Prevention of diseases of the spine and joints. How to keep your joints healthy. Prevention of diseases of the joints and spine

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Diseases of the musculoskeletal system have a negative impact on a person’s quality of life and ability to work. According to statistics, almost 90% of the population in adulthood have some kind of abnormality in the health of the spine and joints. Unfortunately, with age the situation only gets worse and is less and less treatable. In young years, spinal diseases manifest themselves as pain in the lumbar region and neck; as the disease progresses, motor activity is limited, in some cases leading to disability.

Main causes of musculoskeletal diseases

The most common disease of the spine is osteochondrosis, that is, a violation of the nutrition of the tissues of the intervertebral discs and a weakening of the shock-absorbing ability inherent in the spine. As metabolism deteriorates, the discs lose their elasticity and decrease in size. The spine loses its ability to withstand serious physical stress. When the central part of the disc falls out into the resulting cracks, a hernia is formed, bringing its owner a lot of suffering.

If we exclude the consequences of injuries, then the main cause of spinal diseases is poor lifestyle choices:

  • low physical activity leading to weight gain;
  • poor diet with insufficient amounts of calcium, magnesium, manganese, vitamins A and C;
  • incorrect posture, leading to an increase in the load on the lumbar region;
  • wearing high-heeled shoes, which contradicts human physiology and unevenly distributes the load on the spine;
  • sedentary work;
  • carrying heavy objects;
  • sudden movements and excessive passion for certain sports (jumping, football, tennis, weightlifting).
  • How does physical activity affect the condition of the spine?

    Moderate physical activity from a young age will help strengthen the spine and minimize the risk of osteochondrosis. The best sport is swimming, which strengthens the entire muscle corset. Try to devote several hours a week to this activity.

    An active lifestyle will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system in several directions at once:

    • the weight that places additional stress will be reduced;
    • muscles that can take on a significant part of the physical load placed on the spinal column will be strengthened;
    • the ligaments will become stronger;
    • blood supply and nutrition of the tissues of the vertebral discs and cartilage of the intervertebral joints will improve.

    Physical activity should be moderate and not overload the spine.

    Excessive exercise can reduce estrogen levels, which inevitably leads to osteoporosis, which often accompanies osteochondrosis. Running, jumping, lifting weights, and back-twisting movements are dangerous due to microtraumas, which with age will lead to serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    How to eat properly?

    The most important element for maintaining skeletal health is calcium. With its deficiency, bone density decreases, which is fraught with fractures and osteoporosis. Therefore, calcium must be present in the daily diet.

    For the body to absorb calcium, a sufficient supply of vitamin D is necessary, a significant deficiency of which often occurs in the winter season. In addition to eating fish, you can replenish vitamin D deficiency by spending 20 minutes in the sun every day.

    Vitamin C increases mineral density in bones and promotes better absorption of calcium.

    To satisfy the body's needs for the elements necessary for the musculoskeletal system, you should use:

    • fermented milk products;
    • fish;
    • nuts;
    • eggs;
    • legumes
    • tomatoes;
    • any varieties of cabbage;
    • parsley;
    • rose hip;
    • bell pepper;
    • kiwi;
    • berries.

    At the first signs of the disease, after consultation with a specialist, you can take a course of chondroprotectors.

    You should take care of your spine from a young age

    Prevention of osteochondrosis should begin in childhood. Poor posture, heavy workload and poor nutrition at an early age lay the foundation for future illness. The most dangerous periods are periods of rapid growth, pregnancy, and postmenopause. At this time, calcium consumption increases and serious preconditions for illness are created. It is important to adhere to proper nutrition to reduce the risk of osteochondrosis.

    A strong muscle corset will redistribute the load and help protect the spine from a young age. The best exercises for the growing body of teenagers will be those that are more aimed at developing the muscles of the back, abs, shoulders, and arms.

    Falls and injuries that seem innocent at first glance in childhood form microcracks in cartilage tissue, ligaments, and tendons, leading to disastrous consequences in adulthood and old age.

    The lack of vitamin D in cold regions should be compensated by taking medications containing fish oil.

    During adolescence, schoolchildren have to spend most of their time sitting. At this age, postural disorders often occur, which will inevitably lead to curvature of the spine, and subsequently to the development of osteochondrosis and its complications.

    Help your children stay healthy. Watch their posture, the position of their back when sitting at the table, teach them how to carry weights correctly.

    You should lift the load by crouching slightly, bending your knees, keeping your torso straight, leaning slightly back. To reduce the load on the spine, the load being lifted should not be held with outstretched arms, but brought as close to the body as possible. You should avoid turning your body at the same time as lifting the load.

    Explain that carrying a heavy briefcase in one hand will negatively affect the spine; it is best to choose a backpack and wear it correctly, putting the straps on both shoulders.

    Consult a doctor and, if necessary, use special orthopedic devices to correctly distribute the load and avoid spinal diseases.

    Maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal system should be done from a young age. Minor violations of a healthy lifestyle lead to far-reaching unpleasant consequences. It is easier to try to prevent the disease than to spend years on diagnosis and treatment.

    Joint diseases do not occur on their own; some reasons contribute to this. Let's take a look at them.

    So, the common causes of joint disease:

    1. ​ The most common cause of joint disease is a mismatch between the load on the joints and the ability of the cartilage to resist it. As a result, rapid “aging” of articular cartilage occurs. The joints begin to hurt and become deformed.
    2. ​ Mechanical damage to the joint. Joint disease due to injury (impact, dislocation, fracture of a limb).
    3. ​ The main cause of rheumatic joint diseases are immune disorders (weak immunity, the body’s inability to fight infectious diseases). In most cases, frequent or chronic illnesses are the cause of joint disease. Allergies can also be classified as causes of joint diseases in this category.
    4. ​ Impaired blood circulation in the joints. Low mobility, lack of physical activity.
    5. ​ Endocrine factor. Dysfunction of the endocrine glands can be the cause of so-called endocrine arthritis (for example, acromegalic arthropathy, diabetic arthropathy, etc.), which must be treated by an endocrinologist.
    6. ​ Nervous factor. Diseases of the nervous system are a direct cause of the development of certain joint diseases. Functional disorders of the nervous system, especially its autonomic part, also play a large role in the development and course of various joint diseases. It is worth noting that frequent and long-term nervous strain affects the occurrence of any disease in humans. Please take note.
    7. ​ Frequent and prolonged stress and anxiety are among the causes of joint disease.
    8. ​ Incorrect person. The body does not receive the required amount of beneficial nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
    9. . Poisoning of all organs and tissues with toxins that poison the body (nicotine, alcohol, food additives, GMOs, metal oxides, exhaust gases, etc.).
    10. and poor lifestyle (lack of personal hygiene - sleep hygiene, daily routine).

    It is worth stating the fact that the cause of joint disease is a complex factor. As a rule, disease of the joint (or joints) occurs due to the formation of several of the above reasons. Joint disease itself will not appear every minute. Any form of joint disease (ankylosis, arthritis, arthrosis, coxarthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.) appears due to prolonged exposure to several factors in combination on the human body.

    I will give an example of a young man who leads a riotous and irregular lifestyle. He lacks the concept of sleep hygiene, daily routine, food hygiene, he does not monitor the posture of his spine, as well as the position of his body during movement. If we add to all this an addiction to bad habits, then soon he will feel the first call from his body.

    Yes, he's having fun, he's feeling inspired. But this happens while he is young. With age, and this is neither more nor less, around 26-27 years old his body will fail. All his systems will be disrupted and restoring his previous mobile state will be extremely difficult, and in some cases not even possible. Now I appeal to young people - ask yourself the question, do you need this - to show off for five years, and then live in pain and suffering for another fifty?

    Therefore, in order to prevent joint disease, I recommend monitoring their health from a young age. that is, to prevent joint diseases.

    What you need to do to keep your joints healthy and not cause you discomfort and troubles:

    1. ​ Reconsider your . Remember, a healthy diet should be rational and balanced.
    2. ​ Your joints love a reasonable load; they should always be in motion. will help you with this. But don't overdo it. Everything should be in moderation. I advise you to study . The load on the joints due to the lack of contact with the surface of the earth when swimming is minimal.
    3. ​ When playing sports and physical activity, follow safety precautions. The less injuries you receive during physical activity, the less joints will bother you as you age.
    4. ​ If you are not bothered by joint pain, then there is no need to take artificial vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, even as a preventive measure, which many private companies so actively offer today (I call them “scammers”, since their information propaganda about artificial vitamins and Dietary supplements are pure lies). Again, I repeat, adjust your diet to replenish certain in the body.
    5. A good prevention of joint disease is . When visiting a steam room, blood and lymph flow increases, which ensures good nutrition of the joint tissues.
    6. Learn to manage your emotions and avoid stressful situations. Worry and worry less. Don’t watch TV often, don’t listen to music and radio often, all this only intensifies your psycho-emotional state. Do something you love better, a hobby. And if you don't have it yet, find it.
    7. You should regularly cleanse your body of .
    8. I recommend using the health and longevity system I developed ( ). This technique will not only preserve the health of your joints, but will also preserve your external beauty and the condition of the body as a whole for many decades.

    We touched on the question of what to do to maintain the healthy state of your joints, so as not to “heal wounds” with age. By the way, many people have this information. But nevertheless, an analysis of the available medical data shows that most people, one way or another, have various joint diseases. That is why I once again urge all people, without exception, even the youngest, to take care of their joints.

    Everything is clear with the prevention of joint disease, but the question arises: what to do, how to treat the joints if it was not possible to save them during time? There are many types of joint diseases. Next, we will look at each of them in detail and figure out what needs to be done in each specific case. So, below is a list of all kinds of joint diseases that some of you may have already encountered.

    Let's look at their brief characteristics, causes, symptoms and treatment methods.

    Ankylosis - this is the immobility of the joint due to the fusion of the articulating articular surfaces.

    Causes of ankylosis:


      inflammatory arthritis;

    • degeneration, prolonged immobilization - immobility due to plaster;

      trauma, for example, intra-articular fracture.

    Symptoms of ankylosis:

      immobility in the joint.

    Symptoms increase gradually. At first the pain only bothers me in the morning. Then the discomfort increases. Suddenly the pain disappears. This is an indication that the joint deformity is complete. It is fixed in a bent, half-bent or straightened state.

    Treatment of ankylosis:

    Conservative treatment can be used:


    • manual therapy;


      medications: anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, hormones.

    Otherwise, the operation is carried out:





    Arthralgia – pain in the joint. This is a harbinger of illness or the illness itself. Appears before the onset of organic damage. It occurs as a result of irritation of the neuroreceptors of the synovial bursa. Polyarthralgia affects more than 5 joints at once. There is disagreement about whether arthralgia can be considered a separate disease.

    Causes of arthralgia:


      tumor (paraneoplastic syndrome);

      immune system disorders.

    Symptoms of arthralgia:

      pain of a different nature, localized or “wandering” in the joints;

      myalgia – discomfort in the muscles;

      Ossalgia is a feeling of aching.

    The symptoms of this disease are very variable.

    Treatment of arthralgia:

    Taking or applying analgesics and eliminating the causes of illness. Exercise therapy, a physical therapy complex, and physiotherapy also help relieve pain.

    Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints. With arthritis, a person experiences pain during active movements, flexion and extension, as well as when walking if the joints of the legs are inflamed. Sometimes the skin over the sore joint begins to turn red, and a local increase in temperature or general fever is observed.

    If one joint is affected, then the disease is called “monoarthritis,” and if several joints are involved in the process, then it is “polyarthritis.” If the disease is not treated, then over time all joint tissues will be affected: bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, surrounding muscles, bursa, synovium. The disease can occur suddenly, in which case doctors call acute arthritis, or develop over time, slowly progressing (chronic arthritis).

    If we look at the statistics, then every person over the age of 65 is at risk. Among pensioners, the number of people suffering from this pathology is about 60%. Doctors claim that this figure does not reflect the true state of affairs: if each patient presented them with his complaints, and did not try to treat the disease on his own, the arthritis statistics in Russia would look even sadder. But don’t think that arthritis is exclusively a disease of old age. It can affect people at a younger age and even children. It all depends on the reasons causing pathological changes in the joints.

    Causes of arthritis:

      metabolic disorder;

    • infection;


      diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system.

    Arthritis symptoms:

      constant pain syndrome;

      stiffness in the morning;


      hyperemia - redness of the skin;


    Treatment for arthritis:

    Anti-inflammatory (Acetylsalicylic acid, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Brufen) and painkillers (Capsaicin, Tylenol, Oxycodone, Methadone, Tramadol), hormones - corticosteroids (Hydrocortisone, Triamcinolone).

    Arthropathy is a type of arthritis, a secondary inflammatory disease. It is included in the triad of symptoms of Reiter's syndrome or disease along with urethritis and conjunctivitis.

    Causes of arthropathy:

      changes in the level of hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus;



      endocrine diseases;

      disorders of nervous regulation.

    Symptoms of arthropathy:

      arthralgia - pain;

      asymmetry of the lesion;

      swelling in the periarticular area.

    Treatment of arthropathy:

    The disease always occurs secondary, against the background of other diseases. Therefore, treatment is aimed mainly at the underlying disease. Once the underlying cause is treated, the arthropathy usually disappears.

    Chondrocalcinosis is a type of arthropathy accompanied by the deposition of salts in the articular cartilage.

    Causes of chondrocalcinosis have not been precisely established, but a connection with the following pathologies has been identified:


      hemolytic anemia;

      primary hyperparathyroidism;




    • neuropathic arthropathy;

      kidney stone disease;

      Forestier syndrome;

    • diabetes mellitus;

      Wilson's disease;


    • surgical intervention.

    Symptoms of chondrocalcinosis:

      destruction of the surface of the articular cartilage;

      pain syndrome;

      limited mobility, morning stiffness;



      persistent increase in ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate;

      dysfunction of the joints.

    Treatment of chondrocalcinosis:

    Intra-articular injections of corticosteroids are given. Crystals of calcium pyrophosphate salts provoke the development of inflammation. Therefore, the synovial fluid is washed to remove dangerous crystals. Physiotherapy and massage are indicated.

    Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammation of the intervertebral joints, leading to the formation of ankylosis. As a result, the spinal column is enclosed in a rigid bone corset, which significantly limits its mobility. Ankylosing spondylitis is also called ankylosing spondylitis because the term "ankylosis" means fusion.

    The disease is very often confused with osteochondrosis, which also manifests itself as back pain. However, ankylosing spondylitis leads to complete immobility of the joints of the spinal column, which is its main danger.

    The first pain in the spine is almost always regarded by general practitioners as osteochondrosis. The correct diagnosis is established much later, on average 4-5 years after the manifestation of the pathology. During this time, the patient has already developed severe disorders in the joints of the spinal column, which significantly complicates subsequent therapy and reduces its effectiveness.

    Causes of ankylosing spondylitis— pathology refers to idiopathic diseases. This means that the causes of ankylosing spondylitis are still not precisely known to science. However, it has been established that 96% of people have damage to the inherited gene of the HLA system. It is these genes that are responsible for normal immune responses to various diseases; they regulate the severity of the immune response, etc.

    Damage to the normal structure of a gene occurs due to exposure to pathogenic factors on the body, as a result of which it is transformed into an antigen. This antigen is transmitted from parents to children and is called HLA-B27.

    When interacting with healthy cells, this antigen forms certain complexes to which the immune system reacts as foreign. He begins to attack them, thereby provoking an inflammatory reaction.

    Factors that can provoke the disease:

      Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

      Inflammation of the intestines and other organs due to infection with streptococci and Klebsiella.

      Dysfunction of the endocrine glands.

      Fractures of the pelvic bones.

      Hypothermia of the body.

    However, gene mutations are not the only cause of the development of the disease, since a thorough examination of healthy people reveals the HLA-B27 antigen in them. It is present in 9% of the population, while only 25% of them will have a latent course of the disease. Other people who are carriers of the antigen do not suffer from this pathology at all, but trauma or injury can provoke it. In addition, in approximately 15% of people suffering from ankylosing spondylitis, this antigen is not detected at all, but they are able to inherit the disease to their descendants.

    The first signs of ankylosing spondylitis are as follows:

      Stiffness and pain in the lower back and sacral area. Irradiation of painful sensations into the lower extremities and buttocks is possible. The pain tends to intensify in the morning.

      At a young age, pain occurs in the heel area.

      Stiffness extends to the thoracic spine.

      If you perform a clinical blood test on a patient, the ESR will increase in the range from 30 to 60 mm/hour.

    If such signs persist in a person for several months, then contacting a specialist should be done immediately. In this case, you need to insist on consulting a rheumatologist.

    Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis:

      girdling pain radiating to the spine;

      back muscle tension;



      ankylosis of intervertebral joints;

      stopping the growth of the chest;

    • iridocyclitis - inflammation of the eye;

      aortitis – inflammation of the aortic wall;

      aortic valve insufficiency;

      pericarditis - inflammation of the lining of the heart;

    • Kidney amyloidosis – disorder of protein metabolism

    Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis:

    Treatment of ankylosing disease involves the implementation of a whole range of therapeutic measures, which have the sole purpose of stopping the ankylosis process:

      When the acute period subsides, the patient is advised to perform exercise therapy, it is useful to go skiing, and exercise in the pool.

      Balneological procedures have an effect.

      Phonophoresis with hormonal drugs is carried out, paraffin therapy and ultrasound treatment are effective.

      It is important that the patient watches his posture and sleeps on a flat and firm surface.

      During the active stage of treatment, static loads on the spinal column, as well as running and other heavy physical exercises are prohibited.

    It is possible to introduce corticosteroid hormones into the joint cavity. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen in the spinal column helps eliminate pain and alleviate the patient's condition. Hirudotherapy and back massage can be used as auxiliary treatment methods. However, these procedures can only be performed in the remission stage.

    In general, there are active disputes between doctors regarding physical procedures. Many of them are of the opinion that applying heat to sore joints can only intensify the process of inflammation. This applies, first of all, to paraffin therapy. Patients indicate that a positive effect can be obtained from going to the bathhouse, but taking a bath with hot water only aggravates the course of the disease.

    The question of the use of cryotherapy for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis remains no less controversial. Thus, almost every patient experiences a deterioration in their overall health after the first session. The patient should know that this effect is expected. Pain relief should occur only after a week of cold treatment.

    It is important to perform a set of special physical exercises. They are similar to those that are performed for diseases of the spine.

    Still's disease is a type of arthritis. It appears in children under 16 years of age and is accompanied by systemic inflammation.

    Causes of Still's disease not identified.

    Symptoms of the disease:

      multiple arthritis;

      inflammatory changes in synovial fluid;

      internal soft tissue swelling;

      accumulation of intra-articular effusion;

      periarticular osteoporosis;

      bone erosion or ankylosis;

      eye damage;

      increase in temperature;

      intoxication syndrome;

      the appearance of contractures;


      skin hyperemia with subsequent pigmentation;

      allergic rash;

      lymph node hyperplasia;

      enlarged liver and spleen;

      progressive exhaustion;

      retardation in physical development;

      muscle atrophy;


      arterial hypotension;


      blood leukocytosis.

    Treatment of Still's disease:

    Medication methods are used. Additional measures are taken in accordance with the course of the disease.

    Infectious arthritis is a type of arthritis, a common infectious-allergic disease.

    Causes of infectarthritis presumably installed:


      autoimmune tissue destruction;


    Symptoms of infectarthritis:


    • sweating;


      weight loss;

      decreased performance;

      acute synovioarthritis;

      enlargement and deformation of joints;

      pain and limited movement;

      increased temperature at the site of edema;

      the muscles in the affected area atrophy;

      neutrophilic leukocytosis;

      hypochromic anemia;

      increased ESR;



      increased capillary permeability;

      lymph nodes swell;

      subcutaneous “rheumatoid” nodules appear;


      narrowing of joint spaces;

      marginal bone growths.

    Treatment of infectarthritis:

    Pain is relieved by analgesics:

      Acetylsalicylic acid;


    Anti-inflammatory drugs include adrenergic steroids and NSAIDs – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include:






      Mefenamic acid.

    If problems with immunity occur, immunosuppressants are prescribed, for example, Azathioprine. Physical and occupational therapy is recommended. Deformations that greatly complicate the patient’s life are removed through surgery. Artificial implants are often inserted.

    Periarthritis is a type of arthritis, inflammation of the periarticular tissues:

    • tendons;

    The most common cases are shoulder or glenohumeral inflammation.

    Causes of periarthritis:

      traumatic injuries;



    Symptoms of periarthritis:

      pain syndrome;

      slight restriction of movement in the joint.

    Treatment of periarthritis:

    Immobilization of the joint with a fixing bandage, physiotherapy, and anesthesia help alleviate the patient’s condition.

    Gout is a metabolic disease in which uric acid salts (known as urates) are deposited in the joints. Gout, otherwise called the “disease of kings”, is an ancient disease that was known back in the time of Hippocrates. Now gout is considered a rare disease, affecting 3 people out of 1000. And most often it affects men over the age of 40; in women it most often appears after menopause. Gout itself is one of the types of joint diseases, the cause of which is salt deposition.

    Gout affects all joints, from the joints of the fingers to the joints of the toes.

    Causes of gout:​

    The cause is elevated and persistent levels of uric acid in the blood. During the course of the disease, urate crystals (a derivative of uric acid) are deposited in joints, organs and other body systems. Sodium urate crystallizes and is deposited in small particles in the joints, which ultimately leads to partial or complete destruction of the joint. For the same reason, such situations are called microcrystalline.

    There can be a large amount of uric acid in the body for two reasons: the first reason is when healthy kidneys are unable to remove unusually large amounts of uric acid, the second reason is when uric acid is released in normal quantities, but the kidneys are unable to remove it.

    Every year there are more and more people suffering from gout. Doctors explain this phenomenon by the fact that in recent years people have increasingly consumed foods rich in purines (for example, meat, fatty fish) and huge amounts of alcohol. This is confirmed by the fact that during the wars, the percentage of people with gout decreased sharply due to the fact that meat products, and especially alcohol, were very difficult to get.

    Symptoms of gout:


      increase in temperature;

      hyperuricemia - increased concentration of uric acid in the blood;

      obesity, hypertriglyceridemia or hypertension.

    Gout treatment:

    A diagnosis of gout means that a person will have to significantly change their lifestyle and constantly take medications, because, unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve a complete cure for this disease. However, timely treatment can bring gout under control, reduce painful attacks to a minimum and protect against severe complications.

    The main principle of gout treatment is to control the level of uric acid in the body. For drug treatment, you should consult a rheumatologist. His prescriptions will be aimed at reducing the volume of uric acid and removing it from the body as quickly as possible. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe medications that, given possible concomitant diseases, will not cause the greatest harm to health.

    Most often, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as methindole, diclofenac, butadione, indomethacin, naproxen, for 1-2 weeks. To quickly reduce the concentration of uric acid in the body, allopurinol, orotic acid, thiopurinol, hepatocatazal, and milurite can be prescribed. To relieve acute signs of gout, doctors recommend taking colchicine.

    Drug therapy for gout is aimed at solving two main problems:

      Reducing the level of uric acid in the patient’s body;

      Relief of acute inflammatory process and pain relief.

    The sooner the patient undergoes examination, reconsiders his habits and begins treatment, the greater the likelihood of achieving stable remission. Without adequate therapy, gout progresses quickly, especially in mature and elderly patients, so it is in no case possible to reason on the principle of “it catches it and lets it go.”

    4 traditional medicine recipes for gout:

    In some cases, discomfort or even a burning sensation may occur in the bladder. This is due to the fact that salt dissolves in the body and irritates the mucous membranes. There is no need to be afraid of this.

    Recipe No. 1. A healing decoction of chamomile will perfectly soothe gout-affected limbs. The flowers should be filled with water mixed with salt (ratio 100 grams / 10 liters / 20 grams). After the solution has infused, make a bath.

    Recipe No. 2. Ordinary fir cones will help perfectly cleanse your joints. To do this, pour 1.5 cups of hot boiled water into the unopened cone with seeds and leave overnight. The decoction should be taken 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The procedure should be repeated until complete recovery.

    Recipe No. 3. Cleansing joints with bay leaves is also recommended. 5 grams of bay leaves should be poured into 1.5 glasses of water and boiled for at least 5 minutes. The container should not be covered with a lid, because the leaves contain essential oils that adversely affect the kidneys during gout. The resulting broth is removed from the stove, wrapped in a towel and left for at least 3 hours. After infusion, the composition should be drunk within 24 hours.

    Recipe No. 4. Boiled rice also has a beneficial effect on cleansing joints. 2 tbsp. The rice must be rinsed with water several times, then poured into a half-liter jar, filled with water and left overnight. In the morning, rinse again and cook. After boiling, remove from heat, rinse again and bring to a boil again. This procedure is repeated 4 times. When everything is done, the rice is washed one last time and eaten without salt or oil. After taking this “medicine” you should not drink or eat for four hours. Repeat the procedure in the evening. This should be done for 45 days. Thanks to prolonged washing, starch disappears from the grains. And with repeated boiling, cells are formed. Thanks to this, the rice does not settle in the stomach, but quickly passes into the duodenum. There, the cells begin to work and absorb toxins, thus cleansing the entire body.

    ​ Felty's syndrome is a type of arthritis, a complication of rheumatoid arthritis. There is disagreement about whether this syndrome should be considered a disease or a symptom.

    Cause of Felty's syndrome- rheumatoid arthritis.

    Symptoms of the disease:

      general exhaustion;

      enlargement of the spleen - splenomegaly - and liver - hepatomegaly;

      portal hypertension;

      lymphadenopathy - swelling of the lymph nodes;

    • leukopenia – decrease in the number of leukocytes;

      thrombocytopenia or thrombopenia - a decrease in the number of platelets;


      brown skin pigmentation;

      the formation of rheumatoid nodules - focal skin compactions;

      “dry” Sjögren’s syndrome - dystrophy of the secretory glandular apparatus, accompanied by pathological dryness of all mucous membranes;

      ulcers on the skin of the legs;


    Treatment of Felty's syndrome:

    To block the process, medications are administered and plasmapheresis is used. Cell destruction is stopped with splenectomy - surgical removal of the spleen.

    Synovioarthritis is a type of arthritis, inflammation of the synovial membrane.

    Causes of synovioarthritis:


      repetitive injuries;

      neuroendocrine and metabolic disorders;

      allergic and chemical factors.

    Symptoms of synovioarthritis:

      smoothing the contours of the joint;

      increase in local temperature;


      pain on palpation;

      with the progression of the disease, the nature of the inflammatory effusion changes;

      the purulent form is accompanied by fever.

    Treatment of synovioarthritis:

    The diseased joint needs complete rest; it is immobilized with special means. Apply dry heat. If there is excessive accumulation of synovial fluid, a puncture with lavage is performed.

    Spondyloarthritis is a type of arthritis, multiple inflammation of the intervertebral joints.

    Causes of spondyloarthritis:

      infectious nonspecific polyarthritis - “infectious arthritis”;



    • hypothermia;



    Symptoms of spondyloarthritis depend on its type:

      limited mobility of the spine in the morning, and then at other times;

      increase in temperature;

    • accelerated ROE - erythrocyte sedimentation reaction;

      progressive ossification of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine;

      pain radiating to the thigh;

      back muscle atrophy;

      cervical lordosis;

      kyphosis of the thoracic spine;

      uneven contours of the sacroiliac joints.

    Treatment of spondyloarthritis:

    The infectious focus is sanitized. Pyrazolone (Butadione, Reopirin, Pirabutol) and hormonal drugs (ACTH - Adrenocorticotropic hormone, Prednisolone, Triamcinolone) are prescribed. Exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures are also necessary.

    Arthrosis or osteoarthritis is a joint disease considered dystrophic and associated with the slow destruction of cartilage inside the joint. With arthrosis, over a long period of time, changes occur, restructuring of the articular ends of bones, inflammatory processes occur and degeneration of periarticular tissues occurs. The concept of “arthrosis” also includes a not yet very large group of joint diseases of a degenerative-inflammatory nature, which have different causes of occurrence and similar mechanisms of their development.

    Arthrosis is considered the most common joint disease in the world; according to statistics, up to 80% of the world's population suffers from arthrosis to one degree or another. Lesions of this type are very common, and are in third place, after oncology and cardiovascular diseases.

    Cause of arthrosis:

    Arthrosis develops due to metabolic disorders in the joint, which in turn leads to the fact that the cartilage begins to lose elasticity. This may be facilitated by the complete or partial loss of proteoglycans from the cartilage; this usually occurs due to rather deep cracks in the cartilage itself. Loss of proteoglycans can also occur for another reason: due to a failure in their production by joint cells.

    According to experts, the reasons why articular cartilage may begin to deteriorate can be metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders, decreased blood flow to the joint, hereditary factors, old age, injuries, as well as diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and even psoriasis. And yet, the most common cause of arthrosis is abnormal load on the joints, while the cartilage cannot resist it.

    In addition, the occurrence and development of arthrosis can be influenced by following reasons:

      Previous injuries. These can be dislocations, bruises, fractures, ligament ruptures and other injuries.

      Metabolic disorders.

      Excess body weight, leading to additional stress on the joints.

      The inflammatory process in the joints is acute purulent arthritis.

      Old age.

      Low quality food.


      Autoimmune diseases - lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis.

      General intoxication of the body.

      Specific inflammations - syphilis, tuberculosis, tick-borne encephalitis, gonorrhea.

      Thyroid diseases.

      Bleeding disorder (hemophilia).

      Perthes disease is a disorder of the blood supply to the head of the femur.

    There are also several genetically determined reasons leading to the development of arthrosis:

      If we consider arthrosis of the hand and fingers, then scientists have found that the so-called Bouchard and Heberden nodes, as a disease, can be inherited.

      Violation of the formation of joints and ligaments in the prenatal period, leading to dysplasia. Against this background, rapid wear of the joint occurs and arthrosis develops.

      Type 2 collagen mutations. When disturbances occur in the structure of the fibrillar protein located in the connective tissue, then rapid destruction of cartilage occurs.

    Also at risk of getting a disease such as arthrosis in the near future are people whose professions include: bricklayer, miner, fisherman, blacksmith, metallurgist - and other areas of activity associated with increased physical labor.

    Symptoms of arthrosis:

      severe pain when moving due to thinning of the cartilage layer;

    • inflammatory process;

      decreased joint mobility - physical inactivity;

      atrophy of muscles and ligaments;

      joint deformity;

      softening, fiberization, ulceration and thinning of cartilage;

      osteosclerosis – pathological hardening of the bone;

      synovitis accompanied by edema.

    Complications of arthrosis:

    If arthrosis is not given due attention and is not treated promptly and correctly, this can lead not only to the complete destruction of the diseased joint, but also to a change in the biomechanics of the spine, which can cause herniations in the intervertebral discs and the development of arthrosis in other, still healthy joints. . It is better to avoid complications of joint arthrosis.

    As main complications of arthrosis The following pathologies are distinguished:

      Joint destruction.

      Joint deformity.

      Inability to carry out movements.

      Disability of the patient.

      Violation of the biomechanics of the spine and other joints.

      Herniated intervertebral discs.

      Decrease in the patient's standard of living.

    Treatment of arthrosis:

    It is better to treat diseased joints at an early stage; the treatment itself should be pathogenetic and comprehensive. The essence of treatment is to remove the causes that contribute to the development of this disease; it is also necessary to eliminate inflammatory changes and restore functions that were previously lost. Only comprehensive treatment is provided!

    The treatment of arthrosis is based on a few basic principles:

      Damaged joints should be relieved of excessive stress. If possible, during treatment it should be kept to a minimum.

      Following the established orthopedic regimen.

      Physical therapy classes.

      Completion of a course of physical therapy, which includes magnetic and electrotherapy, shock wave, and laser therapy.

      Sanatorium treatment. To do this, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment at specialized resorts once a year, on the recommendation of a doctor.

      Saturation of the joint with oxygen, or so-called intra-articular oxygen therapy.

      Drug therapy (at the initial stage it is better not to resort to this).

      Intraosseous blockades, as well as decompression of the metaepiphysis.

      A rational approach to nutrition (be sure to add jellied meat, natural jelly, gelatin, bone cartilage to the diet). Provide your body with vitamins and minerals.

    Let's take a closer look drug treatment(not required at the first stage):

      Anti-inflammatory drugs. By approaching the treatment of arthrosis in a comprehensive manner, it is possible to slow down the course of the disease and significantly improve the quality of life. It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on some points of treatment. In particular, drug therapy includes, at the initial stage, pain relief, as well as the elimination of inflammatory processes occurring in the joints. For this, all doctors use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Experienced doctors do not recommend their oral use, since these drugs significantly irritate the walls of the stomach. Therefore, depending on the drug chosen, either intravenous or intramuscular administration is used. Sometimes, as adjuncts, NVSP is used in the form of ointments, but their absorption is extremely low, so a significant effect cannot be achieved.

      Hormonal corticosteroids. When arthrosis is at the acute stage, it is advisable to take hormonal short-term steroids. They are injected into the joint, using drugs such as hydrocortisone or diprospan. Externally, you can use a special patch, ointment or tincture, which are made from hot pepper.

      Chondroprotectors aimed at restoring cartilage and improving the qualitative composition of synovial fluid will also not be superfluous. The most common agents in this group are glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate. The course lasts for quite a long period of time until improvement occurs. However, if the expected effect does not appear within six months of use, the drugs should be discontinued. Also, intra-articularly, along with chondroprotectors, it is advisable to use drugs made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. They contribute to the formation of the membrane of cells responsible for the formation of joint cartilage.

      Diacerein. The treatment regimen can be supplemented by taking diacerein, which promotes the degradation of cartilage tissue. But you should not expect an immediate effect; as a rule, improvements occur two weeks or even a month after the first dose.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of arthrosis and osteoarthritis:

    • Jellied meat, jelly, gelatin, cartilage - your food.
    • Drink hydrogen peroxide (diluted with water). From 3 to 12 months daily. Hydrogen peroxide has many benefits for the body!
    • Horseradish compress. Grind the roots, and then let them steam in water over low heat, but the water should not boil. Place the resulting composition on a canvas cloth, having previously wetted it with such a drug. And then apply it to the affected areas. Stock up on dried roots for winter too. When necessary again, chop the roots, steam and apply to sore spots.
    • Take five percent medical iodine, ten percent ammonia, May flower honey, medical bile and glycerin. Take all components in equal proportions. Mix them and leave for ten days in a place where there is no sunlight. Before making compresses, shake the mixture, pour part of the broth into a small jar and heat in a water bath. Then soak the napkins in this heated broth and place them on the joint before going to bed. Place cellophane and wool fabric on top. Do this treatment every day until you are healthy.
    • At night, apply a large leaf of white cabbage to the affected area. You can lubricate the surface of the leaf adjacent to the body with honey. The effect increases. In the morning the pain subsides. Do this daily. And remember that cabbage saves not only from joint pain, but also headaches, pain in the spine, etc.
    • Do not forget that treatment must be comprehensive. The disease will not go away using any of these methods. Apply several of the described points at once.

    Hemarthrosis - This is a type of arthrosis, internal hemorrhage.

    Cause of hemarthrosis- trauma that causes rupture of blood vessels. In patients with hemophilia, hemorrhage can begin even with minor injuries. This sensitivity is caused by poor blood clotting.

    Symptoms of hemarthrosis:

      swelling due to internal hemorrhage;

      stiffness of movements;

      elevated temperature.

    Treatment of hemarthrosis:

    The joint is kept at rest. If the hemorrhage is small, it is enough to immobilize the limb. Otherwise, the blood is pumped out from the cavity and a pressure bandage is applied. For rehabilitation, exercise therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed. If, as a result of tissue rupture, loose fragments are found in the joint, ligaments or menisci are severely damaged, arthroscopy is performed. This surgical procedure is performed endoscopically. A “joint mouse”—a pathological particle, a fragment—is removed using instruments; this requires a second puncture. Sometimes the joint is replaced with a prosthesis. A period of rehabilitation is required, because the affected limb is immobilized for a long time.

    Hydrarthrosis - This is a type of arthrosis, dropsy of the joint.

    Causes of hydrarthrosis:

    • infection;

      osteochondritis dissecans – inflammation of the cartilage;

      Bekhterev's disease;

    • allergic reaction.

    Symptoms of hydrarthrosis:

      a significant increase in the size of the joint, a change in its external contours;


      expansion of the joint space.

    Treatment of hydrarthrosis:

    The joint becomes immobilized. A puncture is made to remove effusion fluid. Getting rid of the disease is very difficult. Relapses are common. In rare cases, radiation therapy is performed. The affected area is exposed to ionizing radiation. Intermittent hydrarthrosis - intermittent dropsy of the joint - is practically untreatable.

    Gonarthrosis is a type of arthrosis that affects the knee.

    Causes of primary gonarthrosis unknown and secondary occurs after injury or as a result of impaired development of the joint.

    Symptoms of gonarthrosis:

    morning stiffness;

  • swelling;

    cartilage destruction;

    degeneration and deformation of the joint.

    Treatment of gonarthrosis:

    In addition to the traditional complex of anti-inflammatory and painkillers, drugs that replace synovial fluid are prescribed. The patient is recommended to use a cane, orthosis, or orthopedic insoles when walking.

    Coxarthrosis is a type of arthrosis that affects the hip joint.

    Causes of coxarthrosis:

      hereditary predisposition;

      old age;


      traumatic injury;

      hip dysplasia.

    Symptoms of coxarthrosis:

      discomfort in the pelvic area in the morning;

      pain that gets worse with physical activity;



      growth of bone spurs - osteophytes.

    Treatment of coxarthrosis:

    The articular cartilage disappears and the bones rub directly against each other. Without treatment, the patient becomes lame. He cannot walk without a cane, crutches or a walker. The modern level of medicine can only stop the development of the disease. Ibuprofen is prescribed to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. An operation called arthroplasty improves the situation slightly. The endoprosthesis is inserted. A rehabilitation program is mandatory.

    Osteochondrosis is a type of arthrosis accompanied by degeneration of articular cartilage. Osteochondrosis is a lesion of the intervertebral discs and other tissues of the spine. Osteochondrosis refers to a degenerative process in the intervertebral discs. The spine compresses, crushing the discs that are located between the vertebrae. Over time, they lose their elasticity, and now the nerve endings of the spinal cord begin to be pinched. Pain occurs and swelling appears.

    In the advanced stage of osteochondrosis, people face serious complications, some of which cause disability.

    Osteophyte is a pathological growth of bone along the edges of the surface of the bone or articular processes of the vertebrae. Osteophyte appears due to the prolonged existence of instability of the spinal motion segment due to osteochondrosis or spinal trauma. In general, osteophyte is a protective reaction of the body to heavy loads, so if the growths are removed, they come back again. Osteochondrosis is most often diagnosed in young people whose age ranges from 15 to 30 years. This is due to the fact that the development of this disease occurs at a socially active age (the male half of the population suffers osteochondrosis more severely).

    Causes of osteochondrosis:

    The causes of osteochondrosis can be hypothermia of the body, sharp turns during which the vertebrae are displaced, and physical overload.

    According to many experts who have studied this disease, the main cause of osteochondrosis is an incorrectly distributed load on the spinal column. As a result, in patients, directly in places on which excessive physical pressure is applied, a change in the structure of cartilaginous tissue occurs.

    The provoking factors of osteochondrosis are:


      weak back muscles (no muscle corset);

      curvature of the spine;

      being in an uncomfortable position for a long period of time;

      lifting weights;

      dragging heavy objects;

      sedentary lifestyle;

      metabolic disorders (the patient’s body lacks phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc and other useful vitamins and microelements);

      bad heredity;

      negative effects on the body caused by chemicals;

      past infectious diseases;

      general hypothermia of the body;

      nervous shock, stress;

      hormonal imbalance;

      active and strength sports;

      frequent and sudden changes in body position;

      falls, bruises and other types of spinal injuries;

      change in the elasticity of the nucleus (jelly);

      unfavorable climatic conditions that have a detrimental effect on weather-sensitive people, etc.

    The cause of prolapsed intervertebral discs is lifting heavy objects at right angles to the body. Therefore, always take the load while squatting, this will protect your spine.

    Symptoms of osteochondrosis:

      pain in various parts of the body;

      numbness and aching in the limbs with their gradual atrophy;

      limited movement;

      muscle spasms;

      vertebral artery syndrome;

      displacement of intervertebral discs;

      damage to the nerve roots.

    Degrees of osteochondrosis:

      At the first stage it is very difficult to identify this disease. Patients do not have pronounced symptoms; they experience a general malaise, which is easily confused with other diseases. Often at the first stage of osteochondrosis, people experience discomfort in the back, but they associate this with overwork, physical exertion, difficult working conditions and therefore do not respond to the body’s alarm signal in a timely manner. This disease is sluggish and often latent. In most cases, osteochondrosis at the first stage is detected by chance, during a comprehensive examination of the patient (radiography, magnetic resonance or computed tomography).

      The second stage of osteochondrosis is accompanied by pain, as the patient begins the processes of destruction of cartilage tissue. If the patient is not prescribed complex therapy, his intervertebral spaces will narrow too quickly and compression of the nerve endings, lymphatic vessels and blood arteries will occur. Pain at this stage of osteochondrosis is relieved with special medications. The disease begins to cause discomfort to patients, so they are forced to turn to medical institutions for help.

      The third stage of osteochondrosis is accompanied by fixed changes in the spine. This category of patients develops scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, a hump is formed, etc. Constructive treatment will, if not return, then significantly improve the condition of the spine and minimize existing defects: curvature, hump, etc.

      The fourth stage of this disease is accompanied by irreversible changes in the human spine. It will be difficult for the patient to move, as even with the slightest movement of the body he will experience excruciating pain. He will develop compaction of cartilage tissue and displacement of the vertebrae, and at the same time pathological growths of bone tissue will form. Very often at this stage of osteochondrosis, patients become disabled.

    Consequences of osteochondrosis:

    Osteochondrosis is a dangerous disease that can cause muscle atrophy or disability. Most patients complain of constant pain, which can only be relieved with medications or injections.

    Currently, unfortunately, there are people who prefer to self-medicate, which very often leads to serious consequences. They turn to specialized specialists as a last resort when they have a hernia or a pinched nerve. If the patient does not receive constructive treatment, his intervertebral disc condition will gradually worsen.

    First of all, a protrusion will be formed, which is a protrusion of the nucleus pulposus. If it bulges, the patient will experience serious problems. After the destruction of the fibrous ring, the next stage of osteochondrosis will begin - the appearance of an intervertebral hernia.

    At the same time, the patient experiences an overgrowth of the bone tissue of the vertebrae, and sclerotic plaques appear inside the vessels. When the vertebral arteries begin to be compressed, the brain stops receiving the necessary nutrition, resulting in impaired blood pressure and oxygen supply.

    Patients who have been diagnosed with an advanced stage of osteochondrosis often experience disturbances in heart rhythm, respiratory and swallowing functions. Complications also develop in the form of deterioration in hearing and vision, coordination of movement, etc.

    Treatment of osteochondrosis:

    Many people who have degenerative lesions of the intervertebral discs are interested in the question: is it possible to cure osteochondrosis and how to do it? Experts from leading clinics in the world who treat this disease claim that if osteochondrosis was identified at an early stage, then in most cases it is possible to completely restore the functionality of the spine. If a patient goes to a medical facility at stages 3 or 4 of the disease, then doctors can only improve his condition, since entering this phase of development, osteochondrosis provokes the formation of bone growths and a change in the shape of the spine. At these stages, a positive result can only be achieved with surgical treatment.

    After such therapy, patients begin periods of remission, which they can lengthen on their own if they adhere to the recommendations of their attending physicians:

      avoid stressful situations;

      eat properly and rationally;

      engage in swimming and physical therapy;

      reduce the level of stress on the musculoskeletal system;

      normalize sleep.

    Treatment of osteochondrosis, like any other disease, begins with diagnosis. During the examination of the patient, palpation and collection of anamnesis of the disease, a specialist (vertebrologist, neurologist or orthopedist) prescribes a set of necessary procedures: laboratory and hardware examination. After a set of diagnostic measures, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment.

    Currently, osteochondrosis is treated with medication, surgery and physiotherapy. Physical therapy and a special diet are of great benefit in the treatment of this disease. During treatment, patients are advised to remain in bed to minimize the load on the musculoskeletal system, in particular the spine.

    It is best to use a hard surface instead of a soft mattress. First of all, specialists relieve pain. After this, anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs are prescribed. It is allowed to use ointments, creams and gels that relieve pain and inflammation. At the same time, the doctor prescribes medications that relax muscles, improve blood circulation, and promote the restoration of cartilage tissue. Good results in drug treatment of osteochondrosis are achieved in combination with physiotherapeutic measures. Patients are prescribed: ultrasound, electrophoresis, magnet, etc.

    Healing mud and mineral waters have a beneficial effect on the spine (today there are a large number of sanatoriums and hospitals located in resort areas where patients are treated in this way). If the patient has no contraindications to massage (no benign or malignant neoplasms have been identified), he can visit the massage room. In some cases, when treating osteochondrosis, patients are recommended to undergo a course of reflexology. During the session, the specialist influences certain points of the body. He may use acupuncture, injections or heating in his work.

    A course of reflexology will help the patient get rid of pain, improve the health of the body and relieve muscle tension. If none of the above methods brings the desired result, patients undergo surgical treatment of osteochondrosis (as a last resort). The purpose of surgery is to stabilize the structure of the spine, remove herniated discs or completely damaged discs, and eliminate factors that put pressure on the spinal cord. Due to the fact that surgical treatment of osteochondrosis is accompanied by a high risk for the patient, operations are performed in emergency cases.

    When treating osteochondrosis, patients are recommended to engage in physical therapy. Moderate physical activity, under the watchful supervision of an experienced instructor, has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. In patients involved in physical therapy (swimming, special physical exercises), metabolic processes are normalized, spinal mobility is gradually restored, a muscle corset is created, etc.

    What you can do for osteochondrosis:

      Bathhouse. The basis of the healing mechanism is deep warming and external irritation, stimulating physiological processes in the body, due to which tension is relieved, swelling is reduced and muscle pain goes away. You can stay in the steam room for a maximum of 10 minutes at a time with breaks between sessions of 10-20 minutes. A traditional broom can only be used after thoroughly warming up the body. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in a bathhouse, but herbal tea is definitely recommended. But remember that if osteochondrosis worsens, going to the bathhouse is prohibited!

      Massage. Let us immediately tell fans of therapeutic massage that it can be carried out during a period when the pain syndrome has already been relieved and movements do not cause discomfort. Or during an exacerbation, but in this case the manual action should be directed to a neighboring healthy area of ​​the body, which reduces pain in the focus of pathogenesis at the reflex level. The first sessions during an exacerbation are carried out very carefully, without straining the muscles, and therefore without causing aggravation of the pain syndrome;

      Swimming. Indicated in the absence of pain. It helps relax muscles and increase joint mobility, but it is necessary to exclude hypothermia - a possible cause of exacerbation of the disease;

      Performing a set of special gymnastic (orthopedic) exercises helps strengthen the back muscles, reduce tension between the vertebrae, improve blood supply, and increase the elasticity and mobility of ligaments and tendons. As a result, it is possible to prevent further development of osteochondrosis and its relapses, as well as achieve partial correction of posture;

      Nutrition. It is very important for osteochondrosis to consume a sufficient amount of protein. To do this, you need to introduce eggs, chicken, fish, milk and cottage cheese into your diet. You can eat veal, lamb and pork, but you shouldn’t get carried away. Vegetable protein, found in mushrooms, legumes, nuts, seeds, and eggplants, is also important. If you have osteochondrosis, you must eat fresh vegetables and fruits. It’s great if you have the opportunity to drink freshly squeezed juices. In winter, when quality plant foods are largely unavailable, you can concentrate on consuming cabbage, beets and carrots, seasoned with quality olive or sunflower oil, and supplement your diet with a complex of vitamins.

    What not to do with osteochondrosis:

      Lift and carry heavy objects. If it is impossible to completely abandon this, then you need to lift heavy objects with a straight back and without bending your head;

      Make careless movements that provoke crunching in the joints and spine. Such turns and kneading relieve discomfort for a short time, but at the same time wear out the contact surfaces of the vertebrae, gradually compromising the integrity of the spine and provoking complications of osteochondrosis;

      Sleep on a high pillow. This rule must be observed especially carefully in case of cervical osteochondrosis. The back muscles will involuntarily tense, the pain will intensify, and the spine, regularly being in a curved state, will continue to deform;

      Overeat. Moreover, excess weight with osteochondrosis is the main problem that you need to try to get rid of first. The diet is described above;

      Sleep on a soft mattress or sofa. Giving your head a rest will prevent your muscles from relaxing, which will lead to the appearance or worsening of back pain;

      Wear uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. If you have osteochondrosis, you need to watch your posture. The lack of full support on both feet disrupts the natural curve of the spine, provoking further development of the disease;

      Load your back in the gym. At the initial stage of recovery after treatment of osteochondrosis, serious sports activities are unacceptable in principle!

      Abuse salt and alcohol. Marinades, pickles and other products with excess salt content will have to be excluded from the menu. The same applies to alcoholic drinks that cause swelling.

    Pseudoarthrosis - This is the formation of a new joint. The neoplasm may arise at the site of an old injury, or its appearance may be provoked by surgeons where the joint is needed. This operation is performed for older people. A false joint can be congenital or acquired.

    Causes of pseudarthrosis:

      long-term dislocation or intra-articular fracture;

      congenital hip dislocation;

      palliative surgery.

    Symptoms of pseudarthrosis:

      painless mobility at the site of the former injury;

      lack of fusion of fragments;

      immobility of the limb;

      the bone marrow canals are blocked by the endplate;

      cartilage and false joint capsule are formed.

    Treatment of pseudarthrosis:

    A persistent bone defect can only be cured surgically. The loose joint is removed and homografts are inserted to speed up healing.

    Spondyloarthrosis - This is a type of arthrosis, aging of the intervertebral joints.

    Causes of spondyloarthrosis:

      increased pressure on the vertebrae;

      decreased production of synovial fluid;

      poor posture;

      congenital anomalies of the spine;

    • metabolic disorders;

      flat feet.

    Symptoms of spondyloarthrosis:

      constant back pain;

      formation of osteophytes;

      gait disturbance;

      immobility and fusion of intervertebral joints;

      spondylosis – formation of bone spines.

    Treatment of spondyloarthrosis:

    Manual correction (in the initial stages of the disease) and chondroprotective treatment are required. If inflammation begins, anti-inflammatory drugs are additionally prescribed. Muscle spasms are relieved with muscle relaxants and acupuncture. Traction therapy is also beneficial - stretching the spine, for example, using a mechanical bed. Physiotherapy may also be used.

    Epicondylosis is a type of arthrosis that affects the elbow joint.

    Cause of epicondylosis- monotony of hand movements, for example, in some sports.

    Symptoms of epicondylosis:

      constant pain of varying strength in the arm;

      Thompson and Welsh symptoms.

    Treatment of epicondylosis:

    Pain relief is carried out using injections of anesthetics: Novocaine or Lidocaine. Physiotherapy is also used.

    Hip dysplasia - This is a congenital dislocation of the hip.

    Cause of hip dysplasia- abnormal development of the fetus during intrauterine development.

    Symptoms of hip dysplasia:

      asymmetry of skin folds in unilateral pathology;

      shortening of the thigh;

      Marx-Ortolani “click” symptom;

      limited hip abduction.

    Treatment of hip dysplasia:

    The use of orthopedic fixation devices is mandatory. But they should not completely restrict the child’s movements. The key to success in treatment in the early stages. Gymnastics with a special set of exercises is performed daily. Massage shown. In severe cases, surgery is necessary.

    Bursitis is an inflammation of the periarticular bursa.

    Causes of bursitis:

      excessive stress on the joint;

    • inflammatory and autoimmune diseases;

      metabolic disorders;


      violation of skin integrity;



    Symptoms of bursitis:

      accumulation of exudate - inflammatory fluid;

      pain syndrome;

      limited movement;

      deposits of lime salts in the walls of the bag;


      increase in local or general body temperature up to 40°;

      general malaise, weakness;

    • lymphadenopathy - enlargement of surrounding lymph nodes.

    Treatment of bursitis:

    The therapeutic course includes suppression of the inflammatory process with antibiotics, anesthesia, strengthening the immune system, physical rest, massage and physiotherapy. If conservative treatment does not produce results, surgery is performed. The bursa is opened and cleaned or partially/completely removed.

    Hygroma - This is an accumulation of fluid in the synovial bursa.

    Causes of hygroma:

      tenosynovitis – inflammation of the tendons;

    • monotonous movements requiring muscle tension.

    Symptoms of hygroma:

      the appearance of foci of hemorrhage and necrosis in the walls of the bag;

      increased pain as the tumor enlarges;

      venous stagnation;

      when nerve roots are compressed, a sensitivity disorder occurs: hyperesthesia or, conversely, paresthesia;

      fluctuation phenomenon.

    Treatment of hygroma:

    Conservative methods rarely produce results, so the tumor is removed surgically. Bursectomy does not take long.

    Synovioma - This is a tumor on the joint. It can grow from the wall of the synovium, vagina or bursa. Malignant sarcomas form anywhere in the body, even where there are no joints.

    Causes of synovioma not exactly established. There are assumptions about its genetic condition. A weak connection with injuries and physical overload was revealed.

    Symptoms of synovioma:

      limited movement;

      increased body temperature;

      loss of appetite;

      weight loss;

      general malaise;

      increased fatigue;

      metastasis of sarcoma.

    Treatment of synovioma:

    The tumor is removed surgically. Relapses are possible. Benign neoplasms tend to degenerate into sarcomas.

    Scleroderma is a systemic progressive sclerosis that affects internal organs and tissues.

    Causes of scleroderma:

      genetic predisposition;

      infectious diseases;


      injuries of various types;

      endocrine shifts.

    Symptoms of scleroderma:

      dense swelling, thickening and then atrophy of the skin;



      vascular and trophic disorders;

      articular syndrome from mild pain to deformation;


      pneumosclerosis and other types of sclerosis;

      significant weight loss;


      increase in ESR.

    Treatment of scleroderma:

    Drugs that may be prescribed include:



      Acetylsalicylic acid;

      vitamins B1 and B6;



    • Novocaine.

    In addition to medications, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and massage are used.

    I will not stop telling everyone in the White World that the health of joints and You should pay a lot of attention and engage in the prevention of their diseases throughout your life, even if they are in normal condition. Joints and spine are the main parts in the structure of the human skeleton. Therefore, their diseases often lead to serious consequences.

    Even if you have diseases of the joints or spine, then in addition to the treatment measures outlined in the article, I recommend following the 8 preventive points outlined above. I advise you to approach the treatment of joint disease in a comprehensive manner.

    Knowing the information presented in the article, you can avoid joint disease by starting swimming (exercises on the water), proper nutrition, mental attitude and many other things. "health and longevity."

    I hope that this article helped you find the right way to heal your joints or, at least, in the most difficult situations, relieve unbearable pain. My aimed at providing information assistance. Therefore, in any case, you need to seek advice from a professional doctor, at least in order to find out the diagnosis of the disease. Remember - informed means armed!

    ​ Thank you for your attention, I hope that the article was useful to some of you and helped in a particular case. Share the links with your friends, maybe they are the ones looking for this information.

    Symphony for the spine. Prevention and treatment of diseases of the spine and joints Irina Anatolyevna Kotesheva


    A wise man once said that the greatest difficulty a person has in accepting preventive recommendations is rooted in the illusion of his own immortality, and many young people cannot even believe that they will someday become old. I think many people of the mature generation will confirm with a sigh that what has been said is true. But you can push away old age and illness for a long time if you follow the advice of preventive medicine. In any case, it is easier – and much cheaper – to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, this chapter is dedicated to those who want to avoid encountering illnesses.

    Prevention of diseases of the joints and spine is usually divided into primary and secondary: primary prevention is designed to prevent the occurrence of the disease, the goal of secondary prevention is to prevent relapses of the disease after a successful course of treatment.

    Components of primary prevention:

    prevention of musculoskeletal injuries,

    normalization of body weight, increasing the body's defenses against infections and cooling through hardening, reasonable physical activity, the use of immunomodulators,

    proper organization of the workplace.

    Secondary prevention:

    preventing relapse of the disease,

    timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases (dynamic observation by a specialist against the background of primary prevention measures).

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    Part II Prevention of joint diseases

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    Strengthening the immune system

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    Daily strengthening of immunity And in everyday life? What measures can we use to protect our immunity? Nowadays, food products contain a lot of nitrates and food additives, which have a negative effect on the immune system. List of food additives with

    Diseases of the spine and joints are among the most common and serious problems affecting the human body. As a rule, most diseases manifest themselves gradually; at an early stage of development, they are quite difficult to recognize, which allows them to progress quickly. The spine is the support of the entire body, while the joints can be safely called the mechanism that sets it in motion. Thus, diseases of the musculoskeletal system can harm the entire human body, making it difficult not only to move, but also to lead a normal lifestyle. If you do not treat the disease in time, allowing it to develop, the disease can provoke many complications and even the development of serious pathologies. Therefore, in order to avoid such a fate, the best choice would be periodic prevention of diseases of the spine and joints. For this purpose, you can use methods to protect and maintain the body in good shape, allowing you to strengthen the immune system and recognize the development of the problem in time.

    Spinal diseases - characteristics and features

    Spinal diseases are a group of defects and inflammatory processes that affect cartilage, parts of the vertebrae, characterized by severe symptoms and abnormalities. As a rule, at the initial stage, most diseases associated with the spine are often confused with other characteristic diseases, taking their symptoms as a basis. Thus, having a progressive disease of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, spondylosis and others, a person may come to the conclusion that he has problems with the heart and other organs, and not with the spine. A similar group of diseases can occur in people of different age groups, manifesting themselves for individual or common reasons. As a rule, the main symptoms of spinal diseases include: tachycardia, stiffness and tightness between the shoulder blades, chest pain, a constant feeling of fatigue and lethargy, numbness of the limbs. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, undergo an examination and begin proper treatment, only this will help avoid serious consequences.

    What are the consequences of joint diseases?

    Joint diseases belong to a group of musculoskeletal system defects that affect the movable joints of the skeletal bones. Such diseases can appear at different ages. They are characterized by the appearance of sharp cutting pain in the joints of the arms, elbows, knees, shoulders, burning, stiffness, limitation of mobility, severe pain in the joints after sleep, swelling of individual joints. As a rule, such deviations, depending on the nature and cause, can appear either gradually or unexpectedly. Sharply limiting human capabilities. Joints are responsible for mobility, movement, and performing small work with your hands. When joints are affected or damaged, a person loses the ability to work with his hands, and coordination of movements is impaired. If not treated in a timely manner, diseases of the connecting parts of the bones can lead to the formation of foreign bodies, tumors, and the development of serious pathologies.

    Causes of development of musculoskeletal diseases

    Despite the fact that diseases of the musculoskeletal system (MSD) are considered to be a manifestation of age and aging of the body, the risk group also includes young individuals in the prime of life. There are quite a few reasons for the development of diseases of this group. First of all, it is worth highlighting two main categories: acquired and hereditary.

    Common acquired causes of disease include:

    • excessive physical activity;
    • previous injuries and joint surgeries;
    • poor nutrition and excess weight;
    • lifting more weight;
    • frequent exposure to dampness and cold;
    • impaired blood circulation in the extremities;
    • bad habits;
    • frequent stress and lack of sleep;
    • influence of other diseases.

    As for the second category, it includes hereditary problems with joints, as well as congenital defects and weakness. To avoid the development of such problems, it is best to periodically carry out preventive measures using such popular drugs as capsules for joint health Instaflex and others.

    How to avoid the problem

    It has long been known that the best method of treatment is timely prevention. Currently, there are many ways to avoid the development of musculoskeletal diseases.

    First of all, among the prevention methods we can note:

    • medicinal;
    • physical exercise;
    • traditional methods;
    • proper nutrition.

    First of all, so that the problem with the joints and spine does not take you by surprise, it is enough to periodically carry out a preventive course that will combine the use of medications and folk tinctures.

    Drug prevention of diseases

    The simplest and most common way to avoid the development of musculoskeletal diseases is to periodically take preventive medications. Today, the range of such drugs is quite wide. In this case, your choice may fall on tablets, drops, syrup and capsules to strengthen and improve the connective tissue of bones. First of all, you should give preference to well-known brands of drugs, such as Instaflex, DONA, Chondrolon, Doppelgerz and other proven products. These products contain active ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen and others. They help strengthen the walls of the joints, tone them, saturate them with useful microelements and vitamins, which will contribute to the overall improvement of their condition. In addition, for prevention, it will be useful to take additional vitamin complexes, as well as use warming, restorative and protective creams for topical use.

    Traditional methods of prevention

    Traditional medicine has also collected a rich storehouse of recipes for eliminating problems with joints and the spine. For prevention purposes, herbal infusions, plant extracts, rubs, decoctions and homemade ointments can be used. First of all, the final result will depend on the correct selection of ingredients, preparation, as well as timely and regular intake. The most useful natural ingredients in this case are: chamomile, alcohol, honey, red pepper, yolk, gelatin, horseradish and others.

    Here are some popular recipes for preventing the development of musculoskeletal diseases:

    • Homemade topical ointment

      Preparation: to prepare a homemade preventive ointment, you will need to mix 1 teaspoon of turpentine, 1 chicken egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a shallow bowl, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained, use fresh for application to a sore spot.

    • Honey tincture for joint health

      Preparation: you will need to mix 1 tablespoon of liquid flower honey, a glass of freshly squeezed radish juice, half a glass of vodka, 1 tablespoon of regular salt, mix, take 50 ml orally every day just before bed.

    • Gelatin to help the spine and joints

      Preparation: to tone and improve the health of the spine and joints, you can use regular gelatin, mixed in the proportion of 2 teaspoons, with a third glass of milk, 2 tablespoons of honey, after mixing, the mixture must be left for an hour to infuse, then heated over low heat until gelatin will not dissolve completely, take the product 3 times a week.

    Joints - diseases, treatment and prevention

    Joints are part of the human body. The concept implies a movable connection of bones. One way or another, almost every person has experienced joint pain. Treatment of joints for pain is simply necessary. According to the latest statistical studies, almost 30% of the population suffers from joint pain. This is especially common among older people and athletes. Why is this so? Elderly - the body wears out over time, this also applies to joints. They lose their properties and become thinner. Athletes - constant significant physical activity can provoke injuries, which results in the need for treatment. In medicine, there are special techniques for both the prevention of joint disease and treatment.

    Joint treatment and prevention

    Joint pain does not just appear. The human body is very resilient, but it also has a certain reserve of strength for recovery. In order not to exhaust all the energy of your body to the bottom, you need to follow simple but necessary preventive measures. Here are a few of them:

    1. Proper nutrition. One might say - a hackneyed phrase. BUT! This key point will help to avoid many problems, including joint disease. A balanced, nutritious diet will help the body be saturated with all the necessary substances, vitamins, and minerals. Allows it to function correctly. An important rule is not to overeat. Excess weight is not only unsightly, it also puts a lot of stress on the joints.
    2. Strengthen your body, increase your immunity. Everything in a person is interconnected, and a common cold can affect the condition of the joints. You can apply the advice of traditional medicine.
    3. Exercise. Professional athletes experience joint diseases more often than ordinary athletes. But this does not mean that all physical activity leads to joint diseases. Prevention of injuries and moderate exercise will only improve the general condition of the joints. For example, swimming and walking.

    Treatment of joints, like any other disease, should be carried out under the supervision of an appropriate specialist. A few simple steps will help you avoid serious consequences:

    1. If symptoms such as swelling, stiffness of movement, pain, or the appearance of a hard lump in the knee area (cyst) appear, immediately run to the doctor. The specialists who provide treatment in this area are a traumatologist and a rheumatologist. The doctor examines the painful area already during the initial examination, how the joint moves from one state to another. In this case, the patient, even with severe pain, needs to listen to all the doctor’s recommendations and describe all sensations as accurately as possible. After an examination, most specialists make a diagnosis, but in some complex cases additional measures are necessary, for example, X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound. They act differently. But the goal is one - to accurately diagnose.
    2. Making a diagnosis and determining the type of disease.
    3. Treatment of joints. This includes: joint surgery (for example, meniscus cyst), drug treatment, treatment with folk remedies. Both individually and in combination with each other. For more detailed information, you must consult a doctor.

    Causes of joint diseases

    There are several causes of joint diseases:

    • the most common is injury. Bruises, dislocations, blows - all this does not pass without a trace;
    • physical aging. Over time, the joints become thinner and lose some of their functions, or do not perform them as well as we would like. Although, as practice shows, if a person leads a correct lifestyle and takes care of himself, then age is not at all an indicator of health;
    • diseases that contribute to joint pain. Some concomitant diseases contribute to disruption of metabolic processes or blood circulation, which leads to joint disease;
    • genetics. Some diseases, including joint diseases, are inherited.

    There are many types of joint diseases. The most common include: arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, heel spur, meniscus cyst.

    Arthritis can develop both in a chronic form and in an acute reaction. Any joint can be affected. Symptoms: severe pain, swelling.

    Arthrosis is damage to cartilage tissue. Most often it appears as a consequence of injuries.

    A heel spur is a growth that is formed by bone tissue in the heel area.

    Meniscus cyst - deformation of meniscal tissue and formation of a growth (cyst). Appears due to injury. It can be treated both with surgery and with medications. The site of the growth becomes very inflamed, and nearby tissues also change decoratively.

    Injuries and prevention.

    Joints experience enormous stress every day. A person does not sit still, and neither do his joints. That is why joint injuries are quite common, especially for children and athletes. Injury prevention is simple and includes three main components:

    • healthy eating;
    • playing sports/physical education;
    • healthy lifestyle.

    So easy to name and learn, and so difficult for many to follow. The main thing is to realize that injury prevention is not necessary for someone else, but for yourself.

    By adhering to the principles of prevention, you can avoid many problems associated with joints.

    A separate issue has always been children's joint injuries, injuries in sports school... this is a separate story.

    Injuries in children's sports schools

    So, sports injuries to children at school. Why do they appear and how to avoid them? Children, due to their surging vital energy, quite often get injured at school.

    There are several reasons for this:

    1. Childhood is the age of fun and mischief; activity is simply off the charts. This is especially noticeable at school. Here the guys are among their peers;
    2. Children and teenagers sometimes cannot assess the consequences of their actions. Jumping, running (only in a crowd, it’s more interesting), they get excited. In this state, the child does not see what is in front of his eyes. And the result is a collision with each other, or with some objects at school. Hence the bruises, fractures, and sports injuries;
    3. Sports injuries occur not only during competitions, but also during training. In most cases, guys just brag to each other about who is cooler. Without calculating their strength, they get sports injuries - sprains, bruises.

    Of course, three principles need to be taken into account, but the prevention of childhood injuries lies primarily with parents. Conduct conversations with children, spell out the rules of behavior at school, explain and show examples of what thoughtless fun and daring can lead to. The school should also pay attention to relationships between students. Prevent fights. Explain that conflict can be resolved with words. Also, the school should conduct lessons on safety rules at certain intervals.

    Sports injuries are difficult to predict. But a significant part of the responsibility at school lies with the coach. Physical activity must be commensurate with the child’s capabilities. A certain set of exercises should also be carried out at home (parents are already monitoring this) to maintain shape.

    At school, as at home, habits should be formed. Including habits that will help you behave properly and neatly.

    Operable injuries. Meniscus cyst

    The knee joint is the most heavily loaded element in the human body. And it is not surprising that the most common injury is meniscus damage and cyst formation. Meniscus cyst is a scourge among diseases of athletes and children. The main causes of such an injury are sudden bending of the leg at the knee, or a not entirely successful movement. As a result, a cyst appears.

    There are a number of symptoms that can serve as warning signs to see a doctor:

    • some bulge in the knee area. The bulge is hard and appears in most cases on the outside of the knee;
    • swelling and pain are possible, which only intensifies when walking on a larger leg. Also, the area where the bulge appears may have an elevated temperature, which indicates damage.

    In such a situation, there can only be one piece of advice - go to the doctor immediately. Inspection is at the initial stage. In addition, an MRI is performed in order to see the full picture. Often you don’t have to think during surgery. A mild form of such damage can be cured with medication. You can also combine it with folk remedies (it is better to discuss this with your doctor). But there are times when meniscus surgery is necessary. The cyst is removed more often using modern arthroscopy techniques. Its essence is that the meniscus is restored, the pathologically changed tissues (this is the cyst itself) are destroyed. There are a lot of reviews about this technique, mostly only positive: the symptoms go away, the cyst resolves, and the person recovers completely in literally a month.

    A meniscus cyst is not a death sentence; it is a disease that can be treated successfully. The only thing you need to do is consult a specialized doctor. It may not always be possible for free; in this regard, going to a paid emergency room is the best option. After all, your own health is at stake.

    Prevention of diseases of the joints and spine

    In today's society, with developed information technologies, people are becoming more and more defenseless against diseases. For what reason does this happen? Remember, you have now spent the whole day in front of a computer monitor again.

    You spent a busy life, talked with interesting people, but your body remained fixed in one position.

    In the virtual world, a world of unlimited possibilities, you can be a brave warrior, an athlete, but this will not make our real muscles and spine more mobile and strong. Most often, after a certain number of hours spent in front of a computer monitor, we may feel stiffness and pain in the back. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, muscles become flabby, metabolic disorders appear, and various spinal diseases develop, such as scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, and osteochondrosis.

    If you want to prevent the development of spinal diseases, then first of all you need to change your rest and work schedule, eat healthy food, and restore your mental balance. It will be enough to follow a few simple rules and preventing diseases of the joints and spine will help you stay healthy.

    If your job is sedentary, then you need to get up every hour to walk around a little. In addition, you need to choose a comfortable work chair that will provide support in the lumbar region. But if you have to stand for a long time, then change your position at least 3-4 times an hour, walk in place, try not to stand in an uncomfortable position, bending over.

    Eat a balanced diet. It is advisable to eat foods that contain large amounts of vitamins, calcium, and magnesium. These products include fish and seafood, nuts, and legumes. Replace your favorite cakes for dessert with berries and fruits.

    Make sure that your workplace is free from drafts and dampness. Cooling can cause aggravation of illnesses.

    You should never lift weights while bending over with your arms outstretched. It is advisable to handle weights approximately the same way as weightlifters - squat down, keep your back straight, lift, slowly straightening your legs.

    Women should remember that when doing simple household chores there is also a risk of pain in the back, for this reason it is necessary to monitor the position of the spine. Do not carry heavy bags in one hand, distribute their weight evenly on both hands. The child must also be lifted with a straight back, just like heavy things. When ironing, cleaning, washing, do not bend over; use vacuum cleaner handle extensions, an ironing board, and different stands.

    Watch your posture, don’t slouch, sit and walk with a straight back, you can’t let your head hang.

    It is necessary to ensure complete muscle relaxation during sleep. Sleep on a bed with a firm base and a special orthopedic mattress. When preventing joint diseases, use small pads, placing them in places where the physiological curves of the spine are located. This will make it possible to avoid intervertebral hernia.

    To restore flexibility to the spine and elasticity to the muscles, moderate physical exercise is necessary. However, you must be careful when performing them. Start with small loads - swimming, skiing, vigorous walking. If you like sports such as volleyball, football, tennis, do not forget that sharp turns can aggravate diseases and back pain.

    Following simple rules for disease prevention will help you avoid the development of diseases of the spine and joints.

    Health of the spine and joints - which is beneficial for the musculoskeletal system

    The spine is the support of a person, and the joints are a kind of mechanism for moving the body. That is why the spine and joints are called the musculoskeletal system (MSA).

    Unfortunately, throughout their lives, people pay little attention to the condition of their spine and joints, which leads to various problems and diseases that complicate life.

    From childhood, failure to comply with the rules of posture prevention, lack of activity and sports exercises can lead to scoliosis, but at an older age, especially after forty years, all diseases associated with a previously damaged musculoskeletal system come out: hernias, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

    What dangers threaten ODA and why?

    In order to deal with problems of the joints and spine, it is necessary to understand what factors can negatively affect them and what this can lead to:

    1. Excess weight. It would seem, how can extra pounds affect the spine? And it turns out to be the most direct. Doctors have proven that even an extra 500 grams can lead to displacement of the vertebrae. Excessive weight of more than one kilogram is a constant burden that puts pressure on the spine and affects the condition of the joints. Excess weight and abnormal loads can lead to injuries in the intervertebral discs: displacement, hernias. Also, pain and discomfort may be associated with pinched spinal nerves. Fat pad on the abdomen can also lead to inactivity of the spinal column due to an inactive lifestyle.
    2. Incorrect position of the back when sitting and simultaneous load with weight provoke the development of scoliosis - curvature of the spine. Thus, the musculoskeletal system adapts to the conditions, choosing the most comfortable position for itself, while at the same time spoiling the person’s posture and health.
    3. Osteochondrosis is a loss of elasticity, shape and consistency of cartilage caused by a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight.
    4. As a result of blows, bruises, and excess weight, arthrosis and arthritis can develop. Joints literally simply collapse under the pressure of these factors.
    5. Osteoporosis is increased skeletal fragility that can occur in any part of the spine.
    6. Radiculitis is a spinal disorder associated with damage to the spinal cord roots.

    What is good for joint and spine health?

    Sages in ancient times said that as long as the spine is healthy, the person himself is healthy.

    Unfortunately, modern man is subject to numerous challenges that do not have the best effect on the health of the musculoskeletal system: polluted air, a sedentary lifestyle, excessive stress, poor diet and lack of vitamins are only some of the factors that can lead to problems with the spine and joints.

    In order to prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to constantly take care of your health and review your lifestyle, removing bad habits from your routine.

    At the same time, the following will undoubtedly benefit ODA:

    1. Warm-up for joints: it should be a daily morning component of your exercise routine. A little exercise will improve blood flow and prepare the body for an active day.
    2. Health practices of the East: Yoga, Qigong.
    3. Walking is the most basic thing you can do, but at the same time improve your musculoskeletal system. If a person is really concerned about the condition of the joints, running should be included in the daily routine, and if this is impossible for some reason, then walking. Daily norm - steps. If you neglect this rule, growths begin to appear in the knee joints, which only increase over time and can ultimately lead to complete immobility.
    4. Proper nutrition is an important part for a healthy body. A sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements.
    5. Folk remedies that can be used to relieve pain and improve the health of the body will not be superfluous in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Basics of proper nutrition

    To strengthen the spine and joints, you should monitor your diet and exclude some products from it: baked goods made from white wheat flour, pasta is also included in this list (with the exception of durum wheat).

    It is also necessary to include shelf-stable products in the “non grata” list: smoked, dried meat, fish, canned food, marinades. You should not often introduce industrially processed grains into your diet: rice, oatmeal.

    A diet that is beneficial for the spine and joints must be balanced, so you cannot completely exclude any foods, you just need to minimize them.

    As for healthy products that you need to rely on, these are fruits, fresh vegetables, and herbs.

    To get the necessary calcium, be sure to consume dairy products, and given that this vitamin is well absorbed with phosphorus, it is therefore very important to include fish in the menu, as well as foods rich in vitamins C, D, E.

    Wellness techniques

    In the practice of treating diseases of the spine and joints, as well as for the prevention of disorders, there are many healing techniques with which you can strengthen your musculoskeletal system: some are recognized by medicine, others are not, but conclusions can be drawn only after their application and achievement of certain results .

    The most famous techniques:

    1. Dorn's technique was developed by a healer about forty years ago, but was never recognized by official medicine, although many therapists use Dorn's knowledge to correct leg length (every second person on earth has deviations in leg length of up to 4 centimeters), to relieve pain in back and joints, improve the health of the entire body. Using gentle pressure with your thumbs, massage is performed along the meridian lines of the spine. Thus, you can get rid of 80% of all diseases associated with the spine and joints.
    2. Dr. Bubnovsky’s methods are not complicated; they can be easily done at home. The most important condition is to perform the correct exercises on the necessary muscle groups to achieve maximum effect. What is typical is that you need to do exercises even if your muscles hurt. In order to relieve inflammation in the muscles afterwards, they need to be cooled. After completing all the settings, you should rest. In this simple way, you can not only recover from injuries, but also get rid of almost all diseases of the joints and spine. In order for the technique to be more effective, supplement it with a healthy diet, hardening, walking barefoot, visiting a sauna, walking in the fresh air, sleeping with the window open all year round.

    Maintaining posture is task number one

    Posture is the position of a person in a relaxed, straightened state without much muscle effort. By posture one can judge the state of a person’s health, and its curvature can lead to changes in the gastrointestinal tract, the mobility of internal organs and systems, and negatively affect the diaphragm and the central nervous system.

    Incorrect posture is caused by improper seating at work, pregnancy, obesity, poor physical condition, hip dislocation, early or old age.

    To avoid postural defects, you should take care from childhood:

    • develop the correct daily routine and start the morning with exercise;
    • perform exercises to strengthen all muscle groups;
    • work on remembering the correct posture;
    • hardening: dousing, contrast shower, walking barefoot;
    • proper nutrition.

    Exercise therapy - your spine dreams of it

    Therapeutic exercise is a set of measures to restore a person’s ability to work: treatment of organs and systems through a combination of ideally selected physical exercises (individual), surgical, medicinal, conservative methods and therapeutic nutrition.

    In order to achieve the desired results, do not neglect the rules:

    • all exercises take place under the supervision of a doctor;
    • the load should increase gradually and depending on the condition of the individual patient;
    • Do not do the exercises abruptly;
    • if the pain intensifies, the load should be reduced;
    • physical education should be regular.

    Yoga is a delicate matter in the East

    Yoga exercises are based on holding asanas in a static position and repeating them daily. The effect of the exercises is achieved due to the fact that in certain positions the intradiscal pressure decreases in both affected and healthy discs.

    Thanks to exercises, the elasticity of muscle and ligament tissues increases, which leads to increased mobility of each part of the back. It is important to repeat the exercises daily under the supervision of a qualified trainer (doctor) to avoid overload.

    If all asanas are performed correctly, an undeniable effect will be visible very soon: muscle strength and stretching will increase.

    Sleep rules

    For problems with the spine and joints, it is important to choose a high-quality orthopedic mattress and pillow that will support the head and cervical vertebrae during sleep for a good night’s sleep.

    If you have problems with posture, the mattress should be quite hard, but if a person is bothered by discs, you cannot sleep on a hard one, the mattress should fix the position of the body and be of medium hardness. You need to sleep about eight hours a day to reboot your body.

    Rules for lifting weights

    In order to correctly lift a heavy object and not injure your back, you must follow the rules:

    • before lifting the load, stand in front of it and squat, straining your leg muscles: your back should be straight;
    • then lift the load with one hand and grab it with the other;
    • after that, stand up, straining your legs, tuck your pelvis;
    • Place the load in the center of the body; if the load is heavy and can be divided, distribute it into two parts, do not overload your posture unevenly.

    How to work out in the gym

    Physical exercise for problems with the musculoskeletal system is necessary, and it is advisable if it is training in the gym, since you will be under the constant supervision of a specialist who will adjust the load.

    Remember that if you have problems with the spine and joints, you cannot give a large load at once: it should be gradual. If, as a result of some peculiarities or habits, one side becomes skewed (for example, as a result of carrying a bag or heavy objects in one hand), you will have to work more on the opposite side.

    When you come to the gym, remember that the muscle corset is a support for your spine!

    For the health of your joints and spine, walking, or even better, running, is a must. If you do not neglect walking, your joints will constantly work, and, therefore, will not stagnate and growths will not develop.

    The bottom line - for those who are too lazy to read a lot

    To ensure that the musculoskeletal system does not fail and works “like a clock,” several rules should be followed:

    • eat right;
    • do physical exercise;
    • sleep on a flat surface for a sufficient amount of time;
    • don't overwork yourself;
    • do not make sudden movements.

    The enemies of healthy joints and spine are:

    • unbalanced diet and bad habits;
    • excess weight;
    • sedentary work;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • injuries;
    • long-term loads;
    • hypothermia;
    • stress;
    • inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.

    It’s a matter of time before your posture gets ruined and your musculoskeletal system develops into some kind of problem, so if you don’t adhere to the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle, get ready for serious problems with your joints and spine.

    If you are not satisfied with this outcome, your path should lie through the gym, a balanced diet and love for your body.

    Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease. In this case, the cartilage tissue covering the bones at the places of their articulation is damaged, resulting in the bone being exposed. This leads to severe pain. Over time, the affected joint becomes deformed and growths form on it, which causes limited mobility and pain.

    Despite the fact that factors such as gender, age and heredity play a significant role in the development of osteoarthritis, there are many ways to prevent the development of this unpleasant disease.

    Millions of people around the world suffer from osteoarthritis, and the number of young men and women with the disease is growing rapidly. Most of them do not feel the presence of arthrosis until the age of 40. Damage to the joints of the knees. back, hips remain asymptomatic for a long time. It has also been proven that more than half of the population over 70 years of age has osteoarthritis.

    Undoubtedly, the disease is quite serious and dangerous. Can it be prevented? Knowing about prevention methods, many people could prevent the development of osteoarthritis, despite the fact that it is not so simple. But as they say, “nothing good comes easy.”

    Weight loss

    A high body mass index is a risk factor for osteoarthritis, especially in the hips and knees. Overweight. and especially obesity, place great stress on joints and cartilage tissue. This is why losing weight often reduces pain in those who are already familiar with the disease.

    Physical activity

    Exercise and sports keep joints healthy and are key to preventing osteoarthritis and reducing symptoms. Most useful:

    These types of outdoor activities not only have a beneficial effect on the heart, but are also beneficial for the joints. Strength training is also important because it strengthens your muscles and bones.


    Do you slouch all day, sitting at your desk and staring at a computer screen? In this case, your chances of developing osteoarthritis in the future are very high. Correct posture reduces stress on many important joints, so it is very important to maintain all the natural curves of the spine both while sitting and standing.

    Joint protection

    There are several principles that, if strictly followed, help preserve joint function for a long time. The tips are quite simple: correct posture and movement, recognizing body signals and being smart about your body.

    • Listen to your body. This recommendation seems so obvious that people don't always follow it. During daily activities or physical activity, you should stop working as soon as you feel pain or discomfort. A balance between rest and activity is optimal for joint health. This is one of the manifestations of self-control. Don't overload your joints, learn to limit the load on them. Remember that the moment you feel pain, your body tells you: “stop, it’s time to rest.”
    • Avoid joint injuries. All previous injuries. Even minor ones are considered one of the common causes of osteoarthritis. The joints take on an irregular shape due to damage; as a result, the articular cartilage wears out and arthrosis begins to develop. Avoid injury whenever possible, but if it does occur, seek medical attention immediately.
    • Avoid repetitive movements. Physical activity is important, but people who practice the same movements, whether at work or while playing sports, have an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis. In this regard, ballet dancers, professional athletes, and construction workers are at risk. Repeated movements are observed, for example, when playing tennis or golf. Try to vary your activity whenever possible, stretch regularly and build muscle strength.

    Eat fruit

    Berries, plums, peaches, and apples contain antioxidants that help reduce inflammation. They are low in calories, so you don’t have to worry about gaining excess weight. In addition, the high fiber content not only helps to normalize intestinal function, but also brings many benefits to the body as a whole. Those people whose diet always contains fruits are less susceptible to developing arthrosis. Add berries and pieces of fruit to your morning porridge, or start your day with fruit yogurt.

    Benefits of ginger

    This product has long been known for its healing properties. Ginger is a good helper in the fight against toxicosis and nausea. headaches and skin diseases. Recent studies have shown that this "magic" root relieves muscle pain after intense workouts and helps reduce inflammation in joint tissue. Therefore, drink ginger tea, use the product when preparing dishes, and periodically apply a hot ginger compress to the joint area.

    Onions and garlic

    Scientists have discovered that these products contain the compound diallyl sulfide. This substance suppresses the production of enzymes that cause degenerative changes in the joint. The study was conducted over a long period of time with the participation of more than 500 female twins. The results showed that eating onions and garlic reduces the risk of developing arthrosis.

    Relaxation and Meditation

    Stressful situations are an unpleasant side of our lives, especially when it comes to health. Nervous stress leads to sleep disturbances, irritability, fatigue, undermines the immune system, and favors the appearance of various inflammations. No wonder they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Relaxation methods, such as yoga and meditation, will help overcome stress and relieve tension, which in turn will have a beneficial effect on your health.

    While age and genetic predisposition in most cases are the determining factors in the occurrence of arthrosis, it is still worth remembering that maintaining a proper diet and physical activity is a feasible contribution to the health of your joints in the future. Do not burden yourself with all of the above recommendations at once. Start small - introduce at least one useful habit into your lifestyle.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    In order to obtain information about the treatment and prevention of joint damage, you can contact a therapist or rheumatologist. Consulting a nutritionist will also be useful. Advanced cases of osteoarthritis require treatment by an orthopedist or surgeon.

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