family members of a citizen entitled to receive public services for the last 3 months before applying;
    certificate of registration at the place of residence ( stay) in St. Petersburg, a citizen entitled to receive public services (according to Form No. 9).
    Copies of documents are accepted subject to presentation of their originals(except for notarized copies of documents).
  • How to apply for a social scholarship? This question is especially relevant for university and college students who need social support. A social scholarship can be an important component in the modest budget of low-income students.

    Who is eligible for a social scholarship?

    Social scholarship is a measure state support for students of colleges, colleges, technical schools, universities and institutes who have financial difficulties. It is also available to graduate and doctoral students.

    A student is entitled to a scholarship only if he studies full-time on a budget basis. Thus, students who pay for their own education are not entitled to social benefits. They can only count on receiving special grants for good academic performance (presidential, gubernatorial, etc.).

    Educational institutions have the right to determine the amount of support independently, but the state has established a minimum payment threshold. For secondary specialized educational institutions it is 730 rubles. University students will not be able to receive less than 2010 rubles. per month. For students with good academic performance (those with only good and excellent grades), increased social benefits are provided in the amount of at least 6,307 rubles. In 2016, these limits were not revised.

    State assistance is issued on the basis of need, i.e. the student's family must first be recognized as low-income. The average per capita income should not exceed the subsistence level established in the region. But some categories of students may qualify for it regardless of their family income. Among them:

    • disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups, disabled children;
    • orphans and children left without parental care (up to 23 years old);
    • students who were exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (living in the Chernobyl zones) and the Semipalatinsk test site;
    • disabled military personnel;
    • have served under a contract for at least 3 years in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the FSB of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

    It is worth considering that if for good academic performance the payment of a social scholarship is set at a threefold increase, then if there is a debt in the examination session, it may be completely suspended. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the student to maintain his financial situation study well.

    With positive academic performance, even absences and tardiness cannot become grounds for deprivation of social benefits. Even C grade students who have no debts or failed tests are required to receive payments in minimum size. Moreover, termination of payments without good reason is punishable by law and the university administration may be held liable for abuse of its powers.

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    What documents are needed to receive a social scholarship?

    What documents are needed for a social scholarship? To assign payments, you must bring to the dean's office a certificate from the local social security authority at the place of registration or registration. A certificate from social security for a social scholarship is valid for only 1 year.

    This means that you will have to confirm your right to receive financial support measures annually and collect documents again.

    Thus, it is necessary to begin processing the due payments with a visit to the local social security office. The student will be required to provide the following documents:

    • passport;
    • a certificate from the passport office about the composition of the family at the place of residence (to obtain it you will need a passport and the last paid receipt for housing and communal services) - it is valid for 30 days from the date of receipt;
    • documents on the income of each family member living together (2-NDFL, tax return, certificate of the amount of alimony, pension, benefits, etc.);
    • certificate of study on a full-time budget basis;
    • document on the amount of the scholarship.

    If one of the parents lives separately from the child, he will still be required to provide proof of income or the amount of child support (if the parents are divorced).

    It is worth considering that social security may request additional documents on demand. Their list varies depending on the basis for receiving payments. This may be a certificate of disability, confirmation of registration in Chernobyl zone etc.

    Social Security will review the information received within 15 days, after which it will provide the desired document for assigning payments.

    After completing the certificate, all you have to do is bring the documents for the social scholarship to the dean’s office (or the university’s accounting department):

    • a document from social security that confirms the student’s right to financial support;
    • application for assignment of payments addressed to the rector or dean;
    • Personal account details (passbook) for monthly money transfers.

    Each university has its own rules for receiving scholarships. But usually the dean’s office requires that the certificate be dated September of the current year and accepts applications from students until the end of the month. Therefore, it is better to start registration before the start of the school year in order to avoid controversial issues.

    An acquaintance of the author of the article, studying far from straight A's at one of the St. Petersburg universities, still receives a high scholarship - 16,485 rubles. How does she do this? Do not forget that along with the usual incentive scholarship, there are a number of other scholarships. This includes a social scholarship for students, which can be applied for on the basis of a certificate from the social security authorities.

    The essence of social scholarship

    Size: from 2227 rubles.
    Payout frequency: monthly
    Innings: on the basis of Article 36 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which describes the conditions for receiving all scholarships. Including social.
    "Chip": You can receive a scholarship for students 2018, even studying with C grades!
    So, you don’t have to be a good student to request this financial assistance from the state.

    Who is eligible for the scholarship?

    The following categories of students can count on it:

    1. Orphans;
    2. Disabled people of any group, or victims of radiation disasters;
    3. Veterans;
    4. Contract servicemen in the army;
    5. Students with below minimum income.

    How to apply for a social scholarship

    To apply for payments, just contact the district social protection department or the nearest MFC.

    Let's say a low-income university student wants to apply for a scholarship - these authorities will consider the income and standard of living of the appellant, after which they will make a decision within 10 days. Positive – in the form of a certificate for the university. By the way, if a student fills out an application on the government services website (for example, in St. Petersburg it is, then the application will arrive in electronic form.

    Is it so easy to prove that you do not have enough money to live?

    In fact, every student living in a dormitory and officially receiving only one income (academic scholarship of 1,484 rubles) may be considered low-income.

    For these low-income students living “single” (i.e. not married), social workers will ask a simple question. Namely, whether the student receives financial support from the family, and if so, how much. The advantage is that you can answer only in words, you don’t need to present any papers and no one will check.

    List of documents required for submission

    1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    2. Certificate of registration form No. 9, or certificate of registration in the hostel or at the place of stay (form No. 3);
    3. A certificate from the university stating that the student is actually studying in such and such a course and in such and such a profile;
    4. If there is property owned by the student, it must be indicated in a separate certificate;
    5. Any documents confirming the right to a preferential benefit: death certificate of guardians or parents, certificate of disability, etc.;
    6. Certificate of income, if it is only a scholarship - account statement.

    Deadlines for receiving the scholarship

    If successful, the student will be awarded social benefits scholarship for a year from the date of registration and only during school hours (June-August pause). After which you will have to go through the entire registration process again.
    To find out more precisely about the terms and rules for receiving a social scholarship, a student should go to the dean’s office and ask there. And also read the contents Federal Law“On state financial assistance.”

    How to receive an increased social scholarship for students

    Size: not less than the amount missing from the subsistence level.
    Payout frequency: monthly, throughout the year.
    Innings: at the beginning of each semester.

    "Chip": Only 1st-2nd year students can apply, subject to receiving a social scholarship. Also, to obtain it you need to study for “good” or “excellent”.

    Who will determine the amount of the increased scholarship?

    The university, based on the student’s income certificate. As for the cost of living, it is set by the state. In this case, the indicator is taken for the fourth quarter of the year before the formation of the scholarship payment fund; for 2018 students this will be the fourth quarter of 2017 and the indicator is 9,786 rubles. That is, if a student receives a social scholarship of 2,227 rubles, the usual 1,484 rubles, this income is subtracted from the cost of living and a potential “increase” of 6,075 rubles is received.

    Is it possible to receive financial assistance for a scholarship?

    Yes, a student has the right to request financial assistance from the university budget in the amount of a multiple of up to 12 social scholarships. It will be paid once a month, but for 1 semester, after which you need to submit an application again. You can find out about the deadlines for submission in the dean's office of your university.

    Requirements for applying for financial assistance

    The requirements here are higher than for applying for a regular social scholarship. Since we are talking about accruals from the university budget, the amount of financial assistance may vary. For example, depending on how many students receive it.

    In what situations can you request financial assistance for a student?

    1. Single parents;
    2. Students from single-parent families;
    3. In case of loss of a breadwinner;
    4. Students from a large family;
    5. If you lose your parents while studying;
    6. Victims of disasters, natural disasters and accidents;
    7. In case of serious illness, when there is not enough money for medicine (you need to present receipts for medicine);
    8. At the birth of a child (you must provide a birth certificate).

    Some universities add their own items to this list. For example, St. Petersburg State University can pay for nonresident students’ travel home, and St. Petersburg State Economic University pays sum of money students at a wedding.

    "A+" Scholarship

    Size: 3500 rubles.
    Payout frequency: monthly throughout the year.
    Innings: in summer, from July 10 and possible until September 10.
    "Chip": scholarship from charitable foundation"Creation" is intended only for students under 21 years of age.

    However, in this case it is necessary to provide a certificate stating that the student has an income below the subsistence level or otherwise prove that he is from a low-income segment of the population. Please include a letter describing yourself, your family and your interests with your submission.
    Other documents for applying for a scholarship for the 2019 “A+” student:

    As we see, in order for a poor student from a low-income family to survive, he needs to work hard. It is not recommended to combine study with work during the initial courses. But still, the state provides several options for social scholarships, and if you apply for several within a clearly defined time frame, you will definitely get one option. We wish you good luck in this difficult battle with the system!

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