Calendar 365 happy days. Personal collection of positive things: daily diary “365 happy days a year. See also in other dictionaries

There are small positive moments in every day of our life, but we pass by and then complain that everyday life is gray and life is boring. But there is positivity always and everywhere, you just need to notice it, and not pass by with a bored expression on your face. This could be the most delicious coffee beautiful flower in drops of dew, a cute dog you met on the way to work... The author of this idea offers a simply wonderful and interesting idea- create a diary and write down positive moments in it everyday life. And then, at the end of the year, sum up some kind of results, clarify for yourself which of the days of the expiring year brought the most positive emotions. You can make such a diary for yourself, and it will also become very interesting and an original gift for a colleague or friend.

First, let's prepare everything necessary materials and tools:
1. Diary pages printed on a color printer on A4 sheets - 13 sheets, printed on both sides.
2. Diary cover printed on a color printer on thin A4 cardboard - 1 sheet. The author used 280 g/m2 digital printing paper for this purpose, but you can also print the cover on a regular A4 sheet.
3. Stationery knife for cutting paper.
5. Large sewing needle.
6. Sewing durable threads.
7. Metal ruler.
8. Simple pencil.
9. Small hammer.
10. Universal super glue.
11. Stationery clips for paper.

1 step.
First, let's think through and print on a color printer the layout of the page for the future diary. On an A4 sheet you need to place two copies of pages on each side of the sheet. The author gives an approximate view of the pages; you can simply use these layouts, or you can think about it and add some details of your own.

Step 2.
Now let’s print out the cover of the future diary on thick paper. If not found thick paper don't worry. You can use bright and beautiful for the cover decorative cardboard, and paste on it the name of the diary, printed on a regular sheet of paper. Or, as a last resort, you can print the cover on a regular sheet and then cover this thin and colorful sheet with transparent tape.

These are the paper blanks we ended up with:

Step 3.
Now let's put all the sheets with the cover together and get an excellent result. To do this, using a ruler and pencil, we will mark the future simple binding. Let's step back 1.5-2 cm from the edges and put small dots. Now we measure a distance of 1-1.5 cm from these points and again put small dots. We’ll also put a couple of dots strictly in the middle, the distance between them should also be 1-1.5 cm.

Step 4
Now we put together all the blank sheets and covers of the future diary and secure them on the sides with paper clips. This is done to ensure that the sheets do not move during work. Now, in those places where the points were previously marked, we punch holes using a needle and a hammer.

You should get approximately the following through and neat holes:

Step 5
Now we take a needle, thread a double thread into it and thread the needle into one of the paired holes. The first stitch must be passed through the loop located at the end of the thread, this will allow the thread to be secured quite firmly.

Let's make a few stitches.

Then we secure the thread by passing the needle and thread under the previously made stitches.

We take the needle out and thread it through the resulting loop. We will do this several times for strength.

Step 6
Then we lubricate the thread at the base with a small amount of super glue and cut it.

This is what you should get if you followed the author’s recommendations:

Step 7
Now we sew all the previously marked places in the same way.

Step 8
Now we fold the future diary in half and secure it along the spine with clamps. After this, put the workpiece under the press for a while.

Step 9
After the diary has taken the desired shape, we begin trimming the excess. At home, this is most conveniently done using a metal ruler and a sharp stationery knife.

After completing the trimming procedure, the diary is completely ready. This is what it looks like inside:

And this is the view from the outside:

And now a little from the author about filling out this miracle diary. In this diary you write down small and large pleasant events in your life, and evaluate them on a 10-point scale of sensations. Even if it is a very small and insignificant event, still write it down in your diary. And then, leafing through your diary at the end of the year, you will be pleasantly surprised that your meetings with your friend bring you a lot of positive things, but you also get a lot of positive things in the spring from an independent walk in the park. These will be very interesting conclusions. And of course, based on the points set earlier, you will be able to calculate the most positive day of the current week and mark it in a special column, which will help you at the end of the current year to solemnly announce the best day in a happily lived year.

You can also fill your positive diary with other necessary pages. You can add pages with results for each month passed:

And also make separate pages for more detailed analysis current events and descriptions of planned activities and simply desires and creative ideas:

The author also advises making a very important and simply necessary final page of positive things for the year. Many thanks to the author of this original and positive idea for detailed description and recommendations. All the best and good mood

Happiness is not a final destination, it is a way of traveling... (c)

April 7. Today bright holiday- Annunciation and a wonderful day to make the first entry :)

What will my blog be about? Not really about anything :) Probably, like most gods :)
Rather, it will be a family diary about how we are trying to make our life more interesting and fun, how we are trying to make every day special and remember it.

My favorite saying by an unknown author, which I once found on the Internet and became the motto of my life: “Happiness is not a final destination, it is a way of traveling.”
This is what my blog will be about: about the manner of traveling through life :)
Maxim Gorky also wrote that “one should look at a day as a small life.”
And life is a series of moments. Happy and, perhaps, not so happy, festive and downright boring. And it depends only on us what these moments will be like for us.

See the beauty in the ugly,
See the river floods in the streams!
Who knows how to be happy in everyday life,
He really is a happy man!" (c)

To learn to see the beautiful in the ugly, the bright in the dull, the extraordinary in the ordinary - this is what my blog is for. There is something interesting and unique in every day, which is why the name of the blog is "365" happy days".

Being happy in spite of everything is the most important lesson that is not taught in school, but which is much more important than mathematics and literature. So let's learn!
And if something doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter. A happy day does not mean a day spent enchantingly and joyfully; a very sad and melancholic day can also become happy. I'm sure of this.

(Georg-Ant.-Fried., Ast) - philologist and philosopher; genus. 29 Dec 1778 in Gotha and attended the gymnasium there; in 1788 he moved to Jena, where he first studied theology, but soon moved on to philology and philosophy. Having acted in Jena in 1802 as an assistant professor of philology and philosophy, he already in 1805 received an offer to occupy the department of classical literature in Landsgut, and in 1826 he was invited to the same department in Munich, where he † 31 Oct. 1841 His textbooks and manuals on philosophy were rated very highly in their time. These include: "System der Kunstlehre oder Aesthetik" (Leipz., 1805), "Wissenschaftliche Darstellung der Grammatik, Hermeneutik und Kritik" (Landsg., 1808), "Grundlinien der Philosophie" (2nd ed. Landsg., 1809) - in In all these works he partly adheres to the views of Schelling; "Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie" (Landsg., 1807; 2nd ed., 1825), "Hauptmomente der Geschichte der Philosophie" (Munich, 1829), and "Entwurf der Universalgeschichte" (Landsg., 1810). The second period of his activity was devoted almost exclusively to the study and explanation of Plato's philosophy. In addition to the introduction to its study - "Platos Leben und Schriften" (Leipz., 1816), which belongs to the best studies in this area, and treatment of individual works of Plato, namely "Phaedrus" (Leipzig, 1810) and "Politica" (2 vols. ., Leipz., 1814), he published the general collected works of Plato with criticism of the text, a Latin translation and very informative comments (11 volumes, Leipz., 1819-32) and supplied it with an even more extensive “Lexicon Platonicum” (3 volumes, Leipz., 1819-32) ., 1835-39).

See also in other dictionaries:

    AST- artillery accompanying military tanks. Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. 318 pp., S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of modern Russian... ...

    AST: Aspartate aminotransferase enzyme. "AST" Russian group companies. AST is one of the largest publishing houses in Russia. "AST" Russian TV channel. AST nuclear heat supply station. See also Ast ACT (in Latin; ... ... Wikipedia

    Surname. Ast, Balthasar van der (1593 1657) Dutch artist. Ast, Georg Anton Friedrich (1778 1841) German philologist, philosopher and historian of philosophy. See also AST ... Wikipedia

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    Ast.- Ast. Asturias Spain Dictionaries: S. Fadeev. Thematic dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. M.: Russo, 1998.. 538 pp., S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 pp.... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

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    - (Georg Ant. Friedr., Ast) philologist and philosopher; genus. 29 Dec 1778 in Gotha and attended the gymnasium there; in 1788 he moved to Jena, where he first studied theology, but soon moved on to philology and philosophy. Speaking in 1802 in Jena as an assistant professor... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    AST- publishing house, creative cooperative association, Moscow. Educational, children's and other literature, school textbooks. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. M., 2002. P. 478) See also Publishing House of the Russian Federation... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

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